(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

sporty, i intend to go shop shop after the buffet lunch then go back to office at around 5.30pm to work leh. so the total parking fees could amount to $9 lor. maybe i'll call the royal plaza @ scotts to check if there's complimentary parking.

i like the rojak only but hubby and my mum control my intake of rojak.

dingdong, i also love rojak leh.... esp during first 3 months i got huge cravings..... almost had it once a week lor...... but now i kinda stopped but i must not passby stalls that do rojak or i'll be craving for it again...
jocelyn, ya lor...i also hungry now even tho i had mac for breakfast! LOL

dingdong, to work after tha?? alamak...! yeah...the rojak is nice and i had 2 servings...kekkee :p
GOOD MORNING mummies!!

Went for my checkup yesterday and go kai kai with hubby and girl girl
so never logon...

baby is at 22wks, weighing about 500grames...my gynae said my weight gain till now is about 4kgs, which he said is ok.

you can eat one foot long sandwich now? i find the 6inch one really not filling too..haahahhaa..i have subway a few times a week because my nearby mall got a branch. I love their subway melt, tuna, roast chicken breast...etc. Btw, do you add their veggies? I love mayo and their tangy mustard sauce!!
sporty, ya lor so sian. i took pm leave today to lunch out with some colleagues from other depts and it was arranged about a mth ago. then one of my colleague in the same dept as mine arrange to train the part-timers on this day which i told her that i'll be on pm leave. initially she said it's ok as she can train ther temps on her own then after that she backed out and asked me if i can change my leave or not which of cos not lah cos the earlier arrangement takes precedence mah. so i bo bian gotta go back to help lor.
drooool....rojak.... i love rojak too.. the one at whoampoa market is good!!!! but i can only eat that when hubby is in town (cos very far) and then hubby is also restricting my intake of rojak :S

any good rojaks near suntec???
hahahaa...hey hey Mamapig, did u change your nick to SuperWalker? whahahahhaha...i really laugh out when i was reading it.
had tummy pains yest in the end bth and took half day off .. tired .. slept mainly hehe but now unfortunately is back in office :9
swanston, gap size abt the same as our asian size, so far those i bought is ok la...u sure u wanna order XL bo? or L is enough?

reenie, wahh...where u go kia kia yesterday?

dingdong, alamak...no wonder la...if not its such a turn off to go back to work after such nice buffet leh!!

superwalker, yes...the whampoa market's rojak is damn shiok!
i love my rojak with lotsa yu tiao..

piggym, ya man...thas why we must be careful...nowadays after i touch whatever public things like escalator rails/lift buttons, i used hand santiser liao :p

ayukie, no wonder u MIA yesterday...i was wondering why no sound frm u... hope u feeling better today...
yah..went walk walk after the visit, then go to Pine Garden Cake shop to see cake design for my girl birthday also..she wants Dora design this year :p I heard Pine Garden cake is not bad! So we grab a few pieces to eat also as sample :p
sporty - hehhe yeah ... yest work at home the bed too tempting i gave up and sleep and ignore the emails and phone calls .. bo chup .. :p
swanston, hmmm...dunno leh...i worry XL too big for u...u not THA big sized la!!

reenie, pinegarden cakes nice nice
i order lychee martini and mango zest for my boy's 1st bday last yr :p everyone loves the cake

the Pine Garden cake is nice..esp the lychee martini ckae..yummy...
btw, can we still take the lychee martini cake??

anyone knows whether can we take any cooling stuff like chin chow? feel so heaty these days.
momoko - i told my hubby he better take his child card leave this year and pei us ... hurhur .. at least even if we lugi our childcare leave this year hor must get our hubby utilise for our good cause whahhaa :p
Morning ladies. Last night, I went to see Gynae about my constant headache/dizzy. He said my blood pressure is normal, so this headache is just a pregnancy smyptoms. Cause my heart need to work harder for 2 people, so in some women, can cause migraine/headache. I could take normal Panadol 2-3 times a day. But otherwise, nothing to worry about. Then Gynae didn't charge me consultation fee. Wah so nice.

2 days ago I called KK's Ask-a-nurse hotline, but that nurse only told me to go see Gynae. Aiyoh. Like that, I can also work as that Hotline Nurse - when in doubt, just go see your Gynae. Humph!

