(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Oic.. Wah! Sounds nice! I just hade curry chicken for dinner last nite.

I am thinking of going to Pioneer to get the herbs tmr leh.. But then again the travelling makes me so sian.. HAhaha
Yeah, talk to you bb. Ask bb guai guai so that doc can take the measurement lor.

Wow! Fried rice ah? Sounds delicious wor! I am having pig liver mee sua for lunch.

piggym, wow ur mil cooks pig liver mee sua? or buy one...

superwalker, ok confirmed with dreams...next wed... where ah?
i wanted to drink ribena this morning! but the 7-11 at my ofc downstairs dun haf the offer.. so didnt buy.. bought meiji milk instead..

lolx.. where u staying? if not i help u buy on sat? cos i'll b going there on sat..
Aiyoh! This weekend pop??? Muz be so early ma??? Not ready lei... :p

Wah!! Ur MIL so good, today cooked mee sua ar??? Not bad ma...
Ya lor.. at least not porridge can liao! Wahahahah
What you had for lunch? My backside is aching today leh.. Dunno why..
swanston, u try the karmy PJs cotton type, tink the material quite stretchable then the silk type...i'm oso big size juz dat trying to camouflage nia, hehe

taurus033, yup yup my gynae shown me the article/report oso b4 she did the strep B swap test and explained dat the antibiotics is to be use durring labour and not advisable to use b4 dat...
Hi everyone!!! How is everyone today??? Haven't stopped by to say hi for ages.. sorrie...

ONe more week of work for me!! =) Then off for 13 weeeks..

I think I am going to miss feeling these little kicks and movements everyday.. once the baby is out, I am sure I will feel so lonely.. the bond that we have together is already so strong! =)

good luck for tomorow! Be strong yah?
piggym, ur mil not bad can cook tha for lunch... she's doing confinement for u rite?

1st time mummy, so u will start ur leave from 26th onwards?
Hubby came back, we went to nearby coffeeshop for chap chye peng only la... Coz wanna collect laundry from there ma.

Backside aching??? Izzit due to the strain from BB's weight ar? Muz constantly maintain proper posture to avoid strain lei...
me back from lunch. Pack mince pork mi ta pak soup and add fish ball and meat ball for my lunch. (my usual restricted meal). My kind col buy back teh si kosong from one of the canteen where their drink is nicer. haha... this satisfy my craving for teh si haha...

Seems like everyone all get ready to pop leh... i still not ready yet.

Yesterday i have 2 colleagues from another department told me says they don't know i am pregnant and gonna pop next month. I was thinking, is my tummy too small or i am so fat people never thought i am pregnant... i go ask my hb whether i really dont' like pregnant, my stupid hb still shake his head says no, don't look like, he says others one round round big big, mine not that round. ** faint**
Sporty, wenesday on! Few options: 1. Ichiban boshi at suntec 2. Irish pub at marina sq 3. Waraku pasta at marina sq. Which u prefer? Or u have any recomendations?
1st time mummy, sounds good! can count down already! hehe

karen, ur colleagues from the other dept cant tell tha u are preggy?! geez... actually ur lunch sounds quite yummy leh...not as bad as u said!

superwalker, actually me quite flexi la...maybe lemme ask dreams?

I know what you mean!! I was talking to this guy in the pantry today and I mentioned I was going to go on leave next week - and he said - really? oh have a good time! where are you going? "???!!!" maybe its a guy thing? =) He was so surprised too when I said I was going to go deliver my baby... hahah
swanton, i am also big size type, wear size 16 for my normal clothing. The Karmy PJ even though is free size the cotton type may be is stretchable i tried and it fit. I bought 3 from John Little during their last sales. Their material also good, not too thin or thick. Last week i saw JL still having 20% storewide, not sure it ends already or not, you can try to get from there.
Ya...sky dark dark here le. Hmm...but ur tummy doesn't look big wor. Maybe also coz u r small sized, juz be more careful & take care not to over-exert la... *Yawn* Hmm...after food, I'm sleepy again le...
cheryl, i also feeling sleepy now cuz i ate LOTS of rice...hahha

piggym, ya la...at least u are assured tha she can cook confinement dishes!

oh ya, anyone bought the claypot for cooking pig trotters ah? can i ask how do we kno whether this claypot leaks or not ah? cuz the uncle tha i bought from asked me to soak the new pot in a pail of water before using... after one or two days, after we dried the pot, we tried filling up with water inside the pot and it seeps out water leh after awhile... so we went back the shop and wanted to do an exchange with the uncle...the uncle said its normal wor and it sure wun leak when we cook it over fire...we still doubting his statements leh!
Hi ladies,
i'm back frm guardian. bou the blue underpads for $7.95, 10pcs. $2 cheaper now. i bought the larger pieces.
my dad mention that u need to use the claypot to cook porridge the 1st time, so tt it wun leak. try it!
Ya lor...Muz be the rice... Hehe...
Huh?? Leaking now, put on fire, then stop leaking??? Got such thing ma???
I also bought a claypot but didn't soak wor... Uncle said wash then can use liao. So, I washed and kept it aside only...not sure leak or not wor...
diapers - so far i gt pampers .. and my hubby bought mmummy poka (nt yet opened) , drypers (cause the sales recommend him) and i ordered 2 pkts of the nepia newborn and 2 pkts of nepia small size .. the drypers and 1 pack of the pampers almost gone liaoz ..
rue, i was thinking of using it to boil water leh...dunno whether it works... my hb was so unconvinced by the uncle's comments! haha

cheryl, my mum told me to test for leaking...thas why i went to test and tha happened...

