(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Ting/dreamygal: thx. Yea not mastitis. But sigh the pus smell came back if I hand express. M going c Tmc lc on wed am.

Py: if I gotta c gynae for medi, ur gynae n my gynae on lv. Left Adrian. :s cannot imagine hoe long I got to wait there

Thermal wear:
since I at novena area u know where to get thermal wear?
PY: I want one! Count me in! Had a horrifying experience at my IL's. Saw the way they feed her....NO NO NO!! ABSOLUTELY not acceptable!

Astro: I would love to join!! But it's one of the very few FREE days my Ah Lao has for us. Let me chio chio him to see if he is keen. Been telling him that he has not delivered his promise to bring yx to any gym. Hopefully YX can finally meet YH.
Anyway mummies...I am like darn free next week too, except for 16th. So, anyone taking leave hahahha and want to bring baby out, let me know...cos mum will be back from taiwan but she will be busy with the dumpling festival. Hubby going for some school camp...sigh...basically bored!
PY>> how much is the baby seat? I think I want 1 too..

Mummies>> Have u heard of this zacky pillow.. i happened to see it when browsing thru the mums and babe webbie.. Wonder if its gd leh..

astro: i'm free but i need to check whether i can use the car this friday, coz husband on reservist this week and he's using my car with my pram and baby car seat instead of his brother's. too troublesome to change.

and other people, please ask me out too, but try not to ask me too short notice coz need to plan elgin's eating and sleeping and my pumping time if i need to go out! thanks!
Mrs Neo, I have the Zaky. A friend gave it to me. Do you know that it is retailing for $79.90 at mums & babes (when I saw it last year). Super ex! I dun see how it is any better than a beansprout pillow. I personally would not buy it, although it is handy for me since I didn't have a beansprout pillow to begin with.

Anyone using Mamil Gold Step 2? I have the 400g tin to give away. I offered last time no one wanted le... not popular huh?

blessedcyn: I have problems everyday. A more or less refused solids for 2 weeks. Everyday shake head, so I tried BLW. She complained less those few days (not much got in anyway). Now I feed some wet food and give her finger food to hold and suck. She seems to be more willing to eat from the spoon if she has finger food. But uh, every meal is still a struggle lah. Sigh.
tien/vin/mie/glass: ha. ok..
i got two dates.. both will be harbourfront gymboree playgym (NOT classes ah) lah..

1. Wed afternoon
4 to 5pm (gym opens till 7pm.. but bally has his dinner at 5pm)...

2. Friday, 10 - 11 ish am. (again lunch time for bally)

please sms me if you are keen.. hmmm if you on my FB, please send me a message if u are keen to come along?

glass: gd idea! but i dun have grace number.. u ask her for me.. can?

py: it is ok one lah. just bring charolotte there play play.. bally's crawlin also half past six.. last time teng dunno how to crawl i also keep dragging him there!

mylvera: 25 june?i can't coz my classes starting again next week.. haiz.
Py: I want the baby seat too ;) looks useful. ESP sometimes when I go to some places where the baby seat looks extremely dirty or half broken ;p

astro: wish I can join!! Been wantin to try playgym, but am working this fri leh.

25jun: any sahm mummies free to go out? Maybe play gym as well? Am takin half day off cos my mum not free to babysit Nate so I get to be w him in the afternoon

*am still very concerned abt Nate's constant yawning. Tryin to make him sleep as much as possible. Not sure if it warrants a visit to the PD*
astro: hahaa charlotte is down with flu now.. so better stay away

re: totseat
ok one is S$22. who is interested? btw only 2 colours available. the blue stripes and brown circles.

let me know via PM? dun wanna spam our thread
thx thx!
Hi Mummies.. Having some spare avent bottles (NOT BPA FREE) and thingys wanted to sell them away. Selling cheaper then market prices as i hope to sell them all to 1 person for convenient.

1. 4 x 125ml Avent bottles : $5.00 each
(U.P $17.20 in Twins pack)
Total: $20.00 for all 4bottles
Brand New (Not in boxes as they are from
different hampers from baby shower)

2. 6 x 260ml Avent bottles : $18.00 per pair
(U.P $25++ in Twins pack)
Total: $54.00 for all 6bottles
Brand New in SEALED boxes

3. 1 x Small Size Dryers Diapers (64pcs)
: $10.00 (U.P $14.00)
Brand New (Sealed)

4. 2 x 200ml Wide Neck Pigeons Bottles
: $7.50 each (U.P $9.50each)
Total: $15.00 foR 2bottles
Brand New in SEALED boxes

Everything for just $99.00!! Self Collect at Tiong Bahru Mrt! =D
If interested pls kindly drop me a email at : [email protected]
Pls kindly leave me your name and contact number for me to contact u thru sms! Thank you.
PY: Count me in for the seat too..

