(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

chen mama,
then the quantity how? you eat the left overs? I dun intend to freeze...

yah, get someone to hold her else v wobbly.
Once I had to feed bb myself, cos no one at home. I just cross leg n let bb sit on my legs on the floor, and my hands can be free to feed bb with cereal.

Hmm, bb started to reject water in bottle...i try to feed by spoon, but it is a mess.
Is it ok to use the sprout attached to the tippe tompee bottle?

the last time she meet my friend bb boy she sayang the boy when she saw him cry..
haha~~ coz when she cry , her papa will sayang her lol

i enjoy sewing but very slow coz im still learning..
hello ladies.

its been a while since I log in. How is everyone doing?
Seems like most babies are turning 6mths..

Chen mama,
wow! you have let ur gal tried so many stuff.
every morning breakfast i eat what i make for Valerie~~ i taste yummy .. both of us enjoy together. she like to see how i chew and follow~~ very cute! haha

she start with 2 teaspoon to the 1st week.. now 2 tablespoons

today we had..
she had millet + apple
the balance i add fresh fruits, strawberry + kiwi
yum yum~~ she will look at me when i say hmm..yummy! haha
thanks for that blog post on cooking millet. Yesterday I was trying to recall how to cook our grinded brown rice. Did the wrong step to cook the powder and EBM together. Probably killed all the nutrients in the EBM. Next time will cook with just boiled water and mix EBM in after.
no problem
im a first time parent, so much to learn every from each other

babies looks so cute when they makan..so all the troble to prepare to ok lah
kimifin, my bb can recognise pple now...she cried yesterday when my mum carried her cuz she hasnt seen my mum for weeks...hahah

angeline, u can add the gals on fb from the nov group so u can see their bb's pics...

chenmama, wow...seems like valerie had tried many diff kinda food!

mm6j, what contest is tha? got prize bo? LOL
hi all
im also a nov mummy. been reading your posts.
Can i check is it ok to start baby on brown rice cereal (ie. healthy times) or shld start w white rice cereal first?
pls advise if u can. .appreciate!
chenmama, thanks for adding me. Your girl really very pretty. I like her eyes, so big round and black.

care to share your girl's routine? How many milk feeds is she having?
sporty> i also dunno, i just went to link of chen mama's to look then i ALSO SAW MY SON!! think my husb entered him.. dunno wat prize.. haha but pls vote!!!!!
kam sia.. hahaha
no problem
welcome to comment on my blog

yeah, Valerie like to makan ~~ like her mama

Please vote for Valerie , Category A-20
and mmbj , Jarrel, Category C-049

doozie, welcome
i starting my gal on brown rice cereal first...

mm6j/chen mama, i go and vote tonite la...remind me...now bz leh...whahahhah :p
chen ma ma - so i will put the avacado in the open air wait for it to ripe hor cause i scare my mil put in fridge to wait for it to ripe bwah .. btw u can help me take a pic of the ripe avacado cause hor i dunno when the avacado is ripe for my boy to eat ..
chenmama> how to post pic up? i also wanna post my son's pic here!!! hahahahaha
so exciting!!

sporty> OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CAT-C-049!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wahhaahah
tanly, just sent you FB request.
Yah, my boy got very stubborn standing hair. Even typhoon also cannot mess it up. I just hope when he grow up he will not be as stubborn as his hair.
angeline, what toy is your boy playing? looks fun man.

sporty, ru yun, i was in ward 626. different level, keke.

chen mama, are you still sewing pretty dresses for your girl? taking orders or not? keke..hint hint.

kimifin, leftover avocado can add fresh milk and blend, very tasty, but for yourself la, keke.
mm6j, i keen in the workshop too lei, but my mil can only look after one kid, so the other kid i got to bring lei...dunno can bring kid or not.
Chenmama & MM6J i just voted!
bery cute your babies. Mine cannot join the contest as most of his pic he is frowning! Hahha...my grouchy boy.

BTW, does any babies here have sweaty feet. Recently i have not be putting socks for my boy and i realised his feet is sweaty. Is this normal?
Velo, my gal also likes to frown!! Haha... Bb born on that day got grouchy face?!!

My gal also got sweaty feet when no socks. Then her feet will feel cold. Not sure if it's Really cold or she simply perspires a lot. So I just let her wear her socks, unless weather very hot. Hee...

Btw, u got facebook? Add me leh... I want to see ur boy! Haha... [email protected]. Other mummies please feel free to add me, but let me know ur Nick k, if not I may not accept u. :p
buay tahan...the weather is bloody hot!

peipei, nvm la...my gal can join ur gal...her hair is minimal also...LOL

mbj, i also cant go to the workshop becuz of the kids...haha

peipei/velo, i find my gal's feet stinks sometimes...dunno why...maybe sweat ba...
Hi Pei Pei, trying to add you to my fb.something seem wrong, very slow. Yr girl profile pic very sweet leh. No frown leh. BTW, My boy born at 5.45pm.

Sporty, i no notice smelly or not but sweaty lor for my boy. But his head smelly, all sweat smell. He using mustela but all i smell is sweat even shortly after a wash.
Morning ladies!


Is it ok to store puree in AVENT via containers meant for BM, instead of using babycubes?

I have two boxes of the Via containers so was thinking of using that instead.
Morning all! I'm super tired today. Woke up at 2am, 3am, 4am... 5.30am I'm up pumping liao... Shag...

Sporty, haha... I wonder when will my gal's hair will grow. Somemore I din shave her leh!!

Velo, saw ur boy. Ok la, at least in photos he dun frown that much. My gal only has the few photos not frowning one lo. Haha... My gal just a few hours older.

I nvr smell my gal's feet leh. But think not very stinko la, since I dun smell it at normal distance. But yes, her head also got the sweaty smell. I wonder is it bb perspires a lot? When I feed my gal, even with fan on, the back of her head and neck will be wet just half way thru the feeding... Sticky sticky, smelly smelly one...
Pei Pei, dun worry, your girl's hair will grow! Last time my friend's baby is like yours...but now at 1 year old plus, lots of hair already! And I mean thick, black, long luscious hair!

My baby sweats a lot too...and yes, her head always got the smelly sweaty smell....but feet is ok, no smell at all...we seldom let her wear socks though so maybe it's due to better ventilation?
morning ladies...


Solomon's hair is solid...uber cute la!

I think you can upload attachment to attach pics? hehehe
morning everybody

i also blur blur when the organizer called me yesterday that Valerie is in the finalist!?
i when to bought the Young Parents Mag & saw her pics
hb entered her for me..

wow! Solomon is so cute & have a interesting hairstyle
my hb said if Valerie & Solomon get together & their will have fair & big eyes babies ~~haha

yes ive been sewing Valerie's clothing..Thanks God! ive been receive order..of course must thanks my model, Valerie

U have view her nice dress at my FB
Yes, i also add milk to the balance avocado to make Avocado Milkshake~~hmm yum yum
Avocado is also a good hair mask for dry hair

Thanks for voting for Valerie
morn all...

velo, my gal also persipires alot...after a feed, her hair's all wet!

ashley, yes u can use the avent via containers to store the puree...

peipei, i thot u shaved ur gal leh cuz her hair looked shaved...
