(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

starrz> oh, got small kids then yes, pls be very careful hor.

sporty/ piggym?> i only heard of bedok famous for bak chor mee and chee kueh. what else is good?

ya lor.. especially the 2 kids can suddenly 'attack' on my tummy! Its a bomb to play near them.

pissed at work ah... oh try to relax. Must maintain happy mood leh.

Oh.. Momoko is the ultimate winner!
ashley> how come never get to eat any? go takashimaya the central square. can sample ALL kinds of mooncake. hahahhahaha
enjoy the party
Oic... Just becareful of your niece and nephew lo. Haha
Lazy to go to the seminar leh. Silly hubby doesnt like to go orchard. They have a seminar tmr at orchard hotel.
Maybe the same place hor? who knows? Hee Hee

High tea???? Hahahaha...I m lazy to go all the way to town to have high tea cos now calf having cramps..

Excited hor? Today is 33 wks? I m beginning of 34 wks. I am at north there. Taking w/o hum not nice. But safer not to take hor?
Relax gal! don be so pissed , not gd for baby.
starrz> 'attack'? sounds so scary, yah better watch it when they are playing near u... kids may underestimate their own strength
jane, i haven even buy a lantern for him lor...me so bz until forgot...such a bad mummy!! haiz... in bedok, depends on where u are at...the famous one is blk 85 hawker centre

momoko, ur HL until 16 oct ah?

starrz, i am trying to relax la...but cant believe why some pple are like tha??!!
OMG lor, the babyavenue sent me the draft of the replica drawers only today and it look like shit lor, totally different frm the original!!! The drawers handles totally sala, original is one embossed circle holes in the mid area, theirs is dig out 2 semi circle holes on the top. *faint*

N they still ask me cannot accept it ar, I literally told her I said same design and material, told her to ownself take a look then tell me same anot. Requested to air freight frm denmark the originals. Again must wait for their answer.
oh then dun go to seminar also okie.
U call them up and ask them go ur place and sign b4 3rd oct also okie. Remember to get one 1 to refer u or u refer some 1 leh, if not lugi the $50 off next year. I also arrange for the sales person to come to my place.

not say attack lah.. i duno which word is the exact word but they can suddenly play then both hand jus piak my tummy. I am soooo scared!

there are all sorts of ppl around, very pek chek de. But wat to do, for the little one inside, try not to get too ji dong okie.
A lot of nice food lor... BBQ stingray, bak chor mee and other stuff lah. depends on what you wanna to eat. Keke!

Most likely I will go for C-sect. Can I have the FS master contact that you went to? THanks.
piggym, better be safe than sorry...anyways u can take ur hum in 2 mths time...juz ren lor!

momoko, ohhh so u are the winner...not starrz...heheh :p hehhe ... aiyo ur drawer thingy is damn annoying leh! ask them juz air freight asap la!

starrz, ya la...think my bb is angry also...kept kicking!
ya lor.. they always say if we angry or sad, bb will feel de! so faster cheer up.

u hear thunder mah? I tot i hear bit of thunder sound here... seems may rain! good good, cool off the weather man.
sporty> never mind lah, jus go and get later. u are NOT lousy mom ok.
lantern sure still haf one.
tin k my mom's place (facing bishan park) will haf a good view tonight of all the lanterns and erm, noisy cos pple like to play those sparkler tings. lol.

starrz> i know not 'attack' literally but still mus be careful.

piggym and sporty> wah sounds like very delicious like that.

Momoko> DONT get worked up ok *hus
sporty, ya irritate the nerve out of me man. Say wan send me email last nite, I wait all nite till 15mins ago then they sent! I juz show jane the pixs. Yi ge tian yi ge di lor.
Maybe both if possible?

Yes! I heard! Hahah. Going to rain liao. And my dog will go kuku... Whahahah

Yup! Its delicious!
Yah, mus agree with momoko, the drawing erm i tink i can also draw lo. momoko, dont relent but also DONT GET IRRITATED!!! cool down!!!!!!
I juz came back from gynae visit. She doesn't charge for cord blood collection if it's a donation.

Oh... So, hv u signed up for the donation? I'm meeting the co-ordinator next wk lor... Still can't make up my mind! :p

Haha...now's ur turn to have durians huh, after Saintbaby's durian feast last wk!!! :p
I bought durian puffs, instead...

