(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

myboyjovan, sporty,
Thanks for adding me on FB. I had fun looking at the pixs of the early gathering, seems like lots of young and pretty mummies here.

Aiyoh, I so blue queen, just realised that this morning I posted in the Dec'09 thread instead. Paiseh.

About babycubes, I think I hae about 10 trays of it at home from #1 time. Will reuse them. I purchased them previously from www.littlejetplane.com. It is an online shop of Sep'06 mummy. I used to make large batches of many colourful food during the weekends and freeze in these cubes placed in lock lock boxes. Then will choose a few cubes of different colours to add to porridge for baby during the weekdays.

Me really getting more and more lazy to keep pumping. So time consuming to pump 30 mins every session 4 - 5 times a day. Now my lazy time table is about
6:30am - latch, after pump excess
12:30pm - pump during lunch
6:30pm - rush home to pump again
10:30pm - latch dream feed, pump excess (if lazy, skip the pump)

Starting doing this last week and can see that supply really drop very fast. But I try to take it easy now cos need the time to do other things around the house. If not enough, then will take a pack of frozen EBM from the early months to supplement lor.

As for baby's schedule it is approximately like this :
6:30am - latch sleeping and go back to sleep
8:00am - wake up, explosive poo poo, and play
10:00am - bottle feed EBM 180ml
10:30am - morning nap for about 45 mins to 1 hr
11:30am - wake up and play
1:00pm - bottle feed EBM 180ml
2:00pm - take afternoon nap for about 1 - 2 hrs
4:00pm - wake up, bottle feed EBM 180ml
7:00pm - bath time
7:30pm - bottle feed EBM 180ml
8:00pm - sleeping time
10:30pm - dream feed (sometimes latch, sometime bottle)

Other mummies care to share your babies current schedule?

morn all...bz day...
now then can come in to peep for awhile!

sharon, wow...u are also on 5th floor...devlina also! so many of us on same floor!

ru yun, hope ur boy's scratches recovers soon!

shirlin, hahha...i everyday lug one FTG and my bag with pump lor and take the MRT lor!! like siao cha bo like tha!!

ashley, hope u get well soon...rest more!

ariesgal, wahh...aunty back...super sianz lor... tha means u ready to produce #3 le! LOL

angeline, yes lotsa young n yummy mummies here...i'm the older one tho...hahha... i invited u to the nov group on fb, u saw it?
ashley/mm6j: thx , i just came back from doc , coz just wan it to recover asap.

ayukie: we change more than 10 bibs n countless hankies a day still like that , last wkend my in laws use almost half bottle of Xue Hua Gao on him then almost recover le. now its back, doc say coz weather hot + milk/saliva etc

angeline: my boy dont really have a schedule leh. how come ur baby got schedule de? btw now i only pump 2 to 3 times a day. still got at least 1.2 to 1.3litre a day

mm6j: mon off in lieu so is what? still working claim another day or not working?
sporty: thx. its not really a scratch, its rashes then he so itchy, when my mum carry him he rub his chin against my mum shoudler til already skin drop then when he slp he go scratch den bleed.

btw i oso wanna join fb grp ley i go search nw
ruyun> means i got one extra day of leave - can andyday take but mus claim the off in lieu within 1 month of the ph lo...
Sporty, yah I joined the MTB Nov 09 group, Thanks.

Ruyun, his schedule is approximately one lah. The 6am latch and the 10am bottle is quite fixed. Then the rest is agar agar until the 7pm bath and 7:30 bottle. We always try to put him to bed around 8++. At times he may still want to play and the bedtime may be pushed back till 9.

