(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

sporty> we sound crazy today. *opps


dingdong, icic...must be "hard" on u when ur hb's always MIA becuz of work!

ayukie, hahhaa...ya hor :p

jane, its fri mah...must relax abit...i switching off soon...
ayukie> lucky u din type "bleahz at sporty u cant hide frm me i still need the milk tea frm u whahaaa" (cos u target 2 of her 3 bs mah) LOL
Jane, I think I'm the first to be on leave. I'll work until next Fri. So that'll leave me a month from due date to train new maid, rest, and prepare baby stuff.
I already got a transfer maid for trial last week, but not good cos she is only 23 and looks more like I am taking care of her, sign.......
sporty> is it starrz ? i thot it's momoko
but erm, i don have to train anyone on leave . lol, purely 'me' time. LOL (joking, no offence to anyone)
saphira> u shld get sumting she likes and erm prob don remb that she liked it and din get it so she will be surprised bb 'knows' what she likes that and be really thrilled
haha some one mentioned me?
Ya i think i the winner liao, i am off from work liao since monday.
Can rest n rest.
Opps i just had durian.. yummy!
I think she would like to have a kitchen set or a toy stroller but hubby thinks it's a waste of money and will be taking too much space in the house. I suggested scooter, he also said no
coz i am oh hosp leave mah. I feel like returning to work after CNY but pending also on when i deliver.

Haha ya lor.. durians will make bb gain weight mah, so have some, hope next visit to gynae will see more weight gain on bb.
Haha! I cant take durains wor.. Will be too heaty lor. How much does baby weight now? My bb also on the small side. So no choice, I tell myself to drink more MILK. Hahah
Remember to drink more water when u take durains wor else too heaty.
You sign up with Stemcord or Cordlife?
huh, u cant take durians ah? Take 1 or 2 also canot ah? ya got to drink lots of water coz v thirsty after eating the durians.
Last week bb's weight was 1.584 kg. As usual, gynae say got to see next visit to know the weight difference from other babies.
I sign up with stemcord, u leh, sign up with any liao?
U may want to take at least 3 months off after bb arrives as through my experience, I need 2 weeks to settle down mentally and physically and 1 more month to restore back to my normal state and store breast milk (for back ups)for bb before start work.
Shirley Ho, I'm using "Best Home" agency from Bukit Timah. But the transfer maid we chose got sick with Thyroid. So this Sat, we're asked to come n see other maids availabe.

Hahaha...Starrz won and mentioned ate durians.

Tomorrow morning, I'll be seeing Gyane so will update on baby's weight next time.
Eating durian in moderation is okay for me. Protein based foo can help bb's growth mah. Do include nuts and beans into your diet too. After durian, it's better to drink water from the shells. I find it very effective.
My hubby very against it leh
He said taking up too much space. i don't only need to make sure my gal likes it, my hubby need to agree with it some more.
mine no shells de, coz my mum ask the person to open the durians and put in the box.
Okie, will eat more nuts and beans

Okay, had been resting and sleeping. Now at my mama house, haha better coz got meals provided mah.
Yesterday good hor, rain rain.. today no rain liao.
tried b4 leh. Took only 3 seeds and after that too heaty. Have constipation. Dare not to try lor.
I try to take more eggs, meat and other stuff lor. Hahah
So enjoying your HL or not?
Maybe I can get a big electronic keyboard. I can play with it too but not sure how keen is my daughter. She's a bit too young to learn it now.
Opps! Forgot to reply you. Hahah...
I haven decide which one to sign up leh for the cord blood thing. I m still thinking abt it.
Your mama hse at bedok ah?
Back frm CTG and lunch, gynae says today's report is in the green! =) Best part, today 0 contractions.