Relieved that everything ok. I called hubby to tell him the news. I was rubbing my tummy, when I felt baby kicked my hand. Haha...baby trying to reassure me that she's ok
i brought back blackforest, orange zest, citric drops, lychee martini and a hello kitty choc swiss roll...ahahahahaha...yah , they are tasty!!!! Is there a mango zest?????

yah! the cake is yummy and reasonablely priced. Oppss...we cannot take lychee martini??? i think in moderation shld be ok lor.
Shannonbaby> exactly the same when i was tinking pine garden. now cannot eat martini cake lah!

reenie> i love their cream cakes! i tink i can, worst left over a bit of the sandwich tabao. :p

Ariesgal> can jus email u the gap orders?
glad everything is ok
actually i do have dizzy spells esp. if i walk too much under hot weather or when its too stuffy. My gynae said the same thing about our heart need to pump extra hard as we are having "2" person inside, some pregnant woman will experience dizzy or breathless. For me, i also got blocked ears when i find it difficult to breathe.
ayukie, ya la...rest more la...esp ur job so stressful!!

shannonbaby, i wun touch chin chow lor...cuz its considered as very cooling (maybe becuz i very paranoid one)...u wanna try to take barley instead?

agata, ur bb so cute, assured u tha she's fine
u better take care...

reenie, yes...got mango zest...think sometimes they dun sell slices one, u can ask for the flavours list...its inside! u can order 2 flavours if u ordering a 2 tier-ed cake lor!

piggym, ya lor...but if after take precaution still kena...maybe its juz fated!
~Last reposting, seems like no one interested...~

Hi ladies, I thinking of ordering some stuff from >>> http://www.littledreamers.com.sg/catalog.html
They are having sale on regular priced items, ending 22nd July so will be a quick spree. Anyone interested to combine order to entitle free shipping? I can distribute the loots on our next outing or meetup at yew tee mrt station or anywhere else at my convenience. PM me your order.
Talking about pine garden cake. I am drooling now.

I miss their black forest and lychee martini cake. Yummy!

I ordered their cakes for my ROM and every year for my Mum's birthday.
sporty, shannonbaby,

CANNOT take barley leh! according to TCM, barley causes contractions of the uterus is not not to be taken by pregnant ladies.
if anyone see 10% storewide sale for takashimaya cardmembers, please let me know. planning to get the stroller soon... u think the 10% discount will apply on the strollers?
Ashley, try giving your dog some yogurt. May ease the LS. Buy those non flavoured one like paul something de.. forget the name. Should self resolved
ariesgal.. i oso got the 25% off =p Me oso getting some stuffs online.. consolidating shipment with my bro.. maybe you can lobang into mine =p

Hi gals wanna share something with you all... read tis from magazine..
Your unborn baby is affected by your emotions. Scientists have found that when an expectant mum is angry, the baby's heartbeat may quicken. The level of stress experienced by the mother can also affect her foetus' sleeping patterns. So have a glass of warm milk or go shopping - anything to soothe the tension!
Hi FieDa, yeah..I have a paul's yoghurt in my fridge....can I add honey in it? I scared my fussy dog dun wanna eat the yoghurt cos of the taste.
superwalker, i still drink barley once in a while leh...older folks say drink barley with ginko with fu zu, the bb will have nice and fair skin...

ashley, apply both the cards! thas what i did when i was preggy with #1...
sporty, actually according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, barley causes miscarriages. in fact i was wondering if that was how i lost the first one (maybe 1st trimester more dangerous). better to be safe than sorry la. now damn scared liao...
ok, thanks for the info! i will have a look at the list when i place my order with them. I'm not sure if i am ordering 2 tier leh...as the cake is meant for her school, she spotted one with Dora and Boots which is a normal round cake, so probably getting that, BUT will consider getting 2 tier cake for my 2nd princess Kaely full month lor...whahahhahahahaha...

i also drink barley :p not sure if those canned type "season" brand is too cooling or not. Besides barley, i also take chrysanthemum tea....sometimes stand at the drink stall, not much choices except green tea, barley, chrysanthemum, coke...etc.
superwalker, yeah...i avoided barley during first trimester...so far i only taken it once...for my #1, i took it only last trimester lor... ya la, better to be safe than sorry, thks for informing then i better go easy on barley...
Superwalker.. i rem last rd when taka having additional 10% sale, it's oso applicable to strollers.. in fact for almost all items
anise - hmz that time when i was there at taka for additional 10% sale hor the sales told me combi stroller nett price tho ..
o yeah im really reading at the bpa stuffs manz anyway hor i just gotten confrimation that the bottles & funnels that comes with Ameda pump are not BPA free. They are made of PC plastic. You may also choose to purchase the PP funnel from Ameda at $18 each. (2 funnels will be $36 liaoz)

O yeah tubing no need to clean hehe ..
But to change the funnels looks exp sia ..
