(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

blueginger, haha...i where got abt ur size...my upper body maybe still can "hide hide" abit but my lower body is really gigantic lor...

Sporty, ichiban boshi is at the fountain terrace ( the roundabout thingy). If I m not wrong, shd be nearer to tower 5. I also wanna have another Irish pub 1 for 1 before u go on leave leh. When shall we have tat??
superwalker, lets meet on 26/10 tha week, so no thurs (for me) and fri (for you)??!! so u can eat ur sheperd's pie and i can eat other stuffs, lemme kno which day!...ok, i kno where is ichiban! same time la...1215pm
Re: nepia diapers
i hav 1 NB, & 1 S at home cos share w my fren. But later recieved lotsa free dryers & huggies samples. Fear i will not be able to utilise these sizes, then baby outgrow. cos will be using cloth diapers at hm. Then foresee will nt go out tt often at the initial stage. Mayb will sell off if not using..
Sporty, I may take hl on week 26/10 onwards :p to play safe, u wanna do Irish pub next mon n then ichiban on wed? Heeeeeeee....
For the Nepia diapers, it doesn't state the price for 3 packs of diapers. Is it better to buy 1 NB & 3 Small or 2NB & 2S?
<font color="ff0000">Sensible Lines Milk Trays</font>

Anyone interested?
Helps to save space and cheaper than using milk bags.. can just use ziploc to keep once its frozen and it can be reused..

A set of 2 trays..
Each tray has 8 slots.
Each slot can contain 30ml.

please PM ME if u are interested for the price.

Fast Spree. Ending today.
Need 5 more orders to meet MOQ...
PM me quick!

<font color="ff0000">Nursing Poncho</font>

Great Nursing Tool when u want to BF discreetly outside in public.
Comes invarious vibrant colors...
Check the website for the colors and PM ME if u are interested.

Need 9 more orders to meet MOQ..

Fast spree ending today as well.

<font color="0000ff">Free normal postage for the above 2 items..

The above items are expected to reach ur house next week.
superwalker, can also! ok la...then 19/10 lor! so after ur HL on 26/10 week, u starting ur leave or ML liao?

agata, all bb's sizes are diff...so some may need more NB diapers as compared to S as they are smaller size...guess we juz have to play by ear!
hi i'm from aug mtb thread. now selling alway my avent bottles. they are all brand new.. reason for selling is becos my baby has switch to NUK bottles.
Price for 3x125ml Feeding Bottles : $20.00
Price for 1x260ml Feeding Bottles : 8.00
take all 4 bottles and it will come with additional 2 teats and 4 caps for storing milk.
interested do PM me. sell collect at hougang.
*FAINTS. now HR tell me the ML i taking should be counted differently, when they already 'agreed' with me 'previously'

today is SO NOT MY DAY
blueginger - hmz cause my bb still less than 3kg and he does use alot diapers so i gt 2 pkts of the nepia nb size in case i need more then hard to order ...
c-sect unless u gt cut down there dun need so much maternity pads once im done with my maternity pads im gg use my normal pads le ..

wanna know any of u going to get a baby sitter/nanny at her place to look after your bb after your ML?

Just wonder your experience if looking for 1 thru an agency.
superwalker> hr woman said the way i counted my ml is wrong and the worst thing is she said "i dunno y u have this problem, i don have this problem with pple who are taking ml" *FAINT, i am the first woman in history in my dept to be taking ML lo. who can i ask??????????????????????????????
sporty - stuck at my mil place cant record leh ...

nt eng i came online do some stuffs .. nw pump milk after feedin bb which last me an hr haiz ...
jane, *hugs* can u try to negiotate with them again?

superwalker, wahh..so shiok from 26/10 till u pop!! ur HR ok ah?

ayukie, u back to MIL's place again? wah...every few days change place ah...
sporty> point is i went to talk to her 2 weeks back lei!!! personally somemore. WHY DID SHE NOT TELL ME THEN????? after i sent email to my whole division today then she tell me it's WRONG.
jane, u shd tell tha as discussed 2 weeks ago, u thot everything's settled and now u already made plans liao...blah blah blah
kimifin, I also need to get a babysitter to look after my bb later, but till not i still can't find any yet. My hb ask agency before, they mention will only help you look for one around your area like 2 months in advance only. My col says you find yourself or through agent all the same, the most important, we got to go see the environment and meet the babysitter. I having hard time to find one at my area. Put up flyers before, not much people response. Now i become lazy, worse case will go through agency.
sporty, as long as my doctor can give me hl, my hr will have no chance to say anything cos in my employment contract, I have 60 days hl
bearycue, u meant the my breast fren pillow eh? hehe

