(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

*hugs hugs* I think Jocelyn Wong is good but you may nd to wait for an appointment slot. Other than that, you can join in the walk in queue. I still think it's better to do CVS, at least it's conclusive. Who's your current gynae??

ya.. raining can't go out da bao, now have to eat bread as lunch... sigh...

Happy birthday! Enjoy ur celebration ya...

Don't get panic, everything would be fine....I have yet to do Oscar test, I still worry about teh result, therefore cannot say much to you now... Anyway, I think other MTBs already gave u a lot v useful information, just discuss with your gynea and work out a better way. Jia you!
lemon_tee - hmz i think later when not so heavy rain then go out have lunch .. eat bread eat till v sianz le hiakz luckily now got eat bfast so nt hungry .. didnt managed to finish the big bfast also hurhur .. so wasteful haiz ...
sweetie, my friend who went for the CVS, her oscar reading then was 1:29...... according to her CVS is similar to amnio actually but yes higher risk of miscarriage..... i guess this is the other alternative if you don't want to wait till 16wks...... her results came back ok......
Hi ladies,

Congrats to all mummies! Been following this thread but waiting till cross first tri then dare to speak up coz had a stillbirth in '07 so very skeptical abt the pregnancy this time.
Edd would be around 03 Nov.

Juz got back my oscar results this morning, all's fine except palates too high. Gynae say mayb coz preggers so it went higher than normal. Do any mummies here have similar experience?

My MS was pretty bad and totally eat what puke wat almost immediately. N my heart burn is so bad till every nite insomia. Till date, appetite still pretty minimal unlike the previous pregnancy ... is this bad??
Hi Joc,

Told her abt it, she asked me to bear with it coz no good taking too much medication. But luckily despite being not able to eat much bb still at right size. M suppose to lay off spicy and sour food and citrus fruits but ... I seem to have craving for tom yum soup all the time. Hehe.

Btw, rice dumpling not bery good for digestion. Dun eat too much.
Hugs..i understand how u feel.

I recommend Dr Tony Tan from Raffles Hospital if you want to do the CVS or amino. He will do it personally for you. He is specialized in high risk/complication or twins/triplets pregnancy. A very nice gentleman. Previously he is from KKH but has since move over to RH.
Cos i understand that at some hospital, the test is not done by gynae etc.

CVS can be done within 14 weeks and results can be know quite fast. CVS is as accurate as amino according to my gynae and they both check on the number of chromsomes.
My gynae says no pain no gain.. If tom yum soup makes u feel beta, thn just take lo.. but if u will still puke out thn eh.. beta dun eat.. as for mi, wheneva i wanna puke, i take those food tat i crave for, it makes mi feel gd and didnt puke out..
o yeah i had nasi lemak .. if my hubby knows i eat nasi lemak again he will definitely scream at me whhahahaa ...
m in dilemma....cvs o aminio test!!!
i duno wat i wan...i jus feel scared n scare to lose d bb...tks for all d info...wonder y my gynae say cvs got a bit prob as in took wrg placenta...s result not accurate...
Hehe, u r so lucky.

Other than the tom yum, all the food I crave for is on "banned" list, eg Andersons ice-cream, tau huey, cheng ting, green bean soup, chin chow. DH everyday nags at me on my cravings coz I attempted to pinch abit from him when he eats. ;P

Really cannot eat even one bit meh?

yup. my gynae is Dr Lee I Wuen. Recommended by my friend. Had her for my #1 too. I am very impressed with Dr Tony Tan when I had my #1 for OSCARS n detailed scan, but too bad, he seems to only do special and complication cases.

