(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

loke : Later if i have the time, i go search for a photo of glynnis with clip taken when she was like maybe 6mths. She was botak then but crazy mummy just insist to put on clip for her. The clip dropped out the next moment after i snapped the picture.

I always like girl girl with lots of hair.

miemie : I dropped a lot of hair during Glynnis' time. Its very bad then. Every morning, the bed will have lots of hair, mine and Glynnis'. This time round, i don't lose as much hair leh.

You reminded me... If i cut my hair short, i will look fat. Oh dear...
miemie: yah i worry too... told hb samuel looks cute bald but def can't say the same for me!!

Agree! Angel looks really like mummy!
replied your pm.

can wear clip lah. Naia also have the same amt of hair and i put hairclip on her liao. you need to buy those snap clip or non slip aligator clip
you can see all the clippies i bought for my girls! i'm one siao mummy who bought so many hair clips for my girl..haha.. all sorts of color and pattern..
dreamygal>> you will look fat meh? i dun think so lo.. your face not round.. i tink i will trim for CNY, then after CNY then see if i should snip off and spot a short bob..

cat02>> your fb is the one with your girl on a pink background?
aria jo: i added you liao!

miemie: i now have a short bob... thanks to over zealous hair stylist... talk talk talk and cut cut cut! next thing i knew... wah so short :S

for iphone, u can still add via email id, using safari... not the facebook app.
i did it.

>> Hair
my baby dropped alot of hair, so much that he has botak holes at the back of his head, so i went to shave his head (to the much displeasure of my MIL la, she thinks that baby head is still soft and that everyone is not professional enough to trim the bb head) i engage the help of Tao Mao Bi Zhong Xin, they help to shave my bb head to 3mm hair length and use the hair to help me make the brushes lo.

so is it true tat baby dropped alot of hair den mummy will not drop? this is because i got super long hair, but i haven been dropping hair yet. you know my mil is super irritating, cos everyday she will tell me i am going to drop alot of hair, which i will tell her, dun haf leh, but she will insist "you will surely dropped alot of hair!" super ley chey! my son is already coming 16 weeks liao lo!

>> hair treatment
i think should be ok to dye or perm as the chemical absorbed via hair is much lesser than those absorbed via scalp. anyway, i enquire with a dermalogist about doing laser treatments if will affect breastfeeding, his answer was there is nothing that we do to or apply on our skin that will affect breastfeeding, only oral medications ba... but to be on safer side, if you want to be a Greater mummy, then just endure for a few more months lo.

>>Back to work
i just applied a 2 months unpaid leave and got approved! i admit i am very possessive of my baby, i mean, after going through so much suffering during pregnancy and confinement, i am not going to let anyone do anything that is not good for my son! \

>>Complaints about my MIL
sorry gals! please let me rant off here, else i am suffering from internal injuries from being too angry! initially the plan was to let my mil retire from her kopishop business and look after my son. but i seriously doubt if she knows how to take care of a baby (even though she has 2 sons herself) because:

- i informed her the PD said my baby has very sensitive skin, he also cannot apply the medicated oil on his tummy bcos he will breakout in rashes. I do not expect her to reply me, just want to let her know so she will not apply when i go to work, but she replied anyway with "then i go peel a piece of ginger and rubbed his tummy with the raw ginger lo!" ????!!!!!!! hello is she in outer space? sensitive skin still use raw ginger to rub then what's going to happen to my son? i tell her PLEASE better do not apply anything

- she asked if my baby poo has solidify like an adult poo, as in like one streak (i dunno how to describe la.. just 1 long poo la) so i was like HUH?!?!! of cos not la! he is only 3 months old and still on total breastfeeding lei! and she kept on saying no no no... he should have solid poo already. WTH?!

- She said baby 6 months old can feed him eat guo tiao already and she wants to feed him eat guo tiao... and i went, No La! 6 mths old we will just start to wean him and we will feed him vegetables and fruits first. but she insists can feed the baby eat guo tiao cos today a mother bring her baby to the kopishop and the mother feed her 6 mths old baby to eat guo tiao. ???!!!!?! WTH? if she wanna feed a baby guo tiao, she jolly well find another baby where the mother allow her to do so! because i do not allow! i keep telling her cannot but she insists so i told my hubby immediately and my hubby replied her HUH??! guo tiao has so much perservatives, better do not feed him this, then she kept quiet.

- this is on top of the fact that she will tell my baby that his mommy is very bad, his mommy is scolding him, his mummy very mean etc. i super hate it whenever i hear her said that! i should have just snatch my baby back and locked ourselves in the room instead!

