(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

think so leh.. EC like buying condo lidat.. but hor, got to check if can take HDB loan anot if buy EC... if cannot, i think i rather consider the choice of pte condo liao.. else, will be EA or massionette... sian lah.. HDB dun build these two cat liao rite?? the resale markets one oso like 10-20 years liao... no resale value in future...

saintbaby, if u bathe in bath tub better be careful la...whenever i bathed in bath tub, i try to make sure tha there's lotsa toilet mats ard...so i wun slipped on the toilet floor...i hope it wasnt a serious fall...
i dun tink it was very serious.. cos baby was still moving around last nite and tis morning.. just that my bum pain..
i slipped inside the bathtub.. think it was a bit soapy.. dat's y slipped exactly when i step into the bathtub..
Dear Mummies,

I have an almost new Pigeon Silent Electric Breast Pump for sale.

Bought in June 09 at the price of $230, selling now at $150.

Breast Pump under utilised (only used 2 times due to no milk supply).

Breast Pump still under warranty.

Can operate with Battery as well.

***Free 3 storage bottles and 1 pack of disposable nursing pads (48pcs).

Pick up at Yishun area.

Pls email to [email protected] or call 93653199.
shihui, i used to deal with bank housing loans...EC all along cannot take hdb loan one... HDB do build executive apartments instead of masionette mpw but nowadays its quite rare la cuz the market now needs more like 4 rooms...

saintbaby, aiyo...shd rinse the bath tub first before u step in next time! hehe
saintbb> i need 7, 10, 27, 34, 35, 37, 39, 42, 45, 53, 57, 62, 66, 69, 70, 72, 78, 82, 85, 87, 89, 94, 95, 96, 103, 105, 106, 107, 112, 113, 115, 116, 117, 121, 122 and 123
saintbaby, hee...u r not the only one, i oso getting clumsier as i get bigger...juz gotta be careful lor :p

sporty, aaa..dun tink she's the one sitting beside me the last time round...tis tue going for the talk by the PD liao, but very far at Singapore Chinese Girls' School...hubby still considering whether to go coz we dun really know how to go and we dun drive so kinda inconvenient lor...
wah.. u still climb into bath tub n bathe ah... b4 i preg, i already quite clumsy when bathing in those hotel's bath tub.... now preg liao... i think will be worse.. :p

u muz be careful leh... falling on bum is no small issue too.. dun want to scare u.. but my mom ever told me b4 tt my papa's ex colleague's wife fell down fr her bed n landed hard on her bum... in the end hor, the baby move upwards due to the impact, hit her heart, triggered heart attack.. bb survived but mommy can't be saved... quite a sad case... so hor, we must be especially careful now leh.....
saintbaby, you have to be careful k, ahyoh! i can imagine, you bum must be v pain, lucky you did not hurt yourself, try to put a towel on the bedroom floor ...

sporty, actually the previous 30HL he give me, i did not use, thinking of requesting from him 30HL starting from nx wk, will take 3 and 1/2 ML straight then slowly take the remaining two weeks next year ...
bearycue, yeah...its quite inconvenient to go for the dr's talk lor...i rem we dun own a car back then when we went for the talk and it was on a rainy day...so we were late and we had to call a cab to go home cuz not easy to get a cab there...

shihui, geez...tha story tha u mentioned sounded scary...the fall on the butt!!

alicia, u shd lor...esp u were "entited" to tha 30 days previously... better have a good rest before u step into motherhood!
ahhh.. lidat ah.... sian liao.. :p got to start saving money fast liao... either way, i'm still going to borrow fr bank liao lor... :p
scary le the story.. but i tink baby is okay.. i will monitor and if anything is wrong, will go and c gynea..
thanks gal..

pain ah.. actually sometimes towel also slippery.. cos i have the tendancy to put powder den the toilet floor will b full of powder.. lolx.. oops, like a kid hor.

yea lor, now i rinse before going into the bathtub..
she didnt bring her list and her book today le!
so she also not sure what she wants..

so how? i ask her reserve for u first? den i let her know your extras..
saintbb> yah confirm as of erm now, lol. not sure later i lunch will go kitty shop opp to exchange anot (if they will exchange with me 1 to 1!)
shihui, hmmm...if its cash tha u wanna save, its the 5% and reno tha u need to worry abt lor, rest can use cpf mah...hehe

saintbaby, heheh...better be good la...last few weeks liao!!
rue, yes u are rite abt the 8k hdb cap... but can write in to appeal if juz hit the 8k cap for hdb loan lor but not guaranteed also...
tt's alot liao.... :p n hor, my cpf not alot... went to my current housing loan lor.. :p so hor, got to save lots... hahahaha.. :p

i'm not sure leh.. i only know tt income higher than $8k, can't buy new flats fr HDB liao... got to buy fr open market liao... hmmm.. think i need to go read up more on it liao...
I'm going to the talk at SCGS..hubby will meet me there from work. Mrs Wong mentioned that the first talk is on labour...I wanna listen to that! I hope it doesn't rain that day.

