(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

xoxo>> club med is out of my budget too.. most prolly its msia beach resorts or nothing.. and regardless where im going, i am not allowed to bring belle along.. anyway her passport's not even done! hahaha

astro>> bally's lunch menu sounds yummy.. belle has nothing but boring porridge everyday!
Holiday time!

Haven't tried holidaying at Club med. But hubby and I have always enjoyed drive away holiday in malaysia... can stop as and when we like and bring whatever we want. We r driving to Penang for a 4D3N hols but without our girl.... just want to reminisce the good old days but definitely not making no. 2... Haha... When charlotte is older then we go further with her!

Mie: Char's passport oso not dne too... Her daddy doesn't see the need. Actually I think u can enjoy ur holiday more without the lil' one... But of cos... will miss her for a while...
But I told char... after that when july comes, I have all the time for her! Hope she won't find me boring...
Hi xoxo and astro, thanks for sharing. Yah, have not managed to get the book but did some googling. In terms of "assistance", I didn't guide her hand but just put bits of food in her mouth. During her first meal, I think she didn't know that the broccoli was food, since we give it to her sieved. It was only after I put a bit in her mouth then she started to attempt to put it in her mouth.

I stuck to my guns for 7 meals - no top ups with porridge or puree, but after my mum's remark, decided to give her some porridge for lunch today (she has that effect on me), together with her steamed veg which I let her feed herself. A usually has something before her solids. Adapted GF routine, so she takes 6oz milk in the morning, followed by bfast, 3oz before lunch and then dinner, followed by more milk before going down. All in there are 3 solid meals and 3 full milk feeds (6oz) and 2 half feeds = 4 full milk feeds. I wld like to drop the half feeds but she doesn't drink a lot of milk in one go (tt's another battle), so I kept them.

Eh, it's been 2.5 months since she started weaning, is it still considered "early weeks"?

But I have to say that I do think that BLW has its advantages. She complains less and is spending the time playing with her food, tho my husband is a bit tired of all the food flinging (is it wrong to tell A not to do it?). And I can see in the first day that she really got progressively better with each meal. Anyway thot I'd share this pic of her eating corn. Quite an achievement by my book. Hee hee.

Thanks so much for all the advice and sharing. Really appreciate it.

candy_white>> yeah, looking forward to your SAHM days ya! hehehe.. glad that your P approved (though she nags and grumbles too much)!
my max is 3D2N coz we arent sure if my mum is able to cope. enjoy your penang trip, most prob im gg port dickson this weekend (keeping my fingers crossed that my ah lao can fulfil my little wish to just step out of singapore!). he isnt very keen until now! argh.. am contemplating to jio my frens to go HKG if he really CMI.

astro>> yeah, maybe i will give it a try during my 2 weeks stint as a SAHM! heh heh heh
hope belle will like the food.. bally apparently loves it ya!
funzee > *applause* for A!! hip hip hooray! she's really cute with "buddha" earlobes and nice, nice hair! you are on yr way! we are all still considered "early" in the weaning part. :D but very well done A!!! forgive the mess, it comes with it. but it does get better and better..you can use a splash mat so food can be 'recycled' when they are thrown down...in my case, i bought bath towels of a specific col and used those and i must say, dre had a real penchant for throwing things everywhere too. but she has since grown out of that and we don't really need the splash "towel" anymore. ganbate!
astro > chicken casserole..wow!! it's making me hungry at this hr!

miemie > langkawi? malacca? haiz! i miss malacca v much...it's one of my fave plcs..tog with kuantan...and redang...i can go on and on and on..really miss those carefree days where nearly every other weekend had some trip here and there! anyway..enjoy your SAHM stint!!
Mei, Msia alot of nice plces if not Bintan is also a gd place to relax. Malacca is nice bring my son there in 2007 and he still can remember, he cry when our car reaching HM and tell us he don't want Singapore. Alot of nice food there yummy. If nearer then go tioman or just Singapore hotel stay. I am also looking at hotel stay in sg now looking at Crown Prince at airport
was just looking at the club med prices. WOW!!! Too expensive IMO... I was thinkg maybe can bring Min to some club med for her first birthday but hmmm... Have yet to find something which is under an hr journey unless i wanna go bintan. Anyway HB says only bring her out when 2yo... I was wondering if that meant my nxt holiday is 17mths away

I bring my elder to Perth on 18mth and again on 34mth (near to 3 year old) but I find that he is more easy to hand during 18th mth cos gong gong we bring him go where he go and just sleep and eat nia but when around 3 year old he run about and demand this and that more difficult for me siah. But of cos when he is younger he cant remember anything at all, a bit of waste $. So now he can only remember the last trip that we bring him, he can remember all the farm visit, the beach etc etc.
Sunnyling, xoxo, miemie
wah... How did u survive the plane ride? :S the other day my maid had a day off and HB n I looked after Min the whole day on our own. By the end of the night, we were both ready to KO. Thats why i say we are such incapable parents. Sigh....

