(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Hi Oct mummies!
How's everything going?
Seems to have been MIA for such a loooonnnng time. Only get to catch up with some of you over fb or watsapp.

Been so busy at work that I barely realised that our bubs are either nearing or already nine months.

Anyway, take care everyone! TTYL!

ilovemax : ya i think i know which one is ur mom. my next appointment will be end of July. will say hi to ur mom
Hi, kinda quiet here hor?

Anyway, just a quick update. Amelie is having her worst cold ever! Very bad cough which prevents her from sleeping. She was up on and off from 1am last night, crying the whole night. Can't take naps either cos she will wake up every 5-10 mins to cough very badly. Sigh. Sure lose weight one. And can see that she is physically weakened - can't even crawl with her tummy off the ground. Sigh!

Even I am coming down with the cold now. Argh!

Yup, it's time to start planning for those birthday parties! I intend to have a nautical theme, but it is so hard to find suitable decor etc for this theme. Anyone with leads let me know!
Shugar> I wanna the hooded towels too! ;) the quacky ducky one is those kind that after wearing can only see the hands n face?

So nice that most of your darlings enjoys the puffs! Titus rejects them totally cos it kept sticking to his mouth. He don't like to snack and I m very headache to keep him occupied during our meal times ;(
tien > take care too and shoo yr bug away...

funzee > sharks..hope amelie and u are feeling better by now! i was on the verge of falling sick too..but piling myself with fresh oranges and lots of water did the trick.

IKEA's having these stripey blue-white plates, cups and serviettes..that shld pretty much be in line with yr nautical theme :p i hope it's still ard, cos i bought the green-white version for dre's baptism party..there's some discussion of goodie bags..haha, so i can imagine u can pack seashells or handmade frames using raffia....and amelie can be dressed in a nautical sailor dress! cute!!! awesome theme :D
Hi All,
I'm a oct 2009 mummy ..
So meaning my little boy is 9 mths old now ..
His bottom front 2teeth pop out le .. But not str.
Looks like a v shape to me..
Does it mean that his teeth not str?
He haven know how to crawl yet .. But my mum say I don't crawl when I was a baby oso .. Don't know how true is it ..
Btw, any food to recommend to give to baby ?
I everyday gave him blended porridge plus this nestle 'mi hu' .. Everyday same food , I think he oso eat until sian le ..
And what kind of flashcard should I start him with?

you are all so creative in planning 1yo bday bash :p *stress*

my hb wan a party. Just talk to him few days back. But no tell me budget..so budgetless? woo hoo :p haii..first thing first. =.=

anyone ..any suggestions...which insurance plan is good? life, h&s, edu.

funzee > oh dear
.. hope amelie and you get well soon.

kungfu.ger > you can add vegetable puree, fruit puree.
Hi Mummies! It's Friday!! FINALLY!

xoxo: Thanks babe!I am resting at home. Given 1 week MC by doctor to rest my body...So, I shall see how on Monday. Not sure if I can afford to stay away from work for so long.

Funzee: Nautical theme... so interesting and cool! Can have it on a yacht! Or some yacht club! Nice! Hmmm sailor suit on Amelie will be soooooo cute! Both mummy and daddy can wear matchin colour polo tee with collar up...soooooooooo cool! The cake can have little boats etc...hahaha...see? I am so excited about your party!

Gal: We signed up with AIA for the education plan. Hb was the one making decision all the while...I guess we were to lazy to talk to many agents..afterall they will sell their investment link ones and honestly, I feel that they can't guarantee anything...not keen in getting any but hb wants, so just went ahead...
Hi all!

Brought Amelie to the PD again yesterday since she vomited while coughing in her sleep. Good thing I did cos the PD said her condition deteriorated so she is on the nebuliser.
But she seemed better after that. I think the rest of the household also coming down. One little girl can create a lot of havoc! Oh and she has lost 400g since she started falling sick... Oh boy.

Thanks xoxo for the lead. I shall check out Ikea. And Tien, I am going to have the party at The Sail cos my friend stays there and booked the club room for us, that's why nautical! I love nautical but I think very few nautical party supplies in Singapore. I hope to be able to get this nautical dress from Mothercare which I saw last time. Hope no other little girl turns up in it, hahaha! I will probably order cupcakes with nautical theme. So no need to cut out slices of the cake. I'm lazy!

BTW Tien, were you supposed to have some big news to share? Did I miss out on it? A bit KPO now, since I am at home. Hee hee hee!

