(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Dear all mummies..

i went for my gynae check up just now.. and baby is still in breech position.. now at 34 wks.. i am trying to be positive..but really hope that baby will start to turn down.. = /

hmmm.. seems like a few of us seeing gynea tml.. hehe.. i'm also seeing gynea tml morning.. yawns.. but my son still don't want to sleep! just now hubby cut my toenails for me.. can't c!
saintbaby, thanks for the encouragement.. = )

my husband and i did.. then show him the directions to turn.. haha.. now i go in a position.. on all fours.. then head down on bed.. and butt up.. hopefully can help by 36 wks...

actually to be frank.. i also not sure which is the best... to natural or c section.. but in a way.. i prefer to try natural first..

Also 2 of my fingers are numb!! due to water retention.. gynae says some ppl are numb at their feet.. and they can't feel the floor.. oh gosh!! like floating around..

enjoy ur gynae trip tmr!
went for gynae checkup juz now...
my bb's abt 2.2kg now...my weight gain abt 8kg+...bb's head down already but not engaged... think my gynae's too zai or dun like to see me...next appt in 4 weeks time...hahha... oh ya, he also dun charge for the cord blood collection...

momoko, hope ur hb's fren can solve ur prob permanently! BB avenue is so unprofessional!! hope tha u enjoy ur movie

jocelyn, haven seen u ard...have u started ur ML yet? wow...so fast 35 weeks liao...jia you jia you!!

catechins, try to talk to ur bb to head down or have u tried the kneeling "exercise" to make bb head down?!

saintbaby, ur turn to see gynae tom? enjoy
ur hb so sweet to cut ur toe nails...
Hubby's bugging me to sleep but i can't sleep le.. haiz.. your baby is of a good weight wor. wonder how much wt did my baby put on this time round.. wah.. next appt 4 wks? you're almost the same wk as me right? abt 33-34 wks?
saintbaby, i hope my bb wun be overweight but my gynae didnt say anything tho...tom u will kno ur bb's weight! yes lor...me ard the same weeks as u....but must wait long long for next appt!!
<font color="ff0000">Glamourmom Nursing Tanks></font>

Anymore takers?

check out www.glamourmom.com for the colors and sizes..

Prices on the website is in USD..
But i've secured a good price in SGD...
PM me for the price list as i dun belong to this thread so i dun come in here to read the posts.

We are doing a fast spree hence closing date for order is 4th oct, Sunday, 10pm.

ONE more day left!!

Free Normal Local postage included.

Expected Arrival is: 3-4 weeks via Vpost.
morning ladies...

looks like today will rain... i've seen gynea le.. but cos his ultrasound machine not working so didn't get to scan baby.. lolx. so I duno baby's wt. I told hubby fated not to know la tis week... hehe..

I gained 2kg.. haha.. but gynea didn't say anything.. my next appt is next sat..
hi ladies,
has any of u heard of GNC fenugreek that can boost breastmilk? does it really work? It's recommended by lactation consultant in KKH. Dunno if i shd buy now since my sis has 35% disc for her bday mth..
Update from iPhone: was at orchard hotel. Free goody bag, quite good n parking. Left liaos. Alvernia ladies card nt for maternity package, FYI . Chat with u all later. Happy weekend!!
Happy Mid Autummn Fesitval all!!

Hmm went to bedok walk walk just now. An update of those going to buy those confinement herbs for bathing in bedok.
-Fu Hua Medical shop sells at $2 (inside only packet)
-The medical shop beside Mei Zheng Xiang bak kwa sells at $3 (inside got 2 packet)
-The medical shop beside BaTa sells at $2.70 (inside 2 packet)
So far tat is the cheapest in bedok but i didnt buy. Just checking out the prices only.

Btw, think the cheapest is still the shop near Pioneer MRT. Can anyone pls provide the address again? Many thanks!
Back from my Gynae visit. At week 34, my baby's weight 2.5 kg (Doc said good weight), and I've gained total almost 12 kg. But I didn't have any Strep B test done. Next visit in 2 weeks.
esther - eh my wedding is last yr 2008 hehe ..

sporty - my bb weight at 36 wks is 3kg liaoz i need cut somemore haiz .. anyway .. my nxt appt is 10 days later on Monday .. i gt my pre-admission form from dr ang also as well .. now im seriously worried abt bb weight haiz ..

