(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

wah...3 mummies did that liew. tink i shall follow suit :p
was tinking how to sterilise. was in the line of thought of sterilising tablets (which smells like strong chlorine)

er..sollie ah..ask small details :
1. soak how long?
2. no need bottle brush to brush?
bumbo seat : fr my friend who recommended the bumbo seat to me. its v useful when u wear your shoe and need to ensure bb is safe some where. put him in bumbo seat (of coz that time bb can seat on his own comfortably)

ariajo > no la..not forcing the bb to sit.
Anyone using bumbo seat? My son comin to 4 months n keeps wanting to sit up (supported). So tried him on bumbo but wondering if it's too early n bad for spine?
the bumbo seat has been endorsed by Pediatric and Orthopedic Faculties leh.. i tink by using the bumbo, we are just letting our babies practise sitting.. and i do agree with PY that we are not letting our babies sit in it for long hours la, just for a while only, so should be fine..

vodkarib>> i think a lot of us are using bumbo seat.. hehe.. you in FB? lately a lot of us have been uploading photos of our babies in bumbo.. LoL
my baby doesnt want to be carried the cradle way now, she wants to be carried upright and will scream if i put her down...
i guess it's ok to sit for 1-2 minutes and not pro-long sitting in the bumbo seat bah..

so pump, put in lock/lock box, put hot water in it, shake box, pour water away, lock back? (<font color="ff0000">correct</font>)

no need use the brush. what i did is rinse all the part of avent with the normal tap water. then dump all the parts in the lock-it box with hot water and soak for 5 mins. throw away all the water and lock it back. of course it feels a little oily but it's ok one lah..
birthday gal, tien &amp; aria,
Kait falls asleep with the pacifier in her mouth and then she spit out once she can settle in to deep sleep, be it in her bed or yaolan..

She hasn't woken up at night ever since her first "sleep through" night.. ^.^

I nvr bring her to PD cos her weight is ok.. Her poops and pees are still once/twice a day.. No constipation, no diahrrea..

She seems to be perfectly happy with only 3-4feeds per day leh.. Yesterday she took her milk @ 10.30am (220ml), 4pm (180ml), 10pm (210ml).. In between, she naps and plays.. No fussiness, nothing leh.. If I try to feed her in between, she will cry and scream like being tortured and end up drinking 20-40ml only.. So I decided to feed her when she decides she's hungry loh.. It seems to be working very well leh..

Hang in there! Our babies will love to smile ALL THE TIME one fine day when he/she is ready.. That'll be the rewarding time! Jia you!
gal: eh, i did not use bottle brush and soap. Just use my hand to wash away the milk (the rubber parts does feel quite greasy though, but i just let it be). Eh, i don't soak it for very long, the moment my lock-it box is filled, i throw away the hot water. so far so good, touch wood! Be careful shaking the box, cos my box leaked the 1st day and i kinda scalded my hand a little.

Bumbo: I put Andre in it, but his head keep dropping down. I thought his neck should be strong enough liao cos he can really lift it high and long when he flips on his tummy. Well back to the bumbo, i take his fav bell and ring it above his head and he will lift his head up. Seat him for a few minutes, then i carry him. He doesn't fuss so he should be ok. Babies will let you know if they are not comfy.

Mie: ya, my boi also dun like the cradle way unless he is sleepy. He likes to be carried upright, facing fwd. Carried him like that for one hour in church that day, my arms became super sng after that.
yes when something catches my girl's attention she will focus on it and study it for a long time. she likes looking at her reflection in the mirror too.

thanks for sharing. it's a relief to know that yours and aria's PDs said babies need lesser now... looking at the recommended amount on the milk tin is not very encouraging though.. hehe.

do u take ur babies out often? are they able to fall asleep amidst all the noise and activity? today i saw a mummy rock her baby to sleep in a noisy restaurant in 5 minutes and then put her in the stroller sound asleep! i was so amazed. my baby would startle all the time in that environment even if she manages to fall asleep. curious to find out how your baby naps in public places...
Ya, like wat birthdaygirl said, my girl likes her own reflection also.. Will stare and stare then suddenly smile at herself.. *zi lian*

My girl also never hit the recommended amount of milk intake leh.. >.< If need to force feed her, very heartpain everytime I see her cry and scream..

when my girl gets cranky cos she want to sleep, I just put her in her pram and pop the pacifier in her mouth, then slowly close the canopy.. She will spit it out after she sleeps.. xD If I never bring pram, I cradle hold her and put pacifier in her mouth loh.. Since no pram, have to carry her loh, unless the seating is a bench then I can place her there for a while.. haha..
aria jo: Boh bian leh, if i don't pump 3 times, will not meet his needs the next day. Actually, he will need 3 feeds at my mum's place, but i will try to squeeze the 4th feed as spare. Not used, then i put in the freezer. After work, i'll put the 4 filled bottles in my mum's fridge and take home the other 4 empty bottles to bring to work the next day. So far, this system is working well for me.
Astro>>better day today? Hugs...

