(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

taurus033, hee...no prob, will find out and let u know again

sporty, oic...which brand huh? where u get it from???

ayukie, bo bian lor...first bb mah, sure the full mth must be grand kind!

bearycue, if not u can prop a few pillows and put bb on top also...think tmc will teach us this method...then u dun have to get the bfing pillow...
Ayukie, dun worry abt Singapore Post.. so far i nv lost anything in mail without registered mail. =)

Jane, dun get upset la... HR are usu ngiao and inconsiderate one... haha hope there's not HRs here..
fieda - hehe gd cause i just ordered and paid for the peewee caps w/o the registered mail likdat already $20 liaoz .. i got the aeroplane caps to try if gd maybe i will get another pack for my home ..
Ayukie, my hub objects strongly when i wanna buy.. he say i insult manhood! The caps got 5 in the pack ma. Should be handy i guess. I insisted on buying and asked him not to BEG me for one next time! Muahahha mine is the blue one.. i think it's same as yrs.. haa
bearycue, yeah...u juz see how isit la...if u need then buy also ok mah...

ayukie, the bbq catering u juz order online lor...or u can order their package cuz most of the items even like charcoal and firestarters are included!

fieda, haha...ur hb is so funny...say u insult manhood!!!
sporty - i dun1 their package cause hor they gt cooked food inside i dun1 cooked food .. hmz .. their food gd ? u gt try their sambal stingray b4 good?
fieda, whahhaha...keep us updated abt ur hb! whether he beg u for it or not!! LOL

ayukie, their cooked food is not bad...if not u can call them to negiotate and change the cooked food to something else? their sambal stingray and sotong very nice! chix wings also!!
where do h order the peewee caps from?
I wanted to get too..but my hb say how can a bb shoot so far?I'm like?!?!
Ayukie, just another bbq food provider for you to consider. I always order my bbq food from City Satay (http://www.citysatay.com/) cause they have pork satay, of course their food also nice. I use to have bbq session with my cols few times a year, and after they have tried , they mainly like food from city satay and Lee Wee brothers(www.leeweebrothers.com/) You can choose package or individual one.
ayukie, not sure why lee wee brothers website is reported as attack site. if you want to contact them, here's the info.

Office Location/ Central Kitchen Address
42 Lorong 1 Realty Park
Singapore 536 959
Tel. 6 385 9122, 6 385 9133
Fax. 6 385 1676
email us at: [email protected]
bz these few days.. on courses and lots to catch up when i'm back... :p

talked to HR regarding ML liao.. currently, will be fr 12th Nov to 3rd Mar... but hor, if bb comes early, will start ML earlier... den, i will be on HL fr 26th Oct... yippee...
will be taking my public holiday in lieu and MC for gynae visit.. so effectively, only 4 more working days!! lalalala...

ayukie, fieda,
gd to invest in the peewee caps... i kana many times by my boy's fountain.. tt time nothing like peewee cap.. so i always use tissue to cover his fountain... :p

i can't wait to hear fr u if ur hubby beg u for the cap.. hehehehe... :p
Thanks for all the well wishes!

Back frm my last min shopping!!! N hubby brought me out to eat to fulfill all my cravings b4 I pop. Esp my cravings for ice-cream!!! Kaka. Okie, now all set to go!
ayukie> yah, not cheap, i din opt for reg mail.. thanks for updating on the choz.. like that u change stuff must top up $$ or they give u more discount??

fieda, superwalker and sporty> yah must BE VERY CAREFUL OF HR. i also got problems handing over my work now. my mgr said my coverer very bz, prob cant finish the 2 files of hundred over pages i prepared. then u know what he did?> he ask me prepare another 4 files give him. FOR WHAT? MY ORG HOR. siao liaos...... this is WHAT THEY DO TO ME WHEN I WANNA GO ON LEAVE. i bet even if i back, they cannot finish reading the 4 files lo, much less start on the first 2 files!! it's like thousands of papers liaos, like those thick A4 ring file can? not that i want to complain but can pple be realistic? i am only gg on leave on 8 weeks out of which they also got their own leave to clear what!!
Tanly, me abit kan cheong leh, juz bo liao till take out the hospital bag and repack everything to make sure i din miss out anything.

