(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

MM6J & chenmama
I've voted. Good luck to you ladies

lil E will also perspire like nobody's business...hahahaha
eh eh ...soon we'll be fulfilling WHO's recommendation of 6mths exclusive bfing hor...akan datang!
morning ladies, TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just reached office, brot lil JO for third dose of hep b , brave boy din cry
visited my gynae's nurses (gynae away) and they were all asking when was i going to have #2 *faints

Devlina> thanks for voting for lil JO!

chen mama> no one called me lei..but the father joined the contest.. hahah but lil JO is inside!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my PD asked to let lil E sip water once awhile so that it's easier to transition over later. Let him get used to water.
good morning everyone.
My boy's hair also always smell sweaty. Nowadays he start to suck his toes, so the toes smell chow chow too. But I love the smell.

ChenMaMa, your HB think very far ahead hor. I only planning for potential paktor but your HB already think until future babies. Ha ha ha.... But I agree lar, they probably end up big eyes one. Hee hee.. so your HB like my boy too huh.. Got chance to go paktor liao. Solomon won't get chased away by Valerie's daddy. Ha ha..
when the guy called me yesterday i was blur blur & he ask me to check the Mag..i quickly went to buy & saw Valerie's pic
my hb entered with my hp

my hb & Valerie like Solomon .. i show her the pic & she smile leh..
ooo... Valerie like Solomon too. OK, they time gathering we try to let them play together.

I think it might be good to start to give water since you already giving semi solids. This will let her be properly hydrated and help to 'de-tox', also let her get used to the plain taste of water.
chen mama> hahah, lil JO was selected in the last month's copy, before Val then lucky blessedcyn told us
... but no call lei.. hee hee

Please vote ladies!!!!!!! thks thks

Angeline> hello, can add me on fb? my email is [email protected]
Angeline> APPROVED!
erm, thanks? Haha, wow ur lil S was 8.9 kg at 5 mths 1 wk?! Power weight, my son today at 6 mths is 8.1 kg.
Hey Mummies,

I just received a promo phamplet. Cheri Kids are having their baby fair @ their stores.

For those mummy using avent bottles, they are having this Avent Trade In Offer. Trade in any brand of feeding bottles and you can buy their BPA Free bottles at the following prices:

125ml - 10 bucks (usual price 13.90)
260ml - 11 bucks (usual price 15.90)

Their outlets are Heartland Mall (Kovan)/Sun Plaza (Sembawang)/ Loyang Point (Pasir Ris)/ West Coast Plaza (Clementi).

Hee i am going to pop by kovan outlet tmr and get rid of my old pigeon bottles :p
Sporty, I only trimmed her hair on her first month. Thereafter, nvr do anything liao. Sigh... This shows how little hair she has... Hope like what Ashley says, her hair will grow more more next time.
Hey Peipei, add me in FB please... Heehee...

Momomummy.. me also having headache everyday due to lack of sleep... Been popping paracetamol... haiz....
bz day!

devlina, how long u intend to bf E? ya lor...our bbs will be 6 mths next week!

chen mama, ic...show pics of ur family outing!

angelina/chen ma, u two so cute...match making ur kids...

peipei, massage some bm on chloe's hair before u bathe her...see whether it helps...
I understand..i cant believe it either. It's a friday & it's such a busy day!
I'm hoping to bf him for a year ...but most prolly will start to intro fm to him in aug. One feed a day. Slowly get him used to it. And I'm also waiting for my friends to get back to me. I missed fasting month last year ...so was wondering if I can skip this year's. I'm ½ past 6 malay ma...so quite slow in these kinda matters. But i LOVE fasting coz can slim down faster..hahaha
devlina: fasting can slim down meh? eat dinner so late. haha. anyway , coz we got frenz who dun fast and my hubby call them international malay. haha

sporty: massage bm on bb hair effective meh?
ru yun
yah ...can slim down. Dinner time is always 7pm & I seldom snack. I always will lose about 3kg for the whole month of fasting. That's why I fast religiously! hehehehe that's the only malay part of me!
devlina, ya...think very bz these 2 days...dunno why...dun even have time to breathe lor!! hahha... u so funny lor...say urself half past 6! heheh...

ruyun, yeah...u can try...bm helps in hair growth...i tried on my #1 it works la

i am so hungry after lunch...die liao...eat so much!!
ru yun
for us, it's compulsory la...


well, i'm lor..haha not the very conservative kinda. Please eat more. I agree with superwalker, you're slimming down too much liao.
superwalker/devlina, thks for ur concerns, you gals also lost quite abit of weight too!i have been eating lots till its so scary! i had subway sandwich + chips + subway cookies (2) + ice lemon tea for lunch...hahha

devlina, when is the fasting mth this yr?
wa today was at toa payoh so decided to go koi see see look look, kauz, so long queue, in the end never get. sian.

tml finally giving bb her first meal, keke. sporty, you too?
Chen mama u very good at sewing. Do you sell similar hat that Valerie wears for boys? I trying to find such a hat but no have leh. Its so jap style i like
devlina, seems like hari raya getting "earlier" and "earlier"...hehhe

myboyjovan, ya lor...shd be introducing the cereal to her ba...hope she likes it!

bidosoh, ok la...not much diff la...think its the pics la...i'm still ard the same weight leh
Hi mothers,

Happy Labour's Day!

ask u all, would u bring bb to a funeral wake?
Not relatives, but a friend's mum...so sad ='(
And Mothers' Day juz next wk!
morn all...
finally the weekend's here... even i slept like late last nite but at least its a stretch of 5 hrs...now gonna pump and see whether i can go and steal another 1 hr of winks...hahha

carol,i think better not bring bbs la...unless u not patang lor
Bring my girl for a morning walk. I think only manage to walk 1.5km. As its really backbreaking sling. She enjoys the walk, keep observing her surroundings. She seems to like trees. Will bring her tomorrow morning again.
Carol, I think pple will look with query eyes why you are bringing such a young child.

Well, my auntie bring her grandson who is 7 mths old to tomb-sweeping. She even let him sit on the tomb. I think its really up to individual. Her grandson is ok after that day too. But other aunties are questioning her lor.
morning, today bb has her first meal of brown rice cereal.
so far so good.

sporty, 5 hours stretch of sleep..so good.

bidosoh, you sling and walk ar, why never use pram, easier. keke.

carol, i would not bring bb to funeral.
for my #1 i did bring him to a friend's ah ma funeral when he was still quite young (but more than 6 months already la) then i regret bringing cos everyone said shouldn't bring.
My baby hasn't poo from Thurs. Then my maid should've told me if bb hasn't poo n stop giving cereal. Now baby crying loudly cause poo hardened n couldn't push out. Argh I should also insist that my maid didn't give cereal unless I'm at home or wait til weekends to give cereal. Argh! Hope she can poo by tonight, otherwise need to bring hospital. Now giving bb water with gripe water.
MBJ, I m waking on a running track. Morning time quite alot of joggers. Dun wanto block their way. I havent let my gal try stroller yet. I think will try today.
Agata, try black date juice first. Last time my son oso like this. After taking black dates juice can pass motion easily. I think I bot the Delmonte brand.
agata: true diluted prune juice or prune puree. my girl also had this problem when she first started semi solids, so i gave her water and prune juice. she's now poo-ing daily

Bidosoh, baby almost 6 mths can drink black date juice? Thanks, I'll buy the juice next time i went to supermarket.

After nap, my bb cried n scream til tears flowing again...but managed to poo. Hard, green bullets...n blood came out a bit. Now she feels better. Phew.