Karen, everything will oni come to an end when I get their cheque. Lost all confidence n trust in this company already.

Sporty, ya lor, Baby Avenue is so totally unprofessional. The staff who liase with me I felt she did tried her best lor but her boss really cannot make it man!! Dun even know how to do proper service recovery how to manage n guide her staff man. Tsk tsk. As for the show, I nearly fell asleep, Funny People dun seem so funny afterall, too draggy.

Ayukie, yeah lor, he's really nice, even told me will try his best to rush out for me b4 I pop.
Hi all, I'm frm Jun mummies. Bought too many tubes of the Avent Nipple cream. If anyone is keen, pls PM mi or contact mi at 97932771, Thks! Exp is Apr 2011.
Don worry lah. 3kg good weight wor.

Mine is only abt 2kg leh at 34 weeks, u see so small. Gynae said a bit on the small side.

You intend to get it from Pioneer for the confinement bathe herbs? I wonder Bedok medical hall all selling the same brand?
i duno leh.. coz think the pioneer mrt is so much cheaper leh, buy in bulk can save so much.
The 2 bedok medical hall (not fu hua) sell the same brand. I duno which brand, i can oni recognise the picture and the it put $3.00. But the one beside bata sell for $2.70 even if the packet state $3.
Sign up for Stemcord this afternoon at Orchard Hotel. They mention from Nov onwards, we don't need to bring the big box with all the tubes when go deliver.The box they provide now is smaller and only have some stickers and some collection information.
All collection material will be at the hospital.

Went gynae visit in the morning. 33wks, my weight stagnant and bb weight ~2.2kg .
I was "lecture" by her as I have make an assumption and didn't do the glucose test correctly. Being "lecture" by her as she thought I take GD seriously.

Well, now i gonna do the prick test more frequently and really control the diet even my reading now are ok as she emphasize as the hormone goes up is it more difficult to control and what i eat that is ok might not be ok now.
I am a bit surprise when she "lecture" me, but at least now I am clear and i know she really very particular on GD and is for bb good as she concern on bb's future health instead of just get my bb delivered.

After the ultrasound which is a detail scan, she mention bb is doing fine, grow at 50 percentile rate. However, the scan shows that instead of problems cause by GD like too much fluid , bb not growing proportionally, she mention my fluid is at borderline low which is not related to GD. If it is too low mean the placenta is not functioning good enough to supply nutrition to bb and bb might need to come out early either by induced or c-section.

My next appt in 3 weeks time, hope everything is ok.
Buying in bulk from there is defintely cheaper. Its blue colour packaging?

Hi Saintbaby,
Can I know the price again for the big pack of herbs? And how many packets in the big pack?
I will ask my mil if she wants cos she has the intention of going to msia to buy? Faint......
piggym, i bought the herbs from the shop too. The packing is red.

If you buy one pack is 1 dollar, if you buy in box, is SGD 8. 1 box have 10 packets.

I am from Msia and my mum check the price for me before, the price from this shop is about the same as Msia.
i just bot something call 大风草 which mean for bathing after delivery.. RM1.20 per pack from Malaysia..
happen to see it just now and bot it..
ayukie/esther/tanly, happy wedding anniversary to both of u

saintbaby, wow...so good...so ur appt now is on weekly basis! next week u can see ur gal again...

rue, yeah heard of GNC fenugreek...fenugreek is taken to increase ss of breast milk, some pple take tha when their ss are low...

agata, ur bb's really of good weight
so is ur gynae gonna do the strep b test next appt?

ayukie, wow...3kg at 36 weeks! what did dr ang say? i think ur next appt, u can ask for ur HL liao...heheh ... dun worry abt bb's weight la...some pple think tha bigger bbs are easier to manage and handle...
karen answered your questions le.. hehe.. ;)

thanks gal..

yeap! next week can c my gal again.. i think cos mine is c-sec that's why he sees me weekly now to monitor also.. somemore i was complaining to him that i feel very tired already.. lolx..
just now brought my kids to carry lantern.. this year like not much ‘qi fen‘.. pretty quiet and not many ppl carry.. den bought the sparkles to let my kids play but my boy.. being boy.. went to touch the top part of e sparkles. now complaining pain! aiyo..
but now put cream and plaster le.. so much better..