- also the fact that she told my own mother not to carry my baby, because we only carry during bathtime and feeding, but she herself carry, rock and pat the baby non stop for 1 to 2 hours every evening! now better still, she likes to sit the baby upright to watch the tv every evening too. whenever i ask her not to carry for too long or rock or pat or let him watch tv, she will reply me "you never do these in the day right? so it's ok to do so at night!" WTH! what i do not do to my baby doesnt mean she can do!

- every evening, she expects my baby to be outside in the living room so that she can play with the baby. and she will be super noisy. i mean playing with baby is ok, carrying him is ok.. just do not go overboard. imagine ok! how she talk to my baby is like this... she will do a rap version (imagine how fast she goes ok) of ki koo ki koo, nam nam nam nam, nin bong nin bong, wher wher wher, ye ye zai nan li ahhhhhhhhh? yu zai nan li ahhhhhhh? nam mo guang shi yin pu sai, ki koo ki koo... nan nan de tian kong yin he li... ki koo ki koo.... i find her super disturbing. so much that i cannot tolerate her voice and it gives me the mirgraine... i wonder how my baby takes it cos everytime he will end up crying and she will say cos he wants granny to carry him.....

super sad!!

i really really feel like leaving home. things used to be ok with my MIL.. but now, i begin to dislike her to the core. because every night there bound to be something to argue about with her!

i really really envy those who are staying on your own already!
Dreamygal: thanks
but my girl still botak lor.. :p

Tien: haha your mil so funny, i am LOL in my office now reading ur story :p
anyone of your baby flip in the middle of the night and sleep back? aiyoh, starting a few days ago, my girl keep flipping on her tummy to sleep.. so we got woken up a few times by her noise when she unable to flip back.. siong man.. i hope she is able to flip on her back..aiyoh...else dun know how many night of disturb sleep we have to endure..
candy white,
My girl started off with Similac then we changed it to Friso Gold 1.. Heard many good comments abt it and it's a lot cheaper also.. It's been better! Similac - poo every 3-4days, Friso Gold 1 - poo once or twice EVERYDAY.. How abt u? What your baby drink?

Thanks! U have boy ah? Boys also cute mah! hehe..

I thought my girl's hair a lot liao leh.. But your baby, WAH!! The hair is SO CUTE! lol..

New Bumbo seat @ Vivo for $49.90 ah? Is it with tray? I want to buy for my girl cos she keeps wanting to sit up now.. Everyday play "Yi Chang" with her very tiring sia.. haha.. But I wonder how long will the seat last since I heard that the baby's "thunder thighs" will outgrow the "leg holes" very fast.. Is it worth it? I wonder if there is Bumbo seat rental around onot? lol..
shugar, thanks!

Edit: I checked it out.. They only have one bumbo seat and it's being rented out.. haha.. I asked to be notified but wonder when it will be returned.. >.<
aria: i dun have ur fb wor..

shugar: i really think samuel is cute to the max!!! btw, heard from xoxo u rented the ameda pump from mums n babe?
a lot of mummy selling it after a few months of use. check out the I want to sell thread..

oh those protected cushion.. but i think we'll just let her be and hopefully she can learn to flip back soon..
I check it out le.. Pinks and purple all sold le.. sad leh.. Wonder if I should buy the new one at Vivo since a lot of mummies selling secondhand ones @ $40-50 also.. Or I wonder if mummies who live near me will be willing to rent for a month onot.. xD..

Any idea, generally, how long before the baby outgrow the "leg holes"? Or at what age do babies sit in high chair instead of bumbo?
our bb will outgrow them pretty fast.. probably 3-4 mths? by then some bb can sit liao
so, if you think 3-4 months is worth investment go ahead! after that you can always sell it away anyway right?
too many mummies selling.. Very competitive.. LOL.. If I can rent for 3-4months also not bad hor.. Or maybe can share with my mtb friend..
I think so much cos I don't like to keep stuff that I no longer use.. And I'm very lazy to sell, so usually end up giving it away de.. Hubby always find it wasted that we spend the money for such short term use.. >.<
shugar : Dropping a lot of hair recently. So not much left now.

MieMie : You can't see my double chin from the photos mah... Hee... But cut short also good, lele has been pulling my hair when i carry him. Notti notti...

ting : Ya. Agree its really not easy living with in-laws. I used to be not happy over a lot of things my mil does, especially when it comes to disciplining the kids. But luckily now she see that Glynnis quite well behaved as compared to the 2 kids she is taking care, she started to listen to me le. What my hubby always say, that is your child, if you don't like what others are doing to him/her, then insist no. **Hugs**

feifei : Botak nevermind. Cute can le.

Pearly : Ya. They will outgrown their bumbo very fast. And when they know how to crawl around, they wouldn't let you restrict them to bumbo le.
Loke: i rented Medela Lactina from them. U can either rent from the medela distributor or from Moms and Babes. They are actually same co.

