(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Hee, I am doing my boy's birthday party on 10/10/10 as well and thought of inviting a few of the mommies I know too! KD's birthday on 11th.

I know PY's celebrating on the 9th.

Soooooo excited!
Tien : ha why scared of rejection? But I'm kinda worried too. Cause Josh's bday on 1st of oct its children day. Don't know whether the babies or the parents r free or not. Its on friday btw
Hi mummies, can see all of you are super busy preparing the 1st birthday for the baby....
See how time files, last year this time of the year we are talking abt the birth of our baby. Now all the babies are turn 1 pretty soon....

Hi PY, just a quick check with you have u send out my totseat? When the Melts will be arriving and how much do I owes you?
Joyce: ya I mailed out to u last week.
The melt spree is handled by natalie Liao
Angelina: cos later date clash then you all choose the other parties and dun want to come mine...

Hmmm maybe we shld start a table and see the party dates to look out for clashes hahaha

Anyway, thanks mummies for your well wishes. Think after today's gynae visit I'm more at ease. Yep.. All of u hv guessed correctly. Now really taking care of myself. And this yx of mine seems to know and gets vey very clingy. Currently 11 weeks and am given another week's mc by matriarch. Headache on how to tell school which is not quite a very understanding place when it comes to pregnancy n family.
wah piang eh! you all nicely GATECRASH my 10/10/10!!!!!! it's Min's actual birthday!!!!!! hahahaha... anyways, i have gone ahead and ordered party loot and it's gonna be a Hello Kitty theme. haha... too bad for Min. mummy chooses what she likes. i think she likes hello kitty too, along with pooh and mickey, but kitty is the all time fav so kitty it'll be.

it will be my in-law's side one day and my family the other. at this point in time, i can't make up my mind about whether to invite any of our frens but it'll be at my house for my side of the family. and really, those of you who's been here b4 will know, my place really isn't all that big. just my extended family is close to 30 already. so i dunno if it'll be over-crowding and everything. anyhow, we shall see. now that i know Tien is holding on the same day, i guess that means i don't have to invite her! hahahahhaa... *wink*
eh but yours more high class mah. so maybe i'll be the one rejected.

yours should clash with mine eh? alamak, when can meet E???

actually now that i think of it, i think maybe i wanna have like an afternoon-do. like around 2-4pm kind of time. then no need to cater food and all those nonsense eh? i mean, the cake itself should be the main draw... hehehe... maybe throw in one basket of durians. then mummy hippo will be stuffing her face! hur hur
xoxo: no lah! I am not ordering online, getting it from the store here. Hope the sizing will be right for her. They are almost OOS already. For shoes, I find pediped good. I bot A a pair and they've worked out well for her. Roomy at the toes, easy for her to wear, and they go with everything since I bought white ones. She is going to outgrow them soon though...

Wow, as usual, always impressed by Dre! 12 tbps is really good! Looks like her food and milk intake are very good - probably to support her active lifestyle, hee hee! And Dre already walking and standing solo. Great job! And it sounds so cute! Dre giving hugs and feeding dad. So sweet!

Tien: ya lah, I kinda guessed but thot better check mah. Congrats! So lovely! Take care and rest lots!

Astro: Nope, A still having her cough + cold. I think her this episode cost me $300 in medical fees. I brought her to PD and the baby tui na. And she refuses to drink water for the past few days. Like that how to recover? She will take in the water and spit it out - even for soup. I dunno why.

glass: is the pasta the small brown ones? I think boil for 7 mins. You can always try by taking one to eat.

Suddenly this thread alive again...
your remedy abt rubbing babyvicks (was it?) on chest and feet and then wear socks is effective on adults. my mummy did it when she was recently ill. just never tried it on baby yet. thanks for reminding!

12tbsp is damn a lot k! where did it all go? Min is there right on the dot with Dre in the kgs. but she takes about 6tbsp for breaky and 8tbsp each for lunch and dinner. and to think I was thinking my maid a bit siao to give her so much. she actually is sporting a LITTLE TUM TUM like mummy hippo these days... hehehehe...
glass, pasta for our little ones?? sounds tasty! but do they eat the same kind of pasta we do?

xoxo, unfortunately, my girl hardly ever cries for food! so i'm purely feeding her by looking at the clock. i feed her every 4hr. milk wise, she's taking between 6-7oz each feed during the day

regarding parties, i'm both excited but abit reluctant as well... been trying to find a suitable venue, but its not easy

plus i'm afraid my 'NICE' Mil will create problems, so wld rather not throw a party. on the other hand, i'm so excited to throw a theme party, buy the decor, cake, etc!! but i'm a greedy mummy...cant decide between kitty or pooh!hence, cant buy the preety plates, napkins, nonesoever yet. what more all the pretty 3d cakes out there!! i haf to decide soon man...
It's been a long time since i last check this forum! Wow.. 101010 is a hot date ya. Time flies! Our precious ones are turning 1 v soon.

Looks like some of you hv already made preparations and bought party loot. I have not done anything yet. Where did you gals bought the party deco from?