Jane, prepare another 4 files of wat???
Jane, same here my coverer always say that he not free take over my stuff yet. So I leave it to my boss loh. Cos there is nothing much i can do.
since baby can latch on, y u dun let him latch on throughout? so did u wake up at night to pump out milk?

taurus/ ayukie,
nepia has stopped giving out $10 ntuc vouchers. Mayb wan to keep if they start this again in the future.

hw did u manage to get HL?
i wan too.. i hate my boss.. wish to stop seeing his face
Jane, to call it nice is coverer. I bet when we come back fr our ml, nothing has been done. We still got to clear piles of our work lorl
tanly> yah, and another worst thing they will try to claim credit for COVERING U WHILE U R ON ML WHEN THEY DIN DO ANYTHING!!!!!!!1
Jane, i feel u gal! U only away for 8 weeks n everyone will be on holiday mood during Xmas n new year. Sure nothing will progress when u away one. As for the 4 files your boss demanded, well ... do it at your leisure pace....if in the end dun have 4 files, just tell them as a matter of factly that u cannot churn out 4 files in such a short time lo. Stay happy for your baby. Dun get worked up over stupid people - so not worth it!!!! Go get some nice dessert to cheer yourself up
monoko, all the best tom!

i have been experience tummy pain since this afternoon.. wonder is my bb decided to come out earlier... but i haven't handover anything at work yet!!!!
Funne, hope u r ok. Tummy pains? Is there a regular pattern? Dun worry about handover - if u have to give birth , u have to. Monitor n call your gynae ya!
don't know le.. suddenly one.. but given him med le.. have to monitor..

hmmm.. prob the weather ba.. better monitor and i hope ya gal feels better..
momoko... love ur baby cot.. nice done up liao.. just in time for ur bb arrival.. in a few hrs time u will be hugging ur little one.. everyone here is getting excited for u.. jia you wor..

sporty.. thanks i need the list.. dun mind sending me.. thanks in advance..

jane... wah u got some many diapers sample.. i onli got 1 wor.. lol..

i rem someone posted the diapers line to ask for sample.. anyone still have it? i too lazy to search back =p ops should have save it..
Jane.. alamak why ur hr so mean.. one moment say entire next moment take it away.. cool down and try to work things out with them.. some hr really go by the book.. like mine.. anyway i going to ask my boss for the cc leave under table...

wah ur coverer din attend the handover meeting huh.. power mama.. dun care too much.. and as for the 4 files ur boss demanded, just do ur best to get it done.. else just say sorry and go off for ur ML...

at least mine still quite cooperative.. i set the date, time n venue den all my colleagues in my gp got to attend including my boss.. so 2omolo will be my handover part2.. den i m done.. =p but i still got alot of shits to clear before i leave man.. just wanna make sure i passdown mei mei to them.. putting fingers cross when i back i wont have any problem..
aiyo, now then i finished reading all the post... today so busy at work although i'm now working from home but then hor, dunno why suddenly like more things to settle.....
jane, i also got same issue as you on the coverer.... now my coverer tell me that she cannot cope with my load and now wanna split with another colleague... then it means now i need to go back to office to do another handover lor.... so sian.....
as for lizard, today also not my day.... i saw a lizard in my toilet!!!!! hiding behind the toilet flush..... asked hb to get rid of it but hb say cannot see the lizard cos the lizard don't wanna come out even when he use water to make the lizard come out... sian leh.... how do i go toilet to pee in the middle of the night.... arrghh.....
Nepia will on and off give out NTUC Vouchers so u need to call them to check. Last month they gave out NTUC Vouchers so i got my $20 vouchers. Can keep the seals and wait.

But will the pee pee cap be sprayed away by the urine? Last time my girl sprayed her poo poo on me, think she got a lot of gas thats why her poo poo can spray out one.

saintbaby and esther,
Hope ur kids feel better.

Relax gal. Just try to handover as much as possible. As long u have done ur job, its up to the person whose covering for u to cope.

For those who believe in TCM, here's a book i like to recommend "Keeping Your Child Healthy With Chinese Medicine: A Parent's Guide to the Care & Prevention of Common Childhood Diseases (Paperback)" from Amazon http://www.amazon.com/Keeping-Child-Healthy-Chinese-Medicine/dp/0936185716/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1255622851&sr=8-1. Find the information quite useful but i dun used the medicine recommended inside.
i juz told my gynae that i wish to take ML but my co dun allow me to start until it's my EDD.. told her tt i dun hav vacation leaves liao... and no more MC too... so asked if it's possible for her to give me HL.. :p n she agreed... hehehe... :D

all the best!! keep us posted..

saintbaby, esther,
hope ur kids will get better soon...

ya.. it can get really messy when they pee on themselves... the initial mths, every diaper changing was like fighting battle lidat... muz be fast.. u never know when it's diaper changing nia or need to give a major cleaning n change everything juz bcoz they pee on themselves.. :p

i hate lizards too.. few wks ago, kept getting scared by the same lizard which appeared at the same location.. tt's until hubby decided to be hero n rid the lizard for me.. :p

hmmmm.. ur HR took 2 weeks to realise tt they told u the wrong thing ah??

juz realised tt we have a common fren.... *wink*
I'm now resting in the Balmoral suite waiting for them to sent me down to delivery at 7.30am. Too excited to sleep, tink my girl too, she kept moving. Keke. But hor the room juz seems like bigger single room lor except can have 4 guests instead of 2. =S
