(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

sporty, i giving her the brown rice one first.

wa, seems like so many medicine different doc different opinions lei. best is dun fall sick la, then no need take medicine, so sian.
now i a bit runny nose also dun intend take medicine.

x, bring ur bb to the same PD again for review...see what he/she says...

shirlin, dunno man...tha time i took and bf-ed and she's ok leh...

angeline, welcome back

mbj, ya la...diff docs have diff opinions...for me, i'm more concerned abt the med part when i'm preggy than bfing...juz like food intake, i whack anything while bfing and during preggy times, i'm more concerned on what can be eaten and what not...
i wanna get the tuxedo romper for my boy ..

i am sooo bogged down with work i didnt post for awhile

had withdrawal from lack of koi .. so had an small ice cream koi and a large grass jello milk tea ...
regarding P jab .. im postponing giving lil e that till he reach 1 which requires 1 jab only because due to the missy recommendation cause lil e is 7 mths already ..

re: HT or Nestle ceral i gave my boy HT brown rice ceral and Nestle white rice ceral le .. but HT seems to smell better than Nestle ..
regarding mag mag mug .. my boy absolutely loves it to drink water from and he will push ur hands away to hole the mug himself ...
mbj, no secret meeting lah... we took a while to decide where to eat! Running out of places to eat... hehe....

Ru Yun, we are meeting at Harbourfront Pizza Hut. You wanna join us?

Date: 27 Apr (Tue)
Time: 12pm
Venue: Pizza Hut
Harbourfront Centre 1
Maritme Square #01-69

1. Superwalker
2. Momomummy
4. Novbaby
5. BPmama
6. Xuanxuan
sporty - my lil e slps in same rm as us but it also means we cant go out and do things as well cause he will wake up no1 ard he sees he will cry v bitterly ..
sporty, i more kiasu. i preggie and bfeeding also very careful in food. even now #2 also still kiasu.

oh ayukie, it's you, then you found already? still need or not cos i saw from one of the sites lei. very cute, haha.

xuan xuan, count me in for the next tue gathering is there is one, keke, may change away my lesson to go.

dunno if should cut my hair or not, looking so messy like an old hag.
ayukie, Lil E likes nestle or HT more? how many servings of cereal u feed a day?

xuanxuan/superwalker, i recieved the uob brochure (dunno whether u all got it)...quite a few places got 1 for 1...maybe u gals can consider for ur future lunch gatherings..hehhe

myboyjovan, u still teach now?
sporty, now every tue teaching. one half hour only then quickly rush back look after bb.

ayukie i pm you liao the link. you see see look look.
devlina, so now smh is not blocked in ur office liao eh? thas why u can come online :p

mbj, who looks after ur bb when u are away teaching? ur mum or mil? btw, love ur gal's hair...so much hair!!!
Chris, as long as not sick, sure welcome
we don't want to share share virus ma, right ?

sporty, I don't have leh ...what are the good deals?Hopefully one near u so u can join us
sporty, my husband is property agent so i ask him to arrange his timing such that tue i can go off to teach then rush back to take over bb. my mil and mum cannot make it la, none free.
haha she a lot of hair huh, my #1 when bb got much more!!!
superwalker, okie sure! i usually get sinus in the mornings.. though no virus but not nice too i know.. promise i won't turn up if it doesnt clear.. hehe...
hi everyone, been trying to recall who I owe the cab fare. Can mummy who share cab with me back from the weaning class tell me how much I have to pay you?? Oh no... I can only remember face and dunno the name of mummy.
hello bpmama, it's me lah... haha.. no worries at all.. just pass to me when u see me tom.. the fare was a whooping $32.45 coz of the peak hour surcharge ... so about $10 each but coz u got down earlier... think about $7 should suffice?
Chris, if it's sinus it's ok cos we know it's not virus
I know most people with sinus gets it every morning.

Ru yun, paiseh ya... Hope u dun mind
join us when u feel better?

thanks sporty!
Good day!!

* Clasp Hands* God heal all the mummies who are not well!! Make them stronger in health than ever!!

So many mummies not well..Do take care..darn weather not help eh! =p

X: My baby took like 3 weeks for her phlegm to clear up the last round..Jus need to b patient and see PD..Oso i rub babyvicks on her soles, chest n back b4 she sleep. Someone told me b4 to boil black bean soup but i nv try =) hope this helps!

Swanston: I PM U tonite..saw ur email..been a hectic week!

