(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Astro: hope that yh will be healthy and well! Do take good care of yourself too!

Feifei, if you want to try out an electric pump, I don't mind lending you mine if you are open to it. My colleague passed me hers - it's an old model of Medela PIS. It's not so high tech like the new ones with alternating pumping speeds. But I find that it was quite ok. My ss not high, but I take only 15 mins to pump out my 1oz per side. You can try it out and see if it works for you.
hi aria,
yeah my baby had severe colic crying endlessly day and night for months. i was so close to depression. it's reduced to just evening hours now, but i find that the more she sleeps in the day the less fussy she is in the evening. everyday i learn different ways to soothe her... what do u do when your girl gets fussy? like u said, i really hope this will pass soon too.
like some of your babies, my girl also drinking very little now, only about 500-600ml! she used to do 900ml. i try so hard to feed her but she's so distracted. i have to make her drowsy and cover her eyes then she will drink. she had oral thrush (white tongue) and doc thought that was the reason for her appetite loss. now her thrush has gone away but still drinking so little. what to do!!
Put my baby with my mum for a week n my mum kept letting him sleep in yaolan even though I have repeatedly told her I dun want. Cos I dun have a yaolan at home n I dun want him to be dependant on it. Now my worst nightmare has happened... He refuses to go to sleep without yaolan.
I hate it n I hate it when my mm doesn't listen to me. She insists that if he wants to sleep in yaolan y not??
And she keeps shaking n rocking him vigorously to sleep n ihate it too! I have no idea how to get thru to her...
I really hate it. N I have told her that he will have trouble sleeping when he goes home on weekends but she still doesn't listen. In fac t she tells me then " let him stay here lor".... What exactly is she doing?!!?!? Does she seriously think the baby can do without mum n dad is it?
vidkarib : *pat pat*
ol folks liddat.. is ur mum taking care of ur bb when u working?
Hi mummies..

sorry to interupt.. i m from aug 2009 thread.. juz to check anyone interested in this CNY clothes? washed and tried only.. juz fitting for my boy only. afraid cant wear during CNY coz still got 3weeks. indicated 6-12months when i bought it.. my boy is 70.8cm and 8.4kg..

vodkarib: so what are you currently doing to help him sleep without the yaolan? my girl also only sleeps with the yaolan. We even bought the motor to auto rock it. Although it gives us time to do our own things as she can sleep quite well in it but I'm hoping that it would be best if she could sleep in her cot instead.

As for the vigorous rocking, did you try to tell your mum that it might cause brain damage to the baby? Tell her it's very serious, make her think twice about rocking so hard? =P
Hey ladies..how's the going been? the days are passing by so quickly i am barely grasping what's happening. on my end, i've recovered from one phase of flu and abt to enter yet another one??? babe has been joining me on this joyless joyride of virus after virus attacks. getting crankier and crankier as the days go by. BIG SIGH. just when i thought i got a hang of her "pattern" in terms of sleep, feed, play etc - she changes..and i am now trying to re-establish myself around her routine..see..it's not me setting the routine, but following her about...

tien >> yes, sleeping to "escape" from the bottles is one of their many "techniques" to avoid a bottle feed. besides, u are returning to work right? so no matter what, more urgent for u to get her to accept the bottle.

dreamygal >> thanks for sharing abt glynnis' experience. it must have been quite traumatic. I'd be! following astro and your feedback, i have quite immediately stopped the e daily latch-to-sleep routines i do for her nightly bedtimes. she loves doing that. while i can be sure that she isn't exactly pooling milk in her mouth, i suppose i had better be more circumspect abt this habit, however soothing and cuddly it may be! now i latch her to a good sleepy point, then carry her upright so she can't be too far asleep and place her down in her cot slightly awake. always bated breath whether she can settle herself. wish me luck.

vodkarib >> my mum (not MIL) also gets at me sometimes. wished it wasn't the case. and since it is our mothers, sometimes just gotta open one eye, shut one eye..since we know how tough it is being a mum ourselves! tom she insists on coming even though i could HEAR her coughing. she says her throat is like that all the time. whatever. and she has the propensity to say really unthoughtful stuff that makes me twist. but i almost always try to forget and forget and forget what made me mad in the first place. cannot bear grudges against yr own mum.
hehe...following shugar's nostalgic lead..i went back into the archives and re-read all our first posts!!

