(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

i juz bought barley last night.. wanted to cook fu3 zhu4 yi4 mi3 bai1 guo3 leh...... i think once in a while shd be fine hor? else so wasted... n if i cook liao dun eat, i will drool leh.. hehehe... :p
Thanks Momoko> u also take care! hope u don get heart burn again.

Shihui> Yah i also heard my mom tell me that. say bb skin will be fair and smooth. Nobody cook for me lei. can i haf some of urs? :p

Oh btw, i am 51kg liaos. lol. my husb sitll complained yest that i don eat alot.
swanston, wahh..slurpee is shiok! anyways we will feel even HOTTER as the pregnancy progresses! so we definitely need more cold drinks! kekeke

jane, got abit of runny nose la...think becuz yesterday slept in aircon room and i got sensitive nose mah...
i think i seriously need to get a new job after my delivery manz ..

i finally gave the excuse letter (from excessive ot) from my gynae to my manager and u know what he says? "So .. can you still work?" ... this kinda question how to answer manz .. makes me soo stressed now .. largi sianz ..
keeps on planning overtime like no1 biz manz ..
Sporty> can't sleep aircon room ah? i sleep aircon room everynite. now everyday i am at home i must have air con. cant tahan the hot weather.

Ayukie> wah y ur manager like that one!

Shihui> i also want to c ur receipe!
wah ariesgal, u so fast close the spree liao, hope can still join anise's...anybody has anise's email or hp no.? Coz she does not accept PM leh... =(
ayukie, actually if i were u, i cant answer tha qn also...haiz...so is ur manager gonna reduce ur workload?

jane, i only on the aircon when my son is home to koon, if not we juz on fan or go without since we staying quite near to the sea, so quite windy la...

shihui, ur fu zu yi mi makes me wanna drool leh...normally i will buy from dessert shop to eat...hehe
jane - i also cant believe .. and his wife just gave birth i heard .. kns hor >

sporty - haha i doubt so the tone doesnt sounds like he's gg reduce my workload lor .. seriously hor this kinda question how to answer .. i wonder what would dr ang reaction be if i tell him i pass the letter he wrote to my mgr and he ask me such a question in such a tone manz ..
swanston - hahaha dunno .. but i know likdat is making me largi stressed out as if im not stressed enulf everyday sianz ..
ayukie, his wife juz gave birth and he dun understand at all! really kns lor! aiya...bo bian la, juz hang on till after ur ML...find another job and leave! actually which line are u in?
sporty - yeahlor .. really horrid hor ? seriously if my tower manager dun take me out of this horrible account liaoz hor i will seriously need to find another job during my ML ..
IT lor .. that's why sooo mcuh ot .. and stress sianz ..
Hi mummies,

Busy catching up the thread now.....

Welcome Welcome!!

Thanks for organising the spree, I am keen!!
Lunch at Novena, I can join too. Please jio me, jio me! Heehee....

Have a good rest!! U are making puzzle for ur lil one. What pic? I also made one for my #1 but now with him around, no time to make another..

Aiyo, what happen to ur eye? Hope it's recovered by now.

When is the Robinson sale ending har? Haven't got anything for my princess yet, feel so bad

U finally decided to change ur name. LOL...
About barley, my mum has been making barley dessert for me during my 2nd trimester cos she said it's good for the bb's skin, so can drink or not leh?

Beta take good rest lei.. U have been working very hard.