Bearycue, you stay at Jurong right? Maybe my hubby can give you and your hubby a lift home after the talk cos we are staying at Jurong too.
jane, hehe...thanks thanks...now ur bump very big leh, if go alone must take goody care and walk slowly hor...the place abit ulu ulu :p
Shihui / Sporty, to avoid taking bank loan. I plan to quit my job and be a sahm for about a year or so. To me i rather suffer 1 year lost of income then got to suffer 5% interest from the bank for 20 years.

shihui, u can re-use ur cpf for the EC/condo when u sell ur current house cuz all will be returned back to ur cpf a/c...anyways good to read up and research if u are really keen on this option lor so u can plan ur finances accordingly...
bearycue> can np, my office relatively near to scgs tink sis/ dad will fetch/ drop me so no worries but i tink my dh will attend talk too (after i cho cho him)

ooh, if u can hitch a ride from ashley, do go! i tink our topics are the 'better' ones
Speaking of flats, I think the resale value of EAs is still quite high. We live in an EA in ulu Jurong (the flat is about 7 yrs old) and our neighbours manage to sell their units (mostly to PRs) at about 450K onwards. We bought our unit about 2 years ago only at a resale price of $280k. Hubby is very tempted to sell our unit and then move in with his parents....but I'm not so keen lor.
tanly, nowadays bank loan is not 5% la...in fact its cheaper than hdb loan these few yrs... but quitting to become a sahm is a good idea to get a hdb loan lor

ashley, heheh...can imagine...i also not keen to stay with ILs also...but u ok with ur ILs mah...maybe can consider so ur ILs can take care of ur kids and u no need to ferry the kids here and there for caretaking issues...
Good morning, ladies! Hope you ladies had a great weekend!

I alwiz have itchiness on my tummy, too. Kept applying moisturizer & cocoa butter during the day. It helped lor... Now not tat bad le. ;-)

Wah!!! Ur gynae so good ar? My hubby was juz complaining to me this morng that gynaes earn so much! From this week onwards, every week also muz go and 'deliver' money to her!!! :p
When r u meeting the SCBB person? Confirmed signing up le ma? I'm meeting mine 2mrw. Think I'll probably sign up for the donation la...like we discussed, no point wasting it.

Hmm...maybe you can consider getting confinement food catering? At least you don't have to worry bout food & can concentrate on looking after the kids and yourself ma... Possible to get any part-time helper to do the cleaning/washing ma?

Wow!!! It's good to hear that you've passed the Strep B test!

I'm not so lucky le...now put on antibiotic again lor...

U ok ma? I have alwiz been clumsy, now with the big tummy, worse!!! :p Hehe....I can imagine ur hubby's nagging liao coz my hubby is also like tat!!!
hi ladies

had my 33 week checkup last friday. I gained 13.5 kg and bb is 2.2 kg. gynae says the baby is slightly big
i asked her to check the size of the bb's head, she also said its slightly big. alamak! my next appointment is in 2 weeks' time, then it will be weekly visits
she said i will have to do ctg during those weekly visits. as for strep B test, she is going to collect some discharge from my panties instead of doing a swap
Ashley, ok done...u've got mail..thanks! :p

jane, waa....good good, ur hubby go with u better at least he know wat to expect and wat's going on...i'll try to "pester" mu hubby to go too...hehe :p
cheryl, u didnt sign package with ur gynae meh? my package was 550 bucks for unlimited visits lor! i haven sms-ed her yet, will sms her later, yeah, most prob will go for the donation also

superwalker, 2.2kg at 33 weeks is big? my gynae never say so leh...cuz my bb also ard the same weight...wah, so good ah, can siam the swap test!!
bearycue> can also pm me me ur # so maybe we can contact each other at the talk tmrw

cheryl> thanks, dont worry ok, jus follow ur dr's instructions he knows best
sporty, u're right. Buy EC all along cannot take HDB loan. But can get grant if you are 1st time buyer which is good

shihui, the proposed sites for EC are at jurong, sengkang, punggol & yishun, but so far no takers (developers/tenders).

alicia, my gynae nvr offer to give me more HL even though my pelvic pain is worsening. only gave me 2 days to rest. think have to take NPL b4 starting on ML le.

my bb is 2.4kg at 33 weeks, gynae say to watch carbo/sugar intake. next visit will be at 35 weeks.
melodie, first time buyer refers to those who never buy any hdb before rite?! wow...ur bb's big at 33 weeks!! so how's ur HL so far...relaxing eh?!
Sporty, the lower interest rate are probably for the first 3 to 5yrs. Then after that if the bank revised to a higher rate the very siong lor.

Actually, I don't mind to stay with in-laws. Atleast they can be a watch out on our maid. Make sure the maid don't bully bb or bring those construction workers home. But too bad lah. My in-laws are in Malaysia.

Sporty, yeah i will move in with my ILs eventually...but probably when my kid is older cos we intend to enrol her in my hubby's alma mater (heheh...we sound very KS hor?!) when she's going to primary one and my ILs' house is nearer to the school.

What's preventing me from moving in with my ILs too soon is that I prefer to have my own space leh...and I rather my parents take care of my kid as they are the more hands-on types. I feel my mum's cooking is better too in terms of nutrition and taste :p

If we move in with my ILs, we will definitely get a helper. My ILs and hubby's plan is to let the helper take care of the baby and they will supervise. I don't like this idea at all. My ILs are getting on in years and I do want them to tired themselves out with caring for the baby but still, I am not comfortable with the idea of having the helper be the main caregiver of my child.

I think the plus point in moving in with my ILs is that my dog will have a bigger space to run around..hehe
