(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Hi Bidosoh, my BM ss going going to be gone soon. Too tired plus work load heavy so sometime i no time to pump @ work. By the time i get home, my boy all feed & sleepy liao. I think i probably going to stop soon. Just hope he drinks his milk with no fuss soon. He can dont eat for 4-5 hours oh...i headache.

Velo, oic. Ya work load is the #1 killer for bf. I think you have done whatever you can to come this far, well done! Just jia you, 6th month coming. If you can just continue. Also your boy knows that BM is the best for him, thats why he likes it so much.
nvfm and xuanxuan, thanks for sharing.

For play yard, think it's good idea! But I have limited space at home leh. Dun think got place to put it. Now for my parklon mat, I need to roll up after use all the time, cos it already takes up 50% of my living room!!!

My gal doesn't like to sit in bumbo for very long leh. She will complain and starts making noises.

Exersaucer good ah? But can use till the bb how old?? I'm just wondering which can last longer, exersaucer or playpen.

nvfm, your Latido playpen is the std one? What color? How much are u willing to let go? I'm considering playpen or exersaucer leh...

My gal super cranky today. Refuses to sleep! I'm so super tired!!!

Sporty, I got no choice!! My house is in a mess, cos weekdays too tired to tidy. Then other than my gal, I have another big 'kid' to take care!! He only knows how to mess the place up... Sigh... I'm so going to get a part-time helper soon!!!!
hi mummies

sorry to disturb the thread.

Have a few new items to let go off...




thanks n nice day. pls pm me for more details
Peipei I selling the playpen at $100. Bought it on offer fr kiddy palace at $139. Incldes the mattress. Blue+red

if I working, def will have part time helper! Can't imagine having to juggle bb, work AND housework. U very good ah..
heeee...my boy went for his MAIDEN swim today at the swimming pool
it was fun!
Pei Pei, my hubby is also a mess creator! Don't talk about cleaning the house, he don't create mess I very grateful already!

I'm also very shagged in cleaning the house. Am looking for a part-time help. if i find one who can work in the west, I'll let you know ok?!
last min call..anyone free for tea break later on monday?keke
so bored.

sporty, you starting bb on semi solid on exactly the 4th or 1st may?
nvfm, let me check out the spec and let you know. Anyway, where do u stay? Erhm... I'm not very good with housework leh. Just do the basic ones only. Then my mum do come over once a month or so to help me. Hee... Well, lucky my hb will volunteer to look after our gal at night, so I can have uninterrupted sleep for 5 hours or so.

Ashley, yes!! I only need him to be a little more tidy!! Oh ok, let me know when u find one. My hb is still comtemplating, but I'm going to have one!!

Superwalker, did ur bb enjoy the swim? Btw, are there warm pool water? Bb will catch cold or not?
morning all...
tired...down with running nose and a big headache...
but still have to wake up to latch...pump then go to work...
see whether got time to see a doc later...

catechins, u stopped bfing already? yeah...pls go have ur koi soon to cheer u up

velo, ur boy can drink abit of water la, as not as its not excessive!

rue, hope u gets well soon...u can still feed bb ebm as long as the med tha u took is safe for bfing...

peipei, i think exersaucer is better cuz got toys to entertain bb mah...yeah, i get what u meant...sometimes the messy house makes me frustrated also esp after a hard day of work... wah, ur mum's so nice to come over to help u with housework...envy!!

superwalker, saw timmy's pics on fb...seemed like he had fun @ the pool... i also wanna start my gal on swimming soon! but weather abit unpredictable nowadays!

ashley, haha...i think men are generally mess creator lor...hahha

myboyjovan, i can meet u for tea break if i'm at punggol next time but not today...hahha... i thinking of this weekend leh cuz 4th may is a weekday and i will be at work leh... heheh
Sporty, u take care!! If really not well then take MC lah! Think u lack of rest. Drink more water also! Btw, exersaucer can be use for how long? I saw that playpen can last till 2-3 years old?? Haha... My mum is not coming to help with housework! She's here to play with the granddaughter and shun bian help me with the mess. Haha... Cos she's one cannot take messiness in the house. In a way, good for me. Really grateful to have her helping. Can't depend on my MIL though she's just staying 2 blk away.

