(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

bidosoh, 2 and 1/2 yrs is not crazy la...at least u gonna clear tha 1/2 yr soon...so 2 more yrs to go...jia you jia you...u left charger in ur office? can go pick up later? if not how to pump today?? hope u recovers soon!!

ashley, actually 6 mths can bring bb to public pool liao mah...so ur wait is not loong..

peipei, i am on leave today (thks to many coordination!) so can go back to koonz...n i juz woke up lor...hahhah

shirlin, i also wanna go jb for shopping very long liao lor...but in the end thot need to pump or latch then dropped the idea! haha

mm6j, u "advertised" the swimming pool in fb liao mah...so i xuan chuan for u here lor...haha

raerae, dun be envious la...my leave is very diff to take one...have to cooordinate many pple to make sure it can go thru...hahha...glad tha i can sleep longer today...hehhehe

tanly, aiyooo...hope u get well soon...drink more water!

sporty, ya lorz.. Somemore if I pump le.. Gotta thk where to keep the ebm too.. So forget it la.. Wait till I stop bfing ld den go lorz.. You on leave too? ^5!

Nw gg back to slp again.. Just finished my laundry...
i went haw xia yesterday ... hb dont like the thought of lil e swimin there cause he finds nt v hygiene so im thinkin getting a pool for him to swim ..
mm6j, yes i will enjoy...thks! pumping now and going out soon!!

shirlin, ohhh u sleep 2nd half of morning ah? i slept first half...hahhaha...enjoy ur leave!
Mm6j: hello!!!!!

sporty: so early gg out le? Leann doesn't wake up till 12ish so I can slp 2nd half lorz.. Hehe! enjoy ur day ya!

Ayukie: which hwa xia u went? Why ur hb will thk it's unhygenic? Nw they using swim diapers much better le ma..
shirlin, yes lor cuz going out to shop n makan mah...thas why
my M is an early bird...she had been up since 7ish le...

ayukie, if u think hwa xia is unhygenic...then public pool worse lor...hee hee
i went northpt branch alot of babies .. nt i think unhygiene lah its my hb cause alot of babies use the same water mah ..
Ayukie.. You mean the big pool right? Cuz for the small pool, they change the water everytime a bb finish swimming de.. And ya, you gotta let ur hb know too.. Like wad sporty said, public pool even worse wor..
Shirlin if the tub too small for your bb, just need to top up $2 to use the big tub at northpoint. It's meant for 4 babies so v spacious. Hmm maybe a bit unhygenic but the bb's head is out of the water so not too bad ba
hi all, i'm from june09 thread. would like to sell away my remaining huggies 'M' cos baby has outgrown. Selling everything below at $20.

- 1 new unopened pack of 'M' Huggies Ultra
- 39 pieces of 'M' Huggies Dry
- 31 pieces of 'M' Huggies Dry Comfort

collection can be arranged around sembawang area on weekday evenings or clementi area on weekends. Please PM me as I don't check this thread.

hi, sorry to interupt, I am from jan2010 thread. i have a box of organic mother's milk tea to let go at $7.00, left 15 tea bags (usually one box consist of 16 tea bags) as I'm not taking anymore (I'm taking other supplements). Just bought last month. expiry: Nov 2012. Pls pm me.
Sandy, thanks for the tip on how to drink manuka honey. My hubby has been having Viral fever for 8the day now.

About Hwa Xia swimming, my hubby also stingy. Said want to wait til can go public pool.
Sporty/ rach : I now pump maximum 3 times a day but still have 1.3litre leh.
Ashley: watsons selling 2 pieces of swim diaper for $1.95
Bidosoh : tmc charges $40+ I cleared mine there last year . At home I pump already go there the lady burst the blister for me n massage n after that still pumped out ard 150ml.
Raerae: my son also slp very little in the day time maybe a total of 2hr
I starting my bb in public pool this weekend! But actually a bit sian thinking of having to bathe bb AND myself after the swim.. AND having to wear swimsuit : /
Talking of milk, my colleague's daughter born 26 dec is drinking 210ml per feed and drank ard 2litre of milk a day. I told her its too much for a baby but she say her baby not full won't slp. Omg, I don't even drink 1litre of water a day n a little baby drinking 2litre is v scary
i brough my gal to public pool 2 wks ago..
with the neck float is much easier.
i just raise her with tap water and bath again when we reach home.
plan to go again next wk..
shirlin - erm nt gg bring bb to public pool yet mah .. they gt change water everytime for small pool meh> that day sunday i went see northpt branch like nt every session of baby swim leh .. im intrested in the big pool maybe because of the swimming competition lah but i dont see every change lor ..
Hi mummies,

Had some problems with bb and hope mummies can share their experience.