Playgym: cant join, my boy still got abit for cough for like 1mth.. sighzz..

Oh remember the baby aquatic, astro, vin both of you still interested??? coz most probably i will contact them and start the class in Jul. Do update me.. Thanx..

My boy also also has got sensitive nose (generic cause the both of us has it also) which causes his cough to prolong and the phelgm to remain at the throat..
esther, me too interested in baby aquatic. let me know the timing pls.

Astro - will messgae you on FB for the friday playgym

just checking. for playgym, we'll be using the same stuffs as those they use in the classes, right? e.g: tunnels, ramps, balls, toys...
only difference is no gymboree staffs around to guide the activities?
cat: ya...but i am not sure of the toys.. i dun think u can take tha parachute and that kind becaue i never really go and request for those when i bruoght teng there last time.... but ya. balls.can always grab the few lying around..
astro, ok thanks. would like to join you too this friday but am working also...

only got weekends to bring baby go gai gai.
talking about the parachute, 2 weeks ago we bought kaelyn there for a trial class, when they take out the parachute for the babies to sit on and blow bubbles, hubby not very impressed with the multiple stains on it and give me a disgusted look. hahaha... i told him the stains are caused by the bubbles lah, and he asked me why they never wash it??? LOL...
babyturn: it is okay to let them explore a bit.. bally can't crawl on all fours very well either. he does a mixture. more of exciting them a bit lah.. the obstacles course set up..

cat: ha. it is like that one.. welcome to the 'dirty' world of soon to be toddlers.. whahahahah...:p
btw. let's all be more vigilant hor.. coz now hand foot mouth disease peak.. and bao last time got it.. i think from little gym cause from his childcare centre.. he is th eonly case..:S
astro: Aiyah!! Looks like yx n yh can't meet... Mie told me about tml's. But I got this high tea session for my colleague who is leaving the school. Timing clash! Friday evening 7pm, got to pick up my parents from airport!! YES they r finally back!

But astro, you going both days issit? If Friday you are going at 4pm? Really want to go n hubby needs to be there for such sessions. He's the one with the energyy n strength.
tien: tomorrow i am going def. just comtemplating if wanna bring helper along. or have helper at home to assist my mum when it comes to teng.. if yes. then i will be alone with bally..

fri, i will be there at 4 also unless miser is coming back on friday and the timing clashes (he is at penang now) then i might not turn up coz need to pick miser up also...

btw.. just plonk the bbs on the mat and let them scoot around. dun need to invest too much energy . ha..
Astro: yep tentatively I'll be there on Friday!! Managed to convince my ah lao. Hopefully he won't change his mind. Keeping fingers crossed! Keep in touch!
tien: ok..

wah. i am tempted to get that Tessellation playmat leh.. but i already got the bumper mat.. argh.. let me see. let me see..
Hi astro_pro and lydiagal,

Actually I had an LG bumper mat already when I came across the Tessellation Play Mat. Couldn't resist getting it as well.
Unlike the usual bumper mat, the Tessellation mat has more educational and fun aspects.

You can actually use it as an alternative floor mat (when ur baby is less than a year old) at ur mum or mil's place maybe, which is what I'm doing since my boy is only 10 mths plus old. But do note that apart fr T-001, the other designs are rather small compared to the usual Parklon/LG mats although u could get more than 1 set of the Tessellation mat to create a bigger area. The mat's vibrant colours also offer a gd intro to colours at that age.

When ur child is older (1 plus), u can use the mat in the 3-D form (as a ride-on toy or for creative play). The shapes/puzzle aspect can be gradually introduced to ur child as he/she develops.
morning mummies,

You gals enjoy the gym session on Friday, wish can be there but need to work.


I am interested also but the timing really is very challenge to me sighhhh. Because I still have my elder to take care and my MIL say she is joining the NDP again for this year. This really make me a big headache as I will be travelling with my elder for 2 weeks+ this July. I am not sure how she is going to arrange the timing when I am not around.

And all this maid things going to make me go crazy soon because of my MIL particular. Thinking whether should send the maid back and put my boy in child care. There are no solution and my hubby say if not move out lah which I also dream of but is not possible.
Hi mummies,
I have 1tin of Mamil Gold Step 2 and 1tin of Similac Step 2 FM to give away both 400g.PM me asap if u are interested can self-collect at Sengkang.
Hi mummies who are interested in the totseat.
the 2 colours available are purple and brown circles, instead of blue stripes and brown circles.

*See attached photo*

Have PM-ed all who hv placed order with me. Do let me know if there's any changes in your order.

If any of you still keen in getting one, can PM me.

vodkarib and Mrs Neo: wat colour u all want? :p

PY: i didn't receive a pm from u.. u received mine?

which of the circles are you talking abuot? because there is one fabric in a black background.. the other one seems to be on a brown background?