Happy mid altumn festival everyone.. don't eat too much mooncake ya..
Sporty, did you do the swab test afterall?

My FIL has offered his place for my baby's full month party. Hmmmmm....we are still thinking if we should take up his kind offer. I think I will probably do it there cos it will be "easier" for my FIL to ask my BIL's maids to help clean up his house after the party...heheheh...if hold at my place, my hubby, me and most probably my parents will have to clean up..sianz.
Morning gals!
i see its blue in packaging. But is not the same as what Karen had posted. Maybe coz the bedok one is 2 packet in 1, so i duno the small packet looks like wat.

i think i intend to get 1 box - 2 box.
Aiyah i just ask my mother, she dun allow me to bath for the 1st 12 days leh. HOw ah.... Tian ah!!
same like me lor.. when i had my first one, my mum also don't allow me to bathe for the first 12 days. lolx.. den for my second one she allow me to bathe daily just can't wash hair. only after 12 days den can wash hair. and i only use e herbs to bathe when i wanna wash hair.. other than that, use hot water to bathe..

u talk to ya mummy la.. c if she can allow u to do so like this. cos if don't bathe, very uncomfortable one. esp need to bf..
hi all,

wah, really cant stand the itch and sweat at n ard my tummy...
just have to massage n NOT scratch the skin...urgh!
anyone knows if cold compress works to relief itch?
Hi Karen,
Thanks a lot for your info and picture.
My mil very strange lah, the pioneer shop pricing is abt the same as Msia, don understand her why she need to go there to get it. Cant stand her.....
Previously my mil bought the $3 per pack from bedok.Which inside has 2 bags in a packet. And she complain expensive! Also not her $$$, she complain so much...... I am worried that after giving her $ to do confinement, she will buy those cheapo herbs for me to take...

I might get 1 mth supply for the herbs cos I want to bathe everyday using the herbs. Luckily on this part, mil didnt stop me but she dont allow me to wash hair. Only after 12 days , I am allow to wash. But I will wash it secretly lah, how to tahun not to wash hair in this kinda of weather?
Hi Saintbaby,
What is the street name of block 651? I might get hubby to send me there to get the herbs. I need the exact street name. Thanks dear.
finally packed my hospital bag today.. still missing baby items and things like hp chargers and camera..also bought my 5kg of ginger! lolx. hubby washed them and sun them.. next week my mummy going to cook the pig's trotters.. *slurps* hopefully they allow me to ‘steal‘ a bit to eat..
hi mummies, anyone going to deliver at MT A? i'm packing my hospital bag right now.. but still confused of wat to bring.. anyone knows whether MT A provide toiletries or we must bring our own?

and furthermore, does MT A provide Receiving blanket for the baby? I heard from one of the sister during the Hospital Tour that they dun provide..

Please advise.. thanks
saintbaby, you pack your hospital bag? Got any checklist i cna refer too?

I think the things to bring that hospital give like not a lot of things

I am doing the listing before i pack, so far this is what i have list down, have I miss out anything?

For mummy:
growns with front opening
maternity pads

For baby:
receiving blanket
1 set of clothings
1 mittens
1 booties

breast bump (not sure need to bring or not, but 1 of my col mention advise me to bring to pump in case i got engorgement)
HP &amp; Charger
Admission letters
Stemcord box

You so fast bought the ginger? 5kg? do we need to much and buy so early?
Can store so long ah?

Why you need to steal the pig trotters? haha... preggie cannot eat meh?

this is my checklist..

for mummy-
pyjamas with front opening
disposable panties
2 nursing bras
1 set of breastpads (i took e avent samples which i got)
maternity pads
for baby-
1 set of clothings for discharge
receiving blanket
3 sets of new mittens and booties
2 sets of old mittens (scared bb will soil her mittens)
small towels (to use when feedin bb. instead of using tissues to wipe e milk)
admission docs
tie hair accessories
hp and pda charger

i didn't pack towels and toiletries cos glene provides.. and it's all included into e package. so might as well just use theirs..
i think most hospitals do include these into their package. unless u want to use your own. if not just use theirs..