Maybe u shld consider getting a helper too. I can't imagine the mess with big 'kid', toddler and a bb!! Think I'll go crazy!!! Haha...
morning all! me at office..

felt fuzzy throat on friday... on sat took manuka honey and the sore throat "disappeared" but i developed into running nose and today now feel like got slight cough..

sporty> u also? hiaz..think it's a bug...

anyway, the pharmacist prescribed piriton which is also known as dunno what chlor...mine.. and it's NOT suitable for bf-ing moms even though i TOLD him i was bfing lo.. damn sian now..and not like the med was some miracle drug i still have running nose. din feel like coming to work but i told myself to dong at office.. hope 530pm comes soon today..

i dread gg to the dr and taking any form of medicine .. hope wed faster comes. then i FULLY SATISFY WHO's standard of full bf-ing for first 6 months!
Pei pei, the water is cold but my bb seems ok cos I have been bathing him in cold water for a month now.

Sporty n mm6j n all mummies who are unwell, speedy recovery !!!
gd morning mummies

i think i'm one of the last, but yday i finally get to taste the much talked-about KOI! I hope my ss will increase after drinking 3 cups of ice cream milk tea in one night haha
heehee, been so busy that I only log on once in a while!!

MM6J, i thought piriton is safe for bf? cos it is supposed to be the safest drug for preg or bf as it has been ard for the longest time. I used to work in a clinic and actually for flu right, the best cure is to rest and rest. what piriton does is to stop running nose and cause a little drowsiness and then for you to better rest. but ya la, if i were you, when bf, i;ll not take any med. like tat time my eyes were swollen cos of allergies and i din want to take med. in the end, i had to stay upright the whole night and it got better (cos stayingupright will drain the tears away and not further block the tear ducts. )

looks like the flu bug is in the air!! my boy also seems to catch a cold. sometimes will cough.

I feel like renting some toys for my boy cos buying is really a headache cos of storage. thinking of getting the exersaucer. the evenflo one which let the baby go around one good or not?
thanks superwalker..

rachelle> if u read the "notes" it is NOT recommended for bfing lo.. and may also inhibit lactation.. yah sux to be a sick FTWM.. now i wanna go home from work also think twice cos raining.. sian...
rachelle> think the one the bb go ard one is the brightstarts one and not the evenflo one?? yah, shld consider renting. my son likes it

mbj> thanks gal ... water parade now!!!!!
mm6j, totally agree that it is tougher to be ftwm! at least for sahm like me, if not enough sleep during the night or sick, i can still stone during the day without worrying if my boss is going to fire me. hope u can find some dessert to cheer u up
Anyone knows what is a diff btw:
>>> Around We Go!™ Activity Station (http://www.brightstarts.com/p-119-around-we-go-activity-station.aspx)
>>> Tropical Fun Around We Go!™ Activity Station (http://www.brightstarts.com/p-39-tropical-fun-around-we-go-activity-station.aspx)?

Cos I ordered my Ard we go from Kiddy palace they charge me $179 (but not sure which version they giving me)

and I check out babytown:
They only selling tropical at $150....

Is tropical ard we go same as the normal ard we go?
momo mummy, u ordered? heee...can imagine your lil L walking around happily in it. can also imagine u smiling from ear to ear watching him play
Superwalker: yes yes so happy for Lucas, after showing my hubby and my dad the videoSsSss I took... they can see how much fun Lucas had on all the toys.... Lucas came home that day keep smiling non stop... and my hubby notice that himself... end up over weekends we went to buy the rocker chair, the leap frog ABC, fisher price hp and the ard we go.... but i hvnt receive my ard we go so i wonder which ard we go will kiddy palace give me.... tropical or the not tropical type...
peipei, say take mc easy but its not easy! hahah...so i'm not taking any! exersaucer i used it on my son till abt 1 and 1/2 yr old...then after tha, i left him on high chair to self entertain... nah, i wun consider a helper...already have lotsa probs and troubles liao, dun wanna additional ones frm helper...

mm6j, hope u get well soon...piriton is very safe...dun worry

superwalker/mbj, thks for ur concern
very giddy now...have to monitor my condition for 24 hrs...

starrz, u will feel tired if u sleep too much also...heheh :p
Momomummy u very cute leh, ordered without seeing picture?? I thought they had the real thing there oredi. When delivery? Happy for Lucas!