Kungfu ger: Yes, you can add veg to his porridge like carrots, sweetcorn, pumpkin, sweet peas/beans, broccoli etc. But I just learnt that you should not cook carrot and sweetcorn together cos somehow they cancel out each other's nutrients. My mother read that from a book. You can also introduce fish, then lean pork and chicken.

You can encourage baby to crawl by giving him more tummy time, staying on the floor with him or putting toys just out of his reach.

gal, did you already get one of those Shield plans for your baby? That is the most important. One financial planner told me that no need to get life plan for baby, cos, to put it bluntly, if you lose the baby it's an emotional loss, not a financial loss. Life plans should be bought for the parents bcos if they are gone, the child needs the money. So as parents, we need to insure ourselves. Medical for bb should suffice for now, IMHO.
gal: I bot fr ntuc income, incomeshield wif rider as well as for uni

kungfu ger: its nt ez to look for gd flashcards... bot some n was quite disappointed wif their choice of objects. 1 BP was selling Wordworld's flashcards. Any mummies using it?

Funzee: nautical is an interesting theme. Maybe disneysea can give u more ideas?
Hi funzee,

perhaps u can try bringing ur gal to a chinese physician . It's called Yu Guo chinese physician acupuncture & physiotherapy at kingston terrace. near kembangan MRT.
they are good in treating children and provide massage (tuina) for babies and kids too.
silver bellz... I also got the wordworld ones. Just rec'd today in fact. My grouse is that too flimsy and pix too small. Also some of the letters are hard to discern in the picture. By the time I hold the cards, can't see the pix already lah. I think not suitable at this age. BTW what would you consider are good flashcards? What criteria?

teddybear: thanks for suggestion. I will monitor her. Have to bring her back to PD on Mon.

Have a good weekend everyone!
Funzee/silverbellz. Thanks for sharing. Make sense on the life plan ting

funzee: r u on my fb? I just uploaded3 pic on the Eric carle flash card. It's big n thick. Find it did capture E's attention for quite some time, well longer than my Winnie e pooh number card. I got fr amazon. One ting is X for animal name :Xolo. V English animal. J for jelly fish. N for narwell?? Think the rest r ok.
teddybear: I brought A to the Yu Guo Chinese physician. Must say it's a whole new world to me! I hardly go for TCM. It was so crowded! A had a tui na massage and was given something to wear over her navel since she is still on western meds. Bringing her again later. Don't see much improvement yet.

gal, no, I am not on your FB leh. Add me? [email protected]
funzee: a good flashcard at this stage is something that's thick and sturdy enough.

I'm using Kid's First Touch which has laminated big cards and I don't have to worry about cleaning them and my kid chewing them up or crushing them.

But the content wise is not that fantastic. They still have diskettes for letter D.
hi mummies sorry to interrupt the thread from dec 2009 mummies, cos i stocked up too many enfapro tins.. and my daughter dont really like to drink, so thinking of switching, this is the new enfapro formula 900g expiry march 2012 letting go at 34, retail is abt 39.9 interested please pm me! thanks!
Hi funzee - Riona too was down with flu n cough for almost 8-10 days a couple of weeks back. along with the Dr medicines, we were applying her the baby rub (bought from watsons - can't recollect the name)
We used to apply very little amount on her chest and feet. after applying on her feet, put socks for her. Do it twice a day. should give her good relief.

Babymax - sorry could not contact you when i was in HK. it was kind of cut short as my hubby got the flu bug as soon as we reached there and Riona was just recovering from flu. Unfortunately I couldn't do any shopping there. But i did visit Lan Tau, Victoria peak and ocean park. i think people are quite friendly in HK. Surprisingly, Riona - who had a big time stranger anxiety over here in S'pore - was always smiling to everyone in HK :)

Esther - Has the baby swimming classes started?sorry couldn't msg or mail you earlier as was tied up with a whole lot of things. i'll PM you my contact and you can let me know whenever the swimming is held.
Hi funzee - Riona too was down with flu n cough for almost 8-10 days a couple of weeks back. along with the Dr medicines, we were applying her the baby rub (bought from watsons - can't recollect the name)
We used to apply very little amount on her chest and feet. after applying on her feet, put socks for her. Do it twice a day. should give her good relief.

