(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

chen ma ma, i went through agent. initially wanted to get those freelance ones from malaysia and i had the same concerns as you. so i decided to go through the agency which is safer. but they require you to place a $500 deposit when you book and a contract is signed.

i think dun jump into it and give deposit. Typically give deposit only like in 2nd trim. Just my point of view. I have heard of ppl running away with deposit. My previous CL din ask for deposit. I didn't meet her the 1st time until i got back fromt the hospital.

i'm eating like a caterpillar. after 2-3hrs i'm looking for something to munch. So less calories stuff to just ease the itchy mouth is eat fruits rather than bread or biscuits (unless you are really hungry). Also one of the easy fillers, drink lots of lots of water. makes you less hungry, just need to go loo more often that's all
Hi all...went for my scan today..at 8wks4d.. baby's at 1.82cm..surprised at how fast baby grew in 2 wks..from 2.5mm.. doc also surprised when it exceeded his estimation of 1.5cm.. =)
chen ma ma, i'm using Bliss Confinement. My colleague has engaged their services for her 2nd child and she has quite good reviews on her nanny, whom i've booked for my confinement as well. another colleague of mine who's giving birth in May has engaged the agency services too. I'm also awaiting for her reviews as well. You can go to this website: http://www.blissconfinement.page.tl/
There's a few comments about this agency in SMH as well.

I also decided not to go for OSCAR test. In fact, I didn't go for the thest as well for my #1. I was 28 yearrs old then when I delivered my boy. I'll turn 30 in Aug this year.
Hmm...am 25 this yr..actually only wanted to do the triple test but hubby asked me to do Oscars...say at least can 'an' my heart...cuz am those easily freak out MTB..lol..guess am just over protective..hehe~ So will be gg for Oscars in another month...
i'm 26 this yr...arrange date for Oscar test (13 May) but still not sure want to go anot...

felt that the test abit silly...heard mostly the result no good, then must go for those test bad for baby..sigh..
Morning DevLina,
i just came back from my morning walk with bb

every morning i wake up at ard 630am and had my fresh goat milk (every Thur morning 6am they delivery) then go for my walk ard the park to have fresh air and talk to bb
chen mama.. so good .. u can wake up at 630 am and start to drink milk.. i try not to touch milk first.. as i am afraid .. i will puke..

and waking up is also a prob.. feel like sleeping whole day!
i love fresh goat milk.. also drink enfamama after lunch.

i sleep most of the time ard 9pm to 930, sometime after 10pm..

now take my fruits(some grapes, apples, banana, slice papaya)..im a big eater

after this, will go for shower then take a nap.

Afternoon, my cilents coming for facials..
tonite, im not working
going to celebrate my birthday.. there are a list of things i should not eat..sigh!
we had a headache where to makan..finally to decide to go to 'my humble house'
yah i oso had to wake up @ 6am everyday...coz Hub gotta go to work earlier than me.
Oh...ur bday today?

chen ma ma, i saw in a book that it's best not to touch any goat's product, including mutton. Check with ur gynae if in doubt
last week we manage to went ard 530pm before the dinner crowd.hmm.. i feel the food was v ex and taste just so so..
Tampines 1 is just opp my hse..
i when there ard 11am or 3 pm.. there are one floor selling bb stuffs and preggy dress..most shop give 10% to 20% discount..
i was looking ard for a good stroller, i like those u can see your bb..
There are 2 brand that i like
my Gynae say ok and is better than cow milk.
i only drink one glass a day..
my mum also drink goat milk when she is preggy.
after give birth the 4 bb she is still slim leh..
and all my brothers and sister have good skin and we never have pimples..
i only experience this time in my 1st and 2nd mth..now 3mth, skin is better
DevLina, I think my tummy is showing.. but hubby says where got so fast. he said maybe cos i got fat from the lack of excercise? urgh!
morning ladies.

i am going for OSCARs today at about 5pm. cant wait to see bb.

jolene, dun feel sad lah. think some old ppl very jaded already. they think if they can go through it why can't you. in fact when i ask my mum what she went through, she cant remember quite alot of the details. she only remember the happy things and some of the more prominent details. i m v notti. my FIL said i nausea, dun wana eat, its my "kuan". i got upset of course. and then i asked back, my MIL din feel nausea meh? MIL said, "have, giddy some more." ok. then i rest my case, smiling in my heart. haha. so long hubby understand can already. they even compare me and my sil. say my sil can eat, why can't i?
morning ladies,
m super tired...
tummy so bloated for past 2 days tat i cant eat anyting cos feeling of full n no appetite...i am in my 3 mths ler....any1 hav tis kind of feeling??tummy bloated so much even tot din eat o drink??

case by case de ma, how can compare ppl to ppl de.. aiya, sometimes i just feel old ppl they can't understand us de, generation gap. every time i rest on bed, my in law is like feeling weird like what going wrong with me... lol...
my hb also giving me the face like i'm pretending and pushing all the house work to him... sigh..
Morning ladies..

Chenmama- HAppy B|rthDay!!!

