(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Yea same same.. i realise it will varies thru out the day.

Rue, not everyone can take the goat's milk de.. got a kind of smell...
me super sian now... my hb said he is going to M'sia for 1 week training, then after that going to Indonesia for 1 week. I super tuper sian now. No mood.
thanks fieda
but i just cannot tolerant his company, coz only he the one go everywhere for training, so once there is a request, he immediately have to go, then his colleague sales he also have to go for presentation for on behalf of his colleague. I really cannot tahan already, now only apr, he already planned for so many training in advance! i can't control my emotion now, just now talked to him on phone almost wanted to throw the phone. Am so frustrated!
thanks agata, but he really makes me wanted to cry out ma... i need him to accompany me and now is the time i need him to be around yet he keeps on going abroad, i almost wanted to tell him, if i kno u r not beside me, better that i not get preg now! why i have to suffer myself alone! it's unfair!
Lemon Tee, mine work like he's the only staff in the company. And when he work he dun rem he has a pregnant wife de. Fortunately he dun have to travel freq. I can totally understand how you feel.

I think most of us will have 'bigger' tummy in the evening cuz bloated, got 'intake' mah :p I supposed, it's becuz our digestive system is at a slow, so our tummies are bloated lor. Mine is same same here la, hehe. ;-)

Yesterday hubby just told me initially companny wanna send him to UK for training as well somewhere mid year soon. Then he told me he rejected the offer and recommended another colleague to go instead. He was telling me he doesn't want to go becuz he is not ready yet but I know that's not the real reason. He just doesn't want to leave me here with my boy and with my current pregnancy alone. I did not comment anything after what he had told me.

I don't know whether I should feel happy or grateful or sad and guilty becuz he let go of a good opportunity. But I do know if he were to go for the training, it'll be hard for me to face the days. He went for 1 month training in US last year and it was terribly miserable for me to survive that whole 1 month alone!
lemon tee, u not alone. my hubby travels 90% of the time... he usually goes overseas for at least 4 to 5 days in a week and sometimes even weekends too. But I am used to it already. Think he also cannot help it one la... otherwise if he lose his job how?
sigh... mamapig, thanks for telling me that, i wanted to tolerant but feel like it's unfair for me to take care everything in the house when i'm pregnant lo. and he sounds like don't care that make me not comfortable. just like preg is not a big deal to him.
Nowadays if wives complain husband working too much, MIL say wives not independent enough... they last time blah blah blah... really crap... i totally understand the emotional needs required.
lemon tee,

my hubby also used to travel and worked very late when i was preg with my #1. I can understand how u feel as I was also all alone at home when he travel, esp during first tri. once, i had very bad ms and even crushed the car to the road side. thats it, my hb finally realised that i need someone to take care of me during preg. so off i was send to stay with my mum whenever he travels.
Lemon Tee,

I know we're especially sensitive now during pregnancy and easily will lead to depression, can't control our emotions well. Sometimes, when hubby really need to go for the training and no optional, we also can't help it cuz his job is important also. Deep down our heart, really don't hope they'll need to go for the training but for the sake and benefit of the job, we need to accept it and give our support.

Well, u just need to talk and communicate as much as u can with hubby when he's away, telling him how u feel n etc thruout the day, be it on the phone or online chat. That's what me and hubby did when he was at US training last year. It was really hard for me and was actually crying alone everytime online chatting with him (but I didn't let him know la). But I always keep reminding myself that he's not there for holiday and enjoying, but becuz of work and job.

But thru communication really helps la. Try ur best to communicate and contact each other everyday so that u know each other's activities and how ur feelings etc. Then u'll feel time passes fast and won't feel alone.

Anyway, u still have us here
Any one still doing housework as per normal?

when I had my #1, I used to wash toilet and do everything myself. hubby never help out.
this time round better, i had a maid to help me out..
actually i m still doing housework when hubby is not in. when he is in, he will insist that he do the floor and heavier stuff and he tells me that he wants to get a part time maid. but i dun like leh... like to do things myself... so whenever he not around, i always do housework :p
Ya, doing housework as per normal here as well
But the hard one hubby do :p I only do laundry, cooking, manage my boy and keep the house tidy. Hubby wash toilet, sweep and mop floor. :D
mamapig, i'm FTWM.

