(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

ashley, wahh...pancakes! i feel hungry even i ate ham n egg sandwich plus OJ! hehe

shihui, make sure the gastric pills are safe for preggy...

ayukie, i read abt ur fall on FB, hope u are ok now...did u fall on ur butt/kneels?

taurus, the placenta acts as a filter. supposed that you tie a piece of cloth over a tap to filter out the residue. what's left behind? you could see brown residue on that piece of cloth. so imagine what's left behind in the placenta. eventually, the placenta will be dispelled out of our system when the baby is borned. you may like to ask Dr Ong's opinions during your next consultation bah.

congrats swanston on your baby gal

funne, i paid $2k for confinement nanny. day confinement nanny may be more ex bah as these are usually locals.

shihui, do take care. avoid acidic stuff for the time-being.

oh, i didn't know eggs and beef makes bb big too. i should go and eat more lo.
sporty - i erm over stretched my legs then hor i ended up on knee 1st and then i sat on my butt but supported by my hand so my wrist kenna abit lor but the worse is my legs the joints there ..
dingdong, u like big bb eh? :p yes, eggs, durians and beef makes big bb...my #1 not tha big as i dun eat durian and beef...

ayukie, tha time when i slipped...i also twisted my kneel...then i went to sinseh to tuina abit and i feel better...

I think the Yamaha junior course age group is around 3 to 4 years of age. Thanks for adding my name to the list!


Enjoy ur trip to Malacca soon! Take care of ur gastric ya. Try to eat less spicy food lor.


Preggy woman tends to be clumsy, so be extra careful when walk on slippery surface.
sporty, not very big lah. but i find that my bb abit small lor. weighing 500g at 23+ weeks. i ate quite a bit of durians sometime back but no effect on bb's growth leh and i ended up with high sugar content in urine. i dun eat beef too but i think i'll start taking some now.
jing hui, okies...thks for the information on yamaha...

dingdong, bb's weight will boom in 3rd trimester lor...dun worry if ur gynae never raise any concerns abt bb's weight...actually smaller bbs, easier to give birth la! heheh...i have a fren who had to c-sec becuz her bb was too big...
dingdong, baby's size also depends on the parents...if you and hubby are small-sized, chances are your baby will be pretty small too....
I also don't take beef. Does taking pork help to increase bb weight?

Loves durian, maybe will eat some tonight after gynea appointment.
yah..SAHM is nvr an easy task man! hahaaha...oh, my hb don't own any biz of his own, but still have some stuffs i need to do for him, eg settle bills, income tax..etc. He does some investment on his own, so usually weekend we will sit down to discuss or update each other. Thanks for telling me about the art class! i will check it out!
actually we notice she is quite good in drawing and she seems to like it, so we think it's a good enrichment to helps her to relax besides the normal class curiculum.

my elder one is attending yahama "music wonderland" course, she been doing it since the "little notes" which is the younger programme. Yahama is more like music appreciation class, only now she start to touch on keyboard. It's not an formal learning to piano, unless she hit age 6 which they have piano classes. She will probably proceed to their junior course to continue the music appreciate cum keyboard till she tells me if she interested in piano. So depends on your intention when you enrol your kid. For us, it is mainly for her to expose to music and rythems, she is quite ok with that now

She was previously attending Julia Garbiel since 18 month...but she seems to get tired of their Edudrama programme, so we ask if she wanted to do music, she said yes.
ashley, depends la...i have frens who are very petite can give birth to 3.5kg bb leh! but very xin ku during the pregnancy...

tanly, pork...i dun think so lor...cuz i take it almost any other day...heheh

reenie, must the parents attend the yamaha class together with the kids? my son loves music...thas why i'm thinking along this line...cuz i plan to stop his GUG class after next term...

dingdong, i have a fren...she c sec 36 weeks...her bb was 3.6kg lor...imagine if full term...4kg plus le!!
Wow, now Yamaha does offer so many different courses for young learners huh. Never really sure and know about their courses tho cuz I only give formal piano (and theory as well) lessons :p
yes yes, is parent accompanied programe
till their Junior Course level
so whoever is going, must be determine to do so...hahahaaha...my hubby got that talent and interest, plus i have to attend to no. 2 soon...he is the best choice lor! One thing about yahama, they learn through listening, so the kids can play any music by listening (aim of the programme), so they will be sensetive to music and notes.

