(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Ya lor, PY.. The old ppl keep asking us to stop bf.. I tell them I will pump out.. Luckily my domestic helper is very pro bf.. She said she will nt give fm if there r snuff bm in the fridge.. So, 1 less thing 4 me to worry abt..

py.. ur situation very similar to mine when my bb was younger... latch her then she settle down.. unlatch, she cry non stop then never seems to be full enough to unlatch and settle down.. was also very stressed that time.. in the end the problem was solved by letting my mil carry baby to her room and pacify her after i repeat the latching a few times.. maybe she also tired already after all that crying or different person carry and she go to another room see scenary different so distracted or what.. but it works more than once..
Tien & PY
I suspect both of ur ss is due to the demand fr ur baby coz u both TBF and dun pump rite? So even thou ur breasts r engorged, u might end up getting juz enuff or slightly a bit more than wat ur babies r drinking coz ur body is alrdy “programmed” to produce tt much. Unless in the early days when u try to produce more by expressing aft latching then does ur body catch the signal. I am not saying now is impossible to express more but u need to work a lot more harder then as compared to if u had done so in early days. This is wat I read abt online somewhere.
And its true tt some of our boobs will not respond well to electric pumps. I’ve got a few frens tt swears by hand expressing too.

Every baby is different. What happens to Charlotte now might not be the same for ur #2. Like 4 me, bfg was a breeze wif my son. Who knows for RN, so many teething problems and even till now, she still cant empty my breasts.
RN was at tt stage she was super fussy during bedtime oso. I almost went crazy too! Wanted to scream at her so much. When I reached tt brink, I’ll call my hubby in to take over for 10-15 mins so I can cool down. Then I come back and settle her again. It helps to keep my sanity. But it’s a phase tt she will go thru and then disappear. That’s wat happened to RN. Now she still fusses a bit at bedtime but I know how to handle her liao. So I believe u will soon get her cues as well.
So whatever u need to to settle her… sarong, latch to sleep, rock and sing etc… whatever tt pleases her, juz do it. I even went to the extent to wipe RN wif pomelo leaves water (the elders believe in “cleansing” the baby). I did whatever I can then to help me cope… I dun care abt wat bad sleep associations etc… eventually aft a few days, the worst was over and she’s ok again. I hv no explanation why she’s like tt. Dun bother to think so much.

The extra BM I give to my elder son and then freeze the rest. I donate all my FBM to my colleague whom does not hv enuff ss for her 5 mth old son. I clear my freezer once every 3-4 wks so she can quickly use it for her son.
I agree tt ss slowly increase as I express. Initial days I was quite discouraged by how much I can produce. Then slowly it increase.

U r supposed to “train” ur brains slowly so tt u can drag the expressing intervals. If the training is done correctly, ur yield will correspond proportionately. Eg if u can produce 180ml every 3 hr, then it shld produce 240 ml/4 hrly, 300 ml/5 hrly and 360 ml/6 hrly. For my elder son, I was able to train my boobs that way so I can stretch my expressing intervals to 6-7 hrly and still get the correct amt. But sadly now, still cant train my boobs as well leh. Sianz. Optimal is 3 hr. If I stretch to 4 or 5 hrs, the yield cant match proportionately. So I try not to stretch the intervals if I can help it. For night time, I dun care liao lah. Cant afford to pump every 3 hrly…. So I stretch to 6 hrly.

U follow ur own body. Not everyone can stretch to 5 or 6 hrly. But if u do it slowly, u will achieve tt eventually.

If we give our tods our EBM, def not enuff nutrients but like wat the rest said, our EBM is a supplementary thing to them as they get most of their nutritional needs fr the solids tt they take.
Coz of wat PD said, I only give 50% of my son’s total milk feeds via EBM and the other 50% is FM. But during the time when I am sick, I give him 100% of my EBM so he can receive my antibodies.