Congrats! Take care & Rest well.

it's my princess's actual bday on 1010 too. Hee. It brings me back the memories of the labour last year.
I think Lydia's baby is born on 1010 as well ya?
Hippo: that also means that I no need to invite u issit? Kekekek... Anyway your timing also lunchtime ah? Actually hor if I hv a part 2 party on 17 oct, shld be ok right? Any mummies having party on 17/10?? Heheheh... I also dun want spoil friendship and put other mummies in the spot. Chances are we will invite almost same mummies n babies. Anyway mine where got high class! Cheena restaurant lor! A bit sian... Shldnt hv booked haha think my house still nicer!
Tien : awhhh so sweet,11 weeks. Feels like yesterday I just went through the pregnancy period
bout ur 101010, so far got 3 party at the same date. No wonder u feel headache n scared of rejection. Esp when the 3 of u (so far) plan to held it at the same time
I just wish my close moms friends will be available on friday,n nobody held it on the same date like mine
Tien: Congrats!
Well, the worst thing they could do is to give you a D, but probably won't, because they will have some explaining to do, so just heck care, and make sure you stay happy.

Can't count properly. Are you due in Dec or Jan?
Angelina: that's why I'm thinking of inviting mummies and babies on another day. More like a gathering. Also not so many people and better for the tots.

Glass: dun think they can give me a D becos I just had my ML this year. Anyway also dun quite care. Hb told me' to sort of drop hints that I might leave next yr. So that sort of ease the stress a bit. Now school bit doesn't worry me at all. I only care abt my kids. They really dump too many grad classes on me'!
haha, forum coming to "life"..good good..good distraction from my pile of work -__-

angelina > gee..really ah? got free trial or not? just kidding.... :p

astro > is the free trial voucher for little gym transferable, i.e. letting Dre try? why don't i arrange for another free trial for Bally and Bao...what say you? good chance for us to meet also...i'd say the same ditty: SF misses Bao! :p

Both of us did not take Yamaha lessons and nope, we were not taught the DoReMi way though we know what it is.. Formal music lessons I suppose...logically, if you are taught CDEFGAB...it's better for the later input of # and flats where they should be. I cannot imagine saying F# as Fa-Sharp....but if it's all for good fun...so be it! Sight reading means that the child knows which note is being referenced...anyway, out of curiosity, did you choose piano as the instrument of choice or was it something that Teng decided he wants to learn?

10/10/10: wah..maybe the 101010 folks should all come together for a birthday bash! :D

angelina > are u doing anything for Josh's birthday? Managed to talk YL into doing something abt it?

hippo > compared to my bolt hole, your home's a castle!!! :p durian, hello-kitty....wow!! Haha, maybe Dre has a high metabolic rate (just like me)...but she does have what i think, is a beer belly >.<

funzee > i am having such a headache with her shoes...we went to try out pedipeds..she managed to wince her feet out of 'em...not a chance. now we have gotten her footwear that looks like boots! but it's such a headache trying to coordinate her "fashion" or whatever that remains of a really weird ensemble...Dre, unfortunately, has rather poor fashion sense (no thanks to the Dad &amp; I who are really style-challenged)... :p

cjdg > if she does not cry for food, u can just prepare more and feed...babies will indicate when they have had enough by turning away from the spoon/refusing to eat...? from there, u might have a better idea abt the amts yr babe wants?
tien > WOOHOO!!!! So you finally spilled the beans..you spilled abit, i spilled a teeny weeny bit and now u have finally spilled the whole news! Anyway, CONGRATULATIONS! I am so happy for you...the day I knew abt it...I was grinning and pleased as punch, SF thot I was made of helium...but, but, but...haha, emo lah...it's definitely not easy for you but it really feels like you have come full circle!
Hi Tien, Congrats!
Don't bother abt sch! When I was pregnant last yr, my P kept saying nasty things to me whenever I see her to sign my MC... But so what? It's a life that we are talking about. Go ahead and have all the rest you need!
Xoxo: is the method that you n SF gone through called the Suzuki method?

Yep decided to just spill the big bag of beans. Share some nice news with you guys mah! And hopefully more will join the bandwagon!!

Candy_white: thanks! Honestly, I really dun understand why they can be so mean. Now I just hope this won't jeopardize my connect plan. Waited very long for this one... Sigh
Xoxo: forgot to add! The bit on 'filled with helium' is soooooo cute! But really thanks! That was probably one of my lowest period n it felt great to hv happy people standing by me
Tien : mine will be some kinda gathering as well. Since I don't have any family here,other then YL's side which is only 4pax including the pil
won't feel hectic to do 2 times, just 1 time party/gathering will be enough
Awhhhh edd 1st on feb, reminds me of josh's edd on 1st of oct. Hahaha don't know what's wrong with me. So emo,n happy for u

Xoxo : ya I managed to talk to YL about it, thanks to all moms friends on his FB,that keep talking about the party. So he knew how important it is to celebrate the 1st bday
we're still finding the venue. But I will only invite all the moms n babes that close to me. So hopefully 1st on friday,all these moms are available :p
Tien! I did some mental calculation, Jan or feb right?! Woohoo!!! Can be tigger or rabbit!!! So happy for you! Seems like being in your kind of job is not pro family ya? I read so many abt the P being bitchy abt having an additional member in your own family. I tot this is garment and garment very pro family de leh!!! If u really intend to quit u should site this issue to the garment!!!! Shame on them!