1) Sleeping
Bb has been sleeping on tummy since 1mth and had been sleeping well until lately. Showing sign tt he may not want continue sleeping this position . Tried to flip him over but he can't continue to sleep peaceful. Tried letting him rest on his side.. work.. but didn't last long cos he will automatically flip and again on his back. It has been like this for the past nights and i am so totally lack of sleep.
Anyone with bb sleeping on their sides and any way can help bb stay in the position ?

2)Farting & no poo for few days.
Bb on total BM and poo afew time/day in the early month. But as he turn 3mth, poo become 1/day and lately poo once every 3~4 days. Could be this reason , he started to fart alot and is smelly. Manytimes, he is stirred from his sleep by his own fart. Read earlier thread tt a mummy commented abt her bb farting alot due to drinking too much hindmilk..... Can drinking too much hindmilk cause this condition ?

3) Biting
This may sound silly , but i started to feel bb biting nipple even thou i don see any pearly white spourting. He will be turning 5mth this week weighing 7.5kg. He had mild fever last weekend and had been cranky and salivating. But i could be wrong cos heard bb started teething at 9mth.
back from my day out!
saw anise & family at 333 during lunch! heheh

ayukie, think its best u buy ur own tub la since u so concerned abt the hygenie of the pools...hehe

nvfm, think u better go rackle ard and find a public pool with hot water cuz i kno some doesnt have... the SK new swimming have tho...

ru yun, ur colleague's daughter power lor...210ml per feed! wow...

carol, try using a sleep positioner for sleeping... some bb start teething as early as 3 mths...so its not all 9 mths tha bb start teething...
Pei Pei, Safra Jurong is at Boon Lay, near the MRT station.

Last time I went there to swim before I gave birth...very shiok cos not many ppl...less than 5 in the pool. So I guess the water should be cleaner...bathroom is clean too...heheh
sporty - lol actually i nt sure but think i will buy n let lil e try abit lor problem is lol i dunno can fit in the bathrm anot lol i think my mum will scream when she sees what i gt next lolz
Carol, I am the one who posted that. But I think i mention foremilk which will cause farting alot. Hind milk is the fatty milk is good for your baby. Nowadays, my baby who is 5 months exactly now fart is also very smelly. Your baby sound like having a good weight if he is 5 months old. Don't worry that much.

I think some baby teeth earlier while some teeth later. Some teeth at 4 months I remember one mummy mention b4. My baby is also not teething now, but she tends to bite me too. So when she started to bite I unlatch and sternly tell her no. Slowly she is learning what I mean. I think its better she is biting now than when she really have those sharp teeth for me to teach her.

Sleeping. But some mummies here use positioner. You can try that out.
Thank-you to all the mummies who give me good wishes. Really appreciate your concerns. Finally my ducts are cleared. Its a painful experience. But the place where the lumps are, are still slightly painful and sore. Guess its been there too long.

Raerae, my fever is due to the block ducts which has caused some infection. It had subsided.

BTW, my GP prescribed anti-biotic for me to take for 7 days. Its safe for nursing. Poor baby need to take med with me again :-(
ayukie, u can use it in the kitchen if it doesnt fit into the bathroom...LOL... aquamarine got more fresh seafood...333 got more jap food and live chef cooking stations...

bidosoh, great tha its cleared...try using cold compress if its sore...thas why i usually do...i put some ice cubes on a hanky and put on the sore area for awhile...
All -

We have returned from HKG and the trip wasn't as scary as i thought it would be
In fact, she enjoyed herself very much with all the new sights and things.

To my surprise she endured the flight pretty well (not that long though, 3 1/2 hours). For the first ascend i had her latched on to prevent pain to her ears, but she fell asleep during the descend, so no chance to latch her on. Surprisingly she slept thru, no problems. On the return leg she was wide awake for both ascend and descend and was not latched on - no problems as well.

got a question regarding feeding cereal to my girl. She's now 5 months and she has shown great interest in our food when we were on our trip so we are thinking of introducing cereal to her. Is that too early? I have a box of HT Brown Rice Cereal at home, howabouts should i prepare her cereal? Do i just warm up BM and mix it together or do i need to 'cook' it for awhile over fire?

