(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

i feel so full now after eating my sandwich...hahahaa..very satisfying, getting ready to welcome my daughter back from school!!

just now busy wrapping presents for my friends kids...july/aug/sept, so many birthdays!!! hahaaha..i become a very seasoned gift wrapper liao.

your juice sounds very yummy leh...i love it! Sometimes i order carrot + orange, or green apple juice because i like sourish taste. I haven't try strawberries with apple before.

me too, going to store up the cord blood this time, # 1 dun have...doing it for #2. Still deciding between StemCord which my gynae recommends or CordLife. How much do you have to pay for Cordlife?
Argh, some stuff i like from GAP NO SALE.

Reenie> Yah, very nice u must try. cos nt sour. and got fresh strawberry bits inside. My bb keeps moving nw. i tink he likes it. But i am very very bloated!
Ayukie> Yup, i gg to store with cordlife
but i will discuss with my gynae more when i in 3rd tri cos i heard not everyone can store
Breast pump,
Are all the parts from Medela BPA save?

Anyone have tried using both Medela Freestyle and Avent Dual before? Wonder which one is more effective.
reenie, so many bday parties coming up eh! sometimes i lazy i juz give ang bao :p

ayukie, i haven decide on storing cordblood or not la...most likely might donate... cuz the storage fees can be used to buy insurance for the bb instead...

superwalker, i heard if u donate...if ur bb need to use the cord blood, they will check whether the one you donated is used up or not, if not u can use...but dunno whether its true...if u calling them, can ask them this qn? i wanna kno the ans also...
sporty - i also agree the $$ for the storage can be put to better use for baby .. i also wanna know if bb will get piority if i donate his cord blood ..
but then hor i also still cant make up my mind leh ..
funne, me same as u lor...never do anything for #1, plan to donate for #2...my mum also asked me how come i didnt donate for #1, by the time i kno can donate...almost can pop liao...so didnt...

ayukie, still got one or two mths to decide whether wanna donate or not...if wanna store with private cord banks, have to source for good deals lor... anyways last time when we were kids, there's also no such thing as cord blood banking mah...hehe
back from my long lunch from delifrance, had my fave tuna sandwich..

ariesgal, dont think i am ordering GAP. all the items that i want suddenly OOS already. so sad.
hhaaa... tt time i didn't donate coz the public bank only collect the cord blood from govt hospital..
but think now they can collect from private hospital liao..
ok i shall try your combination for the juice! hahhaa..your babe must be loving it! but i notice my princess will move alot when i eat kiwi or orange..think she loves fruits too.

yah, alot of birthday coming up, some don't have parties lah, but i will usually buy and give it to them when i bring my girl to their house for play session
I am very happy to see the little ones receiving pressie. As for angbao, sometimes i will give also if they held in ballroom or special place, but still will give kid a pressie, i think they love gift more than red packets..hahahaa..

yah, me seriously going to store up the cordblood this time
like an insurance lah...my elder one don't have.
Me oso had to give up on the gap orders ... coz no have my sizes sobbbbb ... ate too much too fat cannot fit into XS anymore ... *cries*

Re: Cordlife
There are 2 companies doing the storing rite?? Which is better har?? N wats the charges like?? Me n hubby bery keen to store, coz I'm a weak bunny, *touchwood* better to play safe.
there is Stemcord and Cordlife...me also deciding which one to go for, bt i heard my gynae recommending Stemcord, seems like got discount if i tell them i come from this gynae clinic.

hope u are feeling much better now...huggies.

actually storing cordblood is quite good, like a protection for your kid and family...my #1 don't have, so i have to do it for #2.
Hello ladies,

There is a fantastic promotion going on tomorrow at Maternity Exchange at Marina Square. They call it Nation Building Saturday and it goes on every Sat till Aug 9th, National Day.
Enjoy discounts off maternity, nursing wear and swimwear, free rentals, and a goodie bag with free maternity items! Visit http://www.maternityexchange.sg for more details!
finally hav time to sneak in.. :p

re cord blood,
i will be donating to SCBB.. same as sporty, will use the money i save fr private cordblood banking to buy insurance n study plan for #2.. did the same for #1...

