(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

dingdong, if you wanna bathe during confinement and do not already have those herbal bathing kit, then can try their shampoo & body wash. I quite like the ginger smell but my hubby dun. hehe..

Maybe the nipple salve and Dry Confinement Powder can also try if you do not already have them. The last time I join the spree for littledreamer, quite a few mummies also ordered these.

But think those lotion to wash wound abit useless cos the hospital will give. I actually got quite a big bottle from the hospital the last time round, couldn't finish at all.
devlina, ya. so sad hor. 23 months only.

jocelyn, can eat pork. if not our govt would have stopped all pork sales le. dun worry k. i just ate last night too. as for face mask i have to ask my mum if she got extras. she bought alot to keep during the sars period becoz my dad is weak and is easily infected de.

stmama, izzit?! their pre-natal course is free? where you read it? share share.
and yeh, my mum's place is condo. but also means residents there can afford to travel more so risk may not be lower.

dingdong, maybe u ask her to go see doctor and take mc?
ask ur colleague to see a doc la...tho not in SG yet...better to take precautions.
These pple just aint considerate to preggies nowadays hor!
Ya.. very painful ar... especially the last half an hour... like want to die le.. Actually, had already decided to have epidural once admitted to hospital but unexpectedly my waterbag burst at 37 weeks. No contraction in the beginning so not pain and the nurse told me should be quite fast then I thought endure awhile and see. Then when the contraction began and started to become unbearable, I thought abit sayang to give up at that moment and dunoe if epidural will effect in time or not.. so in the end endured about 5 hrs. Guess considered fast le ba... but i tell you, this time I WILL DEFINITELY OPT TO TAKE THE EPIDURAL! haha...
, thought was free but when asked my hubby, he said like must pay. He also couldn't remember liao. Guess I thought it was FOC cos he was the one who paid for it. Hee.....
hi mummies! on leave today... wah.. time passes so slowly at home. if i really quit my job and stay at home.... how ah? will be bored to death?
Hi Jolene, I am using Bliss Confinement services and they are charging $2000 for 28days. You may want to check it out....
Esther, I'll be using those herbs to bath. can easily get from fu hua.
5 hrs is considered fast lo. i am thinking of not taking epidural. both my hubby and colleagues were advising me not to 'act hero'.

Swanston, Devlina, dunno how to tell her leh...

i've been having headache and giddiness everyday. i thought 2nd tri should feel better? anyone having similar problems as me ah?
dingdong, i will tell her since u not feeling well y dun u go see a doctor and rest at home? then u can sayang ur tummy at the same time and see if she gets the hint. hehehe.
dingdong - i have been having headache for the past few days. Not sure if it is due to the frequent wake up in the middle of the night to pee and hence broken sleep.. In fact i felt nausea and bloated last night...
dingdong, din know Fu Hua got sell. Thanks for the info! My last confinement lady didn't recommend to use any, lucky I got the shampoo & body wash from littledreamers.

Maybe you can just mention casually to your colleague to see doctor and rest at home for her own good. Hope she get the hint, very tricky cos you also dun wan to appear too pushy.

Epidural - Do decide early. Heard of someone who took epidural after withstanding the pain for quite awhile. Baby came out right after so the epidural taken was kind of wasted.
ASHM, I'm also using Bliss Confinement. Which nanny you engaged?

swanston, wahahaha...i'll try that later :p

esther, i'll get the anesthesian to be on stand-by bah. i'll ren until i cannot tahan.

i'm going out to do site visit liao.
Swanston, i just took dried prawn noodles, inside gt pork meat..

mamapig, after today i'll no more werk le.. i find tat time not enuff to use cos most of my time sleeping, chat online and surf net, watching tv, eating.. so my time pass very fast... plus sometime go out shopping for bb stuffs... if u quit ur job, we cn go out shopping liao hehe...
hi mummies,
good afternoon!
hope everyone has a pretty good lunch by now. Long weekends coming!

its safe to eat pork here in SG
i just cooked pork rib soup too, and ate pork as well. the Swine flu is transmitted from human to human and it could relate to some ill pig probably. But so far, our supply of pork has been safe in SG
i usually brought mine from Coldstorage instead of market, so its air pork from Australia.
I tot the news says that its not confirm that the swine flu is passed from pigs to human? So shld still eat pork or cannot eat? My bb hates fish and chicken, n I dun take beef nor mutton. Cannot eat pork means I gotta become vegetarian already. Not healthy for bb rite?

I stayed in TMC one bedder the last round in 07 to deliver my SB via ga c-sect, the price was like after CPF deduction still gotta top up ard 3k, duno if it has increase further now. But one bedder dun mean good service ....

I had a pretty bad experience there, mine was SB but the moronic staff called my room on the day and ask me if I have picked up my baby from the nursery, made me so upset when I was already having some depression!! N I discovered they even lost the pic of my boy or "forgotten" to take a pix, so I din even get to take a last look at him. That's my biggest regret in life.

This time round still gotta deliver there coz bo bian, better to go to a gynae that knows my history and will take extra care this time than to start all over again. Hope this experience will be better.

Gynae haben told me abt the pre-natal courses at TMC yet leh, is there any webby or place that I can find out more abt it?

heehee but hor actually i realised i dont like pork nw
i like beef and chicken more nw :p heehee..

think my bb really like my hb!!! my hb doesnt like pork and like chicken :p hahaha...

so tiring.. packing my work desk at my rm nw :p hope can start doing smthg frm next wk :D
hi ladies,

do stay calm on the pork thing, this is from World Health Org. web site:

Is it safe to eat pork and pork products?

