(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

sporty, yes, correct. yah lor, gynae say nxt week chk if still too big must opt for c-sec. he give me 2 days only lor, and i really dun dare to ask for more. So must take npl and start ML on 20th Oct lor.

ashley, wow... the price of ur EA is good manz. hw's ur pelvic pain? better?

sporty, my gynae says 2.2kg is the weight of a 34 week old baby. so my hubby joked tat maybe our baby is 34 week old n not 33 weeks :p

now i have a headache. at 1st i tot i will just donate the cordblood... then i super big mouth went to explain to my hubby wat cordblood is... now he is against donation :S i have to go do some research to proof to him tat donation is as good as private banks
but he kept saying tat if people are willing to pay $ to bank in a private bank, there must be MORE benefits. argh!
superwalker, if the illness is generic, the cordblood wouldn't be useful for the bb or the sibling or the family members actually.
tt's why i decided to donate instead of banking with private.
so far they have 30+ success matching local and internationally.

btw, anyone know how to keep placenta?
ashley, yeah...u are rite abt tha
so ashley, which skool was ur hb from? actually not KS la...its planning for the future mah! yeah, i agree with u on the own space thingy lor and also i think the grandparents will tend to "dote" too much on the kiddos tha u might not get to discipline ur own way! does ur mum stays at jurong as well? if so, maybe can let ur mum take care during early yrs then when kids are older, then move in with ur ILs lor...

melodie, huh? really must c sec ah?! geez...

superwalker, hahha...oh no, got extra homework to do!! anyways the gynae's machine also buay zun one, last time my gynae said my bb was abt 3kg, when bb came out...was only 2.69kg...so have to +/- 300g...

tanly, icic...ya lor...luckily bro's wife is kind enough to help u look after bb..
Bearycue, I have also sent you an sms.

Melodie, my pelvic pain no better wor. In fact these few days I experience some cramps (like menstrual cramps)....sian.....

Sporty, your gynae package price is very good!
saintbb> i also still have in addition to the above: 4.8, 29, 56, 88 and 120 extra, i kept these in another bag. forgot abt it. LOL
Ashley, yup yup...got ur sms liao, tks!

sporty, yalor...ur gynae's package price is very gd leh, mine is $700 excluding vitamins/pills but quite short waiting time la :p
Bb's weight: I'm going for my check up this evening. Hope that bb is not too heavy. Cos 3 wks ago gynea mentioned that my bb is big. Recentky i ate alot of mooncakes so now worried that my gynea will complain that bb is growing too big. Better keep my finger crossed.
ashley/bearycue, he's cheap la cuz the package include every checkup's scans and vitamins (excluding fish oil)...but the queue is loooong...so have to give and take lor...
Sporty, ya my mum stays just 5-10 mins drive away from us. And my hubby's workplace is only a 10-mins drive from our home. So staying in Jurong is pretty ideal for us. Like you said, I intend to let my folks take care of my kid in the early years. Maybe when she is like 4 or 5, then we move in with my ILs.

My hubby's from Henry Park Primary. He intend to join the alumni next year...hahah...
Sporty, your package even includes vitamins! Mine is $800, excluding vitamins wor. Waiting time also depends....sometimes have to wait 20 mins or so if there are lots of people.
superwalker, mine was 2.6kg at 34 weeks. As usual, his HC still big, in 90th percentile. Next appt is 2 weeks later.. which then i will decide to C sec or not... dun worry for yrs la.. think his HC is winner here liao
sporty, gynae will advise next week abt whether need to c-sec or nt. see hw lor. ur gynae pkg is very reasonable, mine got no pkg.

ashley, mine getting worse. like want to explode, excruciating pain when i turn in bed. Must monitor your cramps. My brother was also studying in henry pk pri.

fieda, ur bb even bigger! ur pelvic pains ok liao?
ashley, wahhh...so fast wanna join alumni liao...for my case, i dunno how ah...my pri skool closed down liao, so no alumni and i not keen to enrol my boy in my hb's pri skool... so maybe have to do volunteer work at the skool next time...hehe... the wait for my gynae's appt is abt 20 to 30 mins la...its juz tha the consultation can be very fast like 5 to 8 mins...if u no prob, then gynae will see the next patient liao

fieda, ur bb's big!
did ur gynae mentioned tha definitely need to c sec? dun worry too much...maybe by then the HC shd be ok

melodie, icic...update us on ur checkup then
Hi Melodie,
So your gynae will actually advise you next wk whehter need to c-sect or not? Don worry too much.

Your gynae package is cheap. Mine is $500 based on new price package and does not include vitamins, medicine, CTG, blood test etc....
fieda, hihi...long time din see u post liao, last checkup my baby HC oso bigger than her AC but gynae say not to worry but will monitor again the nez visit...u oso dun worry too much k
Melodie, poor thing leh you....I told my doc about it and she told me it's something to do with the joint at the pelvic area.... I feel that the pain is worse when I have the urge to go pee. So now, whenever I need to pee I just go, even if I last peed 15 mins ago!

so you find Henry Park is a good school? Hhahaha...it's not affiliated to any secondary school but I dun mind lah. My primary school also closed down liao.
sporty, i was reading the fri post... did u mention sizzler's? u always say u eat very litte... how to eat the sizzler's salad buffet leh?? hahah
i dun mind though if u gals wanna meet there for lunch
have u set up a meeting with doreen from scbb yet? i told her tat u work very near me and that she can meet with me after she meets with u
piggym, mine dun include CTG, blood test, oscar test as well...juz for unlimited visits with scans/vitamins

superwalker, yes i did mentioned sizzler...sizzler all veg mah, maybe not as filling?! hahha... i haven sms doreen yet...when u plan to meet up with her?
Melodie, everynight i turn my body i wanna cry la.. haha.. can't sleep well now..