thanks for everyone trying to comfort me. i'm so much rely on my hb that i'm too tired to take care my gal now especially my gal needs a lot of attention kind. i know i will lost control on my gal, keep on scolding her or even bit her when hb is not around, if she is not listening to me. frankly speaking, i know i can't take care my gal alone now.
lemon tee,

maybe u would like to get some help from yr extended family, like yr parents? guess it will be better for u. cos we usually lost our temper when we feel tired too.
i always shift back to my mum plc when my hubby travel.
hmz ... my hubby dun get why im sooo emotional these days actually i also dunno why **shrugz**

i think chen ma ma is njoying her bdae
Lemon Tee,

Don't be sad. He's not being away for very long though. My hubby's nature of job doesn't require him to travel but his working hours usually stretch very long till the point that his office is equivalent to his 2nd home. I don't usually get to see him at night on weekdays as he usually reach home after 12 midnight--sometimes 2am, sometimes 3am, sometimes 4am....and sometimes overnight in his office. the only time i got to see him during weekdays is in the morning when he accompany me to work for that half hour and he usually fall asleep in the car. So i'm usually very bored at night cos he's not around.
this would be a great help, but both of our extended families at malaysia... quite hard to arrange them come every time.

me too... me also v emotional now. feel sorry to my hb about that.
Lemon Tee,
dun be so sad.. hubby travel frequently when i was preg with #1 too.. 1mth at least travel 1-2 times.. 4-5days type.. i oso very sad tt time.. home alone so sian.. so whenever he travel, i pack my bag and go back to my parents.. :p i enjoyed my 'holiday' at home so much tt i dun really feel tt terrible when he's not ard... :p
dinggong & ayukie

thanks thanks... hugs hugs... i will try to think more positively now, for the sake of baby.... must ask my hb to buy me and baby something for the reason not being aside. lol...haha..

thanks all of u for comforting me, feel better now... no worry la, just trying to shu4 ku3, so happy i have u all accompanying me together.....
u lucky than me, u can go home, my niang2 jia1 is at kl, so far far away, and i'm working and have to take care my gal, so many factors that i have to stay alone at home with my gal... i have no confident i can take care my gal alone at this moment.
wah...u gals pack your bags and stay with mum when hubby not around? i m too lazy. when hubby not at home, i just nuah at home and watch my hongkong serials
if i go to my mum's, i scared she ask me why husband always not around. i dun want her to dislike my hubby...
haha, sure no problem, any others?
1. malaysia - kl
2. indonesia - jakarta

hahaa... or airport buying DOM or what also can, lol.... order order
Haha, Lemon Tee...wise of u to do that! My hubby also bought me many things when he went for US training last year! Coach bags (2 shoulder bags + 1 wristlet), Levis jeans (3 pairs) and denim skirt, Ralph Lauren polo Ts (2 pieces + 1 normal T), Hard Rock cafe T and iPhone (Valentine's Day gift). So when he came back hor, he digged out all the presents, I felt soooo satisfied when receiving them all at once!! :p
Happy birthday chen mama!

Lemon Tee,
can understand how you feel, its really not easy for you as you hv to cope with full time job and taking care of yr gal. you can chat with us so that u'll feel better
jia you!
hahaha...smart move to get your hubby to buy u presents. Jing Hui, wow, u got so many presents :D Yah, in USA their factory outlets are really very cheap n good.

Lemon Tee, I'm originally from Jakarta, but the past 16 yrs lived elsewhere. Hm, tough only 1 week there...if u like those instant noodles (Maggie Mee) or crackers, got a lot of varities there.
Housework, I feel guilty that I've neglected it. So far only do laundry n ironing clothes bit by bit, n buy a little grocery. Hubby cleaned the toilet n mop the floors. Well, on weekends got his nephew n niece came over. So recruit them to help out...the nephew to buy lunch or dinner, the niece to help me iron clothes :p

me too. at my parents plc everyday for dinner together.
hmm. at my parents plc, i am the princess. at my ILs plc, i am the maid..haha.
jing hui
ur hb so good... my hb always said don't buy branded bag, u got a lot bags already.... he won't buy for me....lol

really? then i shall ask my hb to buy for me.. i like maggie mee v much...
hmz yeah at home is queen whahhahaaa at in in law altho now no longer maid but still not as comfy as own home ...

Lemon Tee,

It's becuz I never really have any branded bags before, so hubby was thinking buy me a few branded one. All the while, I always have fake or un-branded bags only. U know what, those Coach bags that my hubby bought me was the only branded bags that I owned in my life so far!! LOL Oh, I forgotten that he actually did buy me another branded Guess bag :p So, altogether I have 4 branded bags in my collection only la!

Hmm, I wonder hor...is it preggy that most of us crave for maggie mee ah? :p Or it has been ur fav all the while even not preggy? I really enjoy eating maggie mee now when preggy and find it soo tasteful ler! Jialat...cannot addicted to it!! Help!!...
