(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

aiyo, all of you so cute...

then my bb will look like pooh bear......cos i got lotsa pooh bear at home..... but now recently like adding on barney cos my girl is having a big craze over that.....
haha bth sia .. aries - i also have an ultra BIG pooh bear at home leh hehe ..

swanston - i also wanted but shy leh hehe ..
u signed up liao huh for the class? I shld be going this wkend to sign up for the FBI & oso the parentcraft class. Most prolly shld be taking up the 4.30pm class leh. Will discuss with Hub 1st...if he prefers the 7pm class.
dingdong: so fast u sign up liao ah...

so 13june is the next class? Is it too early for us to take? Hmmm... i maybe want to take the 7pm class oso so can go out in the daytime..later will ask my hb :p
Devlina and Jolene,

I signed up when I attended the Baby Talk last Sat as they have discounts if sign up on the spot. As I'm not delivering in TMC, this discount is a bonus to me or else I'll have to pay a bit more lor. I think I paid about $210 for the weekend class. moreover, the weekend classes are always very hot. If you attend the classes on weekday afternoon, then then course fee would be much cheapter.

when i visited my colleague in TMC, I'm so tempted to switch gynae. the one-bedder suite is superbly nice and classy. got plasma tv, and internet too!
oh ya jolene, then next class starts in July 21st i think. when i was there, one lady ask for the classes when she's only one mth due for her delivery. i overheard that it's too late for her to attend liao.
alien actually managed to psycho me into taking up the super deluxe room ...it's realli nice! Tis wkend I'm going for the hospital tour...tinking of looking into the balmoral room ...
dingdong: yaa my da sao oso attended it too late coz ther are some activities she cant do le...

so my fren suggested me to take during my 20th wk so only need to sign up maybe during the 16th wk?
wahh devlina .. i only managed to convince my hubby to let me stay in the single bedder in tmc .. suite i think i can forget about it the bill size will cfm let him shoot through the roof ..
hey mummies.. do u all have symptons of feeling lousy abt urself? i feel v slack, down and lousy lately
haizzz.. i feel v lousy lately leh.. v sianz.. i m nt doing much..and i thk i m just wasting my time lor.. sleeping and sleeping..
i think you need to sign up early if you've restricted time slots. also asked for classes conducted my Wong Boh Boi. heard that she's very good. she was one of the speaker at the talk too.

u all giving birth at TMC ah. i shd have select a gynae from TMC too lor cos it's a lot more cheaper -- OSCAR test cheap, consultation fees cheap, hospital bills cheap....haiz

anyone giving birth in Mt A har?
hey mummies.. i feeling v down suddenly..

can ya do me a favour.. i m doing up some buyer's guide nw.. can u help me suggest hw do u thk an property agent can be different and value adding to its buyer.. other than finding the right hse at the right price...
ayukie, I'm giving birth at Mt A lor. TMC has this price comparison chart in their lifts and it's the 2nd cheapest in Sg. The cheapest is Eastshore.

Devlina, MT A also got antenatal classes and must pay one. but their course contents doesn't look as comprehensive as TMC. I also read some reviews that the classes offered at Mt A not that good.

Jolene ah...i guess maybe help the buyer to do some background research about the area lor. try to understand more about the needs of the buyer like what's important to them.
dingdong, I bought the following from littledreamers for my first pregnancy:-

1. Warming Body Wash for Confinement (Very strong essential oils smell, bathe everyday during confinement and fininshed the whole bottle)
2. Warming Shampoo for Confinement (Very strong essential oils smell, bathe everyday during confinement and fininshed the whole bottle)
3. Healing Bottom Spray (Was given antiseptic to apply on wound in the hospital so didn't use it much, think still have left over)

Overall, dun know what good they have done to my body so won't buy again. Hehe...
Hi Ayukie, ya....i have engaged grace for my massage liao...how abt u??
Hi Jocelyn, ya, hubby is korean and i am a typical singaporean.... hubby is those ugly version of korean and i am also the ugly version of singapore auntie..... so both of us are ugly and fat one! wahahahha.....
hi jolene, when i was having #1, i also see many nice and pretty face poster....but in the end...bb come out still have those typical KL korean face... :S so this time simi also dun see liao.... haha
morn beautiful MTBs...

I'm quite worried abt the Swine Flu being spreaded to asia. Coz it's an airborne virus.

It has been risen to level 5 by WHO.
morning devlina. i m quite worried too. intended to go swimming at my mum's place tmr. but thinking twice now. and my dad has an eye surgery coming up soon too. sigh.
hearing that a child has passed on due to the flu...quite frightening. We've to build up our immune system liao ...
Hey morning ladies, my fren just delivered in mt.a had topped up cash $1300 for normal delivery. but tats 4bedded room.

Tmc should be very ex i heard. even just a normal delivery, they will add this and tat then e price bcme very high. rem, when they offer u something, usually must pay de.
Swanston, dev, quite worry too, now dare nt eat pork liao..

Heard my hubby during meeting says face mask out of stock in spore recently.. Hope our govt really werk hard to prevent loh..
Halo mummies,
Hope that everyone is feeling much beta this week. Yeah, tomorrow is a holiday!

I am going MT A for delivery, I had my #1 there. Think it's cheaper than TMC, I like the services and the confinement food there. Their pre-natal course is FOC.

How much do you have to pay for the confinement nanny? Are they from Msia?

The Swine flu can spread even faster than SARS. Gota avoid crowded area. My MIL asked me not to go airport to fetch my Hubby...

Ur mum's place is a condo? Think is safer than the public swimming complex cos less crowd.
i'm also worried about the swine flu. my colleague beside me was coughing and sniffing away and she just came back from Sabah. i really want to tell her to take leave and go home.
Esther...like that ah. but their products seem to be quite affordable wheareas essentialorganics seem more costly.

STmama, prenatal course FOC? How many sessions?
When can one arrange to do a hospital tour?

I also had good experience at Mt A. Delivered my first child there. The nurses were very kind and food quite nice. According to my hubby, we only paid $400+(minus medisave) for the whole of my natural assisted delivery. Dunoe whether he counted wrongly or not though. Stayed in 4-bedded, used the laughing gas and had the jab in the thigh, baby's shoulder stuck so needed to vaccum out thus considered assisted. Free 1 session post-natal exercise course.