Aria jo
Thks 4 tt article! Very informative!
While I still believe tt BM is good for our babies and tods, I am not those type tt die die muz give BM only. I hv heard of ppl who r super hardcore to the extent they dun start weaning their babies at 6 mths but later stage like 9mths or even 1 yr coz they strictly believe tt nothing can replace their BM. I def wun wanna delay weaning when its time to start them. It will do more harm than good to them! My son is quite fussy wif food so wif RN, I will def wan her to try a variety when the time comes. Scared liao!

U r right… its still good to partial BF than none at all. And now tt u see improvement in the amt yield, hope it gets better! I know of a fren whom was not able to pump a single drop at all 3 yrs ago when she had her daughter. She can only total latch. Seems like her body dun respond to the pumps at all.

The hat is so nostalgic! Wat a chubby chub girl!!!!

Happy mummy
Tts wat my mum said to me when I had my son 3 yrs ago and she asked me to stop BFG when I went back to work. I told her I’ve got so much ss, so why shld I stop??? The elders hv this kind of thinking lor… I know my mum dun wan me to feel overtired when I go back to work.
Hi mummies! Just a quick post here. Have been going to work on and off last week but this week is a full week. Have been feeling soooo miserable. Feel so sad and miss my baby girl so much. Every night by the time I come home she is already asleep. Last night I sat by her bed and sang songs while she slept but ended up crying.

And for those of you breastfeeding, partial or total, keep it up! I have stopped some time ago because of medicine that I have to take, and even before that supply was too low to keep up. I struggled with this for a long time but have come to terms with it. For those who are doing partial, just remember that you are doing your best!

My girl can only flip halfway - from her back to her side. 3 months 3 weeks old already. Dunno when she can flip onto her tummy. And she can't flip from tummy to back either. Sigh. Doesn't help that I have not been around, so I can't encourage her and cheer her on (not sure if it would make a diff, but I want to do it).

Oh, and previously my baby was refusing to finish her feeds, but the past few days she has been drinking more and asking for more before 3 hours! Think she finally hit her growth spurt - 3 weeks late! Either that, or the probiotics she is taking has helped her in digestion, because now not so constipated also. For mummies whose babies seem to have poor appetite, may want to check out with PD.
hi mummies,
im new here. i wanted to find out what your babies' bedtimes start. my baby naps about 3 times in the day then gets tired around 5 or 6pm. she sometimes sleeps for an hour and then she's wide awake/fussy and has short naps but doesn't get to bed for the night until 10 or 11pm. any advice as to how to get her to sleep (and stay asleep) earlier?
Hi mummies! Just a quick post here. Have been going to work on and off last week but this week is a full week. Have been feeling soooo miserable. Feel so sad and miss my baby girl so much. Every night by the time I come home she is already asleep. Last night I sat by her bed and sang songs while she slept but ended up crying.

And for those of you breastfeeding, partial or total, keep it up! I have stopped some time ago because of medicine that I have to take, and even before that supply was too low to keep up. I struggled with this for a long time but have come to terms with it. For those who are doing partial, just remember that you are doing your best!

My girl can only flip halfway - from her back to her side. 3 months 3 weeks old already. Dunno when she can flip onto her tummy. And she can't flip from tummy to back either. Sigh. Doesn't help that I have not been around, so I can't encourage her and cheer her on (not sure if it would make a diff, but I want to do it).

Oh, and previously my baby was refusing to finish her feeds, but the past few days she has been drinking more and asking for more before 3 hours! Think she finally hit her growth spurt - 3 weeks late! Either that, or the probiotics she is taking has helped her in digestion, because now not so constipated also. For mummies whose babies seem to have poor appetite, may want to check out with PD.
dreamygal : phew that's a relief.
thanks for sharing ur experience

jrrt : er..chim .... how to 'train' our brain so can drag expressing interval? got site ah? or answer is pump until get that amt? :S does that mean if i want to hit x amt and oledi exceed 1 hr i still continue pumping ? :S
aria: seems like it would be better for me to let go and work in the office? so i can pump at more regular intervals.. but for me to get something like 40ml or even 50ml during the day would take me 1h to do it. i need to have that patience.

as for pumps, i think my breasts really not pro electric pump. either that or the funnel really nto suitable. am going to try out other pumps.. try until nothing else to try. haha..

i should change my nick to duracell - "NEVER SAY DIE"!

mrs neo: good that your domestic helper is pro bf. at least she knows whats going on and will support u.
aria jo : Thanks for the sharing.