Babymax - sorry could not contact you when i was in HK. it was kind of cut short as my hubby got the flu bug as soon as we reached there and Riona was just recovering from flu. Unfortunately I couldn't do any shopping there. But i did visit Lan Tau, Victoria peak and ocean park. i think people are quite friendly in HK. Surprisingly, Riona - who had a big time stranger anxiety over here in S'pore - was always smiling to everyone in HK :)

Esther - Has the baby swimming classes started?sorry couldn't msg or mail you earlier as was tied up with a whole lot of things. i'll PM you my contact and you can let me know whenever the swimming is held.
hi mummies,

bit quiet hor oct thread.mummies must be very busy take k bb as this stage they started crawl,standing or walk..For me, my son crawl all over the place at home and trying to grab furniture to support stand up..Busy + TIRED...Btw, mummies i feel very strange,y scold or beat him, he like no feeling still can smile at me. He like to let go his hand while stand which he is not yet stand firm will fall down. And he feel happy leh..but mostly at his playpen or our mattress. Don know is it normal or he too playful. So scared hurt his brain.Any mummies bb like tat? So worry..
funzee: some flashcards i have include adjectives, abit diff to relate lor. At this stage, i feel it should just be common animals and household objects.

vin: am thinking of bringing my gal to Hk in dec. Is it true HK is nt v baby friendly? Diff to find nursing rooms there, cos I may nid to bring my pump along...
hi all,

recently i bought healthy times mixed grain cereal. found there are a lot of black dots which seems like insects to me. do u encounter this? but i found nothing in my HT brown rice cereals.

i hv bought a lot of brown rice box, all r clean. except the mixed grains ones, all boxes hv black dots.
silver_bellzz - i just weaned off my girl of BM and she's totally on FM. so didnt really notice the availability of nursing rooms. Bu ti feel HK is not so baby friendly as many restaurants that we went to don't even have high chair!! and very few kids shop in the malls. also, not many babies seen around...
Hi xoxo! Yup, I know that chateau de sable has that dress. I'm getting this dress for Amelie. You think nautical enough? My husband said not very nautical.

And yes, I'm interested in my gym! Will PM you.

silver bellz: yes, agree that sturdiness is impt. I bot one set from usborne which I quite like. Anyway I don't use everyday. http://www.usborne.com/catalogue/catalogue.aspx?area=B&subcat=BFC&id=3134

Vin: Thanks - A seems to be better after she went on the nebuliser. Tonight is review with her PD.
Hi Vin >> So sorry to hear that!! Yes, its the change of the season and a number of people are down with the flu bug. Oh dear. Hopefully you will come back another time (probably in the cooler season) and we can meet up.

I agree that there are not many baby friendly places in HK especially if you are trying to pump/nurse. The kid places are only concentrated in a few areas, and so not very widely available that you can see everywhere on the streets.
Hi mummies! Day 5 of my MC! Gynae's order to bedrest! But flu bug attacked at the same time....barely alive!

Naggy xoxo: Heard you and miss your nags!! Yes, I am resting!! And *hi-5* I was thinking of Chateau for Amelie!!

Funzee: There's also another version!! http://www.chateaudesable.com/en/item.asp?itemid=9988&catid=14 This one has pink and light blue too! And wow! The SAIL! That's super cool!

We have also just booked a restaurant function room for the party...super cheena! But because it's 10/10/10, we figure that most venues will be HOT with solemnisation and wedding lunches! Better chope a place and try to decorate it to fit the theme!

As for the big news...most have inferred already mah! Soon soon I WILL SAY IT OUT LOUD HERE...still too early! I super pantang one! Hahahahah
funzee > I saw the dress at chateau...it's pretty lah, that's why i thot of amelie. erm...mothercare, UK? are u really gg to make an order online? speaking of mothercare, rats, the pair of shoes i bought for Dre gave her blisters! and she is so turned off by shoes now.

tien > good, good. rest well, eat well for your little secret. hehehe...naggy xoxo signs off now.. :p

mygym > those who have indicated interest, i will proceed to get the free trial for u..hope u would all have fun!

gemson > there is only so much we can do to "prevent" falls. don't worry too much 'k? Your babe is doing very well!
<font color="aa00aa">Hi All</font>

I've got Similac Stage 2 of 400 gramsfor SALE for $20.
It includes 2 $3 vouchers tat is vaild till 30 Dec 2010. Please kindly pm me or call me at 9001 6833 for more details!~
the mummy update > babe has turned 9mo, and the mummy is getting even busier! gosh..whatever happened to my grand plan to be a SAHM for the 1st year? but i kinda like the balance now. only thing is, work has come and kachau-ed my plans to bring Dre on a holiday in Oct..oh well. i really hope to be able to take a break soon though i truly wonder if she can behave on the plane. qn qn...the linea nigra has yet to disappear! it looks so permanent...haiz..what can i do abt it? apply whitening cream?