Semi Solid food: Any mama gave ur bb Si Sen brown rice?? I started to give 2 teaspoon of rice cereal once per day..so far she whack all..den finish liao cry for more :S

Ayukie: Hi hi =) tmr i go see ur hse again..anywayz i think best to delay the P jab if u got no childcare age kids around ur bb..i feel it is rather potent le..coz my gal Hep jab n 5 in 1 all no prob but when come to P jab is jia lat jia lat =(
Around you go: OHh ohh i wanna ask if u girls think it is worth getting that now?? coz our bb all ilke 6 mth liao hor?mo mo mummy u go KP to buy is how much..i oso wan the doodle wan le..
mbj, no wonder la...so his timing is quite flexi and no wonder u hate weekends when he's the busiest! hehe

superwalker, no prob la...i also like to look for good deals for FOOOOOD !

raerae, seems like ur gal enjoys the rice cereal!! heheh... think now still ok to get the around we go thingy la...still not too late!
MOMOmummy: Went to search online..apparently the doodle around we go ..the usual price is like 300plus le..=( if the one u bought at kiddy palace is the doodle one u let me know okies?? Coz i wanna get one..if not i will get the tropical one heeh
DevLina, cannot think abt being a SAHM yet... hubby got to work harder for me to stay at home.... we need dual income for now.... cos both inlaws are retired and we are supporting them....

Sporty, Lucas no toys at home ma... so time to buy him some.... hehehe.. he really love all the toys....

Raerae: KP dun hv doodle one leh... they only hv the tropical one... they just called me.... they say doodle old stock they dun hv liao.... dun noe got bluff or not lah... my guess is doodle very cute so sold out liao... KP says they clearing stock that's y only left tropical ard we go...
Hmm Tkie Momo mummy..Hai i really like the doodle one but since the tropical one is this price i guess i will get it.. Thanks le!! U know at least Lucas is happy with all the toys hee hee
Date: 27 Apr (Tue)
Time: 12pm
Venue: Pizza Hut
Harbourfront Centre 1
Maritme Square #01-69

1. Superwalker
2. Momomummy
4. Novbaby
5. BPmama
6. Xuanxuan
7. Ashley
superwalker: dont need paiseh, i oso forgot that flu can spread easily, dont wanna spread also coz all of us got babies to take care of. Hope i will be fine by next tue
raerae, how are u recovering so far?? on mc still?

momo mummy, hope lucas enjoy all his toys

mbj, hahha...u called tha a mystery?! LOL
finally having some me time to surf net.. always never really had the chance =( bb n hubby sleeping already.. shall be joining them pretty soon..

So how's everyone days?
Hi Mummies,

Congrats on your new born! I believe you must be having a bundle of joy.

Thank you for your time.

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You can take a look at our website at http://connect.tmasialife.com/index.aspx.

Attached, savings plan and protection plan for your reference.

TM Education
It is just an illustration. Premium amount can be arranged to meet comfortable level. The purpose of the illustration is catered to meet the tuition and living cost of teritary education in Singapore.

Savings option can either be in 5 years or 10 years. Guaranteed return option can either be $30,000 or $50,000 as well.

If the illustration is based on Guaranteed $50,000 and premium term in 5 years. There is also an option to withdraw the Guaranteed $50,000 at stages - age NB19 ($20K), 20($20K) and 21($10K + non guaranteed amount) or to accumulate the whole $50,000 and take out at maturity that is age NB 21 - should you wish to accumulate, the Co will give an interest of 3.75% for 3 years).

LifeStyle LP

As for the protection plan, premium term option is 5,10 or 15 years. Illustration is based on $100,000 sum assured for Death/Total Permanent/Disability/Dread Disease. Premium term is 5 years only. The plan covers whole of life. When the assured reaches 65, she can withdraw, $4,000p.a. for as long as the assured live. At the same time, the assured have the option to withdraw the bonus as well. It is not a loan for withdrawal like traditional life insurance policies.

Mummies, I hope this will provide you with some options. Should you have any queries, do give me an email at [email protected]. Will try my very best to address your queries.


Thanks and Regards,
TM Asia Life Singapore Ltd
mbj.. i already bought my gal for the pneno Jab.. left one to go at 15 months.. so far so good.. just that the last jab, she develop slight fever when taken with 5in1 jab

seems like quite a few mummy fallen ill.. take care gals... mm6j, sporty, raerae.. Actually i tink the weather really bad.. BTW do try to avoid rain as i heard from others dat it contains acid from the recently ice volcano erruption.. dunno how true..
momo_mummy.. wah u got new toys for lucas huh.. he sure enjoy ya.. baby expo fair coming.. tink some mummies here gonna spend some $ again. BTW when can i pick up things from u.. I wanna get the HT cereal.. cant wait to start giving my gal solid food.. hehe

sporty.. looking at the oub deal make me wanna go for another rd of feast man... slurps.. hehe..

swanston.. ur hello kitty thermo flask is here with me.. Total cost including shipment + tax everything is $40.64. Msg me on how to meet up and pass the items with u ya.. i stay at commonwealth area..