PY : No. Lele don't take bottle. I gave the EBM to my girl and her cousins. The extras i will freeze it.

jRRt : Thanks. My Glynnis is also very picky with food. Haa... Still trying my luck at every meal to get her to eat something new. Haa...

Loke : Jia you. My vol hit its peak only when Glynnis was about 6 mths old. So i believe if you continue to try, you will succeed.
loke: which pump are you using? my colleague intro PIS medela advanced, and she's still pumping 1 year down. It's also working very well for me. Can finish pumping within 8 to 10min

aria jo:will pumping for an hour 'injure' your breasts? Isn't it too long? I'll get super bored. Even in the 10 min I'm pumping, I'll try to read a book or surf the net.

I really think my ss will dwindle if I'm awake for too long. Nearly cried on MOnday when I woke up at 3 plus am and didn't sleep until 12am, coz supply was so low that after 15 min, it's still super little.
THe next day, i slept longer, and took naps, and my supply back to normal.
My only concern is I can't pump enough to store, and my son rejects the soy formula, and doesn't drink much of Karihome. He's taken off Similac by the doctor.

Re Perspiration and Smells
I've one problem. My son sweats a lot, and he smells a little after that, esp around the head and neck area. Will he grow up to have BO?
Hi mummies
Can I check what's the colour of your baby's urine? My boy's urine is yellowish, does that means dehydration? If that's the case, is it because not enough milk? most of the time my boy is taking FM because low ss on BM. My boy is 3 mths old next week and he is drinking 100ml every 3hrs.
hi girls, how are u all?

was admitted into kkh over the weekend.. in fact. we were just discharged yesterday at 1pm.. bally had bad massively clogged nose and cough with a lot of phelgm.. seen dr ong three times.. and each time.. she increased the dosage till he was on nueb.. then that night. he had a fever.. called dr ong.. she said go kkh since on sat.. if on weekday. she will monitor. but following sun.. dun wait too long. just go.. and for me. i know. it means auto admission coz any infant 3 mths below auto admit.. no matter how slight the fever.. haiz. he was running a temp of 38.5.. haiz..

so got admitted.. and like last time. his fever went away with out any med the moment we arrived! what the.....what is this ball up to?!

anyway. so had him on antibiotics. this time no spinal fluid drawing.. off the nueb. then his nose and cough all slowly clearing.. in fact he looked so well in that CRYING ward ( i stayed over night for 4 nights.. and they all take turns to cry or cry at the sae time.. only Ball was sleeping contently.. i got major headache. and so shacked from the lack of rest.. haiz)..

so thank god ball is finally discahrged.. else i will have to admit myself into the woman's tower for exhaustion! :S

he is on preventive antibiotics now for 10 weeks.. (wah liew).. then still have to catch his urine sample for a review with an A/P.. will be so steep.. haiz. coz one of his two urine samples.. got slight bacteria growth.. but his case very gray ... high chance not bacterial infection at all coz first urine is clear. second urine in hospital then have?!.. then his fever afpart from 38.5.. never came back again.. but still better be safe than sorry..

in the ward.. he charming all the nurses and doctors with his alertness, good naturedness and plentiful smiles and coos.. whereelse his other mates in the same ward.. one girl has UTI.. she have v high fever and basically just whine nonstop.. poor girl. but she is dischargedsame day as ball.. so good for her.. then a poor feeder who dun feed more than 2 oz per 2 hours. used to feed 6 oz.. then suddenly reduced.. and vomit after each feed.. so they had her on a drip and th eparents had to force feed her.. and she will scream through the day when they attempted to do that.. haiz. the A/P told the parents.. they will onli discharged her if she reach 400mlper day. (half of her usual aount).. she drank 280 the earlier day.. i dun see the light for this family man.. i think can be PR there liao :S

then there is this infant who also got admited for fever ( i think like yh last time).. v high fever.. everytime take bp and must sponge. i keep hearing temp like 40. something.. 39. somthing.. the moment she is touched she will cry.. but u know those infant cries. they cry till they go hoarse and whimper?1

haiz.. sheer fatigue for the past 4 days! dun want to go thru it again!
yh better reach three mths soon!!!!! one more week, tahan!

