(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

miemie> i wanted to tell u something. did u take ur cervarix vaccine? i did and within 6 mths cannot get preg. if not waste money.. coz lower protection.

so i can only TTC in nov.. oh well.. i hope i still can get my bunny baby!

Py: chk w u! The vaccine u took we can take meh? That day at a gp, I saw a brochure so I took and see but it state for female up till 25 only!!!!!!!!! I out of that range leh! And can I check how much is it? The last I check 3 yrs ago it was thousand plus! Crazy!!
i took mine b4 pregger. But left the last booster shot din take til now. But he wont let me take cos BFing now. Mine is guardasil tho. Diff brand.
Birthday Bash

Think alot of them are busy so hard to organize for the bash.

I have actually also start planning for Rhys 1 year old celebration hahahaha very KS. I have book the venue and order the card liao now want to order some birthday decoration nia
funzee: thanks!! will look out for these books. I don't think i'm that kind of a person who will try out new recipes and all, but still I'll have a look at the book...
hippo: she told me it's not good to miss any shot lah. coz will affect the level of protection. so she suggest i TCC after the last jab, which is in nov

ting: i paid $450 for 3 jabs at my gynae's clinic
cheaper than the GP i checked. coz they dun have ready stock.. gotta pre-order haha!
any SAHM interested to do part time work from home job? Need pple to mark english papers! Good $$$ for SAHM! Pre-requisites: Min A2 for GP "A level"

PM me!
happy hippo,

bf-ing cannot take the jabs? I took my 3 jabs after my confinement n i still bf-ing till now tho :S planning to bf till bb is 1 yr old :S
for mummies who are still breastfeeding, how much are you expressing for one whole day? my current supply is abt 800ml for one whole day. supply seemed to have dipped by 30% during my 2weeks as a SAHM.

is it possible to boast the supply back now? is it a sign that menses is returning hence the reduction?
shugar & py>> the fair is tmr? shucks, i keep thinking its friday! i must go! and since im a SAHM these 2 weeks, im definitely going! whatsapp me, we arrange over whatsapp okie! yeah yeah yeah

cervarix vaccine>> yes, above 25 still can take.. i should be going this or next week.. so many errands to run during these 2 weeks..

Yeah working there now. Not in freight industry neither am I in I*M. Haha wanna guess the next bigger industry that has offices there?!

You are in freight industry? So where is your new office in the future?

BTW, here's something for you guys to laugh at...
(by request of xoxo... heehhee :p)
esp those you have grandchild crazed parents or ils!
funny thing is i used to think this was hilarious... but unfortunately now, its somehow too real for me to provide anymore humor! :p
HI mummies!!
Good morning!!

Re: Motherhood Expo
You ladies are going today or Sunday? I see if i can join, if it's today. Also dunno what I have in mind to buy. Just bask in the atmosphere. Can Watsapp me too!

Shugar: I LOOOOOVVEEEEE this!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TRUE!!! I am glad some creative person observe this abnormality!

Re: The craziest thing that happened
Eh mummies gg to the motherhood fair at expo. Not sure if CFA exam is held there this year. If it is, stay clear of expo on sunday. No way u can get a park ok. It will be traffic gridlock there.
Shugar : it's so damn funny and really very REAL! If there is a hotline,I can call to send my mil. She is still like that now. Yesterday they came home earlier and I was feeding kd cereal. Mil stands 2m away and kept asking him if he is full?! And then y know how curious kids are? They will just stare at her and I find it STUPID to continue feeding him cos everytime I fill a spoon near his mouth the mil will go : aaaaaaaaarm..... mum mum mum mum arrrrrrrrtrm! Bu Yao kan wo! Deng yi xia ni ma ma ma! (don't look at me, later your mum scold) #$&@!#%* !!! I simply just stop everything. Pause there to look at my boy, even if he want to eat I also dun feed until mil gets it that she is very destructive and walk away then i feed again.

My baby is an animal! Like those in the zoo.
Sotong mum: Hmmmm Seems like it hor? Somemore TBA is like below 3 months cannot announce yet like that.... Wah... Suspense!!!!!! And we keep guessing!!!

Just curious, I wonder if we were to tell bosses that we preggie again now, will they give us shit (like to them we gave them troubles). I am sure will have discrimination de lo!
Ting>> Wahahahaa.. think my mil and ur mil can shake hands and be gd gd friends leh!!! LOL.. Cos seems like they are doing the same things.. plus the kikooooo and running on the spot.. LOL

Ya lor.. i think if i tell my boss i am preggie again.. he might slaughter me alive.. When I volunteered myself for a 6 weeks overseas exercise in Oct, he already said NO...

Tien>> If got gd news.. share share wif us soon, okie? I wonder who in the Oct mummies group will be the 1st to strike #2...
Sorry for interrupting..... .


We all love to spend the waketime/playtime with our babies or toddlers more fruitfully, don't we?