10-10: oh dear! Actually it's damn funny when I think abt it! There are only 30 days in oct and we are all October mommies and there are just that few weekends!!! Definitely will have crashes de. Haha. No matter what, it's our little darling birthday!!! Nothing should stop us from having a great time with the most important person in our life now right?! *grin* just thinking abt it feels so excited Liao!

Angelina: I should still b in HK on 1 Oct. To be confirm with you nearer to date. If I really can't attend, can I meet you up when I am back so I can pass a pressie to Josh! Hurhur

Our babies are 9 months old already!!!! I still can't believe I have this precious gift!
Tien: Congratulation!!! Please rest well and take care. As for the school, I think dun really need to bother abt them as health is more impt for both of you.

PY: Thanks! I have rec'd it yesterday.

Natalie: Please let me know the amount. Thanks!
Tien: Congratualtions!! and take care as well as good rest :)

Hippo: yeah, the baby vicks on feet is quite effective for babies as wel. in 1 day i could see Riona's cough reduced a lot!! and it was gone totally in a matter of 2-3 days.
Hehehe... U know we only talked abt date clashes. We havent talked abt other potential clashes - outfits, presents, etc etc... Its so weird yet exciting yet funny!
Thanks mummies! Suddenly, my mood is so much better after a totally disappointing conversation with my boss. Snippet of it:

<font color="ff6000">Boss: So, doctor give you MC till when?

Me: Next Wed.

Boss: You know what? Think you rest for this week. Next week, see how first.

Me: But I thought if given MC we are not supposed to report to work. If anything happens, school will not be responsible.

Boss: Hmmm...ya. But we will see how next week. Btw how? People are asking why you on MC. I cannot keep it much longer.

Me: Huh?

Boss: Like Mrs xx. She is asking why she has to take over your class (Ps: FYI, this class is her and was split to give to me).

Me: It's ok. I will drop a msg.

Boss: Then you can also let Ms xx know. Cos she is absorbing your lot.

Me: It's ok. She is dropping by my place later to pass me stuffs.

Boss: Ok. Then you rest well. Bye.</font>

Very sian hor...after going through conversation Actually I went back and have to take over so many classes. Take this split class, including my own boss one!! And co-teach that class. I really feel like I am there to be their extra hand. Strictly speaking I only have 3 classes that I can truely call my own!

Anyway enough said lah...

Ting: Garment want people like you all to gib birth more! And actually I think garment may want one thing but ultimately the power is in the hand of their senior exec. No one checks on them really!

Hippo: Hahah ya...then maybe have to post on fb first to chope the outfit first! And present put as wishlist lah! Think I am going to write 'since we are handling the baby and party venue not exactly near, we would appreciate light and small gifts like ang paos and gift vouchers!' Muahahhahah
all these talk abt the upcoming bday parties, i think we mummies are more excited than the birthday boy/girl themselves!!!
I can't imagine being pregnant again right now. Don't know how to cope with that. Guess I'll wait for another year or 2.

Yeah, I've finally got off my butt to start thinking about birthday party.
So expensive!

I found a baker who does non-diary and non-egg cakes! Great for my son.
Glass: ya...that was exactly how I felt when I first found out. Till now, I have absolutely no idea how I am going to cope. Kinda stress. But then things will iron out themselves as we go along...at least that's what I hope.
Tien >> I'm so happy for you!!! What great news!! Oh my!! This time next year we will be hearing all about your number 2!! Don't worry too much. It will all work itself out, I'm sure.

Birthday parties! Time flies so fast yeah? Before long, our little ones are going to be 12 months old...Its an amazing journey for both mommy and LO. And oh yes, exhausting as well. ;-)
Babymax: thanks a lot! I'm sure you guys will hear all the grouses from me' as time goes by.

Btw mummies need to ask a favor! Any good CL who is pro-breastfeeding to recommend? Cos this one is going to be so near CNY and the price is like crazy! So want to ask a few to ,hopefully , find one who is not so ex. My previous CL is sick
so I can't get her sigh... Trying not to hv the situation where
MIL has to do for me'. I dun quite like her cooking n think I'll
be so paisay n end up doing everything myself. If hv lobang pls pm me. TIA
Talking abt parties.. Can u all share contacts of bakers?;) and what's typical budget? Those 3d cakes t so pretty but cost a bomb huh?
Any idea how much pine garden 3d cake cost?;)
I jus checked with one lady who used to do my cupcakes, she is goin to charge mr 200-300 for a 2 tier cake. Boo. No budget.!! So I can drop that contact Liao
Vodkarib: apparently most renowned bakers charge this price! For a 2-tier 3 D cake Sigh.. I also looking. I'm actually dropping the idea of a 2-tier cake.
Tien : If msian CL u ok? Coz my friend juz full mths and found her CL is good in cooking and take k of baby. If u ok then i get the contact from my friend.