Dreamygal: ok lah, bb botak still cute! :p
ario:wah, u got urself a spare pump..so good.. that really save alot of space. esp when we taking public transport.

good idea.. using a shoe bag.. but i still looking for a suitable bag for my pumps and cooler bag. imagine if occasionally i got bring laptop hm, lagi worse.

today afternoon pump dunno why my ss so little??? drop by 70ml leh.. cant imagine after returning to work, ss sure drop to bottom de.. sianz..

loke: me too.. using ameda pump.

ting: dun be too angry k.. angry will make us more stressed.. we mummies want the best for our children, but our mothers or mils think differently. they still live in their own era.. to them, they are just using the same method they look after us on our children.

There is a vast difference in the way we teach and look after our children, they just cant accept the fact that time have changes. babies are getting smarter.

me too, sometimes will have prob educating my mum ..haha.. they just cant change. now u say, they follow ur pattern. tmr everything will be back to square again..

now i close 2 eyes in certain areas, just incase one day, she dun want help me look after, i also die.
ya..no choice lah. avent manual too slow for me, so no choice i got to use ameda dual pump and that motor super big.. so, i invested in two 2nd pump.. if you find ameda good, can get 2nd hand one.. some mummy selling it for $150-180 and sometimes comes with 1-3 months warranty still..
ting>> i agree with what limmil has said.. our parents are still living in their era.. i mentioned before that my mum feels that my information are rubbish and nonsense lo.. and she loves to tell my baby that "PoPo dowan you le" when all she wants to do is to bathe. Duh!

and my MIL too, she 'asked' my baby if she can recognise Ah Ma, coz too long never see Ah Ma already. WTH.. obviously that statement was targetted at me.

and yes, i also wish im staying on my own.. im staying with MY parents leh, not even in-laws..
those who wanna buy 2nd hand bumbo, go and post in the WTB thread.. sure will have A LOT of pple reply you de.. too bad my fren just sold her lilac one for $25, if not i can help to link you up..
thks. is 3 hourly cobsidered regular intervals?
hv been slacking and pump only 2-3 times a day coz i tot i dun hv milk...
Stay alone also got downside.. I have no mom or mil's help leh..

Mom works 8-5.. Not fanatic baby lover.. Just love to play with her grand-daughter and easily gets stressed when my girl gets very fussy.. Mom says to bring Kait over every alternate sats only.. *haiz*

Mil and I not close but she also can't help cos she got health problems and also get emotionally unstable sometimes..

So my baby only got me and my hubby to look after her.. Feels very tied up as compared to having live-in help..

Can't even go out to have a relax meal together.. Have to bring baby along and when she gets fussy, we have to move liao.. hehe.. Cannot even go out have dinner with hubby at nearby coffeeshop and leave baby at home for a while cos no one watch her.. Cannot even go downstairs NTUC buy groceries when I want to cook dinner cos no one at home when hubby's working.. Must go EVERYWHERE with baby.. haha

My confinement also done with a confinement lady from only 10am to 4pm.. Somemore this is my first baby.. I have no experience at all.. No comments, no feedbacks.. Had to learn through trial and error.. Not much time to learn from the CL cos I would be sleeping when she comes as I never sleep the nights before.. My girl woke up every hour during her newborn days..

I know it's tough with parents and PIL hovering all the time with unwanted comments.. But I'll be very grateful if I have that option le.. Somehow, baby will still grow up one la.. xD Just in and out when they give comments loh.. Close 1 eye, make own life better also.. At least don't have to worry about having "strangers" looking after your precious baby.. No matter what methods they use, your baby will be ok one..
Pearly: ur comments are what Miser told me when i got too pissed with my mother's way of handlig my boys.. he said , 'no matter what, u wun have to worry about any harm to him.. she will only spoil him. never harm him'.. so i was told to see open a bit.
my mother another funny character.. funny but never mean.. ha.. u sure got chance to hear me whine abuot her one. heh..

like now. she sick. never come my house. i got to carry/entertai yh all day long. wah liew.
I've decided to go Spring Maternity to buy the bumbo seat.. It's actually on promo now @ $49.90.. I thought only at Vivo as said by tien.. I called and they got it in AMK Hub also.. hehe.. Too bad pinks are out of stock.. I'm going to get the purple one.. hehe..

Thanks tien for telling about the Spring Maternity wor! If not, maybe I would buy at Kiddy Palace or Mothercare liao.. xD
Pearly, kiddy palace have. i bought mine from there 3 years back.. now i got to dig it out, clean and use again. haha. my is the purple one..last time teng always ganna stuck inside.. i think will have better mileage for ball this time
Quite tiring to keep my girl entertained now.. She sleeps so little liao, as compared to newborn days.. Now, I understand the meaning of naps.. haha..

