(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

morning all
anyone ard??! *yawns*

anise, if u go for the uob deals, whichever place serve nice food, lemme kno hor :p hehhe

Morning everyone,
today only tuesday... hope time flies flies flies
ru yun
scary right? I got one pack at home...will check it out. Intending to give Lil E the HT Brown Rice next week when he turns 6-mths...but looks like I better check 1st.
g'morning.. back at work...

so gross the HT. thanks Dev for sharing ..

i tried feeding lil JO the gerber apple sauce yesterday. his reaction was damn hilarious.. will try to feed him again today. only gave him less than 1 tablespoon in total ..
good morning everyone.
myboyjovan - my BB is still on TBF till now. We tried his first bottle of FM 2 weeks ago, the next day he kenna cough and phlemg. So we stopped and go back to TBF. Planning to start on semi-solid once he hit 6 months, 2 more weeks to go, so starting to read up now.

Sporty - thanks for the warm welcome. Do you need to update the chart. My boy is born on 13/Nov at East Shore Hospital.

How to join your group in facebook ah?
Sporty, yeah... lucas now sleep until steam steam on the rocker chair everyday... shld hv bought this from the beginning.. hahaha... I am collecting my ard we go today... hehehe.. so exicted...

Anise, we contact each other over the weekends ba... ehehehe... hubby going down commonwealth area to pick up ard we go... will u be home? i get him to send the stuff to u? then u pass him the melts n puff + food jar (mine, xuan and superwalker)???....
i think they took the link down liao. i just refreshed and it is down.

the mgr's attitude is sooooooooo similar to the attitude of the assoc. dir who handled my girl's bcg case. it'a really their attitude tat turn us off, not the "incident". if they had handled it properly in the first place then it wouldn't have to blow up so big tat they put their reputation at risk.
wah ..so lucas is enjoying his toys
good for you!

i think coz the mgr wanted to take legal actions...so that's why they took down the link.
my last visit to PD, my gal was not on solid food yet. so PD said it's due to germs. Anyway i'm gg to stop my MIL from giving spinach..

her dinner is usually 6pm & i reached home after that.
Good Morning Ladies!!!

Momomummy: I oso bought the around we go from BBtown! they sending today..so fast!! i am sooo excited hee hee ha!!!

Intro FM: I juz wan to ask how do we intro FM to bb? As in do we need 2 separate bottles, one only FM n d other only BM? Or can we mix 2 in one bottle? Or we just start with one feed totally FM? Sorry for all the long windedness..

Sporty: Me not on MC hee hee at work liao..Praying hard that the condition will stabalize =) It will..and anywayz..life goes on! How is ur bump on the forehead? Better already??

Angeline: which FM did u use? Did u try to change FM brand?
I going to open my HT tonight. Check for worms. Won't give my bb. Hmpff.
Over the weekend I was pissed off at enfa cs their staff made 2 mistakes in arranging delivery of the trial.. Irresponsible and inefficient. But at least she was never rude. And another staff was super nice and tried so hard to make up for her colleague's mistake. That's what I call customer service. Instead of sending in a complaint about the 1st one, I going to drop the complaint and send a compliment letter about the 2nd one.
Devlina, yeah.. lucas is a happy baby

Raerae: good buy right... even dun hv the doodle bug want want I think baby will still love tropical ard we go lah... hehehe... hubby going down to collect... just realise BB TOWN super near my house
Is just at yio chu kang near Jalan Kayu
BB TOWN service quote good ley... i like them... very prompt!

Sporty and MMJ: U both feeling better le ma? Take care ya
Raerae, I gave him Similac. that was what jie jie drank in the past. I am not sure if its totally due to FM. He might have gotten the cough from jie jie who had it 2 weeks back. After 2 nights of mild fever, coughing and throwing up phlegm for a week, he recovered by himself. So we guess probably coincident the FM 1st try and the flu virus. Maybe will try again to intro 1 bottle of FM this weekend.

Anyone can advise me how to join the FB group. I am eager to see all the cute babies.
hmz so far i opened 1 box of th ht brown rice ceral ok leh no worms so far i see .. and my boy been eating it .. *touchwood*
rehi all
bz morning!!

devlina, wow...so early in office today!! got worms in HT cereals?! gross!!

angeline, can u PM me ur details so i can update the chart... u search for nov 09 mummies in FB...

momo mummy, ya la...rocker chair is a god sent item lor!!

raerae, u can try one feed of FM everyday when u intro to bb...if bb not receptive, u juz need to mix abit of bm with fm! my bump still painful lor...will need abt 2 weeks to go off according to the doc...
hi sporty, which details do you need?
you mean email addy and phone number? or bb's name, weight, etc... sorry huh, me kind of blur blur.