Mie, siangjiao>> I din intend to use bumbo as training but rather am tired of carrying him upright every waking hour. He doesn't like to lie back anymore and wants to sit up n see things. And it's tirign when u have to be stuck to him especially now his naps are like half hour now..
But agree his neck still not so strong so I at most sit him for 15min then put him back on the mattress before he fussed again
Siangjiao>> How much can u pump per session.. I only managed to pump once per day at office.. I usually pumped b4 i left home.. say abt 630am.. Then, will tahan till after lunch, like 130.. Managed to pump abt 310ml every time.. but take damn long to complete the pumping.. today i MIA from my desk for a gd 45 mins.. LOL.. Then, I go home and pump again in the evening..
Wow, lucky you! if your bb doesn’t throw up and perfectly well, that’s the best man! You very senang liao.. as oppose to care takers like us that need to feed every 3 hourly..haha…

Same! My girl likes me to bring to the mirror. She will smile and if I bring her forward backward, she will laugh aloud sometimes. My elder girl sleeps every where but not my no.2! My no.2 is so alert all the time and eyes big big when we bring her out! She will be crancky if she stay too long in the stroller and if the stroller not moving. For my no.1 she sleep the entire journey when we’re outside especially when hubby carry her! So, bringing my elder girl when she was young was such a breeze. My no.2 more kelian..hardly go out..haha cos she’s so so troublesome..hehe.. so poor thing hor? so you see, it really depends on the bb behavior.

Good lah. Your work allows you to pump so many time
seriously I really dread the pumping. Heng this time round I need to pump 1 time only! Actually if you willing to take the risk, can slowly train your breast to pump lesser frequency but more! Of course the first few times the supply will drop but if you spend a little more time and clear your breast as much as possible, your supply will climb back.

Mrs neo,
45 mins consider v short liao lor.. but soon I’m sure you will be able to cut down to 30 mins when your breast more season

Re: carrying upright
Quite glad to hear that abt bb preferring to carry upright
I was wondering why my baby so fussy.. you know, my girl sleep also want to sleep upright! Funny or not?haha.. I have to pat pat her in upright position and when she falls asleep slowly lower in cradle position and then slowly lower into the stroller or bb cot..
Gal^, I also just wash the parts with normal water, then put hot water to the box, soak for 2-3 mins then throw the water away.

Mrs neo, I only managed to pump 200ml per session and i do it twice a day.... so far it meet my bb's demand for the next day feed.
She's not consistent cos I feed her on demand.. *sighz* Want to keep a routine but she doesn't allow me too.. =X.. Same as abv loh.. If feed her every 3 or 4 hourly, she'll cry and scream like I torture her like that..
Today brought her to causeway point with a mtb friend.. So Kait decided to want a feed @ 2pm, think maybe she wasn't sleeping so much today.. haha.. Not so bad la, she drank 180ml..

From what I read, I guess reduced appetite is normal for babies this age ba.. As long as the other output factors are not affected.. Hearing other mom's experiences assured me so much.. hehe..
vodkarib>> wad about the rocker? rocker is a bit more upright compared to the mattress.. or buy those inclined pillow or sthg.. think shugar posted abt it before.. then at least your arms can rest ma.. if not i can imagine how sng it is to have to be carrying baby the whole day long!

siangjiao>> you carried Andre like that for one whole hour? wa, if i were to carry Isabelle like that, i think my hands would break! she is a mighty 6.68kg now leh.. i bth carry her for so long.. i think you should invest in the baby bjorn, then no need to carry until hands sng and Andre still can face outward.. hehehe
Aria: Thanks for answering the question in my head! No wonder YX has been so cranky these days! She has been learning to flip. HA! The part on getting more aware of surrounding...she started talking to my mum's standing fan since yesterday!! Mum suspect that she might be having this illusion that the fan was speaking to her when it was the sound of TV behind her.

Re: Bumbo seat
I also got it...haha...got inspired by PY and Mie Mie. We also used it one or twice a day especially when YX is sick of lying down or we are so tired from carrying her upright. So, just plod her down on the seat and she will start to put her head upright and turning round. BUT must monitor her cos she can just happily put her head forward. I am lucky lah...my mum seems to like it too. She say maybe can train her neck more. Also, if we want to bring her out for dinner and did not want to lug the stroller along, just bring the bumbo along and put it on a chair. the only thing that she complain is that YX's thunder thighs will outgrow the 2 holes.,,PENGZ!