Gynae said everything is fine & my weight is under control!!! Hehe...so, can still afford the durian puffs & mooncakes la. ;-)
BB will be 37 wks by Tue le...she checked BB's head, still not engaged yet.
yeah get the sales person to come to ur place. Better mah, no need to travel here n there.
ya ya heard more n more thunder!!
starrz, ya la...i kno but cant help it lor...this pregnancy already very good le...last pregnancy...everyday i was pissed! heheh :p

jane, ya lor...hopefully got time to buy later la...must go gynae then rush to pick up my boy, then pick up mil and go to her house...if not will get it tomorrow lor

momoko, u shdnt have given them the chance lor...shd have juz rejected the orders and ask for refund...so wun waste ur time lor

cheryl, icic great tha ur gynae dun charge...how come u still cant make up ur mind? whats ur concern?
haha coz durian is like antidote to bb weight gain mah, so cheong to eat durian. But really helps or not have to se next visit liao.
Durian puffs also got durian mah.. also can lah

Wah next week u 37 weeks liao ah... fast hor! Can hear urs and Momoko birth story soon :D
I also dunno lei...maybe 1st time lor... Can't make up my mind. Scared later sign the form already regret!!! Hehe... *blush*
But if I've decided not to bank, there's no harm donating lor hor? Otherwise they'll juz dispose of the cord, right? :p
Haha...I take durian, not to boost BB's weight gain, it's coz my mouth itchy lor... Hehe...
Ya lor...so fast 37 wks le... Doc said although BB can come at any time but usually 38-39 wks (earliest) lor... Sigh....like Momoko, I'm also like not very ready lei...
sporty> sure got time one.

piggym> joking abt high tea
. take care of ur calves if pain, tell ur gynae.

PANG GANG Already!

wishing everyone a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! *hugs
cheryl, ya la...no harm donating if u dun wanna bank lor...thas what i thot also...if not they throw away also!

jane, i hope so ah! ohhh u pang kang liao ah...have a great weekend!
Ya lor... Will probably do it ba...

Jane, ladies,
Have a nice weekend wor... Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!!!
Bye Starrz! Enjoy ur wkend!

Hee HEe. No worries lah. We can arrange go high tea after we all pop. Keke
Happy Mid -Autumn Festival to all!
yaaaa i finally finished one of my coverer liaoz .. now i got to think how to handover the other part of my task to the other person haiz ..
sporty - haha i finally finished my report for the week .. hmz sianz .. nxt wk still gt to do the reports again haiz ..
Baby Avenue refused to air freight. N now they even told me tt 10 weeks oso may not get the drawers coz they still got alot of old stock!!! No order new stock means the drawers oso wun be ordered. Wah lau, how can lidat one?! Wat difference is this frm CHEATING!!!

Best part, called their boss in charge of this store and she hear my voice and hung up my call =.= I call again, nobody picked up liao. I was not even loud lor! CMI!!! This kinda service attitude store manager ar .... tsk tsk.
momoko, you take care and rest well , don't stressed up on Baby Avenue issure.
Let your hubby settle it, and demand for refund.
Their service like that, is better to get the refund , later the drawer wait 10 weeks, come out also might not be as what you expect. Get the money back and buy another nice one better.
Karen, thank heavens hubby managed to get one of his good fren whose family is in the carpentry line to the rescue. He told us its possible to duplicate so hubby is say take the discount of $488 from Baby Avenue and we use the $$ to pay his fren instead. He decided getting full refund coz he dun wan me to tired myself out searching for another cot.

His fren ask me y I so unlucky always kena cheated coz last time he was oso the one who "rescue" me frm my lousy contractor who messed up my renos. LOL.

Later hubby bringing me for movie to lighten up my mood. =)
Hello all, so long never log in liao, seems like this forum is the liveliest among all the other months' forum.. :p

Just went for my 35th week checkup today, i've already gained 12.4kg so far and bb is 2.5kg.. Did strep B test too, was abit paisay at first, but everything happened so fast, literally felt nothing.. haha..

Anyway, these few days really couldn't tahan my backache, feel like my back is gonna break anytime! Haiz, but looking back at what i've gone through for the past 35 weeks, what is another 5 weeks right?

All mummies must jia you! We're reaching the finishing line soon :p
momoko, glad to hear that everything is settled.

Your hubby so sweat, bring you out for movie to lighten up your mood. Enjoy your movie.

I will be staying home to finish my HK drama (You are Hired) and CSI series
tommorrow got to wake up early for gynae appointment and sign up with Stemcord at the seminar.

To all mummies, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!!!