babe update > 9mo...she has grown quite alot. weighing in at 8kg now! taking 3 meals (abt 12tbsp/meal) a day, 1 tea break (usually fruits) and still nursing at least 5x per day. i will be cutting one feed from next mth...or we will never achieve weaning. Dre's standing/walking on her own and loves climbing onto chairs, sofas, the bed...bathing her is a nightmare as she tries to clamber out of the bathtub. About falls...a very good tip I had was to not react whenever she falls and see if it's something that really hurts her. At first, our quick reactions always prompt a tears-and-wails sorta response. After we changed that, she has not sobbed once when she fell even though some of the thuds can be sickening. Helps too that my flooring is laminate and that lessens the impact. The falls will get lesser and lesser as the babe progresses..and you'd hardly remember it was such an issue. But beyond these, she is really a very sweet and loving girl. She would go to you and give these unexpected hugs and nuzzle you that it would just make your day light up! She loves feeding her Dad during mealtimes now. Very cute - Daddy feeds her, and she feeds Daddy. She has really bad stranger anxieties and particularly dislike her teachers handling her during class (mygym)..hates swings and hanging from bars. Still antsy about naptimes. I am getting abit more successful in getting her to take at least one 30min nap in the late afternoon. Not every day we succeed but it's ok. Hmm..and yeah..she really whines alot as she goes abt her biz! Always complaining under her breath....haha...
tien: *blink Blink* wah... u are FAST.

Xoxo: aiya. last sat we went for the mygym trial leh.. aargh.. Bally HATES it.. he is happier if u let him crawl around.. he delights in seeing his reflection in the mirror when he stands up.. the moment class starts... haiz.. MISTAKE.. wailed non-stop.. haiz.. the Bro on the other hand (cause he just had little gym in the morning..then we arrived late for his trial).. looks on longingly.. he attempted to hush his wailing bro to no avail.. haiz. went to mrine parade.. think little gym better leh..

and 12 tbs of? bally still at 8 tbs.. hmm time to up him. then he cuts back on his milk leh.. haiz..

funzee: Amelie has recovered? ...
btw.. the mygym lady was trying so hard to assure me that it is normal for bbs first time there to cry badly.. i wanted to laugh :p. then end up i had to tell her.. 'ya i know.. my older boy was worse when he was the same age'.. then she went like.. 'oh. ya. u have an elder bro liao'.. ha!
morning mummies!
long time since i come in here! read through and looks like most of our babies are already crawling, or almost about to. more headaches for us then, as we'll need to keep a sharp eye on them! hehe..

my girl is still taking only 1 feed of solids a day, and 4 feeds of milk. is that sufficient?? she's v petite, just like me. of cos, she is very light! i'm thinking of increasing her solid feed to twice a day. can smone enlighten me what should the day's feeding times be like then? do i replace 1 milk feed with solid feed?

saw an earlier post on flashcards, i tried that with my girl too, but not v successful. she doesnt want to look at the cards at all! waste my money buying them
when i tried to read to her, not much success too! she's only interested in snatching the book from me, nt to hear me read... any tips?? shld i let her play with the book? it doesnt seem healthy if i force her to listen to me read...
i brought my girl to gymboree for trial classes the last time too! but during the lesson, she's more interested in crawling over to get the clown that the teachers there were using for demonstration!
oo, so there are more other such schools ard! shall bring my girl to these other places to check it out!

tien: wow! good news to be announced soon! i'm also thinking when to plan for another one...
astro > in what way does little gym differ from mygym?i have not been to the marine parade branch..but it is indeed common to see babies on their first class fussing though it gets better as they become familiar. Dre is the opp - perfectly great for the first three classes and now, she goes ballistic when we place her on for the bars and swings. but otherwise, i think she is quite alright and the classes is a good way to work out her restlessness. i don't mind trying littlegym - but it's so far! and orchard on weekends now is a nightmare...i was stuck in traffic for close to an hr on sat!