u organising spree ah? still taking in order? maybe i can go GAP take a look n see if i can buy any of their nursing wear anot... :p
shihui, my spree placed liao cos i hit USD200 liao
but u can place with anise.. i think she is taking still but must be quick cos very fast OOS...
reenie, yeah...i get what u mean lor...but sometimes i juz give ang bao in case my fren's kids already have tha pressie (the toy/book) liao...hehe

shihui, bz ah? thas why finally can log in!
ariesgal, thanks babe. let us know how much to pay u ya.

momoko, last night i also had problem sleeping coz of heartburn. then got alot of gas inside. whenever wana burp can feel the acid come up too. yucks!
Swanston, ya ya, so disgusting rite, problem is I burp, it gushes out literally ... so I gotta hug toilet bowl pretty often ... hiakz ...
wah.... so fast.. i too slow liao.. hehehe... :p

ya lor.. my job not desk bound.. so only can sit down at comp when i finish my lab work... so sian......... :p

only consolation is tt i walk ard alot.. so hor, treat it as exercise lor... den hopefully easier labour.. hehehehe... :p
Sobs.. i bought a bubble tea after lunch and kenna confiscated by the aunties from my dept..

They say if next time catch me drinking cold water again, will fine me $10... haiz...
wah.. the aunties so strict... :p i still drink leh.... in fact, i dun stop myself fr drinking cold water... :p but i dun drink frequently lah... at most few times a week only... :p
I still taking my cold drinks...esp starbuck/coffee bean chocolate blended drink.

anyone always feel hungry after taking multi-vits? i always got gastric pain after taking them and thus need to eat something immediately.
shihui, no wonder la...so now more "eng" and waiting to knock off eh? hee hee

jocelyn, the aunties confiscate becuz its tea or becuz its cold? for me i still take cold drinks EVERYDAY lor...my mum kept saying my #1 has very little hair becuz of my cold drinks intake but not true lor, my fren also took cold drinks and her bb has lotsa hair!!

shannonbaby, my vits got instructions saying tha need to take after food...maybe its becuz of gastrics complications...
They say not good for baby and mummy, cannot drink throughout pregnancy

Mummy next time will have body aches all over, then bb will fall sick easily..

Actually i've been takin cold drinks everyday eh... *pouts*
jocelyn, actually for cold drinks...by the time it reaches ur stomach, warmed up liao...and also after tha need to "transmit" to bb thru placenta...long process leh :p haha... anyways, think rule of thumb is...drink in moderation la...
i went to clinic just now. nose one side still abit blocked. hope will feel better soon!

1/2 hr more to go

Ariesgal> thanks so much for helping us to order gap stuff!

Jocelyn, Shihui, Sporty> i also try to avoid cold stuff now. mom will nag but sometimes i cant resist. everything in moderation ok lah, i did take a bit of barley too lei.now i know, i will stop.
I also drink cold drinks everyday. Hot weather, why would i want to drink hot drinks?! But hubby keep scolding me cannot drink cold drinks anymore lah, must control, gonna be mommy soon...ugh, but when he not around, i still drink cold drinks. I agree with Sporty's explanation.
jocelyn/agata, oh no...i juz taught u gals how to make "excuses" for drinking cold drinks...actually its really true in someway la...haha

jane, i also stuffy nose whole day...very sianz ah...cant wait to go off at 530pm!
I feel hungry after taking multi-vits but then again, I'm always hungry so not too sure if its coz of the vits. keke.

my hb only try to stop me from drinking cold soft drinks at first, only can drink cold plain water. but now he give up liao. lol. sometimes he will ownself bring me to buy slurpee. hahaha.