My around we go not the same as either of the ones in your links above. But similar, got 1 keyboard panel, 1 empty panel and 2 other toy panels. But anyway as long as the 'concept' is there good la. Can walk around can play can sit : )
NVFM aka SOM (hehehe): urs issit doodle bug version? Doodle bug very cute... i wonder if they help me order doodle bug version...

Ur boy won the contest... so proud of him ley... I think he is very smart boy and next time grow up sure very CAN one... hehehe... I always tell my hubby ur boy very smart... he look so cute in the orange neck float...
haha think its becoz my mind is still wandering around and not resting coz feel so stress on weekends, having to work and troubleshoot issues.
NVFM: doodle bug very cute hor... it has the most stuff sticking out from the activity table... hopefully mine is doodle bug also... u got urs from taka fair?
hi ladies,

my 6mth bb has been cpughing with phelgm. has seen doc n given her medicine but phelgm still there. do u all has any solution to clear the phelgm? anyone heard of giving chuan bei mix with barley?
momo mummy, i'm not sick la...juz hurted myself over the weekend... n is very tired generally... like what nvfm said, as long as the "ard we go" can go ard, its fine la...cuz its juz the toys on the table top tha's slightly diff...

starrz, rest more then

devlina, not really leh...still very giddy and popped 2 panadols liao...

x, i thot cough cant take barley?!

I'm new to the forum, but my baby was born in Nov 09 as well. Would like to check whether any mommies encounter the following with their babies:

1) My baby used to be a big eater (finishing 180ml of milk in no time). Since starting 4 mths, his appetite has reduced greatly. He'll reject his milk most of the times. At times, he'll just take about 50-60ml and last for 4hrs, Any idea what's the problem?

2) Have tried giving him some Heinz carrots twice. Both times, rashes appear. Could babies be allergic to carrots??
Ardenz: u are one of the last but not the last coz I have yet to try. Haha.

So many pple sick. Sianz. My nose dropping soon

btw no lunch for sahm tmr?
Ardenz: u are one of the last but not the last coz I have yet to try. Haha.

So many pple sick. Sianz. My nose dropping soon

btw no lunch for sahm tmr?
Ardenz: u are one of the last but not the last coz I have yet to try. Haha.

So many pple sick. Sianz. My nose dropping soon

btw no lunch for sahm tmr?
boiling black bean peanut soup. yummy yummy.

wa tml got secret lunch gathering ar.
tml morning bringing bb for jab, was postponed from fri cos bb sick. will give bb 2nd dose rotavirus vaccine too.
btw, i haven't give bb the pnnuemococol lei. anyone given bb already?

2nd may sunday anyone free? arrange a pre-mother's day gathering lei.
if not 16th may la, post mother's day. haha.
don't take too much panadol ok. If really still not very well, go see doc. Panadols are no good for the kidneys in the long run.

So have you considered if you wanna be a SAHM or continue working? Last week when I was asked to work from home, I kinda enjoyed the time spent with my lil E at home!
sporty, i also thinking of starting this weekend. starting with the HT cereal first.

did someone from here ask where to get tuxedo romper before?
aweil, welcome to the thread... think ur bb is going thru a milk strike, thas why he rejected the milk intake... normally if the bb is allergy to a particular food, the rashes will appear like within an hr after tha...

ru yun, hope u get well soon!

momo mummy, ya la...peifu u lor...went to buy so many toys for him at one shot!

x, why dun u go back to the PD to review again? cuz usually phelgm will take sometime to clear away...

mbj, i also haven given my gal the P jab...will give her next mth ba...she's due for last dose of 6 in 1 next week... 2nd may, isnt it this sunday? which HT u starting her with? brown rice?? i was thinking between HT or nestle...

devlina, i took pacofen la, given by my co doc as she knos tha i'm bfing... glad tha i am feeling better now after i popped the pills! so today u back in office already?
Er sporty.. My doc say cannot take pacofen during bfing lehZ.. He specifically told me cuz before preggy, I used to take pacofen for my frequent headaches... Diff opinions wor...

hello everyone. Can I rejoin this thread. I was here briefly during the first trimester. Then got too busy with work and baby to come in and look see look see. Can I re-join now and share share about weaning. Been reading a few pages of the archive, seems like most of you all very buddy buddy already. I must have missed out alot.
