(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

ayuKie> can push forward ur bb's full mth celebration liaos
sporty, yupz, will update.

piggym, ya. gynae will advise next week.

ashley, the pain make me want to pee also. now walk also pain.

fieda, yes, i want to cry also. pain until i dun feel like turning but cannot leh. haiz.

ayukie, congrats on the birth of ur little boy. u're the 1st to pop!
when i went for my checkup on sat, the nurse asked me, did i eat a lot of mooncake eh.. cos she was looking at the results of my urine test..
luckily i passed the urine test!

but now got craving for sugar cane.. but hubby say canoot cos too sweet.. den tis sat im seeing gynea..
saintbaby/sporty - thx and sporty yeah no joke it wasnt v good cause its abit still too early so ended up in a rush and worse had to do emergency c-section after 8 hrs labour haiz .. so total labour also 12 hrs le ..
Yes FieDa, I suffer every night ok since end of 2nd trimester liao.....pain when I turn my body in bed, pain when I try to get up, pain when I walk to the toilet....cannot sleep well...sigh....
saintbaby, i juz had sugar cane last nite leh...so nice :p hehehe :p

ayukie, ya...now u kno why i so lor sor, kept asking u to go on leave earlier!! what need to emergency c sec ah?
fielda - do listen to ur gynae abt c-sect .. i tried labour cant do have to c-sect end up everywhere also pain haiz .. nt to mention to emergency c-sect costs ..
ayukie> u cant go for high tea liaos. CONFIRM WAHAHHAHAHA and erm, also pigeon talk to BEO me and sporty lei!!

Aiyoh!!! So stressful, right? I was also worried when I went for my check up last wk! Luckily weight gain was steady & passed urine test! :p
Hmm...craving ar? Difficult to tahan lei... Maybe buy sugar cane drink, take 1 or 2 sips la... Then tahan till after give birth then take lor...
sporty and Cheryl,
Ya lor! The most impt is to be comfy wif gynae!

I agree C-sect is faster too lor. Haha
ayukie, upload pics of ur prince leh when possible
oh ya, jane's rite...u cant join us for pigeon talk liao!!

jane, ya la...i haven even wash laundry yet...and bags not packed!!!
Haha....very bad lei, u!!! Tease Saintbaby like tat!!! She so poor thing, kena banned already u still wanna tempt her!!! :p
sporty> me also still got laundry to wash. havent even go and order the bed yet. bag packed halfway, some stuff still at my mom's hse . havent mail out the confinement food order. WAH LAU EH. I AM SO BEHIND TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
superwalker> momoko is online on msn, although away for the moment. *touchwood tink not yet lah. Lol.

zentan> the high tea is end oct lei. LOL
<font color="119911">cheryl</font>, ya. she told me tat about 50% of the cord blood is not stored coz of quality or quantity. but it has nothing to do with us. they will also do follow up to check on how mummy, baby and family are doing. and hor, let's say u changed your mind about donating u can call them within 3 months to let them know. no questions will be asked, they will just dispose the cord blood.

<font color="119911">saintbaby</font>, be careful worr. dun climb into ur bathtub liao ok.
cheryl, heheh :p juz kidding with saintbaby mah...heheh

zentan, hahha...u so funny...still talk abt hi-tea with ayukie!!

jane, aiya...i best lor...haven washed a single piece of laundry!! hahah
Yes Jane, thanks for the reminder...Ayukie's case just reminded us to PACK our hospital ASAP!

BTW Jane, we have another mutual friend - Joyclene. Had dinner with her and some ex-colleagues last Sat!
^5..me haven't do anything too..I haven't pack the next room for my bb n maid yet..it's like a storeroom with mountains of stuffs.
i think those who are due first 2 weeks of nov better get things done...cuz almost like 36 weeks liao mah!

zentan, think we too slack liao...we better buck up!!
Ayukie, looks like i really have to listen to my gynae liao.. like that i wanna aim a libra baby like yrs! =) Can't wait to see your baby boy pic! You did epidural c sec? Take great care of yourself k!
Orr.... Thank you...thank you very much for the info!

Hehe...ya lor... Poor poor Saintbaby.. Lol...
sporty/jane, oopsss....me too, haven't pack bag, haven't wash baby clothes or assemble the baby cot, haven't get nursing bras and sanitary pads...arrgghhh.....suddenly at a lost after ayukie's news..poingzzzz :p
hey all

wow! i heard ayukie pop already!!! thats so early~!!!

who else is next??? heehee..

Congrats Ayukie~!!!

I am counting down to mine
7 more weeks :D

and maybe earlier coz my EDD seems to be 8-25nov... i wonder why the range so big...
bearycue, u better get ur packing/washing going...geez, i am also shocked by ayukie's news...i kept thinking earliest for her is mid oct...who knos its so fast...

ayukie, have lotsa rest also...try to learn how to bf during ur stay these few days
jia you on bfing
sporty, yup yup...at 1st still tink there is plenty of time to prepare but now better get off my bums to start the preparation liao...hehe :p

Ayukie, do have plenty of rest and pop in to share with us ur experience/birth story when u r not too tired k, take care!
sporty so bad hor! must spank her le! lolx..

i just went to tabao lunch.. resisted the temptation of sugar cane! bought soya bean instead.. lolx..
Hehe...ya lor...she's very naughty!!! :p
Wah!! U very guai...can resist the temptation!!! Well done, gal!
congrats ayukie! Now enjoy your motherhood and happy breastfeeding!

i'm now at w33. i oso haven't washed baby clothes yet.. they are still in vacuum packed bags!
OMG, ayukie, congrats to you!!! i'm starting to panic now as my edd is near to yours! my work not half finish yet. time to tai chi lo.
congrats! btw, hw many wks was u when baby was out? hmm, hav u received the breastpump? i hope so.
bearycue, sometimes #1 will be earlier than expected lor...so u better start washing soon!

saintbaby, the sugar cane damn shiok lor :p kekkeke... juz kidding :p ^5 i also bought soya bean milk!!

rue, u mean the waiting period to see gynae? abt 20 to 30 mins...
sporty, aaa....earlier abit abit ok la but not too big a surprise like one month b4 hor, tink to play safe i'll start washing tis weekend liao :p
bearycue, bb can be born anytime after 36 weeks...so juz be careful lor :p

jane, i also still in disbelief!! cuz i juz msn with her last fri!!

rue, think ayukie is exactly 36 weeks when she popped?!
Sporty> me 2 lo I still msn her sat I tink!!!! I m so glued to my iPhone can't bear to leave the forum in case gt exciting stuff!!!!! Lol
