(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Vankel : I've brought my girl on plane rides for a few times. They are ok with milk, bottles, flask. I have no problem at all.

Vankel : hey,I'm going hk also. But not next week,but 2 more weeks
I traveled with Josh before,n they allow everything that I need for his needs. So, should be okay

Glass : going to see the specialist by next week. Hopefully will get the answer bout his allergic

PY : I told YL that u went to robinson n he straight away asked whether want to go or not. He's the one who shopaholic leh,not me.. Haha
angelina, wow!!! hahaha so good! hehehe i think he'll spend alot if he go hehehee!

i spent $400 lol. on the allerhand bag (20%) and bed linen (40%)

wahhhhh really the sale worth waiting for hehe

haha we shall let tien herself to tell u all

I think u need to watch Josh's diet.. especially the porridge cook by ur MIL. Coz i was told that some food allergic will cause cough and flu too.

hehe maybe you can share this with YL too.. :p
Sunnyling, dreamgal n Angelina, thanks for the info. I can nw safely pack wat I want for her on plane
really looking forward to the trip.
PY : wah really ah ? if he's allergic because of something that my mil cooked. that will give me a perfect excuse not to let her cook for him again . anyway even YL said that her food taste horrible. haha. so where are u going today ? sure u want to try ur new bag right ?
Hi mummies, i have 3 tins BN Enfapro A+ Stage 2 to let go at $36 each and 1 tin just open yesterday using for 3 scoops at $34. PM me asap if u are interested can self-collect at yishun mrt.
hey mummies, anyone's bub drinking Nan Pro 2? I have a BN tin of 400g to give away.. expiry date is 30 June 2011

PM me if you keen hor.. can self collect at my mum's place in tampines or can arrange to meet up if possible..
Wah I went bk to the fair today and bought 2 pkt of goon and 3 pky of sealer. Sealer is damn cheap! I din try before but I like it as it's a Velcro tape rather than sticker. 3 pkt for
25 dollars only! Hahaha one pcs only 0.19c!

So shiok! I love buying diapers hahaha
sian man
I went to the expo on my own, because my hubby is so busy (sigh), wanting to buy heinz food, but i didn't want to carry them around. It was late and in the end, they closed before I could buy!! @#$%

Then this woman ask me to do survey, ask me what age group I was in, I answered in age group 3, then she said I looked so young, she thought I was in age group 4, but guess what, group 4 was like 10 years older. She probably meant group 2, but still, I was quite pissed off.

I bought a new thermometer, some video flash cards when I wanted paper flash cards!!!, organic mozzie prevention cream, new bottles. Felt like buying a portable swimming tub, but didn't. I remember this time last year, I spent more than $2000. This time round just slightly more than 10%.

PY: OK, will wait for good news from Tien.

But how har, my period also never come back after 1 time. Need to see gynae? I think nearly 2 months already. I'm still bf-ing. And I never TTC

angelina: I hope Josh will be ok.
PY, I know what you mean. I bought like 4 packets of mammy poko when it cost less than $20 at ntuc just 2 weeks ago. The cashier even asked me how long they can last, which I have no idea.
Hi. Ithink igot masttitis
myright side feel sore n has pus smell. Yield is v lil too. Still trying to clear it. Q: is the milk fr right side safe toconsume?

I planningto stop bf soon . Shld I just put cabbage?
Gal: did u have fever as well? Mastitis will have high fever too. By right shouldn't have pus. It's just very serious block ducts. Need to see doc to get antibiotics else no matter how u clear it keeps come back fast and furious.

Yeah. The milk is safe for consumption. Works hand in hand. Bb has to help u drink to clear it too.
Ting: sun got slight fever in pm. But after short nap fever cleared. Bb can't help me Le. He got four sharp teeth. I stopped latching a few mths already. This morning I tried offering him. He look at me blurr blurr. Then put mouth there din even try to suckle. Think he forgot. Tried offering 3 times. Third time.... His teeth came chomp chomp. :S

think I can wait till wed for antibiotic/ see gynae?
Hi gal,

tried applying warm compress and really massage alot. Moms here engage mdm rokiah's help to clear block ducts. She is GOod! But IMO, if mastitis Liao engage her also no use. CPA clear Liao will come back fast and furious in hours. Whenit stucks, it's really damn painful de plus will High suddenly like within 5 mins? That's my episode of mastitis. I gave in to antibiotics in 2 days and 1 night. Cos I still wanna continue bf.