I miss whampoa's rojak too but now dare not eat.
now i pek chek and stress till my head largi pain and tummy pain also sianz ..
u think i should call my gynae and complain ?
stmama - yeahlor .. somemore hor last weekend ot .. i kenna arrowed .. i do alone leh .. 6am to ard 5pm .. blardy hell ... this time still wanna arrow me .. then this weekend hor 2 persons take shift to do 6am to 4pm ..
Then next weekend they wanna arrow me to do again 6am to 4pm .. great hor ?
Ayukie, last time I have a client also very onekind..she herself is a mother and yet there was once she was very mean...at 7pm, she couldn't reach me at my desk cos I was in toilet puking.....then 5 mins later, when she got me, she was so irritated and asked me rudely "where were you?!" Wah lau, I told her I was in the toilet. She was pissed cos she wanted to rush home to see her baby....wah lau, she also knew I was preggy..yet give me this kind of attitude. Maybe becos she didn;t had any MS during her pregnancy so she couldn't empathise with me. She is very lucky as she can always knock off on time or latest is 7pm...whereas she expects her agency ppl (ie. me and my colleagues) to work long hours..cos she always threatened to see the revised work the next morning at 9am when her stupid changes came in at 6pm.
ayukie, think u can complain to hr/mom abt this unfair treatment to u? esp now u preggie they still dump all the stuff on u, like purposely wana make u resign.
so last time when I was working on the account, I feel very wei3 qu1 cos why others can go home to see their hubbies and kids but I cannot and have to slog like a cow and no one gives a damm...

Ayukie, you must rest if you are tired...say NO, if your workload is too much. Really, no one can help you except yourself.
carol, i m going off le. u can look up anise fb name and add her in fb then send her a message bah.

ayukie, u take care of urself. have as much rest as u can. ask ur gynae give ur mc or hospital leave to rest at home when work gets over the head?
Mayb tt's the mgr's motive, for ayukie to resign on her own accord leh ... nowsadays most co really not bery nice to preggies.
oops! sorry swanston, u should be able to PM me anise's email now. Thanx!

Stmama, thanx! ariesgal's GAP spree closed liao, anise have one as well but dunno when she close....me trying to get her email to tell her my orders
i dunno but i feels soooo hurt now lor .. somemore i was deliberating whether to give the letter and when to give sia .. he likdat read liaoz then ask me that question in such a patronizing tone then give me back the letter .. i largi feels sooo hurt and stress ...
dunno leh im still thinkin should i call up my gynae and complain wor that he dun give a damn about his letter ...
and i really feels soo hurt .. somemore nt say i nvr do ot lor .. i got do wad .. i just did 1 last wkend 6am to 5pm .. and i did it alone lor .. i feels really really hurt ...
thx gals for all ur comfort .. i feel abit better after getting it off my chest .. i really am hurt this time ..
but then hor i still feels so hurt
Ayukie, *sayang* my female team mgr at my previous kind oso lidat one kind one, gimme very bad evaluation coz she say me nvr stay back do OT to help my colleagues with their work when I was pregnant, say I no initiative. Pls lor, all of us take same pay, I finish my own work on time I cannot go home on time meh??? Moreover all of us handle different cases, not say wan to help can help one somemore! STUPID!
if i do leave hor after my maternity leave .. i will definitely complain about this incident in my exit interview ..
momoko - i already given up on my this yr apprasial liaoz .. i just wanna to get to deliver my baby boy smoothly ..
i also given up on promotions or pay raise or even performance bonus le this year ..
i just wanna tahan till maternity leave that's all .. sianz ..
Have u try talking to ur superior? Considering your position now, maybe he/she can work out something for you so as to lighten ur workload? If possible, avoid OT cos preggy woman needs lotsa rest.

Does your team manager has kid herself? It's wrong to fault staff for not staying OT esp. when ur own job is completed.

Thanks for informing. You have Anise's email?
Stmama, anise has replied my email and asked me to give my orders by tomorrow noon. Have told her u r interested as well and she will PM or msn u =)
morning all

finally weekend!!!

ayukie, sayang sayang...catch a good rest over this weekend! hope they wun ask u to OT this weekend! think juz have to tahan till after ur ML and decide whether u wanna leave for good!

STmama, think robinsons not having sale leh...i also waiting for the sale...heheh...why u dun dare to eat rojak?

sporty> so early~

STmama> i am making a panoramic scene of charlie brown and friends
which did u make?

Reenie> can add me on msn?

my cousin and aunt are sick so i am not collecting bb stuff tmrw. hope husb and i can finish our jigsaw!

Swanston> i wondering how's ur apptmt

Anyone here does scrapbooking?