Anyway I got mine at Vivo Spring maternity at $49.90. Thought it's a good bargain. Please dont let me see anywhere cheaper hahaha...
Bumbo seat sounds useful for this age leh.. I should prolly buy 1 for my girl also.. She also like to seat up..

I have 1 question.. Bumbo seat got no backing.. Will your babies just slump in the chair? 3months cannot sit straight on their own yet right?
ur very fortunate leh ur baby sounds very easygoing, go out also easy. my baby's like aria's no. 2, too alert and doesn't want to miss out on anything, so i hardly take her out, otherwise she gets overtired...

i know what u mean about force-feeding... my girl just won't drink when it's bright and she's wide awake. i waited close to 5 hours, still she wasn't interested until i turn off the lights, cover her eyes, "trick" her with the pacifier first etc. and then still she drank so little... her diapers also not as heavy now. so heartpain also.

by the way, do any of ur babies sleep with pillows now? wonder if it's more comfortable for them.. hehe
keke...kpo abit. the bumbo seat is very good when it comes to weaning bb into solids... i used it as my feeding seat! cos bb was still too little to sit well in a high chair. at this stage when ur bbs r still small and weak at the neck, pls limit the time spent. =) and remember to place in a firm place... not on the sofa or chair or something ok? best is on the lg playmats. :p

aiyo... so nowadays u all post photos in fb liao? no wonder i dun get to drool on ur bb pics anymore! =(
mrs neo: abt 120-150ml. I tried to wait 1-2 hours more so that it is more engorged, but the increase is like 20-30ml more only.

Luckily my direct report boss is not in Singapore, so okie to MIA for a while. But still, quite pai say to walk out the office so frequently with my cooler bag.

But my guy colleagues are still quite gentlemenly abt it. I have a bar fridge under my desk which i share with them. Joke with them not to take my milk by accident, otherwise my baby will not have lunch or tea break tomoro.
When she was 2weeks 6days in yaolan.. Smiling in her sleep..

This was taken few days ago only.. This is her new sleeping style.. Haha.. Wrapped like sushi with her bean pillow..

ya hor.. If I buy, I think I wun dare to place her inside for long period of time also..
Btw, do u mummies feed water to your babies? Some people say feed, some people say milk is enough.. *haiz* headache sia.. To feed or not to feed?
i was wondering, wah, drink 180-220ml still so small size? your baby must have high metabolic rate..then i realise it's a 2 weeks 6 days..haha.. hehe, now so chubby so cute!! and lots of hair too!!
My FB : [email protected]

hehe.. Ya, she's getting chubby now.. xD Takes after daddy.. He's very hairy de.. LOL.. Anyway, I realized a lot of firstborns look more like daddy.. Not all la but most that I see.. Anyone else noticed?
oops...can't find using my iphone if i search using your hotmail. cannot access FB via company. can only use iphone. any other way of searching for your name?
yesh! The babies I've noticed are all girls.. Maybe boys take after mummy? hehe.. I've not noticed much boy babies around maybe cos mine is girl.. hehe..

Pearly Kara

Kara's my nickname.. xD
found you
i hope i add the correct cammie..hehe..

my eler girl definately look like daddy cos her eyes super small! haha.. no.2 may be look more like me..
how does it feel to look at a miniature u? hehe.. 1st = more daddy.. 2nd = more mummy.. 3rd = I think should be daddy again..
My hubby is one of his 3 princes.. I have 2 friends who are 3 princesses.. And a lot of cousins are in 3s also.. Most same pattern..

IF I decide to have a second one (not likely), wonder how I'd feel if I see a mini-me.. lol..
you hv pm!

haha... surreal? so far it's still partial looking.. i think if Naia really grow to look like me, it'll be really be surreal!
added u! Wah ur baby's name so unique! Nice! xD
U know hor, movies always show the next or next next generation looking exactly like them during younger days de.. haha.. If I dun try for second one, might NEVER know the feeling.. Most likely will never know le.. haha..
hey gals,
MY FB is [email protected]
Add me..