The FP Rainforest playgym is really good la.. Keeps her entertained for a while.. Now she wants to keep sitting up.. *haiz* Have to get the bumbo for her..

If got someone to help at home, will make our lives a bit easier.. Just that sometimes, will get on our nerves but look on the bright side, at least got a bit of time for self.. And that, like what your miser says, they won't do harm to your baby de cos they also love him mah.. hehe
i have same sentiments as Mie and Ting. sigh.. its irritating to hear things like "ur mummy duno horr.." or "notti boy" or "last time i feed porridge to my son at 4 mths" or "last time we do like that..where need such a ting...u so lao ku tong" *faint*

I guess all mummies are protective of their little ones that those comments though may be 'passing comments' or just natural old folks brainless comments .. hurts.

n Mie, i so agree w u. whatever i say to my own mum or IL will be taken as 'argumentative' or 'dun make sense'. But if other pple say 'exact same ting'....wah..... their words are like gold lo.

but wat to do. who knows next time we reach their age we oso like that. hopefully not but... que sera sera....
wahahaha Angel really is a photocopy of loke! wahah so cute!

dreamygal: thanks for the feedback haha.. how abt sealer? is it better? both from the same company apparently.

i'm trying to find a diaper for day use (with magic tape) i'm ok with drypers but theirs using sticker tape which i dun like it. haha.
regular means you don't change the time you express your milk. you do not skip any session as well. that will regulate your milk production and if you empty your breast at this regular intervals, your brain will get the signal to produce more milk.

for my case, i do not skip any of my fix schedule. I stick to it throughout ie 7am, 2pm, 7pm and 12 midnight. If you pump at erratic hours, you might mess up the signal.
or if you're latching and expressing, stick to the intervals as well. for example,

7am -latch before going to work
11am - express
3pm express
7pm- latch
3am - express (for those diligent mummy..hehe)
7am - latch

if you stick to these regular intervals, i can reassure you, your milk supply will slowly increase.
bally just drank 210 and didn't make any more noise for the evening!. GF said 210 - 240.. i was like.. can't be so much lah. he can't even finish 150.. BUT.. almost magically (vodoo?).. finished 150.. thought he sleeping liao.. put him down.. SCREAMED.. i was like 'cld it be...?'.. made another 60ml.. he drowned everything and never once again scream! now 'drunk'.. sleeping.. normally this time
he still screaming!.. wah.. *stunned*. let's see if this repeats for tomorrow..
hahahhaa... yours must be the funniest post! KIAP OUT THE PI SAI!!! bwahahahaha...
so what was your way? I see Min's pi sai i also wanna dig out. but no way of getting in there right? i bought the nose cleaner, but dun dare to try it out leh.

so sorry to hear about your village taking turns to be sick. wish you guys speedy recovery.

PY is right! angel is a carbon copy of you! you must be happy. incidentally, more and more pple are saying Min looking more like me these days. i take those as a compliment cos i think she's looking a lot less boy-like than the first 2 mths. hehehe...

btw, do you work saturdays? going to your bldg this sat. my mum getting some stuff for my SIL so we be going there this sat. hehe...

have not been posting for awhile cos i had to orchestrate the change of maid #2. so much drama. anyways its finally done and i'm so glad to say at least new maid #2 looks a lot more promising than old maid #2. and new #2 is a lot taller so at least can reach the hangers in my closet. haha... [Yes, old #2 couldn't reach. she's like 1.41m short]

Min is getting more distracted during feeding times as well cos her awareness of the surroundings is super sharp now and ever too often she'll unlatch and flash me the million dollar smile, gesturing that she wants to play with me. how to be angry with her like that?

she has yet to flip or even show any signs of wanting to flip. but i keep thinking of astro's "in their own time" line so am trying not to be too vexed about it.

Min is prolly president of ikan bilis club by now. she's stuck at 5.6kg...

quite a few of us has since returned to work eh? i start my new job next monday. dunno how i'm gonna manage pumping and all but i'm hoping i can pump at 11am &amp; 3pm. if not, prolly will end up pumping during lunch time. in my line, its not very funny if some1 calls me and i'm not able to take the calls. as for pumping parts, i was kiasu enough to buy an extra set of parts to interchange cos i was afraid if they get busted i have extra to change. got my BFF to bring back from states only cost like US$50 or less? cant remember now.

feeding time... til the next time, take care babes!

oh, i forgot to add that i still think Min got big head. she doesn't hate tummy time as much as before. but still cant quite lift her head up. hehehe... little slacker! just like her lazy bum mummy!

oh man, i dunno how i can wake up and pump at 2.30am in the morning when i start work. even now i drag myself up. wah lau eh!!!
