(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

swanston - i have to wait till im 15 weeks ++ then know gender ..
hi all MTB,
tks for all d concern....
1st of all, jolene, i took 1 tube in morning for oscar n test nite anoter tube...wil explain y...
my blood test n d result calculation is out...very very bad n high risk...
as my age it shld b 1:380 but now become 1:21...
u/stand???i got no choice now but to wait for anoter mth for aminotesis test n wait anoter mth for d result..means 2 mths more to go...n if it comes out to b bad, d bb is 5 mths ler n thn only do abortion...for me, i duno wat to do...its like bb knw i donwan him/her ler, yst nite i cant sleep n tink a lot n cried...i reali duno wat to do now...only gotta wait n 2 mths seem like so long...n d worst part its like killing a life...wat shld i do....m in dilemma...i reali wish bb is healthy n i wanna keep bb...
oh jolene,
at nite i was taken anoter 2 tube of blood for test due to i need to do some thalemia (duno how it spell) test b4 i do d aminotesis test....it wil b a tuff mth for me...i wish not to wrk for tis 2 mths...
oh sweetie **hugs** ... maybe the next test will be ok .. anyway the oscar test also not 100% and hor the neck measurement maybe cause your bb is bigger thats why erm looks thicker only .. erm take a break from work if you wants to gal .. take no pay leave if you need to lor .. dun think about it too much .. have you told your hubby? That time my gynae nurse says if **touchwood** results not v good then they will need test hubby's blood ..
sweetie, so sorry to hear of your results. if u read some forums, many of those who get results like yours in the end also deliver normal healthy babies. 1:21 means that your chance of getting a DS baby is only 5%. Don't worry, i m sure your amnio test will clear this mystery. I am sure that your baby will be fine. We all know that it is easier than said, but try not to think so much now.... take one step at a time. Jia You ok? In 2 months' time you will find out that your baby is NORMAL and HEALTHY.

Oh , btw, can't they rush out the results? cannot take 1 month to find out the results one ma. maybe see another gynae?

ayukie, thy din ask for hb blood...
my bb neck is very thick than normal...
average is bout 3mm...my bb is 6.9mm...its more than double wor...how not to worry....its reali suffering to wait for d next 2 mths to get d result...i hope result turn out ok but thn doc oso seem like dinwanna say much...like no hope ler...
morning mummies!!

yea, i finally can wake up early today! kekeke..

thanks everyone for the well-wishes :D Yehh, spending today with my bb until 4.30pm coz hb having his last paper today :p

sweetie: actually the verdict has yet to come out so dont need to worry so much k?

ayukie: hope u nv feed ur lappie with milo after seeing my birthday reminder on facebook :p kekeke...

btw, anyone knw of any daytime confinement lady? me and my hb decided to find a confinement lady coz my mum keeps saying she is worried our r/s got bad again coz of my confinement since she will tend to NAG ALOT and i sure TALK BACK ALOT oso :p And we both cannot tahan stress.. So it's best i find other options for my confinement... But we dont have space for the CL to stay for the nite so wondering if there is daytime CL or not... any idea?

ehhh actually my gynae gave me multi-vit but i saw the content for folic and other vit is very little..and dont have DHA... Since i been vomitting all the DHA food out hor, i m really worried abt my bb lor.. since my hb requested tt we play safe, tts why i decided to eat the supplements..
Sweetie, see http://www.lienclinic.com.sg/amnio.htm.

it says that:

"The chromosome test for Down's syndrome takes 2 to 3 weeks because of the requirement to grow the cells in the laboratory. The laboratory will send the results directly to the clinic. Recently there is improvement in the examination technique that the results may be obtained at an earlier date."

i try search for a gynae for you that offers faster dianostic services, ok??
thr is anoter test which take bb placenta..but tis hav some prob too which it might not b bb placenta...accuracy not tat gd stil better is d aminotesis...but aminotesis test can only b done is wk 16...n d result wil die die take 3 wks...which mean bb is already almost 20 wks....
yah i wish tis 2 mths i suffer but thn d result is ok n i wil b so happy...other gynae all same..wil take d OSCAR result n stil same...
ok tks mamapig,
let me knw..i donwish to terminate a life whn bb is 5 mths...i wish to knw earlier...it is so suffering n time so slow...1 day is like 1 yr...
sweetie - try not to think too much altho i know its hard but well maybe the aminotest result will turns out fine like mamapig says .. erm if u really got queries ask the gynae until you get your queries clear bah even if he doesnt feels like talking much he still have to answer your queries ...
sweetie, i trying to find if there is any gynae in singapore who does the "faster amniocentesis" test. so far from what i read, some labs may be able to use newer technologies to give you your results faster. Like that you don't need to wait 2 LONG months. I still searching... gimme some time ya? we all here to help u! HUGz!
yah tks mamapig for yr big help...
n tks to all d MTB Nov'09 support...
witout all of u i duno how to go on n find solution...i am super blur n only knw how to cry...whn i c oter ppl bb my tear start dropping..i dare not talk to coleauge cos whn i start i wil cry...
jolene - erm i also dunno the milo decided to feed itself to my lappy instead of me and bb hiakz :p remember njoy urself tonite wor hehe ..
Happy happy Hatchday....