haiz.. tired..
sorry for the long post :S

glass: how come ur boy taken off similac by the doc?

luckybb: check the level of activeness of ur boy. and also the top part of the head.. the soft part. it is sunken? if no to the above. he is fine. 100ml per 3 hours is quite a lot liao..
see a doctor if u are still worried

loke: i like ur nick and ur spirit..

tien/py: like what Jrrt said.. body adjust to the demands of the b coz if u dun pump.. no excess needed. so u wun have much to store.. i was like that last time despite taking so many supplements.. iw as wondering how come like that til one day i figured out .. silly me. i never pump.. just latched all the time.. and coz demand = ss. of course no excess lah!
so i fially got that figured out :S

cato2: ur girl is darn chubby. how heavy is she now?

ball is 6.20 now. was orginally 6.245.. lost 0.04 from the 'ordeal' in the hospital. i tink i lost more ! :S
he was just sleeping.. wah liew.. and cooing and being fed.. still 'lost weight'.. chey!

sorry for the lng post.. wah. i am v shacked.. stupid ball better reach three mths soon!!!

py: i think charloote developing a preference for th ebreasts as a soother than food leh.. bally will only take my bs for food. no comfort sucking for him one.. i saw ur post on how u felt sorry.. wants to comfort latch. do go ahead if that give u a peace of mind. but bear in mind that milk decays the teeth. i have frens who need to spend thousands of doallers to fix up the bb teeth coz their kids drink to sleep...it can happen with bottles fed bbs as well..
Joyce: so envy envy,mine decreasing

Cat02:ur ger is so cute, been hoping for a ger and dress her up ehhe,maybe the next round few yrs down

MrsNeo:really happy for u to get a gd n reliable domestic helper, nowsaday hard to come by.

funzee:Guess most of us will experienc ett emotion struggle when we back to work again, start missing my bb even when im just out for a while without him n rush home.
astro: wah, i hope yh will recover fully soon. go take a good rest.

My son's taken off similac and other cow's milk coz he has eczema. appeared all over the head and face, and after I took him off, he recovered.
astro: poor yh, with your TLC, hopefully he'll recover real soon...
my baby is 6.2kg at 3mths. not sure her current weight now, maybe >6.5kg now??? next friday she'll be 4mths. will be doing the regular checkup and 2nd dose DPT jab... hopefully she wun develop a fever like the last round...

annette: next round you try for a bb girl, i'll try for a bb boy...
Hi all, waa a long post to follow up

Loke: yes, i am struggling to pump bm since my pump is manual pump, so it makes me vy tired after each pump session. *think to buy an electric pump, but scared that only can use for few months more since my bm seem to be lesser. haha not willing to buy electric pump, but willing to buy such an expensive baby carrier :p.

cat02: ur baby so cute ..

zombified: u should take a rest as much as u can to regain back the energy so u can good take care ur precious one again, i can imagine how tired u r :p
astro> i gave in to her last night and she latch for a good 1 hour!.. and wake up after i unlatch her! and it continue again with the other side.. another ard 30 mins? i am having sore nipples now.

not that i nv give in to her .. but she's like went overboard liao... i think i need a better solution.. gotta start somewhere.. should i just let her cry it out ?

i tried swaddling.. ok it works.. but 2-3 hours later she woke up and cry.. but doesnt seem hungry to me... but i just latch.. 10 mins i unlatch and swaddle her back. =\

i'm super stress now. ARGH!!
py: babies dunno how to go overboard.. they just know what they prefer to have... think shouldn't let her cry it out at the moment.. try to put her in ur mil's room to sleep.. otherwise, buffer the latching time. take 1h as the starting. last night 1h, then tonight try latch her 30mins.. then while latching.. must keep talking to her.. tell her that mummy's nipples painful now.. mummy still love her.. and mummy knows charlotte also love mummy.. so today only can latch 30mins.. mummy is always there.. etc..

