(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

keke.. now playing facebook! waiting for my mum to buy lunch back for me..
catmon / devlina dont make any difference...both same person, i'll still reply u. Eh u noe why catmon rite? Coz of doraemon la...which my mum is scared of now! haha
jolene, happy belated b'day. give u a b'day kiss *muaks*

sweetie, i understand your anxiety. a second opinion would be good. take good care.
U r the one selling bumpermat rite?
Wow din know u r nov mummy too.
I bought 1 from u last yr.
Nov mummies buy got further discount anot?
Not true for me too.I have no heartburn for #1 n her hair is so thick n black already had countless haircuts already.she's 13mths now
i checked the list, you are expecting for #3 now!! a big salute to you!! yeah, am sure we will get chance to "meet" some moms here if it is at the same hospital.

yah, heard your scary doraemon story this AM. will you really stay away from doraemon?
aiyor, kena spotted! yah yah it is me lah. it is still early to buy anything now. dun make mtb here kancheong, hehehee
Opps ... could I having a baby gorilla in my tummy??? I seem to have perpetual heartburn frm week 5 onwards. I really hope its not true for my case too. :D
wow....alien77, i am just going to ask are u the one who deal on bumpermat! haha.... remember me?? then one who pm u on korea mat bcos my hubby is a korean... keke....

hi everyone.... today manage to come in have a look....have been taking mc since monday...will be going back to work on next mon....nitemare for me :S
actually i wanted to PM you when i first saw your post here. but find it abit weird so i deleted the message. hehe.. sinkor = singapore + korea, yes i rem your PM on encouraging me
I have a question.

My mil is a Hep B carrier. I have immunity against Hep B. Should i be worried? I didn't rem about this fact till recently.
i wun stay away from my fav Doraemon! I cant slp w/o him hahahahaha

when i showed mum the pic of my scan yday ...she called me this morn & said that my bb looked like doraemon wit the short legs & such...so asked me stay away from doraemon....she's being ridiculous!
Haha, of cuz baby's arms and legs are short now la! Haven't fully develop yet mah. Catmon, ur mum is very funny la! So that's the story huh?
omg, wat is the doremon scary story? cant find it in the AM thread...

ehh cannot drink barley?!! i been drinking alot lor... aiyohhh...

ehh hihi mummies, i just back frm a convention..slpy sia.. started at 8.30am.. zzz..
update: went to gynae y'day, bb is 4.29cm at 11w3d, seems a bit small.

BB was facing down and not moving so no action.

i was feeling a bit heaty on sun, so i asked jolene whether can drink barley, she say ok...
i also drank quite a bit. think little bit ok bah.
i went to bb talk last Sat and a dermatologist mentioned to avoid paraben products such as methylparaben, proprylparaben, ethylparaben other than sacylic acid and retinol products. but i noticed that most of the skin care products contained parabens. anyone know of any skin care products that's paraben-free?
Dingdong, honestly i've read almost all the stuff i used... all got paraben. I did ask my gynae abt paraben but she said aslong as she dunno it's harmful it's ok. I also using sacylic acid as in BHA.
if i'm not wrong ...Johnsons & Johnsons stuffs don't use paraben....

my mum is funny...but scary as well. Coz if she can see the bb so well...i dun nid the ultrasound already lor.
when i read through all the products that i'm using and it all contains paraben, i almost wanted to throw away all of them. you can try dermabrasion for clogged pores though.
i tink can la...but in the daytime ah muz see more cute bbs pics...change your wallpapers to cute bbs.

not long...nex thu is coming.
Oh, I tot as long as we dun use any whitening pdts, shld be ok rite?
jolene - i also have a stich in my hubby car which i hug to sleep on way home after work .. whahaa and i got a taz at my in law place on the bed and a pink carebear in my bed whhahaa ..
jolene, u do a search in this forum cos i came across a few comments on day confinement lady when i was searching for a confinement lady myself but i can't recall which thread it falls under. or else if u want can check with the agency i engaged in to ask if they have day confinement services.
Devlina, if i don't use anything, think i can no nd to remove my veil for wedding liao. My gynae insisted no retinol but my frd's gynae say it's ok. Now i'm using apsirin mask lo
ayukie: u same as me got alot of toys!!!

dingdong: thanks thanks :D

devlina: my hb asked me to put the xu ruo xuan and wu zun pic on the wall instead coz he said if a ger then wana her to be pretty like xu ruo xuan and a guy then i wan him pretty/handsome like wu zun :p hahaha...
jolene - yeah ... i got lotsa toyssssssss even hello kittiesssss ....
haha i only have a ang mo bb boy poster in my room (only 1 i can find and not black bb :p) whahahaa

i kept all my stuffed toys in zip lock bag le. gave alot away to salvation army too. now only hugging one small teddy bear to sleep every night. hmm. then i shouldn't look at my dog too often! dun want bb to look like my dog! hahaha.