Sporty, my hubby ask me to wait long long, he say the first thing I get to see is gonna be he sleeping and snoring in the sofa =S

Shirley Ho, my fren got her 2.55 at 4k plus from overseas.
saphira, buy those thas more compact and can be "kept" easily?!

starrz, sounds very shiok and relaxing leh...envy envy

momoko, u never kno la...maybe its really a surprise :p good tha u passed ur CTG test today
oh i took 5 seed jus now. Ah i didnt go and think of constipation thing...now u mentioned, i also scared liao, got to eat more fruits and veg liao.
Remember if u signing up for stemcord, the promotion ends on 3rd Oct. Best is u can go to the seminar.
Ya, mama house at bedok.

good to hear your report today is good! Yeah
Don worry too much lah. Drink more water and take more fruits and that will do.
U paid $850 for 1st yr?
Oic. Mama hse near to me.. Hahha

Glad that everything is OK!
Momoko, so expensive for this bag ah.....I better stick to my Omega watch liao, hahaha.......

Agata, thanks for the info. I m using Nation but I thing they don have many transfer maid for me to choose. Will probably switch to Homekeeper / the agency that u recommend. I probably can't get back my agency fees liao if i change but no choice, I need it ASAP.
Am trying to kill 2 birds with one stone. Small one will be useless to me. I can't play much music with small ones. I doubt my daughter would like it cause she have one small one already. Some keys are not working anymore. She normally just play the pre recorded music to dance with.

good to hear about the good new. Remember not to be angry at this time as bb will be stressed too.
hmm, no is $980 for 1st year (hadvent add in GST) coz my gynae clinic not tied up stemcord. If tied with stemcord then is $850.
Haha i know my mama hse within the same neighbourhood as u but urs is bedok near where?

ya shiok! but sometimes also duno how to pass the time easily leh...keke.
Saphira> i see, maybe consider more options? i am sure ur husb wont mind if the toy is educational

momoko> quick say when was ur last day at work? i 'buy' u 'win' lei. u LOST? LOL :p
hi piggym *waves, yes ml soon but suddenly like too soon, haven finish handing over my work!!!!

momoko> mus be cos i made u so happy last night u got such ideal ctg. master jane is good! LOL
piggym, u stay in bedok eh? i grew up there...simply love tha place

saphira, ya lor..then shd buy the keyboard la since its easier to "keep"...

starrz, dun say liao la...very envy u now...n i'm stucked with some stupid report
Oic... My gynae clinic is tied up with stemcord so its $850.
Walking distance from central.

So everyday you will be at your mama hse?

Hihi! Tonite is your gynae appt?
starrz> wah stay mommie's hse? i also wanna go my mommie's hse stay after my last day at work
not a fan of durians though. drink more water!
dun be too stressed over work!
eh my hosp 1 day stay cost me $3XX of medisave plus $5X of cash. But worth it lah.
Hmm u ask if ur gynae can give u medical leave or not duringur next visit. Mine cant coz my medical leave aldy used up long long time ago.
Hee Hee! Then u Gambatte bah! Be hardworking and hand over all your work then u can relax liao..

A lot of nice food lor. Feel like having char kway teow later. But cannot eat the hum leh.. d
piggym and jane,
hmm think not everyday stay my at mama house. Daytime can come but night time hard to stay coz too cramped liao..haha. I also got to be v careful of my 2 niece/nephew playing around me.

good ur gynae clinic tied up with stemcord leh.
Go to the seminar to get extra $50 off for 2nd year and if u refer ppl or ppl refer u, another extra $50 for the next next year leh. Think got free gift some more, so if can, better go to the seminar.
Walking distance from central ah... haha think my mama place n urs also walking distance
piggym, yes its tonite!
yes nice food in bedok, which part are u at? i used to stay at street 3... aiyo, take char kway teow w/o hum lor

starrz, i am more pissed than stressed ah! cuz juz agrued with the person who dumped the report to me...and my cover is getting on my nerves today!! argghhh

Tonight hubby and I are attending his friend's daughter birthday party....hope got yummy mooncakes to eat...kekeke