wah...instant cure all for my blues at the moment :D so nice reading miemie, famela and moobb's initial posts that started this thread by announcing their impending bundles of joy (now our bundles of cranky schedules, frazzled parents ;p)...can't help smiling, laughing..think my flu will be gone just by cranking up my levels of feel-good nostalgia! awww..i am such a weep!

thanks peeps for this wonderful journey together..soon we would have "known" one another for a year - mark the date -6th Feb!

hi everyone...
Hehehe been MIA for a long time but still reading the posts...

came across bottle rejection article. Not sure anyone still having this problem, but thought I'd post it here:
When a baby won't take a bottle

It's not uncommon for a baby to refuse a bottle after being breastfed exclusively for the first months. Here are some tips to help your baby make the transition:

Don't be the one to try it first. The shift may prove easier if someone else, such as your partner, introduces the bottle. Your baby can smell your milk from at least 20 feet away, so it may be best to remove the temptation, even by leaving the house.

Entice your baby with the bottle nipple. Try warming the nipple a bit with warm water and even putting a little breast milk on it. Allow your baby to play with or chew on the nipple to get used to it. It may also help to choose a nipple that's similar to your baby's pacifier, if she has one.

Offer lots of love. Provide as much affection and physical attention when you give the bottle as you would when breastfeeding.

Try different times or positions. Bottle feeding may go more easily if your baby eats slightly later than she normally would, when she's really hungry. Holding your baby more upright than when she's nursing may also help break the expectation of breast milk. Offer a cup. If your baby continues to reject a bottle, try a sippy cup or regular cup instead. This is a messy and not always productive task with a 4-month-old, so it's best for occasional feedings. Hold your baby upright and tilt the cup slowly and carefully. Some moms continue breastfeeding (without expressing or supplementing with formula) until their babies can manage a cup well, at around 6 to 8 months.
HI Justine! Welcome

Hmmm i been having milk drinking problems too over here and brought Sam to the PD thinking something was wrong.
PD checked and said all was fine. Said the fussing is a growing up phase babies this age tend to go through coz now they want to play more and are more aware of their surroundings.
He suggests breaking up the feed as the bottle is only good to keep for 1 hour once bb starts drinking.
Offer about half or less(depending what BB will take) and once bb start protesting, stop feeding and play till he/she is tired. Then give a full feed before nap time. This way BB will be tired out and tend to protest/ fuss less.

We r trying this out. works well so far!

Hope this helps!
Xoxo: ya mum really gets at me. After my bout of anger I get really guilty n feel bad for ranting at her. And when BB refuses to sleep again, I will get angry yet again n again. But I guess I just have to control my temper n not take things for granted cos my mum may jus decide not to help me take care when I return to work n this could cause even worser headaches...
I m jus frustrated y I can't get thru to her. Now m tryin to force my hubby to tell my mum what "he" doesn't like her to do.. I hope the son in law words matter more
Hi all~
I read about this rejection of milk and sleeping in yaolan topic and thought I would like to join in..

My baby also starting to get fussy whenever I want to feed her.. Keep spitting out the bottle then she cries and scream so much.. So I let her continue for a while until she gets a bit tired then resume feeding again, normally finishing during second attempt.. Anyone go through this at the moment? Is it normal? It's not the overgassy thingy as she burps big ones after every feed..

My baby hates the yaolan now.. I even bought the auto rocker a month ago and she was ok with it.. Just few days ago, she started crying and screaming when we put her into it.. Once we put her on her bed, all is well.. So strange la.. Thing is, although it's very difficult for her to get settled into the yaolan, once she gets settled in there, she sleeps for long stretches.. Whereas she's a light sleeper on her bed.. So I guess there are good and bad side to it.. To think we even bought another yaolan to put in my parents' place.. haiz.. I even just bought a taller yaolan stand for her as she's getting heavier and drags the netting low with the length of the motor.. Right after that, she dun wanna sleep in yaolan anymore.. T.T

Anyway, on a side note, I'm selling my "fishing rod" yaolan for $20(neg).. Just want to clear.. hee.. If anyone interested, do pm me..
hi pearly,
how much is your baby drinking now? i'm going through the same thing where she won't drink much when awake and prefers to look around, turning her head left and right the whole time.

regarding yaolan, there was a time i would put her in wide awake and in a few minutes she'd be sleeping. after awhile she didn't like the yaolan anymore as well and would kick and fuss when placed inside. but after a couple of weeks we decided to try again and now she's back to sleeping in yaolan. so strange, they have their moods i suppose. i was going to give my yaolan away, good thing i kept it for a bit longer.

