(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

The warm water really does ease the uncomfortable feeling a lil. Thanks Reenie.

Can I still go for facial?? I juz recalled I got a unfinished package.

haizz nw i having alot of dizzy spells oso. cannot stand or sit too long..i can feel my legs cramp after a movie leh
And feel giddy when i on bus... Now i dont care lah.. got tummy or nt i just sit down when got seat unless got old ppl ard... then i purposely touch my tummy lor.. kaoz.. some ppl so idiot..

next time i will just demand for my seats when my tummy is bigger :X
reenie: ur bb not too small lah.. I was only 2.1kg leh.. my mum said i looked like a tiny kitten :X she thought she gave birth to a monster coz i oso have a unicorn horn like thgy on my head.. she really freak out and cried alot... Later realised i was sitting on her bowels nerves and make her feel as if she wana shit every nw and then so end up i got the horn coz she pushed too hard each time she tot she wana shit 0___0...

but after some time, after she kept stroking my head, the horn is gone oso lor.. But hor, everytime i heard abt it i thk is funny.. Maybe tts why my mum always didnt like me.. Coz i gave her alot of trouble frm pregnancy to delivery.. Coz i was a sicky bb
catechins, *hugs*. it ain't better on my side. the aircon dun seem to be working and the air circulation is bad now.

jolene, dun feel inferior ok. he chose u for who u r. always remember that.
jolene, alot of pple become blind or comatose or suddenly become so engross in the newspapers the moment we walk past.Once, I literally purposely fell onto tt guy who pretended to be blind till many pple glare at him and I got my seat. Muahahahahaha. I agree we shld "fite" for our rights.
momoko: wooooo u so li hai!!!

yaya, next time i will fight for my rights oso... i think i will suan the ppl and asked ' can u give ur seat to me and my bb?' HAHAHA...

swanston: *hugs* thanks ger for the encouragement...
Hee, Jolene, not li hai la, is tt day mood swing pretty bad n tt guy suay coz so bu zi dong.

Oh yes, after 13 wks rem to take fish oil, good for bb's brain.
devlina, the t-shirt that i got from marton bell lor. hehehe. it is flare t-shirt. then the words say "pre ma ma style".

I've got the following, pls PM me if interested:
-Ready stocks for lansinoh milk bags (50pcs) / lansinoh nipple cream / avent bottom balm and Desitin creamy 4oz expiry:12/2010 selling 9.60 per tube exc postage

-Baby bjorn original/air carrier/active/synergy from $105 onwards only

-Medela Pis/freestyle BP

-Capella strollers BP
swanston, not really alot.. Only marton bell i tink...
If i were to buy again, i'll choose to go Spring maternity.. too bad most of the designs sleeveless..

Dev, tat tee cost $19 only, on sale.. worth buying..
Ayukie, hmm...by looking at the price list, seems like the difference is a lot. TMC offer the FBI discount i think. not sure if Mt A room is comparable to TMC one.

my blood test came out le. risk of DS is tested to be low so can heave a sign of relieve. but i was told that my blood count quite low so have to take iron tablets. gynae also ordered all preggies under his charge to go back for flu jab.
Swanston... do help me to update. My gynea is HK Ko from mount alvernia. decided to go for him since it's recommended by my fren.

hi all mummy... been sometime i login.. feeling nausea most of the time and will vomit watever i take in after taking the vitamin pills.. seems like my body is rejecting it.. now taking another kind of pills to see how it goes... putting fingers cross...

so mamapig, barley is not good.. gosh i dinno abt that.. i just took yesterday.. faint.. anyway will stay away from it =)

will be going for my 2nd gynea visit tomolo.. kinda excited to see the baby again =)
BTW which stretch mark creme u gals using.. it's time for me to start using...

yaya, expo having new mum exhibitiion.. do pop by to have a look.. till 3may =p
Rue, I take gynae prescribe ones.I juz take since I duno if those off the shelf are as good coz so far I haben see tis brand there. It's call DhaXtra Softgel.
Just saw my baby at 11 weeks 5 days. 5.1cm. Will be going to TMC for the 11-14 weeks Nuchal Translucency (Down Syndrome Risk Assessment) on 7th May. Hopefully result is good. Have enquired about OSCAR but gynae said that I'm still young so can just go for the NT test.
For DHA pills, do look out for Primrose Oil. During pregnancy we not suppose to take Primrose oil as it will cause uterus to contract. That is why we usually buy DHA pills specially from gynae. During my pregnancy, I checked the diff brands of commercial DHA pills and found that most of them contain primrose oil. From normal pharmacy, you can get this brand called Neurogain. I took DHAxtra when I was preggy.
Thanks for letting me kw abt primrose oil cos was taking Evening primrose oil daily b4 preg, to reduce mensa cramps. However, when i check with my GP if i should continue to take EPO, he said it's alright but since no more mensa, just stop taking. luckily for me, i stopped taking ever since i kw i'm preg.

Momoko, will try to get fish oil frm gynae. only gynae kw best what's good for us.
I'm going for my OSCAR test at TMC on 6 May, 830am. Hope the queue will not be long.

How's everyone doing? My nausea is driving me nuts. I just had some milk and am trying to keep it down....I think I might just throw up anytime now
morning ladies,
i went to raffles (dr tony tan)...
very expert n pro even tot very xsive...
n i gotta knw my bb is a boy....
d test was not as painful as i tot even tot i cried hehe....coz of scare not pain...
n my result wil b out on 16th....praying hard now...
Hi everyone,

I'm also a Nov mum. My gynae is from KKH. This Friday, I'm going to KK for FTS (1st Trimester Screening).

Has anyone went through the screening already? How long does it takes for KKH to do whole FTS? Half day?

on sat i went to eat jap food, soft shell crab isit ok to eat?

then yest i went to eat Aston steak(medium cooked) very very nice, but isit okay to eat also? its quite bloody actually, dunno gd for bb anot..

i having very bad constipation nw..