ayukie, so eng now ah... last nite got record down ur son's ad or not?
jane had jap ebi curry rice and gourmet ice-cream!!

*faints. almost slipped at the stupid lift lobby at ion jus now (scare me! thank God for birkenstocks) and my sis drove into the going up lane when gg down!! scare me again! lucky the PORSCHE drive lady was very nice lo. *faints...

jane jus feel like gg home now...
sporty, haha... my lunch i try to make it as delicious as it is and won't cause my reading to go up but been eating like this for 2 months sometimes can get a bit sian especially see people eat curry, rice and etc... most importantly, my craving of teh si can be satisfy , thanks to my col.

1st time mummy, ya lor, the 2 that commented that dunno i am pregnant are guys , father somemore. Maybe also because for the past 1 to 2 months, due to my diet, my weight didn't increase, cause have one ex-col come back to visit yesterday, she commented my face look slimmer. Actually good also, maybe after give birth, i can be slimmer than before pregnant haha...
Jane, better be careful when you walk. I notice at this stage, we really tends to be not stable.

Yesterday i also almost fall and sprain my ankle as when i walk i step on the hole cover that are in stripes and at the same time my bb kick me, didn't really look at the floor and kind of twist my ankle, my col walking next to me, she hold me and she is so scare.

Now i walk to lunch, they walk surrounding me and keep asking me to hold railing.
cheryl, thks for the link...i will go check it out!

jane, wow...epi curry rice!! nice!!
aiyo...sayang...next time walk more carefully!

karen, nvm la...u can eat whatever u want after confinement...juz hang on for 2 more mths...hehe
sporty> it's not my walking, it's the FLOOR! got one part like greasy greasy... i was walking properly if not i think *touchwood i lost my balance already. almost wanted to cry cos i felt like such a horrid mom to be
jane, phewwzzz....wat an "adventurous" lunch outing u have, hope u r feeling ok now...try to drink some warm water to 压压惊 hor
sporty> i jus re-read ur reply, make me smile abit.. it's ebi curry rice not 'epi' -> 'epidural' curry rice lah. hahah
thks dear
i just came back frm spending money again! lolx.. went to buy a bag! wahaha.. $18..
feel soo contented now.. but hubby sure make noise one.. haha.. again buy bags..

i'm going there on sat cos i'm going church.. so have to pass there ma.
if i buy for u, we have to arrange to meet den u can pick it up from me..

the stall is at hong lim market..
far anot frm ya ofc? that stall sells a lot of gd food.. always long queue one eh..
Hee Hee! Your bag is for baby?
Oic... Its Ok, I tink I will go on Sat to buy. Cos I m buying 30 packets and it may be to bulky and heavy for you lor. Thanks for offering.

Hong Lim market a lot of nice food! The bak ku teh is nice.
You are not big size. About my size I guess.

Oh. I have a c-section last time, so normal sofy night pads OK. I will still insist on normal as maternity pad thick and hot. Not so comfortable.

Maternity pads:
I still have some bal strings type of maternity pad left over last time. DO you think I can ask the hospital to reuse it?

Nepia brand diaper velcro type. Good.
NTUC dun sell size S, only sell Size M onwards.
SO have to call its hotline for delivery. I think one carton box of 4packs have free delivery.

NB dun need so much, baby grows very fast. Better to buy size S. I bought the cheapo brand as baby loves to poo. Dun need to use good brand initially.
the bag is for me! wahaha.. can also put baby things la..
cos i dun believe in carrying diaper bags..
no worries..
if u cant find the place can always sms mi or call me..
i can PM u my number. :p

yeap.. hong lim market a lot of nice food.
but they closing down end of the yr i think for reno..
jane, hehe...bobian lor...juz tahan abit more k...u'll be counting down to ur leave liao so need not face them for a long time...cheers!!!!
jane, at least u didnt fell la...next time juz have to walk carefully lor...esp we last lap liao! whahhaha...opps...typed ebi as epi...what am i doing???!! LOL

superwalker, dreams prefer ichiban...where isit btw? anywyas, lets go for 1 for 1 at irish pub before i go on leave k?

saintbaby, what bag did u buy? hehe

saintbaby, i like the veg bee hoon at hong lim...very nice

jane, no la...i think abt the other epi...epitomsomy...hahhaa... was thinking how wonderful if i can avoid it!