to help her sleep longer sometimes i put her on her tummy as well (in the day time), i know about sids etc. but i keep a close eye on her and she sleeps so much better because she doesn't get startled as easily this way.
vodkarib>> *hugz* can understand what you are going through.. this is the thing about the old folks.. they just want to do things their way. my mum too. i get very angry and upset, then after a few days, i feel very guilty.

you are back at work already and your mum's taking care of baby full time? ya get your hubby to talk to your mum.. my mum listens to my hubby's words more than mine, and when i tell her, she just feels that im being fussy and dun bother much about what i say.

or talk to your dad or sibling and get them to get it across to your mum? my mum feels that what i tell her is nonsense that i picked up from the WWW, and when my cousin (mother of a 15month old girl) tells her the same thing, that is not nonsense. crap right! gets me boiling when i try to get things across.
RE: Old folks

My hb and me brought back the bumbo seat from my mom's place and the old folks could not stop commenting on it.

Say what ah baby will auto know how to sit, crawl, walk .. no need to help them one.. etc etc etc say the back/spine not stable yet cannot sit lah etc etc..

cant they just shut the damn mouth up!?? somemore 2 of them are just the relatives who treating our house like a hotel..

we know what we are doing. no need them for advices. Pissed!
Kait drinks 3 times a day (like adults *sighz*)..

First bottle after her bath (abt 10.30am), she usually can finish 150ml-210ml..
Afternoon bottle (3pm+), she drink less than 100ml.. Fidget a lot, gets distracted, swing her head, spit out the teat, fuss, cry, don't want to latch on the teat, give a lot of problems..
Same as afternoon feed for the evening feed (7-8pm)..

Other than that, she seldom cry for milk.. If I make milk while she cries in between, she would reject her bottle (at most take 20-40ml), end up throw away about 150ml of leftover milk..

I'm still keeping her yaolan.. xD.. Hope one day, she will take back to yaolan again.. Is it because she's trying to roll over now? And that she can't do it in yaolan?

I used to wish someone lived in with us during my girl's newborn days.. But I'm suddenly glad my parents/in-laws don't live with us.. I just appear to be listening to them when they say this, say that, then do things my way once I reach home.. xD..
wow only 3 times a day! no middle of the night feed either? did u ask the doc for advice?

i actually think my girl would do the same thing if i didn't keep trying to feed her every half hour when she's awake. haha. at least yours can drink 150-210 at one go. after 60ml my girl is no longer interested and that's why i have to try again after half an hour.

for my girl i don't think she didn't like yaolan because she was trying to roll over. i think the motion used to wake her up at one time. how does kait usually fall asleep now?
Hey, for those mummies who went back to work, how do you sterilize your bottles n pump? And what's your frequency for pumping... I'm going back to work soon.. Not sure what to do..
Xoxo: ya din know babies are such escapists when it comes ti things they dun like.I have another 2 more months to go before returning to work. But need her to accept earlier as I'm too attached to her do not want to have too much of a separation anxiety when time comes. Fortunately, recently yx is getting less resistant to bottles. Maybe it's because she is used to my mum feeding her. Also I alternate days to give her bottle feed. One thing is for sure, i must not be around, let alone be the one to feed her. Anyway know that you have decided to give up on bottle feeding, just wondering if you have tried feeding her while she lies down with head on a pillow. I haven't tried it but according to a friend, it might work if you are the one feeding.
Btw want to ask if any of your babies cry or fuss when they can't flip? My yx seems to be very frustrated when she can't and not only that she pulls her hair till it hurts. I'm not sure if this is normal.

Also nowadays she does not coo she scream and shout. Not sure if it's nature or nurture? Sigh.. Been dealing with her hot temper that my temper is also rising... Bad bad bad...
Re: babies reduced milk intake

could it be the babies are lasting longer between feeds that's why they can't drink so much? May want to drag bottle feeding till the babies are hungrier. My mum tried that and it works.
Tien> last few days charlotte also very quiet.. no longer talks as much as before..
but today she's back to normal! wah talk so loudly haha.
brought teng to the dr ong today (we were juz there on sat to return the neubuliser n to hav both yh n teng checked coz of the bad cold both had).. coz his nose was super congested to the extent that he was breathing thru the mouth.. didn't want breakfast.. didn't want milk.. this is ten lei.. food refusal means a great deal.. miser said go again? .. juz spent $200 plus on sat ( inclusive rental of nuebuliser) n even a paranoid spendthrift aso think too exaggerating.. then he felt warm to the touch..no panadol so no choice went..
thought it was a v bad flu.. standby antibiotics juz in case fever get worse .. he had 38.1 highest...ok.. not really big deal..but teng was v pale looking.. though he was still moving around as usual.. one look at him, u know he is a sick child..then ellie realised the sides of his neck appearred swollen..went back, dr ong said swollen lymph nodes..must start antibiotics..n if dun come down within 6 days must refer to surgeon..that freaked me out totally..till lunch.. teng only had less than 5 strands of mee, 3 pieces of penne n less n less than half cup milk.. onli kept drinking water n finished his vitamin..but as soon ashe took his fast doseof panadol n antbiotics, his fever broke n he drowned the entire casserole of porridge...though he didn't sleep much..he looked visbily better n colour return to his face...