that's what i do to angel. just keep talking to her throughout the day.. somehow these babies can understand.. when they feel the love, they'll feel secure also.. then slowly they'll accommodate to you instead of making u accommodate to them...

dreamygal: thanks for ur encouragement! :D

glass: i'm using avent manual pump. xoxo suggest that i go rent the ameda pump for a day to see if it works better. i used to use medela dual pump. think the funnel size maybe too small.. so my poor boobs kena cracks big time.

cat: haha.. we were the kkbt remember?? i hope its a boy too! but if i get another girl also not bad lah...

feifei: mine also manual pump. scared of the electric one liao. can cry using it. see already i think all the bm all backflow.. maybe u can try renting the electric one from breastfeeding.org.. i'm gonna try out different brands.
loke: yea i remember we were the kkbt...

despite all the well wishers' kkb dust, we ended up having girls... may they be boys or girls, we know we won't exchange anything in the world for our precious little ones...
hi mummies,

Sorry to disturb:

Tired of pumping? How abt Hands-free pumping? Tried and tested personally.

I have few pieces of BN ExpressionBra Bustier & Halter (size S) for sale.

<u>CNY Special</u>
Halter-Design: $24
Bustier-Design: $30
Discount will be given if buying 2 pieces &amp; above

For more details:

PM me if you are interested!
Re: ebm storage In fridge
Can I store my eBM in 250ml btle in fridge then as and when I require e desired qty, then I pour out accordingly.? Reason being I am using too much storage btle and its waste of space and btle.
loke: same here. miss my baby so much too when working. there was one morning when i dropped her off at my parent's place, after my dad carry her over, she gave me and DH a pouty lip and pleading eyes look, like saying "mummy pls dun leave me". wau at that moment my heart just melted and so tempted to scoop her back into my arm and bring her home... so we kissed and hugged her and promised her mummy and daddy will be back tonight to bring her home. hahaha so drama.
maybe i need to call up the breastfeeding org for help lol

my hb called them once during the first week while i had engorgement lol!
astro> haha decided not to bring her liao. coz i dun think she got anything wrong.

i managed to tuck her to sleep at 730pm on our bed..swaddle her tight tight! and she has been sleeping since then. i hope she dun wake up so soon. My hb went to dl iphone app that mimic the wound of our womb lol!

btw i googled abit on the tooth decay and breast milk hor.. breast milk wont cause tooth decay leh..


btw i received ur funds liao. paiseh forgot to update u haa recently very stressed up over her behaviour. =.=
hi mummies,

jus to check with u all do u store the current fresh EBM to exchange for the frozen one. understand that fresh EBM has more nutrients than FBM.now i still have DEC'09 FBM in my freezer.
Jrrt: that's the thing. My laziness gets the better of me. I only pump one side in the morning before I latch yx on the other side. Freeze that one. Then whole day will fully latch sometimes 1 side will suffice or since I'm lazy to pump I'll let her latch both. Since she is a comfort sucker, shell be more than happy to take both my breasts hahaha... Then I won't bother to pump after that. Mainly because I'm scared that the breasts would not be full enough for her the next feed. But next week mum n I will try to get her to accept bottled meaning I hv to pump fresh milk for her to drink before her feeds in the afternoon. Hopefully it'll be better. Also got a sign of hope for her bottle rejection. Yesterday she took 80ml when hubby n I went out for dinner but mum said she seemed to know that she would be bottle fed. Chose to sleep more. By the time she took it she had survived 3 hours plus without milk.

Speaking of weight sigh... My yx really heavy for a girl. Last pd visit she was 6.74kg n 64cm tall. Gained about 1.4 kg in a month. Must be the comfort latching.. She is over drinking maybe?
PY : How's Charlotte last night??

astro : Now that YH is better, you take care of yourself. You must be exhausted.

kathy : I would prefer to feed the fresh EBM first and freeze the extra.