Yes. Swine influenza has not been shown to be transmissible to people through eating properly handled and prepared pork (pig meat) or other products derived from pigs. The swine influenza virus is killed by cooking temperatures of 160°F/70°C, corresponding to the general guidance for the preparation of pork and other meat.
rue: i got a top and 1 dress but tummy too small nw.. thk will lk weird if i wear.. so i wearing baby-doll tops and baby-doll dresses nw..

but i think ppl thinking i m fat instead of preggy wor.. coz yest i was at j8 waiting for my movie.. then in the lift.. two women commented v loudly.. 'omg, hw come tt fat and ugly woman has a cute bf'.. and i was wondering if they were talking abt me
jolene, can eat pork. today paper wrote that they have found no evidence that this flu has anything to do with pig and no sick pig is found worr. and ignore those stupid women. when it is their turn it's our turn to laugh at them. pple do give me werid looks too. so now i like to wear my "pre-ma ma style" t-shirt. hehehe.

momoko, u can be vegetarian while pregnant. i read from the web tat as long as u get all the minerals u need that it is fine.

rue, during weekend i do wear maternity wear. they are quite nice ar. got them from vivo marton bell.
dun bother abt those women ... we shld be proud to be MTBs. Coz it aint an easy task. All those fatigueness & MS that we put up with. Not easy ...
orhh.. devlina: yaa, my hb an wei me and said i so cute where is fat and ugly :X haha i thk we all need alot of assurance frm our hb nw.. coz gg through a hard time being a MTB...

hws ur lovely twins? is ur tummy v big nw?
I started wearing maternity clothes already coz got leftovers frm last time, my tummy seems to grow very fast leh ... when I go to the maternity shop, they asked me if I'm 5 mths already ... so sad!!!! I envy mummies with small tummies. Is there anyway to make it smaller?? I dun wan to look so fat!

I get most of my stuff from Perfect Mum, usually tube dress, tube tops and simple bottoms. The rest actually either I bought frm overseas previously or my colleagues help me buy back. Looks juz like our normal clothes except the front part abit longer to give allowance for our tummy. I mind looking auntie but I tink I'm starting to go tt direction liao. I feel like a ball =P
its common that at this stage, we are mistaken for being fat
or put on weight, i don't really care if i look bigger, being a mummy is not easy and we should be really proud of it
u feeling alright? what is kill my desktop? haahahaha....actually i only have a small tummy showing, like bloated, not preggie looking at all. i think i didn't manage to put on weight because of nauseas.

drink some warm water, it does help
Hi momoko,
same here.. stuck in the throat..like food cant go in also.. very xinku.. sometimes i even have problem swallowing saliva:p
these 2 days.. i really feel that i wan to vomit.. esp when i need to take train home..and husband working late.. so sometimes i need to take the whole journey back.. i hate it.. cos there are no seats.. and i am fleshy.. but i dun look pregnant yet.. i very tired.. and really feel like vomiting.. i tot of taking the train to harbourfront then take back.. but it will be a even longer journey for me..

i really wan to cry.. now i very tired.. but i dun dare to take MC.. and i am very cold.. office aircon is freezing me..
reenie - my desktop went comatosh on me haiz .. its the small tummy that v mistakable for erm fat than preggy .. my collegue was comenting how come tummy so small ..
i remembered when i used to work and need to travel on train, i feel exactly the same as you. I vomitted a few times on train and even got faint spells, because the lack of air circulation on NEL. That was history when i carried my 1st born. No one give up seat for me even i am having a very obvious tummy at 5-6mth.

huggies, don't feel upset and if really need a rest, do take MC to rest well. If the air con is blowing strong, wear extra cardigan or sweater. I remembered my lovely ex-collegue went to tape up the air con outlet which is blowing directly on top of me when i told them it was too cold for me.
ayukie: we can claim the ward fees using medisave rite? so doesnt really matter if its more expensive or not mah.. coz we can claim up to $450 per day.. so may as well get the best :p
hmmm.. maybe i slightly different ba.. coz i always been inferior to my hb.. other than being older than him.. i m not as physically compatible to him oso... maybe tts why its makes me even more sad if i m seen as fat and not preggy..

now am trying nt to overeat and controlling my weight gain so that i can lose it all after i deliver.. its pretty hard but i always eat until i m satisfied then pass the rest to my hb :p but i will go hngry soon after tt.. but its better than being bloated and wana vomit
i think our tummy is smaller because we don't have much appeitie due to nauseas, we will pick up in 2nd tri, don't worry too much
its good to take MC to rest well...you should do it. For me i am glad i need not travel to work, but dealing with my elder daughter and things ard the house is equally draining....can't wait for weekends to come so i got xtra pair of hands at home!
as long as u eating well, don't worry too much, eat balance meal. The weight gain will be lost after birth, if u plan to breastfeed, u will lost weight naturally. of course, we shouldn't diet if we breastfeeding.

i put a total of 9kg or so during my 1st pregnancy, on the lighter side, after birth, almost all gone because my baby is smaller. This time round, i actually hope to have a bigger baby as my daughter is kind of tiny at 2.54kg only....but its me who cannot stomach down alot of food during pregnancy.
yah..should try to rest if u really tired
our body will give out signal and we should listen to it.

for me i take as much rest in evening when hb is back to take over my duty ..hahaha..

i can't wait for tommorow to come! holiday...meaning i can sit back and relax abit.

Dun cry. Muz b cheerful coz bb will sense if u r unhappy. Do you have any comfort food like cookies or sweets with u? Eat some, may feel better.