Re: BM expressing in ofc
Gals, how many time you pump and each pump for how long and qty? I am returning work next week. Got to get myself prep.
Also, how you bring those BM stuff thru and fro work? I can't help but thinking how to bring so many 'bags' to work?
Any good suggestion to share?
Also, you gals dun wash e pump with soap in ofc?
Mummies: thanks for the concern.. today i feel better than yesterday. at least. i did not tear

i guess yh's twice admission into the hospital in less than 3 mths has worn me out emotionally.. so a simple flu (though a v bad one)in the household freaks the hell out of me.

yh's nose and phelgm has cleared significantly.. no longer coughing with phelgm nor having a blocked runny nose. but he is pooing a lot.. small sticky amts . i guess it is his system of clearing out the phelgm residue.. so i think it is still gd. but the poor boy coz of pooing so frequently. has interrupted sleep throughout the day. as soon as he dozes off.. he wakes screaming.. then he pooes.. think he has a lot ot wind resulted from the intake of the antibiotics.. poor boy.. again tying this while carrying him to sleep. he is exhausted..

teng.. nose still super blocked. fever under control.. erm. only comes back if panadol is given 6 hourly. i think i shd maintain a strict 4 hourly interval.. eating more.. but nose v badly bloked.. active and in good spirit.. well.that's good.. i thought i saw his lymph nodes more swollen today.. so i called up Dr ong..

i think yesterday i was freaked out coz the PD said if teng's swollen lymph nodes dun go down.. and get bigger.. need to bring to surgeon.. i was like.. huh? lymphoma ah? cancer ah?!

but teng today more active. nose still super blocked.. he is breathing thru his mouth..fever undercontrol.. but i thought i saw the lymphs more swollen..

called up pd.. she explained.. if more swollen plus red red plus pain.. then it is an abecess forming.. which is the surgeon part she was talkingabout..

i asked not lyphoma (cancer) hor.. she laughs and said.. cancer is slowly swollen one. not swollen suddenly.. somehow i hear that i feel much better even if it is abecess! (Touchwood)..

my mum still coughing away. i think it will take another one week for my household to return to normalcy.. well.. what to do? haiz.. meanwhile.. just bear with it then..

yes.. a passing phrase. i am trying v hard not to fall into that self fulfilling prophecy.. trying v hard.. coz when preg with yh. one promise i tell myself is to let go.. and not be so hung up abt routine/schedules.. shd-bes etcs.. and really enjoy rayan because i miss out on rayner's first 3 mths badly.. not the slightest memories.. onli knows loads of crying and stress.. this time it is much better.. at least i have smiled at rayan!

i was telling miser last night over dinner.. rayan is loads more interactive than teng.. he loves to coo and smile and chuckle.. teng i dun remember so.. miser said. got lah. just that i was in depression and i dun remember! wah liew

then i told him i was v stressed last night.. he said this is normal.. and in a very serious tone.. said.. post natel depression hits the most during the 3rd -4th months.. the worst is at 4th mth. i was impressed that he was so well read lei so i asked him where he go that info from.. he v matter of factly said .. 'well it has happened before.. and it is happening now again'.. wah liew! then he laughed.. he was laughing at me! :S
well well well..
ladies.. now i got another interesting situation. this yh is angry at my left breast leh. he refuses and wld scream to suckle the left b.. coz i think the flow is v slow and only half the amt of the right.. so he prefers the right and refuses the left.. wah liew.. like that also can..any suggestions how to remedy this? already my right boob is bigger than the left liao!.. and coz right boob though provides the majorit of the yeild.. still not the complete feed. then he not full. will scream and yell ..n wake up earler.. vexed over this.. wanted give up bf yesterday!.. but today still taking fenugrrek. pump n latch.. chey!.. making life tough for myself.. so silly.. haiz
wah liew a post disappeared !$#@!$@$

alright here i go again..

xoxo: funny woman.. so who are in the team dispatched to fill out the pot holes? :p

mascot: how long n what is ur pumping interval ah? we seemed to be having similar yield.. how much is andre taking now?

new mummies: welcome.. normally i am quick to extend my welcomes.. coz i liove to spam the forum. hahaha. but recent bad luck with the darn bug.. has caused me to MIA for long.. haiz..

aria: u used to have swollen lymph nodes as a child? painful? this teng ah.. asked him. his answers are vauge. and cannot trust his answers.. on average how long will they take to go down? and is it common for the nodes to swell more during 'the heat of fighting theinfection'?

thanks ladies who smsed me. asking after me. i am very appreciative.. v touched

pearly. ur girl is cute! chubby!

girls normally take after the daddies.. and sons after the mother.. my two boys.. teng pple say. looks like me. today i slinged yh to the super market.. he was sleeping. they said he looks like me.. hahaha. coz they never see miser mah!.. but i think.. just a matter of time nia.. he will take after me liao.. with the exception of his eyes though.. damn..

but i dread if i ever have a girl.. she is going to take after miser?! oh no! horrors!