read more on lymph nodes..they get swollen (inchildren largely due to infection.. cold.. flu ..bacterial/viral) which coincides with what dr ng says of teng..

but i can't help worrying.. cause miser's mum had lymphoma before..

i am more vexed ...oner my family's spate of poor health.. ellie came back philipines. sick.. i got sick at the same time too.. we prolly cross infect one another n infected everyone else in the family. i dun blame her.. i can only blame myself..infected yh twice..landed him twice in hospital.. n now teng..

sorry to be going on n on without a main pr.. but i am v stressed over the poor health of my family all down..ellie n i two fast hit.. seemed to be recovering.. but i think her cough didn't really go away..n i think my cough is coming back again.. when will all this end?

i am typing this with one hand.. carring yh with another.. i dunno what happened to him.. routine wise i know what'swrong n how to problem solved it. i thought it was my ssissue but o tried toppling him up after a feed.. he juz un want. he went to bed ealry.. then woke up screaming.. latched him.. but still screaming..fed yp i actually smacked his bottom.. he got a shock.. paused n screamed even louder.. wllie came in n offered to take over yh...gave him 120.. he still screamed but calmed down.. i thought growth spurt. gave him anither 150 ebm.. he onli took 60 n fell asleep exhuasted.. over stimulated.. has been like this since he was discharged,,

aso m typing this.. i m tearing.. v stressed up.. last time abt this timing.. i fell into post natel depression...

anyway.. i dunno what's the pt with this post.. just to let off some stress.. sry for whining
astro: oh dear... Dun be sorry. Its good to talk/type it out sometimes. I really dunno what to say... you've been having a really tough time the past week. Geez, i really hope all at yr home will get well soon! Hang in there!! *hugs*
astro >> very challenging times indeed. pls don't fall into depression or even into a little pothole ok? erm..the bunch of us here have sent a contractor to make sure that the road ahead had all its pitholes filled so it will and shall be smooth sailing hereafter! teng and rayan will get well really soon and before you know it..it will all blow over.

AAP says that lymph glands correspond to the location of the virus/injury. E.g. if it is a sore throat, the lymph glands in the neck will swell. If the illness is a generalised one, such as those caused by the flu virus, many glands would become slightly swollen. What u must watch out for are swollen glands at the base of the neck and just above the collarbone as this may point to an infection or even a tumour within the chest. Fever that goes beyond 38.3 deg C is also another red flag. Chk out the condition "mononucleosis" where swollen glands presented with fever and sore throat do not resolve with antibiotics. However, I think Teng is just fine..since he seems better after some med (Phew!) and food! so just hang tight, think of brighter stuff..
feel free to smack all the keys of the mobile and the keyboard though..

heh..and while i won't blame ellie at all..my village come - sneezing and coughing and they don't bother..so tempted to boycott CNY...the mere thought of the visitations and the # of pp handling or interacting with the bb makes me wanna hibernate...
astro: u must zhen zuo qi lai... ur kids need u..okie.. must think positively.

me too.. my elder gal injured her leg when she broke one of the hosp glass btle last week, stepped on some glass and got herself a deep cut on her sole.