Another thing, i saw a white spot on her lower gum, is that a tooth coming out?
hi ayukie,

u interested in second hand tub? i bought the 8 poles one... Think of selling off. Too lazy to add water cos I dun hv space in bath room... hv to carry pails of water to study rm... so hb ask me sell away. Only let bb swim 2x... But he really enjoy... u can see my bb 1st swim in my facebook video. =p
hi adelynn21,

I try feed my bb with happy bellies brown rice cereal... he enjoy leh... I juz warm abt 30ml bm and mix w e cereal... i quite worry the cereal is not "cook" though... btw, shld it be creamy or watery?
adeline, good tha ur gal enjoyed herself in hk... for the HT cereals, u can juz warm up bm and mix together...no need to cook... the white spot could be her tooth...

ayukie, the promo ends apr...if u are going for 1 for 1

shers, texture shd be watery at first,..when ur bb's better with semi solids then can add less bm to make it more creamy...
hi everyone.. mi on leave today as well.. brought my gal for her 5in1 jab + prevenar jab.. cried so loudly at her 2nd jab.. putting fingers cross, just hope the fever wont come find her..

So qiao to see sporty at triple 3 =)food wise not bad.. the prawns are freesh.. i love it... hehe

So many of u bringing bb for swim.. for me, i guess i will only bring when she turn 1 lol... I am now looking out for chalet.. planning a birthday party for her =) abit kaisu hor.. hehe
shers, i haven tried feeding my gal cereal yet... last time my son...i rem it was like 30 to 50ml for like 2 tablespoon of cereal...i juz played by ear and see the consistency of the mixed cereal...

anise, ya lor...so qiao to see u...shdnt have let our gals take pic together!! hehe... i agreed the spread at 333 was not bad!! hehe
ayukie: i went to aquamarine for lunch buffet coz of the 1-for-1, not nice . not much choices. when i see food like nasi lemak , rojak , chicken, duck etc, i really sian 1/2
sporty, i love the pics that u took at 333! heeee... we were so busy eating the last 2 times that we "forgot" to take pics of the food! kakakakaka!!!
shers: i believe we should start with a more watery consistency and then gradually build up the consistency to a thicker one; read a book that says it depends from baby to baby. some baby learn fast and over a period of a few days able to build the thicker consistency but others have to take it slower.

sporty: okay, so just warmed up and mixed. i hear from other mummies @ the PD the ratio shld start 1:2 (1 teaspoon cereal & 2 teaspoon BM). How much should a full serving of cereal be?
ru yun, i go aquamarine...i only aim the seafood esp the oysters and the sashimi lor...hee hee

superwalker, hahha...nvm u can always go again before next sat!! ya la, no wonder i never see u posted the food's pics before...hehe

adeline, u can slowly start with 3 to 4 teaspoon of cereal and slowly increase...
ru yun, triple 3's sashimi is all laid there for u to take one...so u can take as many pieces as u like...hahhaha... btw where's ur new place at?
sporty, how much is the triple 3 promo?
My ss is very very low now. Just left with 1/3 of my previous supply. My girl really lao hong liao. Sad. Taking leave this whole week to build supply. Luckily no urgent outstanding task. Whew!
ru yun, jurong west eh...then u can join the jurong west mummies gang...quite a few JW mummies here...

adeline, every bb is diff la...if she seems satisfied and didnt "ask" for more...shd be enough ba...

bidosoh, no need to thanks la...cuz i always feel very mang zang when i had blocked ducts...thas why tha time i read abt cold compress and used the ice cubes to try...i think ice cubes numbed tha area and wun feel so pain! Triple 3 is 1 for 1...after tax and all, one pax abt 30 bucks...go eat more sashimi, helps to boost ss...i think my ss went up after my feast juz now...hahha
sporty: i wont be staying there coz my hubby work overseas n i need my mum to take care of my son. so i still will b staying at bt panjang =) any gang there?

sporty, I also find that my ss will increase if I have a feast. Especially eating different variety of food. So tomorrow going to have a feast. But increase will only last for one day. Unless I feast everyday lor.

BTW, my GP is concern about my weight. I lost 2 kg within a week. As I wasn't well last week, so my food also decrease. Alot of people wanted to lose weight, but I wanted to gain leh. This world is funny, unbalanced. I remember when i was preg that time, every kg i gain my hb and i are joyous. As its very tough for me to gain wt. I only gain 8.5kg throughout my preg. I also find it funny, I am not like you on the slim side. In fact i used to be a big size and slightly overweight person. This preg really slim me down. So like you every piece of fat I take, I don't feel guilty at all. As I need it desperately. Just that I don't eat fried stuff as i am prone to sore throat. But I like fried stuff, very deprive.