We all have confidence in u and yr bb.
Yr bb will be alright.
Try to rest more and relax yrself.
U might feel better although it's really hard not to think about it.
Try yr very best to overcome this crucial period.
We know u can do it.
Jia You!
Hi sweetie,
It will affect the baby if u worry too much. Just cast this problem aside. No worries, u r in the gd hands of healthcare professional. They will solve your problem. I dun advised u to take 2 months break at hm cos will have higher tendency to think too much into this matter. Keep on working & keep urself occupied with work. Wkend do something relax/ something u enjoy like going to the bench..
yah rue,
at home i wil tend to tink more n cry more...
but duno y i jus wanna sit n b alone at home...like donlike to b wif others...haiz...jiayou to myself...i mus b strong!!!!
dear sweetie,
is your results 1: 21X, or 1:21. Do bear in mind that OSCARS is just a probability test, it is not conclusive. For my #1, I was similar case as you. Test results also 1:2XX, gynae said a bit risky. I also cried and cried the whole weekend. But after reading more about it on the internet, I found out that many pple with results worse than mine also have babies that turned out fine.
HB & I were very undecided about taking amniocentesis due to the risk of miscarriage. At that time, our gynae advised us to go to the lab and scan the baby's development again at 16th weeks. If the baby's physical development looks very 'normal', we can re-consider about the amnio. If the baby's physical development looks high risk at 16th weeks, then we can go for the test. So we waited 1 month before going for scan again. The doctor at the amnio clinic was not very helpful. He told us baby looks 'OK' and he cannot guarantee anything, only amnio can give firm results. (PS. We think he just wants to make more $$ from the amnio test). In the end, after consulting our gynae again, we decided not to take the amnio since I was at higher risk of miscarriage due to presence of fibriod too. However, we did do another blood test called "quadruplet" test. This is similar to OSCARS, it is only a probability test, but it tests a different sets of hormornes than the OSCARS. The results of the quadruplet test turned out well, so we were more sure that we didn't want the risk of amnio and just beared with the suspense until baby was borned.

Sorry for the long post. Hope sharing my experienc can make you feel better.
Hey Sweetie, i found a thread: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/cgi-bin/forumboard/show.cgi?tpc=578191&post=2551276

In there, they were talking about "paying a bit more to get results faster". They also mentioned a new teachnology called "FISH", which gives you results faster (apparently in a few days!!).

u call up your gynae to ask if they have such express services? If they say they don't, ask if he/she can recommend one who does? If no answer, you let me know, then I call my gynae to ask?

Jia You!
Sweetie, be strong, rest well and eat well. If you feel like crying, just do it. It helps to release some stress. But don't cry for too long. Things will be fine.
dear angeline,
my test result is 1:21 not wif d X behind...very risky...its frm 3 digit bcome 2digit...wat is quadruplet test...my gynae straight away ask us to tink bout d amnio test...coz i am too risky...n bb neck is up more than double...yah amnio is risky but do i hav oter choice???quadruplet test can b done in anytime??m keen on it...my next appt is a mth later...can i c my gynae earlier???
Dear Sweetie, i think no one can really feel what you feel now. *hugs hugs* I will help you ask my gynae next week when i go for appointment. I really hope that you can be strong for yourself and the baby.

Happy birthday jolene!
jolene, happy birthday!

sweetie, don't worry ya. actually was surprised that amnio is done so late cos i remember the last time, i got a friend who is at high risk and she had the amnio test done quite early and results out in a few days? cos i remember that time we were going thru Oscar together and she shared the amnio results just like 2 wks later at most..... i can check wtih her if that's the case..... i remember she didn't wait till bb is 5 mths then...
just drop a note to give your encouragement and morale support. I know nothing can lessen your worries. i will pray for you. hope all ends well.
stay strong and positive.
sweetie, i check with my friend liao.... hers is CVS which can be done immediately after OSCAR but it is slightly riskier of miscarriage.... results out in 3 days.
Yea, i also just read about CVS. You can try. Although high risk of miscarriage, i believe a good gynae can lower the rate of the risk. At least you have a peace of mind.
Dear sweetie, I'm really very sorry to hear that. I'm also at your age and will be going for the test soon so I can imagine how you feel now. I hope that you will be strong and I pray that you will soon learn that your bb is fine afterall.
ariesgal, yah i knw bout CVS...
but doc say not 100% n thr is a little bit probability tat thy took d wrg placenta of bb...so end up result is wrg...doc say i can take but if result is wrg, i stil gotta go for amnio...
sweetie, like i say experienced gynae should be good enough to not take the wrong one. Besides, how would they know that it's e wrong one to begin with? You tot of going for second opinion?

Happy birthday Jolene. Enjoy your lovely day.

Dear Sweetie, hope things turn out well for you also. I am also a very clueless mum to be like you. I going for my oscar in 2 weeks time too. I have some friends that went for the CVS also but its also abt 5mths then they do the test.