He is very accurate. For my #1, he told me tat i am having a gal when I am 13 weeks. this time round at 12.5 weeks, he told me is a boy. But he will always says 80% even though is 100% a gal or boy..haha.
sweetie i think he meant wrong part of the placenta cells where the abnormalities cannot be found. At least CVS can give you some conclusion for now.
wow...seem like so big compliment given to dr tony tan...n he only do special n complication cases??hmm...thn my case shld b gd for him to handle...mus decide fast ler...
sweetie, i suggest you call up the clinic to check on dr tony tan's schedule. cos he not only has his own patients but all the gynae's patients (at least 5 - 7 gynaes there) at RH will go to him for oscar testing.. he is the official sonographer at RH. like yesterday, his schedule is very packed so sometimes they don't take walk in.
shannonbaby... hehe.... so far dr tan's prediction on gender is on the high side but he ever got a few cases wrong lah... like my sil's case.... at 12 wks he say 80% girl but at 16 wks, the small rocket came out...
wow...aminio test cost 1k....hmmm but $$ i don care laaa...so long bb is healthy n so long i can keep d bb by my side...n tinking of d long needle make me freezing....but again...for d sake of bb....
shannonbaby, i nearly had your gynae help me deliver for my #1 cos my gynae had to travel for some conference then and the alternative gynae avail for me is your gynae.... but in the end i chose to be induced so stuck to my own gynae... btw, my gynae is Dr Joanne Thong.
ariesgal, this time round, i saw the small rocket when he pointed to me. I even ask him are u sure is not the baby's finger? haha. he seems insulted by that and even explained in detailed where is the fingers and where is the "small rocket".

oh by the way, have u sign up for the package? wondering whether has prices increased since my #1 time.
shannonbaby, ya my package officially started yesterday liao when i see my gynae..... so far she gave me the same package as 2 years back.... as i understand her package went up by a few hundreds....... so i better not complain about my package... hee....
hi mummies,
have not been joining the chat for a long time

glad to see all the familiar names and new mummies joining us

me has been suffering from nauseas, extremely bad this time from morning to night, taking as much as rest possible during my elder schooling hours, so no time to log on. Basically have to juggle between housework, cook and my daughter....i really miss the 1st time pregnancy! where i can rest and have so much peace :p

Going to my OSCAR test next week! Finally. Coming close to 1st trimester, i wonder if the bad nauseas will go away soon too....pray hard.
reenie...... same, my MS like not improving though i'm already in wk 12 leh.....
then everyone tot i'll have a different gender this time round cos my MS is so different from my #1.... but i guess each preg is really different..... cos i'll be having the same gender again it seems.... my puking in fact seems to be more frequent...... and sometimes not able to control at all.... just like this morning, after eating for 5 mins, all went to toilet bowl.....
me too!!! i suspect this time is a boy! you know my girl keep saying "baby boy"....hahahaa...i feel so tired each day and feeling nauseas even i eat very little already

huggies...i know how you feel, because i am like that too.
reenie..... let us know your gender then... hee..... so exciting to hear the gender on the scan...

my sonographer hor... very anti-climax one..... he just ask me if i want to know and when i say yes, he just say "girl".... and that's it.... arrgghhh....... so anti-climax.....

initially i also suspected it's a boy but then i guess i'm wrong cos apparently it's another girl for me..... but will confirm in a month's time....
Hi All

First time posting here.

Momoko: I had the same case as you last August. I lost him at 34 weeks despite everything being normal. I'm telling myself to have more faith this time but can't help worrying and I still miss him everyday. I will tell this little one not to be jealous when I'm thinking of him. I'm gald to see you're so positive.
i doubt i can know the gender so soon...just going to the OSCAR test next week, i have a feeling the baby will be smaller than expected. But anyway boy or girl, it does not matter to me, but it is just a funny guessing game from my daughter
if i recall correctly, my baby gender is annouce at the detailed scan at week 20? been 4 years...so cannot recall properly.
ayukie, usually gender scanning at wk 12 is not accurate one.... that's why it's always 80% niah.... cos most organ will develop fully only after wk 14 or so.... so scanning at wk 16 is more accurate... but i got a friend who was scanned as girl but at wk 24 then realized is boy..... so hor, it's never 100% accurate....

reenie, my bb is also smaller it seems... although sonographer and gynae didn't comment on that but i read the report, my bb length is indicated slightly below the average leh..... she is only 5.2cm as of 12wk2 days....
eh 5.2cm i thot is normal size cause i read at end of 1st trimester bb should be ard 5cm ..
mine at wek 11 and 4 days only 4.88cm wor ..
ayukie, is it? then maybe i misread the report cos my bb length is on the left side of the centre indicator so i assume that it's slightly on the small side.... cos the heartbeat is at 170 which is on the right side of the range....
me too, i am suspecting it will be smaller as you know the conception day can be different from gynae caculation. nevertheless, i am stil going for the OSCAR test as planned by gynae, let's see how it goes, pray hard everything is going to be alright

ayukie, no lah.....i could be reading the chart wrongly....... cos my gynae didn't mention anything about that.. it's just my own reading....