12tbsps thereabouts of whatever my helper creates. she takes soft brown rice now with sides of meat/veg that's been diced. easier for her to scoop with the spoon or with her hands. not porridge or puree which she doesn't fancy. but her all-time favourite must be pasta. :D
Tien : ur big news :D congrats !! U booked 101010? Think lots of mum wants to celebrate on that date also.n yes,its a very nice date for a wedding

Xoxo : Dre so fast!! Can teach Josh to walk :p he's still lazy to walk by himself. But will run if I guide him to walk. N she ate quite a lot, nowadays Josh keep rejecting food. N still struggling with the fm. Headache! Heard that u want to join the yoga class tom? Too bad I won't be there,I'm going to batam. If not can let Dre n Josh meet, these 2 energizer bunny :D
cjdg, probably they are still young, but you can still try. Perhaps for shorter periods of time as their attention span is still very short.

Only thick cardboard books work. For my other books, he tore the pages.

I feed my son solids about 3-4 times a day, and he is still very light. Breakfast is usually cereal, but I've just introduced biscuits.
Then some milk,
Lunch is usually porridge, either fish, sweet potato, with meat as soup base.
Then some milk,
Dinner is porridge again. Think I the meals are really boring.
Occasionally he gets fruits.
At night is milk all the way.

By the way, does anyone know how to cook Ballamy's organic brown rice pasta? I think I cooked too long and it turned to glue.

By the way, at 9 months, do we need to bring our child to the pd for any checkups?
Angelina: Kinda expecting many to celebrate on 10/10/10. We chose this date because my traditional parents plus PILs say that 1st year birthday should be based on lunar birthday and just so happen BB Kay's falls on the date. So, just book lor. Anyway, we are contemplating if we should have 2 separate parties, 1 on 17/10/10 (3 days ahead of her actual birthday). So the cheena one will be for family and the ang moh one will be for friends and to be held at our new place (can be house-warming party at the same time). But I am kinda dreading the cleaning up, so, kinda rejecting the idea.
gal > sent you a message....

cjdg > try a second solid feed and carry on with milk intakes on demand if she is still hungry...what's the quantity that u are feeding yr gal?

angelina > the "guiding" to walk is super teruk for the back right!! Why is Josh rejecting food and FM? Yep, was thinking of joining yoga - miss u all mah! wahahaha..plus my back would benefit from those gentle stretches...but seriously, i don't see Dre being zen... :p hahaha...you are gg to IKEA today? IKEA TAMPINES? Rats..I would meet u but I have work to finish today. Meet next wed? or sat?
Tien : wah house warming-bday party,ya I'm sure u'll need lots of work to do if want to held it at ur new house. Why don't hire an hourly maid? I have the contact number agency of this kinda maid if u want. Can just do hourly,n do whatever u ask them to do

Xoxo : yoga class for me,is not about doing yoga at all.its me chasing boyboy around the room. They don't baby proof the room, so instead of being zen I was always sweaty busy running around. Can't imagine if its Dre.
Next wed will definitely go for the next yoga class. N every saturday is the weekly activity,u can come if u want
Angelina: Hey thanks! Dun mind the contact. Will buzz you if I need one. Actually this birthday party is giving me a headache! Kinda wonder why we are making it so big. Think it's me lah..initial hype has turned into stress. Me want to invite the Oct mummies and babies I know leh! Problem is think many of you will be having party on 10/10 and even 17/10. Hahaha...so scared rejection hahahah!
xoxo: i haven't try the class for bally's age group.. (i shd.. fast.. coz bally has four free trials coz teng signed up..and i have been wasiting these free trials for all the sems teng has been with little gym)... but for teng it involves ore imaginative make belief.. and i kinda think that little gym is more.. engaging.. maybe i am used to it.. coz the instructor tells stories.. i enjoy listening to their animated tones.. and gymnastics based.. more room to crawl around.. i actually felt a bit lost with bally in mygym on sun.. coz i dunno where to go.. he doesn't fancy all the obstacles.. he just likes free roam.. but then again.. like i said. i haven't tried for bally's age.. so i need to try before i can commit.. but it is quite like mygym. coz what Famela does with anna..little gym miser does with teng.. jus tthat my gym got the hanging thingies.. then littlegym has the balacing beams ..i like the pretend play the most.. i wonder if they do it for bally's age.. maybe not.. but i must go and see.. .

dre is filling up v fast with the constant 12 tbs! ha.. 8 kg liao. bally stagnated.. and i thoght he is looking slimmer..
xoxo: ask SF for me.. for learning music.. it is better to sight read by associating the notes to its 'pitch'..(as in do-re-mie) or to sight read by associating to letter values?
(i.e. that note is 'c'..then 'd'..)
and does he happen to know if there are any good piano classes for toddlers?

astro: i started learning doremi.

then followed by abcdefg

jmc from yamaha seems to be great. most of my smart friends went for jmc when we were young. hehehe.