Jing hui,
yah, they hv programmes for young learners now, which i find it quite good! But when comes to formal piano, if she is interested, i will probably engage a private teacher to do it at home...because group learning for piano, i am not sure if she will be able to grasp or learn alot...still considering when time is closer for her to chose.
reenie, okies...thks for the explaination! very detailed!!

dingdong, hers was c sec at 36 weeks lor...my #1, i gave birth at 38weeks+, still lose 1kg to her 36 weeks bb lor...hahha
morning all!
its the start of the week again.

talking abt baby's weight. my friend gave birth to a 4.2kg baby natural without epidual at 41 weeks. I really peifu her..
I have a friend who is average size, but gave birth to a 4.23 kg baby, so had to do c-sec.

Me and hubby kinda small frames, so I'm confused as to how my baby is considered big already. Ok, then I'll continue with milk but cut down on eggs. Durian...I ate some a month ago. Beef, nowadays didn't eat. At end of week 23, I've gained 7.5 kg. So I've gained 1 kg per week, these 3 weeks. Scary.
Yo ladies.

me having a bit of cough and green pheglm. will affect bb anot? worried
wondering if i should go c gynae. called clinic but it will be more exp as treated as emergency treatment as it's unscheduled and not counted as package

bb has been very active since yesterday. just now, i tapped my tummy 3 times, he tapped back 3 times. i did it again twice and he did it again twice. So happy .
shannonbaby, wahh...ur fren very li hai...4.2kg w/o epi...

agata, dun worry too much la...esp ur gynae never commented tha ur bb is overweight or what...normally underweight mummies tend to put on more weight!

jane, no wonder never see u ard today...hope u feeling better...why dun u see a GP?
Yah will check with Dr Ong about it. But most probably not going to go ahead with it as seems troublesome.
Were you wearing a black dress/top with glasses during your detail scan, sitting with your hubby?

Re: Baby Size
Actually it all depends on your pelvic structure. If you have a width pelvic then no problem giving birth naturally to a bigger baby. My sis's had a tear in her vagina when giving birth to her girl and she was around 3.5kg and it was assisted with vacuum. So her 2nd one she try not to eat too much and her boy was around 2.9kg and labour was smooth. My gynae said I'm petite so baby should not be more 3kg will be easier. My gynae commented that baby not so big easier to give birth and anyway baby will gain weight after they are born so no problem even they are smaller.
sporty> i am here. this mornign was eating subway and lazy to post :p

i did see GP on fri lei. but i din take the med cos i still feel apprehensive abt medication. i had more of blocked nose on fri i thot was due to tissue congestion and me crying on wed and not zz well on wed nite.
shannonbaby, your friend really li hai.

jane, green phlegm means there's throat infection lo. the natural remedy to this is to gurgle salt water to reduce the infection. best is to gurgle salt water when the symptoms is about to start.

taurus, i tried to ask Dr Ong about the position of my placenta and his immediate reaction is 'huh, u want to eat it?'
you're testing my pregnancy memory hah. i think i'm wearing a black top and yup, i wore glasses. hubby was beside me. u saw me huh?
taurus, yes...i agree with what ur gynae said...bb not so big easier to give birth and very easy to beef up bb after they are born! hehe

jane, icic...then maybe u try to rest earlier tonite la...maybe more zzz will do the job!
Yah i saw u and guess should be u cause that time when i was done was already past 11am. And think you were the only chinese pregnant lady there. Found out that my placenta is lying low anteriorly in my report but weird thing is Dr Ong didn't say anything about it. How u find Dr Ong? I only found that he's a caring gynae after I gave birth. I even went to him when I had engorgement problem.
Hello ladies,

It's monday...hope u r not having monday's blues like me....poingzzzz....been bz the whole morning packing & unpacking stuff coz need to shift from temp office to temp office...it's dusty and dirty and tiring...but no choice...urghhhhh :p

Mmm...finally more or less settled so can take a break now...hehe, time for lunch soon...yipeee!!!
Enjoy ur lunch and catch up with u gals later
taurus, you were with your hubby and daughter issit?