Y u wanna wait till wed? U dun feel uncomfortable and sick meh? That time I so miserable I kept "whining" to hb. I tell u, nei nei pain is worse than child birth!
Jus check with mummies,noticed ur babies yawning a lot these days? My boy has been yawnin quite a bit these 3 days. Like maybe once every half hour, even in the morning. Am wondering if I shld be concerned. He is sleeping slot lesser nowadays though still quite active n feeding well. At night sleeps for 7+2hours, and he takes 2x1hr naps in the day (he used to be able to clock around 4hour nap time probably 2 weeks ago)
shld I be concerned and chk with pd? It's quite disturbing to see him yawn. Anyone can share experience?
hi mummies,
anyone using avent electric pump and it's not using anymore? would like to borrow for a few days to try out the suction..

i'm planning to get rid of my ameda as the suction is not strong for me anymore
pump nth out. sigh.. so all along i've been using my medela manual pump.

Angelina lend me her medela swing and it's not bad.. hehe thanks babe. anyway i just like to make comparison between the pumps before invest in another one...
Angelina: hahaha yes it's really like milking the cow! u wanna try? i still have my hands-free HAHAHAHA!

oh btw you no need to lend me the bottles, funnels etc haha i'm a medela user too! :D I return u the pump on wed ok!
I am using medela swing too! I like the 2 steps stimulation to imitate how a baby drinks, very fast at first to quent thirst and then drinks slowly when there is a let down. But of cos la. Can nv empty a breast like our babies can.

I thought of bf for one yr only. But the thought of washing milk bottles and sterilizing turns me off. As well as the thought of lugging milk bottles, formulas and warm water out on top of the diaper bag. Huh.... I dunno how to stop bf leh! Cos I m pretty much very lazy to "start all over" again. So used to the poncho and instant milk service. My god. A baby needs to drink milk till what age ah?

Mastitis caused by block ducts. Block ducts can happened anytime and for many reasons. Mdm rokiah said during pregnancy should already massage n use warm compress during shower as milk is building up. Supply change, stress, wired bra, infrequent emptying etc can be reasons. Aiya just massage everytime before n after each feeding to feel for possible block ducts. Now I know it's not block suddenly but is over time. Sometimes no matter how long I pump still got lump in breasts. Need to stop and massage really well then pump again to get let down again den that lump disappears.
Ting : I attending trg mon n tue. I not uncomfi. No more fever. I put cabbage for like half hour at the sore spot seem to help. Instead of 30 ml I got 40 after that. No more pus smell but I still concern Le coz sstill sore. I met a lc in motherhood fair. She told me gotta throw the milk. I so heart pain after pump throw milk for infected boob. Sob sob.

Py: my colleagues swear by medela pump in style.
Hi gal,

maybe urs not mastitis? I also seen a lc and what she said is consistent to what I research on the Internet. Mastitis is inflammation on the breasts cos of infection. But the infection is not pus lei. It's bcos the block ducts are not cleared within 24 hours and then our body treat the milk as foreign bodies to protect ourselves. So in mastitis, the inflammation or infection refers to the milk not pus. I think pus is quite serious! Better go see a doctor cos might be other things. Mastitis can continue bf de but ur symptoms dun sound like mastitis.
Morning, mummies...

I agree with Ting that Mdm Rokiah is damn damn good! She always recommend us to massage ourselves to prevent blocked ducts. I bought the river stones from her.

I love her service because she is very very knowledgeable and she always share her knowledge and experience while doing the massage.