Tooth decay
Wanna share my experience even tough it makes me look so ignorant.

Glynnis got it due to drinking when she sleep. She was difficult to feed when she was a baby. She drank very little per feed and took what seemed like forever to finish her milk. My mil don't have the time to feed her for 1 hour each time, so she will do sleep feeding. She will pop the bottle in her mouth and support the bottle with a small pillow and leave glynnis alone to suck while she sleep. Me and hubby did not know that or rather never thought about tooth decay then, we were in fact quite relief that she was drinking more. We were so so so ignorant, so silly. At about 2 years old, we noticed a chip in one of her front teeth and we thought it was caused by a fall maybe. In another month time, the other front teeth got a small dent as well. We visited the dentist and was told that her teeth were decaying and we need to pull both her front teeth out. I was like crying non stop then, feeling extremely guilty. We visited a lot of dentists and they do not recommend us to do root canal. They felt that its too expensive to do root canal for milk teeth and its not worth it since they will change teeth soon. But as a mummy, i do not want my girl to go without her teeth at the age of 2 plus. I was worried about her speech development and i do not want her to be laughed at when she grow older.

At last, we went to NDC and they did root canal for her. She had to go under GA and its really a painful experience for her and mummy. I cried the moment she went in. In total we spent about 3k to get her 2 teeth fixed.

I shared this here because i just do not want any of you to go through this, none of you. Do take care of your baby's teeth the moment they appear. Now i am brushing Glynnis' teeth at least twice a day.

I will ask the dentist about comfort latching during Glynnis' next dental visit.
For my elder girl, I actually start to intro cereal when she’s like 7 months old and porridge only when she’s 9 months old. In the beginning she was quite fussy abt food as in will spit out coarse food like meat, vegetables, etc. all must be very blended but I guess that could be due to she has very little teeth and don’t know how to chew. She was quite fussy for a few months until I noticed she will eat the chopped vege and meat if they are really tasty. Now, 2 years 3 mths, she’s eating most her rice and vege already. Sometimes she will tell me she doesn’t like this and that though. So, I’m not too sure if introducing solid too late will make bb fussy abt food. I guess before the age of 1 years old intro food, still not too bad? Or I think it’s really the personality of the BB. Some bb are really very sensitive to certain things.

Totally empathize your feeling cos I’m also very sad and worry that my younger girl will not be close to me since I’m not able to latch her.. I want both my girls to be closest to me!!!haha.. possessive mummy. I guess as mother we all feel the same way. But you know what, I told myself, as long as my girl grow up healthy, happy and feel loved, other things are secondary! Right now, I feel like a milk factory to my girls!

I think your BB not that bad lah.. For both my girls, I never force them or train them to sleep slowly. For my elder girl she was sleeping around 10 to 11pm for the 1st year of her life. She’s still growing well  and the good thing is I get to play with her. Slowly as she grow older, her routine was slowly adjusted and when she’s around 14 mths onwards, she napped 1 time for abt 2 hours. I believe as most bb as they grow older, then will nap once and then their sleeping time will get adjusted accordingly. Of course this does not apply to hyperactive kids lah..So, don’t get too work up if your bb is not like those angel bb that sleep at 7-8pm and through the night, ok?

Your bb can take in so little milk at 1 go? Have you ever try increasing her milk to 120ml? By the age of 3 months, PD will advise us to stretch the feeding time to 4 hourly liao. How to tell if your bb is dehydrated? Sleeping longer hours, frequency of wet diaper is dropping, very lethargic. Yellow urine does not mean he is dehydrated.