i guess if Dr Ong didn't say anything means that there's no major problem bah. I find him to be frank and straightforward, not rushing me through the consultation even though there's a long queue in front. but i got tired out by the long waiting time and ended up forgot most of my questions (but i dun hv much questions anyway). he's pretty funny sometimes and he will laugh when looking at baby's movement during the scan while i was thinking to myself 'what's so funny?'. so far no complains lah except for the long waiting time.
Yup was with my hubby and girl. I hate to do the glucose or diabetics test in the next visit. Have to drink 1 bottle of "FN Orange" with an empty stomach and then wait for 2 hrs to do the blood test. Think will be very hungry and gassy by then.
Yup. This time i want to request Dr Ong to draw the blood for me for the blood test cause last time the nurse cause my arms to ache for 2 weeks. But Dr Ong charges really expensive. Now must talk to my baby and ask him to come out at office hours if not there will be an additional of $350 charge for giving birth after office hours. 3 yrs ago this clause was not there.
your blood was drawn by Jenny last time issit? dun think she's very good at drawing blood leh. the last time i had my blood drawn by her for the down syndrome test and she didn't do it right and ended up half a syringe of blood got clotted up. luckily Dr Ong walked pass and reprimanded her but i've to get my blood drawn again, from the other hand. it was done by the other gal (forgot her name). she's better at that.
Not jenny at tenth mile. It was the nurse at Mt. E, she poke my arm 2 times so somehow must have injured it. Dr Ong draw blood is painless, dun feel a thing maybe only like insect bite. So u giving birth at Mt. A or Mt. E? I'm going back to Mt. A as is cheaper.
oh my...Dr Ong charge for drawing blood ah. my previous gynae didn't charge for this and drawing blood was done by him all the time.

i'm giving birth at Mt A. Mt E's environment not conducive and the charges are steep. not value for money.
so sleepy after lunch...

bearycue, having abit of blue but still managable...i juz hope the weekend come soon!!

taurus/ding dong, ur gynae charges "OT fees" if pop after office hrs? gosh...first time i heard of such charges...
Feeling bery dizzy today for duno wat reason.

Last sat attended my first lesson with Mrs Wong, truly informative and entertaining. M glad I signed up for it.

Managed to find some remedies for heartburn from her to share, if the heartburn gets too bad, take a slice of bread or a glass of soya milk (those from supermarket will do) or some dry crackers to curb the overactive gastritis juices.

Ayukie, I oso had a small shock frm Harry Potter at the scene in the cave, I knew the hand was coming to grab him n I still kena shock. Feel so dumb.
Hi mums-to-be

Sorry to interrupt. I've delivered in Apr 09. Have bought the Mini-Electric Plus (dual pump) + cooler carrier for $380+ in Dec 08 and is now letting go at $280. The package comprise of the following:
- Dual pump + BN cooler carrier
- 2 valves, 6 bottles & 4 membranes (of which 2 BN)

Above in excellent condition: 9/10 as I only used for 3 months, 2 pump per day. Pls PM me for pictures if you are interested. Self-collection at Telok Blangah.
sporty, i thought it's the norm to charge extra beyond office hours leh. but then it's known that he is relatively more expensive lah but i still choose him as his clinic is near to where i stay.
momoko, i also found mrs wong's classes very good even tho i attended mine 2 yrs back...LOL :p but i still keep the notes, so will refer to it

dingdong, no leh...never hear my gynae mentioned before...
jus back from lunch.

dined at the new sommerset central. bought 2 slices of tart back. one slice cost $8. but taste super good. now i am eating again.

wait i go read what u all post. ;)
tanly, my notes were given at the last session before the doc's talk...anyways her books are useful also cuz it re-caps all her lessons...

jane, wahh...what tart is tha? so ex?
sporty, it's stated in the contract lor. but if baby wanna come out at night also bo bian. i would prefer her to come out at night cos this is the year of the cow. come out in the day means that the person would have to slog.

very sleepy now. hubby's been complaining about my loud snoring but he also sama sama still dare to complain me.
it's only monday...still a long long way til the wkend...sighzzzz

$8,super gui for the tart leh...issit those japanese fruit tart? Went for dinner with my hubby and frens there 2 weeks ago, tried the jap restaurant on 7th sty, food was delicious and ambience v nice too...but tink not many things to shop yet
I was oso hopping nite, coz I'm oso born at nite. Keke. Duno if my gynae gonna charge me gao gao if its nite.

Sporty is the doc's talk impt?? My class is on Sat but duno y my doc's talk is on tues and 7 - 9pm somemore, my hb will be working wor how to attend??
dingdong, yeah...i heard abt the myth abt bb born at nite in the yr of cow is better! then u have snoring competition with ur hb lor :p i think i dun snore ba, so far my hb never feedbacked or maybe he's too tired to hear it!

jane, its fruit tart eh? sounds good!

bearycue, bo bian lor...have to slowly look forward to weekend lor...if not no motivation le!

momoko, tha time my doc's talk was abt bb's health or something like tha...its always on weekday nites one...i rem tha time mine was at SCGS! very far away!