I'm down with flu again!!!

very xinku loh.. haiz..

last nite like typhoon... the wind so stong until our clock frm kitchen flew to living room, pasar malam stands all lifted up as if goin to blow away.. very scary... thn all the pple ran away frm it.. My hub cant even open our toilet door...
yesterday i went to vivo city bought a swimwear @ $55.95 after 20% disc. this weekend cn go swimming if my flu recover. I find tat SPRING maternity gt very nice design de, but mostly sleeveless, cant really buy cos i prefer with sleeves..
My tummy showing abit too.. Talking about this, I just remember an amazing incident that same morning I just got to know I'm pregnant, someone gave up her seat for me! I was then only 6 weeks pregnant.. hehe.. guess maybe since she's a woman so can sense? Anyway, very grateful to her cos I was indeed not feeling well at that point of time. Now, though my tummy abit protruding, no one bother to give up their seat. =I I saw a T-shirt some time ago with slogan like "I'm not fat, I'm PREGNANT.", should get one of those. lol.
popie, my mum say she last time preg also ms very jialat.. somemore she gt 5children leh.. i'm the no.5 .. i tink she gt ms for the whole full term ..
DevLina, ya loh.... maybe we eating too much, cos somethimes cannot help but eat for 2. especially hubby.. keep pushing me to eat more.

but in office i drap myself with pasmina...fearing that my colleagues can tell. everyday praying that no one will see. if they suddenly ask, i also dun dare to admit, cos i rather superstitious this time.
huh? swimming is gd for natural birth.. makes u healthy also.. my gynae says my 1st trimester should b no prob le, even though last time i visited him when i was 10weeks, cos by right after 1st trimester thn cn go swimming..
ppl is like that de, my #1 preg that time my tummy so big, ppl also can just ignore u even those sitting nearby can just pretend dun see... sigh...
but remind me of once, there is a young lady gave away her seat to me in bus but that time actually i delivered a few months already, make me so paiseh... lol..
Happy Birthday, Chenmama!

sweetie81, I've lost my appetite too...not sure if it's due to bloated tummy. N feel super exhausted. Drinking water, no problem there.

Yup, as long as hubby understand n sympathetic towards us.
ardenz, my gynae suggests to avoid foot reflex, unless it is a very renowned one and you have to tell them that u are preggie so that they avoid certain points.
happy Bday Chenmama.

My MS seems to have improved a little yesterday. Finally feel my appetite coming back. Had Dimsum for lunch yesterday. So fullfilling.

Really missed my sushi, so gave in and bought takeaway from Genki sushi. But I choose all the cooked stuff. Eg, soft shell crab, deep fry ebi, sweet egg roll, steam sweet prawn, steam egg custard. Sooo yummy.

Hope can bye bye to MS forever.
If I'm wearing close fitting clothes, can see my tummy. But so far, maybe cause I'm wearing loose tops, no one gave up seat for me.

In MRT last week, I was looking pale n trying to tahan not to throw up...the big size woman sitting infront of where I was standing, pretend not to see me n sat as if she's lounging in her own sofa, eventhough she was at the Priority Seat. There was a guy standing besides me, keep looking at me up n down, but not sure if I was pregnant or not, so didn't say anything. Oh well, still ok cause my tummy not obvious yet.

chen mama, happy birthday!!

talking abt tummy, mine can see liao.. i think it's starting to protrude out already... hai... #1 hor, i can hide until 4th mth leh.. now 11wks only and #2 can't wait to show the world tt mama is preggie... :p

ohh.. i have confirmed my confinement lady yesterday liao.. this confinement lady quite nice.. told me dun need deposit since she's in m'sia now.. juz mutual trust will do...

as for MS hor, i think our mom's generation can really take things well.. more tolerant to 'sufferings'.. :p and hor, memory do fade with time lah.. so even if it was terrible for them tt time, now recall oso can't rem liao.. :p like for me, i think #1 i vomit till want to die oso.. but i sort of forget abt it until now.. hahaha.. :p

u using bliss ah.. how much they charge huh? i was considering initially too.. but too lazy to call up n ask.. den since my fren strongly recommended me her confinement lady, i juz take her lor... :p

dim sum is in one of my 'to eat list' once my MS over.. hahaha... i can't wait to sink my teeth into siew mai........... drool.. :p
Fieda, thanks. ya lor. I was busy trying not to throw up...many times I pinched nose n closed eyes...then took out my sour plum...eit, not working, took out sweets. By then a few people around me, looked worried n zoomed in on my tummy, but cannot see. Haha...maybe they are worried n prepared to hurry out of my way incase volcano errupted. But I got prepared small plastic bags, just in case.

So happy I can eat a lot for my lunch of char kway teow. I didn't eat the cockles, incase not fully cooked. Hope my lunch can stay in my tummy.
lemontea, you are right lor. cannot compare. oh well. just keep quiet and enjoy my own pregnancy. haha. no point getting angry.
Haha, I think for most 2nd time mommy, tummy will show ler :p Mine not even 11 weeks yet, sticking out lor!! Even started to wear maternity clothes ler...feel so comfortable altho a bit loose la.

This pregnancy, I don't have much appetite. Don't even eat much, maybe a lil lesser than usual before preggy. In a way, good also la...can keep the weight so not to 'shoot' up so fast like last time! Scary!