Haha..you’re so funny.. change your nick to Duracell_loke  so adorable lah you…

Hope YH will recover asap! Indeed it is so heartbreaking seeing the little ones fall sick. Naia caught the cold when she was only 2 week plus! I was so heartpain seeing her coughing and cannot do anything to help her because she’s too young to take any medication!
aria jo: Tried to give him 120ml but always cannot finish the milk. Sometimes he can only take 90ml. Sometimes tried to force feed him but he will scream and pull off the bottle. There's one time he vomitted so i scared scared just give him the amt he wanted.
His napping time can last 3hrs wor

Astro: Thankfully his top part of the head looks normal. Hope YH recover well, u take care.
hi aria jo,
thank you for your reply. i guess you're right that her bedtime will be adjusted by her nap times in the future.

she gets very cranky between her last nap time and her bedtime though. tired but doesn't want to sleep, just cry and cry! she is happy all day and then come 7pm the fussiness starts... any one's baby still goes through fussy time like this?
Dreamygal: thx for sharing the experience
we let her CIO last night. But inbetween we carried her pat awhile and put her down again.. Whole thing lasted abt 10 mins and she fell asleep..

She slept frm 11-3am then I latch her for abt 10 mins.. I poke my finger in to unlatch her lol.. Then swaddle tight tight.. But 440am she woke up again. Confirm not hungry cos when I go to her, she stop crying. When my hb go to her she still cry.. So we CIO again.. And she fell asleep on her own. I tried to push the paci to her but she keep rejecting. So I just let her be lo.

Slept till morning 9am
lucky baby: we r in the same boat, i thought that only my baby drink little than others :p. My little girl also drink around average 100ml. sometime only drink 60ml after 3 hours ne. And like to vommit when we forced her to drink more.. i also don't know why and confused cause now she only take 5/6 feeding per day, it can't be to much feed ma?
feifei: try to burp the bb when the bb reject the milk. sometimes their tummy not feeling well. so dowan to drink the milk. when u force her to drink, she'll only puke.. so just take it easy lor. as long as she's gaining weight, i think shouldn't be a prob.. all babies are different.
Hi all, I'm new here.. My girl is coming 3months and her milk intake has gone haywire.. She drinks like 20/20/40/80ml with intervals of about 1hr instead of the usual 150ml to 180ml every 3-4hrs(which she used to take just a week before)..

Her sleep pattern has also changed. She sleeps for 1hr instead of the "usual" 3hrs..

Is 3months the age for their "routine/pattern" to change? Anyone else going through the same thing?
Hi Justine, my son is also coming 3 mths, so far he sleeps abt 2.5hrs and wakes up to eat at night. but at day time, only when in the arm can he sleep, once put down, he wakes up, very tired. does your girl cry bf wake up?
i see.. then you're doing the right thing lah. cannot force feed in this case. probably he's a small eater. every bb is different.

hohoho..sounds like colic to me and sadly i think my girl start to have this since this week too. 7 pm start the fussiness and wail and wail. yesterday night the worse! cried for 1.5 hours.. haiz..tonight need to monitor if this happen again.
as bb grow, the routine will be slightly adjusted. last time my baby sleep in the day and wake up at night ah!!! heng after 1 month, some how her biological clock got adjusted by itself. but recently, her milk intake also got adjusted by itself. she start to drink 150ml every 4 hourly and the morning feed usually v v fussy! she can don't drink for 5-6 hours! last monday, her last feed was at 12am plus and she tahan until 11am!! that was 10 hour plus you know. scared the hell out of us. Almost brought her to see PD because we're afraid of dehydration. from that day onwards, she start to be fussy from 7pm onwards. I think i might have a colicky baby.. My SIL's son went through the same thing at 3 month plus. Cried for 2-3 weeks before this went away. I hope my girl's fussiness will stop soon! very stress!
Hi aria,
I thought most colic symptoms stop at 3rd month? My girl doesn't want to stay still enough to drink and she doesn't want to close her lips around the teats to suck..

She gets fussy when we put her in her yao lan but she can fall asleep easily on her bed.. The problem with bed is that she can't sleep for long cos no rocking motion mah..

Hi lisa,
u mean cry before she wakes up? In the mornings, I'm the one who wakes her up by washing her hair.. If I don't wake her up, she can sleep till 12 or even 1pm+ (tried once cos I was exhausted and overslept)..

She only sleep through the night until next day late.. But she just seems to hate her milk and yao lan.. Recently, we let her cry to sleep in her yaolan which takes like less than 5min..