OK Ok, i go try to search FB now. can't wait to see the babies.
raerae, ya...i kno zambak...but didnt use la...so slowly let it unswell lor

angeline, offhand i think we need... your edd, actual bday of bb, bb's name, gynae's name, hospital name, mode of delivery, bb's birth weight and height...
ok ok. i tell you here.
edd : 21-Nov
actual : 13-Nov
BB's name : Solomon
Gynae : Heng Tung Lan
Hospital : East Shore
Mode : Selective C-Sect
BB weight & height : 3.7kg, height forgot liao.

I tried searching in FB "Nov 09 mummies" only saw babycenter's group, didn't see this group. Something I doing wrong?
I called Avent Philips just now coz I wanna enquire if they're participating in the Baby Expo this weekend. At the same time, I asked when is the Philips Carnival Sale. The lady said that it'll most prolly be at the end of May! So keep a lookout ya ~
momo_mummy which rocker chair you get. I thought of getting for me girl one also. She so poor thing, no toys yet. All are her brother's old toys.
anyone tried NAN HA 1?

i only feed once fm per day, bb stool become v watery...

intend to try NAN 1 Normal next time...
tried HA cos intro fm to bb mahhh
Angeline, welcome. If you said that his sister catch a virus 2 weeks ago, its quite unlikely the symptoms will arise after 2 weeks. Usually very fast, within 2-3 days. That is what happen to my children. BTW, running nose and cough symptoms could be allergy to the FM. Don't be mistaken that allergy is only rashes. It could be running nose too. You may wish to consult your PD about this before you re-introduce fm again. As you know, phelgm is very hard to recover. So don't try out on the little one before you consult your PD.
angeline, ok...i will update ur details when i am home... if not u put ur email here, we will add u to the group

momo mummy, but my gal dun like rocker nowadays...so she cant sit long in it also...so have to interchange with exersaucer...

devlina, end of may ah? goodie!! will look out...if u have any news...lemme kno also!
oh really Bidosoh. I had no idea that cough and running nose could be allergy too. Actually, when he still had the coughing and phelgm and mild fever on the 3rd day, we did visit PD, and PD said just mild flu. I didn't even let BB take the medics PD gave, I just let BB recover on his own immune system since BB didn't look too uncomfortable.The phelgm cleared up after about 7 days. Hhmm... maybe I will hold back the FM for 2 more weeks. Me having stuffy nose this week. If BB happened to get infected too, I will get confused again if virus spread, or FM again.

Argh... but that means have to be more diligent at pumping again. Been cutting down from 4 hrly to 6 hrly, cos planning to substitude with 1 bottle of FM each day. Looks like got to go back to 4 hrly, or resort to using the frozen EBM to top up.

Still cannot find the group in FB leh. How to search correctly?
Angeline, yes running nose is also a form of allergy if it occurs after taking something or to dust. When people says sinus, usually its allergy to dust. Nevertheless, in small children it could be triggered by food they eat. For example my friend's boy is allergy to pork. Whenever he takes pork, he will have running nose and cough. Once he is not taken care properly and he developed bronchitis (not sure of spelling).
Angeline, yes running nose is also a form of allergy if it occurs after taking something or to dust. When people says sinus, usually its allergy to dust. Nevertheless, in small children it could be triggered by food they eat. For example my friend's boy is allergy to pork. Whenever he takes pork, he will have running nose and cough. Once he is not taken care properly and he developed bronchitis (not sure of spelling).
hi hi bidosoh =) Juz pray it will recover..Dr say 50% chance but i believe!!!

Oh wanna ask if anyonet ried to use nuk premiun teats with pigeon wide neck bottles?
i feeding my bb NAN HA1. but bb not totally on fm, only as supplement. once a day and during outing on Wkn.
my bb got constipation problem, poo once a wk. probably due to me having constipation too...
just came back from pd. she said rotavirus vaccine on hold, cannot give.

rue, why stop giving spinach?

HT cereal got worm ar, i planning to give bb this sat lei.

angeline, what's your email address, you post here any mummy free can add you in facebook.