Sporty, i told my gynae i wanna go natural leh.. she say i can try if i go into labour.. if cannot then Emerg C sect.. like that not economical leh.. hub and I think that if by 36 weeks, HC already hit 35cm liao then i will c-sec ba.. My only hope is he comes earlier then would be smaller. His HC on sat was 32.9cm liao!

Bearycue, although i nv post i know what's gg on k? Hhaa i always sneak around.. SMH is my leisure surfing page leh... =) Every checkup, the HC is monitored also for me... aiya.. think i really nd to c sec liao..

AShley, same as me!! Esp early in the morning while my bladder is very full. It's double pain sia!
Fieda, my baby is very "considerate"...she makes sure I go pee every two hours at night...there's no chance of a full bladder for me in the morning..LOL!
Wah!!! Ur gynae package is really good lei...
My gynae doesn't do package. Her charges is pretty reasonable lor... Although she does u/scan on every visit, she doesn't charge me on many occasions. So, I think it works out to about the same amount (+/-) lor.. But it's juz tat every time go hubby pays her, he feels tat she charges a lot lor... Hehe...

Ya lor... Bo pian lor. Now taking med every day till sian liao. (2 caps of antibiotic x 3 a day, 1 iron tab x 2 a day, multi-vits every morng, DHA, Anmum) Aiyoh....heen ar...
sporty, vege sounds good
anyone else joining us for lunch ??? how about lunch this thursday? i can meet with doreen any day any time during ofis hours (emmm... if i m in ofis :p). i told her your lunch hour is more stringent, so u meet her during your lunch break, then i meet her after tat. i told her to fix with me after she fixes her appointment with u leh. which day u have in mind? let's not chosse fridays
fieda, no doubt many pple wanna go natural...if ur gynae suggests c sec tha means she has a reason lor...most importantly is to bring bb to this world by the safest method...no pt trying natural then end up emergency c sec with double costs and maybe double the "pain"?! anyways juz pray tha u can go for natural hopefully lor...

piggym, ya lor...most importantly is to be comfy with the gynae u seeing!

cheryl, hahha...of cuz la...cuz everytime ur hb pays mah...of cuz he finds it ex! hehe

superwalker, thurs i cant meet u for lunch cuz thurs i'm on duty
then this fri also cant cuz i have to be ard during lunch... maybe next week liao...heheh :p oh, like tha ah, are u working on wed? maybe i fix with doreen on wed then...
Ashley, every two hrs is very siong leh! How to sleep sia? The walk to the toilet must be painful too!!

Sporty, ya la i know.... but but... hiaz... the natural way should be quite impossible liao i think. =( Haha.. if c sec i wanna do it earlier liao.. haa
Aiyoh! I'm not working ma... He's the sole bread-winner, have to pay la.. I offered to pay once in a while ga, but he, himself, said no need wat! Too bad lor... Hehe...

Ya lor... Most important is that we are comfy with the gynae!
I think the charges are about the same la...
no prob.. hope u dun have difficulties finding the plce..

i also very hard to turn my body everynight.. very hard to sleep!!
hi gals have given birth to my baby boy yesterday noon due to waterbag broke on sunday early wee morning didnt manage to do natural birth ended up emergency c-section .. haiz ..
Fieda, hahaha....so u r in "invisible" mode here huh, well sometimes me too :p
Mmm...not necessary a bad thing for c-sect lor, at least u gott achoose the date & time for delivery and the process is faster....i've fren who went for c-sect for #1 but natural for #2,tink as long as gynae tink which is the best way to deliver and baby is healthy is the most impt lor...jia you k
congrats gal!!
was just thinking of u this morning.. do unpdate us on your birth story and take care of your wound yea..
Ayukie!! You are the fastest!! Congratulations!!! =)

Saintbaby, think we share same agony haha

Bearycue, i just scare harder to slim down after C sec la! haha
ashley, ur bb very considerate leh...give u "practise" sessions on night feeds next time :p hehhe

fieda, ya la...juz keep ur fingers crossed la...no pt "risking" then end up emergency c sec... ya, c sec think week 37/38 can do liao

cheryl, ya lor...too bad to him lor! heheh :p

ayukie, HUH?? did i read wrongly?? is tha a joke??!!! if its true, CONGRATS!!!!
geez, my hunch abt u giving birth early is rite!!
but den if gynea suggests c-sec.. den better listen to gynea.. if not economically very ex le.. natural den if cant end up emergency c-sec.. pay double leh!! for c-sec, after 36 weeks can le.. ideally is 37-38 wks.
Ayukie, good weight!! Hee.. So excited for you! HOw u feeling after C section? Was your baby engaged when waterbag broke? Gong xi gong xi!
Err... I had Durian Puffs & Snow Skin Mooncake feast, instead!!!

Wow!!! Congrats!!!