Also, the princess can only fall asleep in HER sarong. So if shes not there, we are pretty useless. N i dont want to be those that bring the maid along on holiday. So until we find the time n place to figure out putting her to sleep, its safe to say we aint stepping out of the country with her anytime soon.
Hello all! Long time no "see"!

Weaning :
I still feeding my boy one meal a day cos whenever I feed him solid during dinner, he will wake n fuss almost every hour at night leh! We trial a few times n stop for one week and trial again, true leh! So decided to stop for time being sigh! Can I also check if ur babies will digest the food given and not pass them out undigested? Mine ah, if I give anything orange in color will come out the same, purée or mashed. Same as vegetables like spinach too. I dun think his stomach is capable to digesting it leh. Any advice?

oooh lucky me then! I spoke to hubby of bring my boy to Hk for holiday during his first bdae. I sold him the idea of no need arrange what party for family members and relatives so troublesome and somemore we could take a photo at Disneyland and tell KD when he grows up thar dad n mom soooooo generous! Bring him to Disneyland on his first bdae. Haha!

Can I check if the first bdae is it something that must be celebrated like must pray to ancesters kind? Just dbl chk. Cos scarly the in laws say MUST have a bdae celebrtions. U Noe I hope they dun follow me on the holiday. Cos when I just married, outta 3 trips they follow me n hubby on 2! Till my colleagues also joke abt it.

i AM so happy. My bb has grown so much! He is turning 8 mths soon and has a lil tooth sporting on his lower gums. Touch can feel the top of tooth but see nothing!! And Its really painful when he bites during latching! His body feels hot so I presumed is due to teething! KD is more n more interactive and loves singing! Can't believe time pass so fast!

When he was 18mth super easy on plane, just make sure that he chew or suck something during flight take off and landing (pacifier or water/milk) and I cook porriage to bring to the flight for his meal. Most of the trip he just sleep in his bassinet cos they are still small so they need napping. If not wrong is a day trip so by the time the flight take off and eat his meal is time for him to nap so after he wake up a while is time the flight to be landed. 2nd time we took a midnight flight and he is big wau piang he dun want to sleep the whole flight and only nap 2 hours nia and when we reach Perth he is still awake and dun sleep even when we reach my SIL hse and the whole night he only sleep 2 hours. Thk he play with my SIL's till afternoon then KO.
happy mummy:

xoxo: the chicken casserole seriously not bad wor.. last time i cooked for teng.. i tasted it myself.. san salt or anything also very de nice!
haiz. never got around to cook for bally.. i shd..:S

cammie: ya.. i think yh prefers food more than milk.. his milk dropped quite fast.. yesterday slept from 7 - 7.. fed him milk at 1030pm, he refused to take it..:S though GF pre-empted it.. still i 'panick' a bit.. coz the bro before him is a glutton.. this one small ball nia :p
his bro was big ball :p
sunnyling: bao was bnot easy on plane last time. but he was 2 plus years lah.. i want to g overseas. but yh v difficult to predict. or rather.. not to what i would want. i scared scared bring him.. later miesr and me super de stressed..

haiz. stressed at work.. feel like quiting again to be SAHM.. ha. i am such a whine..

I find the bigger they are they more difficult they will as they understand more and dun want to trap in the car. We drive in to KL and Malacca with my elder also and is more easier when he younger as he will just guai guai sit in his car seat or nap but when he bigger he want to move around and must entertain him during the journey.

I saw your posting in FB and look like you very stress in your work, hope that now school holiday it will be better for you.

I also envy those SAHM who can have more time and activities for the baby but I don't think I can be a SAHM as I prefer to work which sometime I can gossip with my colleague or dinner with friends etc.
Hi Ting,
it is common for babies to pass stool of the same color as what she consumes. My baby's stool ll be orange when I feed him sweet potato and green for avocado. Maybe you can try changing the meal times to mid morning and mid afternoon so there is more time for digestion?
so sad my son fall sick after back from Msia cough with phlegm and flu. Already 5days still not yet recover. Block nose too...kelian leh...what can I do??? He like very difficult to sleep...
gemson: see the doc? the phelgm caused by back flow of the nose mucus.. it takes time to go away and will affect sleep.. and maybe even drinking cause cannot suck properly.
u could get saline to clear the nose.. but it doesn't really work for my boys. they need nasal drops (either otrivin/iladin) to clear.. available over the counter.. one drops in each nosestrills three times a day for max 5 days...
blessedcyn: I recall that the book from TMC said that teething does not cause fever or diarrhea. You might want to get that fever checked out?