I began designing simple cards as my teaching materials for my baby Elkan when he was 6-mth-old.  I love this wonderful bonding time with him, and most importantly he has been enjoying and responding to it! Even before his first birthday, Elkan is able to recognize & speak the words like BALL, BIB, CAR, APPLE, FLOWER and actions like CLAP, WAVE, NAP etc. He has been learning fast because the words are RELEVANT to his everyday life, and he is able to use them often. I'm sure most, if not ALL babies have the same potential too.

Babies/toddlers really do learn & absorb faster than we can imagined. (with patience and encouragement of course)
Therefore, I feel, as parents, we could make full use of this "sponge"age advantage, exposing them to many words & reading to them.

ps. I'm just a graphic designer. Not an educator.  

********** FLASH CARDS SAMPLE TO GIVE AWAY! **********

Specially for this forum, I'd love to give away 3 sample cards for each parent.
If you are interested, please email your NAME & ADDRESS to [email protected]
Please indicate "Flash Cards Sample" in subject header.

You should receive the samples by mail in a week's time. You and your baby will be ready for a new and educational bonding time!
In return, I'd love to hear your response/feedback/comments/complaints from this learning cards.

Thank you.
Hi mommmies >> may I ask a quick question here? Healthy times cereals and Happy Bellies cereals. How would you rate them? I have heard many good things about Happy Bellies, so wanted to find out more.

Shugar >> great one! So spot on!!
Max: I tried both. I personally prefer HT in terms of taste. But after that saga, I bought one happy bellies. Not too bad in taste too. My son is ok with both. Though I tot happy bellies brown rice taste is much more distinct.(so I personally din like it) as for claim that happy bellies can help BB poo poo more easily, I can't really tell cos he will most of the time poo every 1-2 days, so can't tell the difference
Anyway he is not takin much cereal these days cos prefer porridge. Hope enough iron..
Thanks Vodkarib! Very useful. I've been trying HT cereals and so far, he seemed to like it. It smells good too. Then I started to think more and more about that fateful event, and wondered if I should diversify and have backup plans. I think I should.

Yeah, I am giving him cereals all because of the iron. His milk intake is still horrible. ARGHHH
M giving Happy Bellies to Min cos its the only one with probiotics in it. Supposed to aim digestion lah. I tried it, tastes ok. May want to be mindful abt those that taste too nice. Cos may hve added sugar?
Hi all,long time never post here
So happy to meet with some moms at the expo today.
Too bad josh still coughing cause of allergic reaction
Will see specialist by next week, to make sure whats causing this allergic

About the expo,I bought the huggies ultra there. Shugar said its cheaper,so I just bought it,anyway if buy 4 can get a playpen,looks cute. And also bought the avent steamer n blender, from 199 now is 160. Also bought some jar food from heinz.
shugar > that's so funny! thanks for posting..

angelina > hello! what is josh allergic to? hope he recovers soon. and OMG, u bought MORE jar food? *gulps* thought u had enuf to last till end year..???
Xoxo : hai xoxo, ya I bought some more cause the last time I bought it I shared it with my IL. So they have some stock as well
bout the allergic,I really don't know what's trigger it. That's why I need to check properly. Remember the last time josh had this,it was last for around 1 month. Its not because he's sick (virus or bacteria infection) but its due to allergic

Allergy cough alway took longer to recover. My elder got sinus and allergy that y when he flu or cough it will take long to recover and my PD/GP alway ask me to watch out as he easy to trigger to Asthma that y since young I have been very careful with him. He got sensitive nose,intestive,skin......imagine how sensitive he was.
Sunnyling : sorry,I can't remember how much was it. Shugar knows the price difference. She told me its cheaper so I just buy
Do u know why some babies r just more sensitive? Is it due to immune system,like are they weaker compare to normal babies? It is tiring when they start to cough n will take very long to stop

Sorry I am not very sure myself but for my boy mostly is from me and hubby as myself I have Sinus and skin sensitive and my hubby also have skin problem so for him he is generic. So I suspect my younger will have also as me and my hb got senstive problem.

I know how tired it is just pull thru and they will be more stronger when they are bigger. My boy now alway have ecezema problem and easy to trigger asthama which he had a mild attack of asthma last month. Doctor say they alway come in pack like buy one free one so we got to be more careful. When bad weather or hazy I advoid let him go out etc.
Hello mummmies! Long time din read and post already.

Sunnyling: Understand u travel to perth before with your child. Do you knw they allow us to bring milk bottles , vacumm flask, water etc on board? Cos those there is a restriction for liquids brining on board.
I m flying for HK next wk, wondering what can be taken up to airplane. Can share your experience?

wah lao, PY, TBA is it what we suspect? Make me so curious

angelina, see whether it is the food that's causing that, or dust mites. or even flowers. i bought raycop dust mite buster. i think i saw the ad for expo fair. at robinsons where i bought it is 399.

so far so good.


I got no problem to bring all this to the plane during my travel. Usually they allow if you bring young bb/toddler. I even cook porriage and bring to plane to feed my boy.