I find that if there is a schedule the baby's mood is more predictable and easier to plan our day. Also, when going to start out solids, will be easier if have fixed timing for meals. We don't force him lar. We try to 'persuade' him to follow a guide, if he cry cry and don't want then we will take cue and let him do something else.
ru yun - i use california bb cream aloe vera for my boy so far ok la still gt stubborn spots and when stubborn spots disappear he will create new stubborn spots and the evil cycle begins agn .. his skin is best in morning after night sleep cause tats when he nt eatings his hands and use them to buah his whole face ..
Oh yah, and you so lucky hor. pump only 2 - 3 times still can yield so much. When I used to pump 4 hrly, can get 200ml each time. Now pump 6 hrly, start to drop to only 160ml. Its a struggle to decide whether to pump more often, or use the time to play with baby more.
mm6j: that's gd ma, u can use it anytime u wan. i off day kena recalled, give me off in lieu, use off in lieu kena cancel den go back work again. wonder when this cycle going to end.

ayukie: ya , and if he cry or struggle the rashes become so red n scary . hope the doc cream works, if not i will try the methods recommended here 1 by 1 .

angeline: dun wan so much milk better ma , coz as time goes by , baby drink lesser after start semi solid/solid etc. i used to have more , ard 1.8 to 2 litre. slowly drag longer slowly reduce
did u use freezer safe ziplock for frozen puree?

can we give baby tofu? But mrs wong mentioned food w perservatives shd only be introduced after 1 yr. Supermarket tofu hav preservatives bah..
stop giving spinach cos i wan my baby to try other new food.
MM6J, Prestige sale is the sale of some fragrance brands, Givenchy and Paul & Joe makeup and skincare items.

Sporty, thanks..feeling better already.
ru yun, whats ur email on fb? i can invite u tonite if u cant find

angeline, i agree a schedule is better for bbs lor...so are u a sahm?

ashley, so ur temp stint ended? still looking for a job?
Sporty, my freelance stint ended in March. Yup still looking for a job...you got lobang? :p

To all the SAHMs, how is your daily schedule like? I still find it very difficult to establish a routine. Esp now my baby doesn't wanna sleep...and very sticky to me...I can't do any housework at all! Put her in jumperoo she will get irritated very soon...dunno what to do... Even when I come online, I had to carry baby in my arms. She has become my siamese twin.
Ru Yun, Ayukie, Sporty,
ya lor.. got to put in additional ice block if want the coldness to last longer...

luckily the blockage cleared aft much hard work... dun need see doc... phew..
yupyup! we shd meet at the playground someday..

mine is always the left... went LC to clear it last wk too... but this wk blocked again... LC said i hav congested ducts... so muz always handexpress aft every pump..

i juz signed up.. but got prob at payment....
And just now my mum complaint that I shouldn't bring my baby out so often....hello?! I only brought her out a couple of times....my mum blames me for bringing my baby out often that's why she doesn't wanna sleep in the day

I heard bb now learning to "recognise ppl". some nites, I came late from work, he saw me come back home n whine immediately.

I've already feeding bb cereal. but bb still cant sit v well unless got someone to hold his sides. My bbsitter put him on the net bouncer chair to feed him, but he was like 45degrees lying down. duno if this is good or not for swallowing food?

her house got an ikea bb chair, but my bb cant sit in it yet.
Anyone got any idea? Does it help if I buy the clothe that puts over anychair for bb in sit in?got a name, i forget liao.
sporty: ya.. For the nxt 2 wks I have to do that.. FTG, bag n pump... Lucky thing is the timing tt I board train is not peak hrs le.. 9plus...
sporty, no I am ftwm. Hope I can become wahm some day. I have helper at home and got my mum's help to try to establish routine for my boy. But must say the process was not easy. In the early months he was very stubborn and unpredictable. No way to force him to do anything he didn't want. He will scream the house down. Only after about 4 months old then he became calmer and easier to accepted our 'suggested' routine.

Ashley, have you tried to monitor and keep track of your baby's natural time table for 1 - 2 weeks? Why don't you start with that to see if you can notice any pattern that she has established by herself?
ashley, i no lobang for jobs in ur speciality lor...if have, sure will ask u ok!hehe

shirlin, lucky u la...for me, no seats one...so its like juggling act in the circus...haha

angeline, icic...cuz u wrote the routine like so detailed so i thot u are a sahm :p hehe...
every baby is different. Some babies (like my boy) do get over stimulated easily and find it very hard to wind down for sleep. For my boy, I find he becomes very cranky for the next 2 days and always wakes up easily from his sleep when we bring him out 'gai gai' for a whole day. So now, we avoid to bring him out too long. Just short trips only. We didn't have this problem with his jie jie. With our #1, we can bring her go shopping for the whole day, even when outdoors she will still eat and sleep according to her time-table.
kimifin, ya my baby can recognise ppl...she will smile when she sees my hubby, my mum, my dad, my siblings and me. As for my ILs, she will smile after warming up cos she sees them only once a week.