jane, then how? change ur ML dates? WHAT! 0 CC leave??!! geez

superwalker, some HR hor...they very bad one, if ur mc/leave is like 4 weeks before ur EDD, they treat it as ur ML...so u better double check!
sporty - no wor that day is because i go see dr ang mah if i go dr ang dunno the q hw long i oso duno wad time i will b done and i bfeedin bb so i tabao bb back to my hm as well lor and stay overnite ... so nxt day noon back at my mil ..
tml need go tmc to see dr keoy again .. haiz sian .. hopefully my sonny is all well ..
bearycue - nopex ... i usu pump milk out and i supplement with fm at night .. i latch on one or two times a day to let bb remmeber my breats nia ..
jane - erm glutanious rice is nt in mine or hb custom cause my mum says cantonese no g/rice 1 and myu mil also dunno significance so i change them to fruit tarts and erm i dun1 so much eggs and ang ku kueh to give to individual friends so i ask them to just give me 2 eggs 2 ang ku kueh in a box lor .. the rest i take tarts etc ...
taurus - erm i think i need lor for my prince haha .. depends it bah ..
me ar shagged other than that more shagged ... nw gg order the thermometer and the pee wee caps and get quotation for my bbq catering haiz ..

ashley - yeah time consuming affair as well ..
What article did ur gynae show u? But think the oral and i/v antibiotics is different.

Try to tahan but at night ur MIL feed ur bb for u? Once bb can sleep thru the night, it will get better for u.

Re: Nepia Diapers Seals
If u r using a lot of Nepia Diapers, do remember to cut out the seal from the pkging. Cause last time can change $10 Ntuc voucher with 10 stamps.
sporty - relatives already took 25 boxes le .. 10 for offices already 35 boxes le .. then hor it doesnt seems nice to give some and some dun give cakes lor so i giving friends a smaller box each lor at the bb shower as well ..
ayukie, ohh no wonder la...so how isit like doing confinement at mil's? does she help much? tom seeing dr keoy ah? after tha do u plan to change PD?

superwalker, yes...esp if the HL/MC is continuously linked to ML...so u better check...i kno some pple they purposely go back 1 day before ML so there's a "break" between HL and ML...
saintbaby - yeah ;)

taurus - at nite i feed bb take turns with hb lor .. yeah unfortunately he slps better in day than nite sian ..
oh theres such a thing ar thx gal will do that .. then i gt 4 stamps liaoz ..
sporty - dr keoy told me no need to go back to him for the injections but the nurses outside his office says go back better .. so sianz but dr ang says go to the gp that im used to gg can le and wrote me a letter .. so i think i will change the pd bah .. so need ur contacts for ur pd somemore tmc parking chor and waiting horrid ..
ayukie, ok...tink i'll see hw the bfing goes then decide whether to get the pillow or not, tks

sporty, yup...the pillow seem useful if really go on total bf lor, did u get when u bf #1???

taurus033, the article printout from my gynae is at hm...maybe i go hm find and let u know again lor :p
Yup Nepia used to give out NTUC vouchers. But now think they change, do give them a call once u collected 10 stamps to check what they will give.

ok thks a lot.
ayukie, i can "feel" ur damage for the full mth party...chalet cost, catering, cakes, etc... geez ! bbs are more awake in the nite than day initally...slowly they will adapt to day/night lor...

my son now goes to the PD near my house lor...sure have parking space one cuz got one big hdb carpark nearby...dr ang is rite la...no need to go back to dr keoy for jabs, their jab package very ex, think 1k plus ah!

taurus, the nepia seals exchange for vouchers still onz ah?

bearycue, i have the bfing pillow...i find it very useful for my #1 but mine is not the breast fren la, its another brand, cheaper one...30 bucks+ nia... i think it keeps ur posture well when u latch bb lor...
I just exchanged $20 NTUC Vouchers in Sept but they told me till end of Sept only. So have to check with them again. Ur mum will be helping u with confinement? I was wondering should i get the ergo carrier now or get it later.

taurus, nope engaging a CL this time as my mum needs to take care of my dad so i dun wanna tire her out... i would very much prefer her to do it for me actually! hehe