She actually recommended me this Telon oil to massage baby's tummy cos she said Ruyi Oil can be too hot when I commented that my bb's tummy became kinda red after apply ruyi oil. I tried the Telon oil on my boy who seems to be so conspitated.. after applying, he really pooed a massive one.. Not bad leh...
gal : My feeling - its a blocked duct. Mastitis will normally cause high fever. My few experience on mastitis always come with fever more than 38+ - 39+ degree, weak in bed, shivering and the pain from the breast can be so painful that it kept me crying.

PY : I still ganna mastitis when Glynnis was close to 1 year. I think for me, its due to not emptying my breast completely. I read somewhere that stress, tiredness and weakened immune system can also cause it.
PY>> I also using PIS (Advanced).. not bad lah.. but, the motor quite heavy for u to carry ard..otherwise, its quite gd.. empties both breasts in less than 15 mins.
hi gal,

i second dreamygal's experience! when i had mastitis in Apr this yr, the fever came a few times and ea time it was really high fever of 39.5 and above within minutes! and i will feel very weak, shivering and also the pain in the breasts is really so bad that i cried as well. that's why i said worse than childbirth! hurhur, but i only had mastitis once (touch wood) and i am as if speaking like an expert.... just concern about u.
get well soon. if you really intend to stop bf liao, then u can also see doc to get a medication to dry the milk up.
Mrs Neo: u sold your ameda lactaline? i'm thinking of selling mine.. it was good initially but now when i pump, i need to take out the fastener at the top several times so that the suction remains strong. haha dunno if u know what i'm refering to anot hehe.. anyway i think i wont buy a dual pump .. coz it makes no point leh.. i need to squeeze and pump at the same time.. so only can handle 1 boob at a time . lol. so sian..

wonder if charlotte latch, the milk can come out anot if w/o squeeze.. i think my boobs spoilt liao lol!! now i need a super power suction pump, if not it's useless on my boobs.
anyone wanna go gymboree playgym? harbourfront one.. then maybe afterthat lunch at marche? very sian.. wanna take this friday off.
10 - 2pm is the free gym.. ha.. yh will fuss. coz cannot sleep properly. but what the hell lah. just bring.. heh.

anyone keen?

gymboree playgym (not class)
harbour front, this fri.. 10am- 11 plus.
then lunch at marche?
astro: so keen to join you on friday.
But not sure whether i can take leave or not...
will PM you in case i'm able to take leave
PY: Still looking for a pump? Actually I have a very old model Medela pump in style, which a colleague passed to me. I found it was OK, tho it doesn't have the 2 different speeds of slow-fast when it pumps. If you like, can borrow long term since I am not using at all.

Mie, I am using Nan Pro 2 but Tampines too far for me! I am at Bishan.

BTW, mummies might want to bring your babes to the Children's Season at Singapore Art Museum. Amelie enjoyed it yesterday, esp Walter's Garden on first floor and Daisies on fourth floor.
funzee: yah lor... hahaha but i wanna stop bf eventually by end of this year though hehe :p
hmm i let u know if i wanna borrow the pump coz i'm looking for an avent one to try hehe :D thanks for the offer!
hmm 20 odd? not more than 25. i'm asking my supplier.. coz i'm looking for this seat hehe.. natalie has one and i find it very useful that day when the rest only has 1 baby chair
Py: I m keen on something like this. Cos I realise he can't sit in most bb chairs outside except for the ikea one. Good to bring along to Hk too I think! Haha.

How much is selling in kp and mc?
mie: i was thinking of u leh. u friday not free ah.. eh. but i applied for friday liao wor. my reporting officer dun like me to apply for 'urgent' leave one.. duh..

py:have seen that before.. hmmm..how much? if dun have high chair. normally i feed bally in the stroller..
astro>> i gg msia thurs to sat leh.. i wanna bring belle out as much as possible these few days, before i start my new job! and its been so long since i saw bally! and bao!
dun take urgent leave la, take mc? hehe
i saw this in robinsons and most department stores, KP and MC.. they're selling for above $30...got one i saw the tag like 59? =.= at takashimaya