Better let your baby sit upright when feeding semi-solid. Got bumbo chair? Can let your baby sit in it while feeding.

I'm gonna get the ikea bb chair this weekend, I bought the seat padding so that it is nore comfy for the baby. You may wanna get it...ikea selling the seat padding at $9 I think
yes yes.. the ikea high chair is very good. So easy to wash. I used to have a Chicco, but gave that away and use Ikea instead. Now Sol's sits in it and watches us while we have our dinner. Didn't get the padding from Ikea though. Just used those plasitc air pillow bought from Daiso. Only $2.. Hee... hee...
Angeline, thanks for sharing...will try your suggestion.

Daiso rocks! I love Daiso! Can always find things to buy there..hhahaah
i wanna get a high chair for my boy .. ikea high chair gd ar ? i tried the combi high chair on him he likes it but its at my parents plc .. i need a high chair at my in law place ..
Ashley, I just PMed you.

Ayukie, so my favorite is Ikea. It is not bulky and easy to clean. Very simple design, when not in use, easily disassembled to keep. I have been using mine for 3 years liao. Jie Jie used to use it and now the 2 of them share the same chair.
today Valerie sat on th sofa, i put to cushion on her right & left to prevent her from falling

i just mashed and feed her, she took 1/4 and smiling
wow! cold storage selling $2.10~~ so exp

Valerie have try and enjoyed ~~
homemade millet cereal
homemade ragi cereal
japanese sweet potatoes
banana puree
butternut puree
apple puree
avocado puree

this week i have start to mix for more variation
ragi + banana
ragi + sweet potatoe
millent + butternut
millent + apple
Teo Ru Yun > Heyo... yes i just realised that we are having the same gynae and same day too! Hee I still remember Dr woody was cutting me up ard 8plus am and telling the nurse that he had another one to settle later part of the morning! Hmm now i wonder maybe thats you!

Chen ma ma > You are really very talented. Hee the stuff you sew for Valerie are so lovely.
chenmama, your girl is just too pretty. Can I put my son first in list to pak tor with her.
You have a pair of magic hands too. If my baby was a girl this time I will surely buy the beanie hat from you. Lucky this time is boy, otherwise my house will explode with Jie Jie's and his clothings.

What is ragi?
Chen mama,
you v fast.
my hub still wan to introduce one by one...
The philips steamer + blender and the weaning machine are still not used! package intact!

For the puree, what did you do?
kimifin > same. My baby still cannot sit well in the walker or high chair (though i haven't try letting her sit in high chair before). She kept leaning forward and will sway from left to right sometimes
chen ma ma - i bought 1 nt v v bright green now dull green color but nt soft yet wor i have to wait for it to soft before can feed my boy right? no need steam ?
Thanks, impotant is to see Valerie like it

haha~~ so far u looking for gf for your boy. What is his name? Hope to join the next group gathering..them let them shake hands
i also sew bb boy item for friends and some special request order.

Ragi, also known as finger millet
excellent soutce of irn & calcium

i introduce each one for 5 days., then move to let her try new taste
i use the philips steamer to make puree..easy
chenmama, not actively looking lar. But your Valerie is sooo cute. I quickly choop first. His name is Solomon. Yah, hope got chance to join next gathering.

I suck at sewing. So very peifu you.

avocado dont need to steam , just feed lah..easy
i bought i ripe and feed her 1/4 and freeze the rest in slices
The other 2 avcado i choose green and let them to ripe for the next 4 to 5 days..
will to just on time that Valerie finish the first avocado lol