Ting: is it bcos the milk intake is reduced when you give solids for dinner? According to GF, bbs who eat a lot of solids and cut back on milk too quickly will wake up at night asking for milk.

xoxo: thanks for the encouragement. I've decided to take a half-half approach. Giving her some porridge and let her feed herself the veg. The good thing is that ever since we let her feed herself, she is hungrier and can finish her milk! Ha ha ha! Erm, I have been quite reckless re dropped food. I actually put newspaper underneath and pick up and food and let A eat it again! My mother says to rinse it in a bowl of water. Yah, moving forward I will not let her eat fresh off the newspaper again. I'm evil mum!
Wah! So many 'regulars' turned up today??!!

*wave wave* Loke and Astro!!

Having a great time reading the posts. Totally looking forward to my stint as SAHM for the next 3 weeks! I shall whip up a storm in the kitchen next week, when my mum is not around muahahah...poor helper.

Anyway, the so-called trip that I planned for end of year will be postponed indefinitely. The craziest thing has happened!
Funzee: my bb get his milk feed lei, One hr before and after the solid. not demanding for milk in middle of night. It's like he will cry and then pass wind later which I believe he is having stomach pain/cramps

Tien: are u w #2 now???! What's the craziest thing that happened?
Mie: last resort, go nsrcc as a getaway! Can bring belle somemore! Their bunglows are really really really chio now! And got ur email! I will help u send to my friends who ate due this yr!

Astro: gambateh and hang in there! I didn't know u are an teacher too! I realised We have alot of teachers here! Ok!! Abit very slow I know!!!! Hey post pictures of ur babies on fb to destress!

2010: I will try adjust his dinner time. That's how I feel too like he has problem digesting at night cos..... He slps abt between 8 to 9 every night! And dinner was abt 7pm! Plus he will fuss to be latch on later and zzzz Liao! What time do u all feed ur babies dinner ah?
Morning mummies! Its only tuesday and i am so strained out already. :'( Wonder why my darling decides to wake up at 4am these few mornings.. nothing could coax him except the Mickey Mouse Show. Haizz.. So, I just on the DVD, let him sit beside me on the bed and watch..
Astro : Yes saw doc already and taking cough and flu medicine. N also spray to clean nose but still not yet recover..Look at him like very difficult heart pain..Yes mostly after he drink milk then will cough more leh.
Ting: Ru yi oil? My baby takes dinner about 6. Sleep (hopefully) by 8pm.

I realised a few of us are having the babies wake up at night. Do you think it's a "change of month" thing? My colleague said that her mum used to say that babies act weird when they hit a new month.

Gemson: hope your son recovers soon. Ever thot of trying chinese meds? I gave the "bao ying dan" from Eu Yan Sang to baby before when she had a cold. Give can give even if on western meds, just give a 4 hour interval. According to my MIL, it seemed to help.
ting: My PD advised that last solid meal of the day should be 3 hrs before baby's sleep time. this will allow enough time for digestion before they go to sleep.

Astro, funzee - not sure if you guys have mentioned it earlier...can you let me know again what's the name of the GF book?
Any other good book to refer for baby food recipes?
Vin>> nice chatting to u
will take a peep at your girl this coming sat if im at pil's home hougang ya...

llovemaxmax>> that's the same question ive in mind too
well who is the organiser for the bb bash? can we have some update on this! thks

Gemson>> parents suffer if child falls sick
how about taking 'hu zao san' a type of chinese medication which i gave it to all my 3 boys when they have cold with stuffed nose, running nose, cough & phlegm... very effective better than western medication
& no no to antibiotic esp if children is too young
Jamie : Parent & child also suffer. My son G6PD cannot take hu zao san due to chinese medication. So we have no choice stick to use western medication.
astro>> wow, thats good ma.. sleep from 7 to 7.. belle sleeps from 1030 to 7 only leh..

ting>> thanks! anyway i think KD cant sleep thru is coz of indigestion.. thats why when we start solids or intro new foods we should start with a morning meal, in case of allergies and indigestion

mrs neo>> like that it becomes a habit for aaden leh.. then he will think its daytime?
Vin: The GF book is called "The contented little baby book of weaning".

I bot it to follow the schedule and early recipes, but after the first month of weaning, I stopped following the food bcos v angmoh and I think not so practical for me since I think the bb will be eating chinese food like the rest of my family.

The other book which you can consider for asian parents is
"Feed your child right" by Lynn Alexander and Yeong Boon Yee. I got from Kino. This one covers eating all the way to toddler and school-going kids so more mileage.

Now I don't really follow recipes. Just give a variety of veg, some meat, and cook brown rice porridge. She also gets a scoop of our soup before salt is added in. She seems to like soup, either that or she enjoys biting the bowl and splashing what's spilled on her high chair tray.

hello all! long time no post here.. din have the time to! and i've so much to read!! hahaha..
anyway yes the long waited motherhood fair is on this thurday!

Shugar, i'm going! let's go together! mauhahaha!
