(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

dingdong, i never drink chrysantheum since preggy till now...for my #1, i only drank once... enjoy ur lunch

ayukie, ur bottles are needed for storing milk or for feeding?

juz bought my subway back...
gonna eat soon! LOL

Ashley, my dog loves it leh. You try without honey first if not can add to it lo no choice. If still LS, u will have to fast your dog for a day or just give chicken broth
Reenie: I was thinking of naming my No. 1 Kaelyn.. hehe U chose Kaely? (nice name!) I hope to decide on a nice name starting with K. Noticed that you stay at SK too! Nxt tm u, me & devlina can meet up to shop at CP, :p

Superwalker: Isetan having storewide 10%, but I don't know whether apply to strollers or nt leh.
yummmy....my hubby today at home, so asking him to tapao back for me! hahahaha...told him i am craving for sandwich too.

yah!! We have chosen Kaely for her english name
as for chinese name, my hb has one for her as well. Kaelyn is nice too!!!!!!!! i was deciding between the 2 actually!!!!!!!! ^5! YES, i stay at Sengkang too!! hahahhahahaha...

ayukie, if for feeding then shd be enough...if u wanna use it for storing, shd get more bottles...actually hor, if u really wanna do serious bfing, cannot sleep thru the nite one :p have to be more hardworking to pump/latch at nite...

reenie, what sandwich u ordering? i juz finished eating, drank ribena...now still not filling enough! haha!! so fast u decided on ur #2's name liao...nice name
Re: Barley and other drinks
Barley is definitely a no no according to my yishi. She said best is to just drink water when i ask her about chrysantheum.

Anyone of you sometimes will heavy at lower abdomen and around the vagina area? Cause sometimes I will feel heavy at those 2 areas.
i am having the oven roasted chicken breast today...hehehee....with hearty italian
woooo...waiting waiting...i also having ribena now!!! Always stocking up packets of it in my fridge, got those "less sweet" type.
Yah, we decided on her chinese name (Zi Xin) which follows her jie jie (Zi Ting). As for English, we wanted someting short and sweet
So Kaely!

have a great weekends!
reenie: nw i'm thinking of Kezann, but my fren say sound so "yaya" ermz... wanted to match her chinese name mah. mabbe we will revert to Kaelyn in the end
then our gers will be confused if they happened to be together when we call out to them, oops.

sporty: their egg mayo nice? i got craving for egg mayo, haha. u went for e JL sale? i'm going to the isetan sale to look see later
Ayukie.. Maybe no offer for combi but additional 10% applied to it. I rem clearly. Anyway just wait for e sales to come n see

superwalker.. My fren tell mi a place selling stroller n cot cheaper den those discounted price in shopping mall. I will share with u gals e address when I haf it ya
i think it should be fine, at most we emphaize "Kae LY!" and "Kae Lyn!" ahahahahah....must get our pronounciation sharp and clear :p
taurus, i feel the heaviness sometimes at the vagina area but not everytime la...

sponge, enjoy ur weekend

reenie, wanted to have chix breast juz now but juz had it few days back...so tried something else lor! at home, i those need to mix with water kinda ribena...in office then one pack kind...hehehe...icic, i have no clues of name yet! must start thinking le!

agata, thks for the heads up! now can plan my leave on 27 aug liao

melodie, their egg mayo not bad la...quite the standard taste...JL sale still haven go even tho its so near cuz this week was a bz week for me!

carol, ariesgal is collecting orders for GAP spree...
i have not try the egg mayo before leh, next time
mix water type i very lazy..ahhaahaha...
slowly think of names, no rush actually....we are more or less certain about the chinese name way back, since my hb loves to have another girl by the name of Zi Xin.
Haha...Sporty, so fast you're planning to take leave on Takashimaya's Baby Fair arh.

I checked Takashimaya website never mentioned about Baby Fair. While in some other website, said will be around 13 Aug. So I emailed to their Events & Promotions Dept. Not sure, maybe we can keep a lookout on latest info if they've published the dates.
reenie, mix water kind...more economical on pockets mah...my fridge only have packets of milo, which i cant leave without!! hehe

agata, ya la...must chope the date first...i think more or less shd be true la...i kno their first day of the fair always starts on thurs...and i plan to get almost all of my stuffs there...not becuz its cheaper, its more for convenience sake...ehhe
looks like our fridge got similar drinks lah! i also have milo! but its those mini pack ones, cos' my girl will request for it and i don't really like her to finish one big pack type. other than that, i always stock up soymilk, juice..etc.

going to makan now!!! talk again later!!!
anise, i will liase with you on the GAP.... i will consolidate and if my orders are small, I'll combine with you? hee..... anyway, I'll PM you tomorrow and see if we can combine?
... my vomiting bouts came back again ... back to the life of hugging my toilet bowl ...

I duno if I can join the spree leh ... coz my bff advised me not to buy bb clothes until at least after 28wks coz of my past bad experience, they told me muz abit more pantang abit tis time. But I so like Gap clothes ...
momoko, u can also get clothes for yourself.... i'm getting 2 maternity tops and 1 normal top for myself post delivery...

btw, i think i can do the spree already without combining with anise.... cos i hit USD100 liao.... so if possible, i'll close by tomorrow night to avoid OOS.... so those who are keen, pls email me asap.
anise - hmz i asked alot of places they dun have disc for combi sianz .. if taka this time the fair gt i will cry hahaa .. ok nt cry tat hard lah ..
sporty - at nite can feed using the milk stored in daytime mah .. hehe i intend to pump in day and sleep at nite can ?
reenie, haha...ur soymilk, juice etc sounds familiar...hehhe..

funne, taka fair...agata checked and its on 27 aug...

momoko, aiyo...hope u are ok from all the vomitting

ariesgal, ur spree very hot ah! :p

ayukie, actually first 2 mths are very impt for bfing la, thas why better to pump/latch every 3 hrs to establish the supply lor...even in the middle of the nite
Ya...many GAP items are gone...I was eyeing the red swimsuit for baby girl...then I refreshed the page and it is gone!
Ariesgal, hehe....I emailed you my orders liao...just a dress for me and a pair of flip flops for my baby...dunno what else to order...actually I have tons of baby clothes from my friends already.
ya i gotten the order from Ashley and Swanston liao...

momoko, for the maternity wear, actually u just need to buy the same size as your pre-preg wear cos they do the adjustment accordingly.... i tried getting a nursing top before for post delivery size S and i realized that I can even wear it now and for the next 2 months at least so this time round, i'm getting XS for maternity wear......
superwalker, i haven decided whether to store or donate the cord blood...i didnt do it for my #1 tho...

ariesgal, no wonder la...i wonder so fast u hit USD100 liao! hehe

agata, children's place clothes also very nice