on the following day, a mosquito bite on her face until her right side face super swollen. by time i fetched her frm cc, it was so swollen till she cant open open right eye. brought her to kkh a&e on sat morning. nw on oral medication plus antibiotic.
these few days she bcomes more sticky to me. but i am telling myself. luckily all these happened b4 i return to work oficially next week. so no extra leaves need to b taken.
hi tien,
when u say lasting longer between feeds do u mean that their milk requirement drops as they get older? my girl doesn't show any hunger signs, how will i know how long to wait to feed her? do u usually wait like 3-4 hours? one doctor i saw said to start on solids at 4 months if she wasn't drinking well, and another said appetite is not a sign of readiness for solids and to wait till 6 months. so confused!
Astro: It will pass. Go ahead and whine and let it out, if you feel better. Sayang...Just continue to give Teng the TLC and don't think too much into it ok.
birthdaygirl: Same as you, my girl doesnt show clear sign of hunger cos she doesnt really cry for milk and worse, she suckle her fingers as long as she is awake. So, what my mum did was trial and error. Initially she last about 2 hours between feeds but becos of her rejection of bottle, she dragged till 3 hours later and she finished 120ml (compared to 60-70ml if we feed her 2 hourly) although had to break into 2 feeds.
PY: I guess babies have their off days too. BUt now have to deal her screaming and pulling of hair when she can't flip...very impatient girl.
hello, it has been some time since i last logged in.. how is everyone coping? Hope that all is well.

Astro dear, do take care of yourself yah. Must remain steady and calm, just for the sake of your children. Pump yourself up with lotsa vitamin C, it'll not only boost your immunity and repair cells, the goodness will be passed to YH too.

I've since returned to work for about a week. Still keeping my fingers crossed about the bottle thingy. Andre's good with the Avent bottle, realized he is very easily distracted, so must either cover his eyes, or coax him until he is in a half-asleep mode before he'll drink up. Typically, if he manages the 1st suck, he'll take the rest.

jo: Re pumping during work, i bring my avent hand pump and 4 small bottles in a lock-it, lock-it container. The bottles are already sterilized and i just screw it tightly. As pumping already takes lots of time (1/2 hour), i pai say to take more time to do sterilization. So i just rinse my pump and fill my container with hot water and shake it, and pour away the hot water. Then i put everything in the fridge.

I bought a microwave sterilizer but it's sitting under my table now. Too pai say to be lugging so much equipment around.

Another option is, there is those sterilization packs that pigeon is selling. People use these when they travel. Haven't seen the actual thing but my sis suggested this.

So far so good. Refuse to pump in the toilet. I use the sick bay for my pumping. Pump 3 times a day in the office: 7 am, 10.45 am and 3.30pm.
Phew. My girl appetite is back to normal. Brought her to see pd last week because her milk intact was erratic. The intervals can be as long as 9 hour plus or 6-7 hours! Anyway pd suspected she caught a mild bug because we told her we heard her cough a couple if times. No redness in he'd throat n so she ruled out throat infection. 

I highly suspect her to have GERD because she always vomit a bit if her milk out every feed no matter if she had been burped. So I thought may be the stomach acid burned her throat n cause all this discomfort. Anyway wasted money seeing the pd. Not helpful at all. Chey. 

You know what turned out we overfed her. That might hv cause indigestion in her n vomitting? Now, we reduce her milk intake from 150ml to 120ml n all is well. No more vomitting. Was giving her 150ml then because I thought her milk intake had increased. Probably went through a growing spurt then. Now, she's back to 3 hourly feed. 7pm fussiness also slightly better n again she's back to her cluster feed days. Think my girl still not ready to move to  4 hourly feed.  
Hi, Mummies... just dropping by to say Hi and have a great week ahead! Back to work le.. Blue blue blue.. its only TUESDAY! Hope for weekend to come SOON!!!!

Astro>> (((((HUGS)))))))) Jia You!!!
thanks. im going to try and extend her feeds and wait till she's really hungry because now it is so stressful to keep trying to coax her to drink when she's just not interested. so ur girl does 120ml every 3 hours? mine can last 3 hours with only 60ml!

ur girl also drinks 120ml every 3 hours? glad to know she has a regular routine again. it seems no one really knows why some babies' appetites decrease at this age... good to know ur girl's fussiness has decreased. same with mine
(fingers crossed!) i think part of the reason why she was fussing was because she wanted to play but i wanted her to sleep. haha. so i let her play more now and she has recently managed to fall asleep on her own with pacifier. she tosses and turns a lot before finally nodding off though, but it is so encouraging. does ur baby fall asleep on her own? have u tried?
hugs.. i remembered when i was young i always get this swollen lymph node on off when I hate throat infection. It will go away once the throat infection/fever gone. Don’t worry too much ok? Yeah, I know how sucky it is to fall sick and worse pass it to your bb. It’s part and parcel of a mummy’s life! Boo hoo! Anyway, once you’re well, try to take 1 vitamin C a day. those 24 hours time release capsule. I find it really good to boost/maintain my immune system. I had it throughout my pregnancy and you know what I hardly fall sick and never recall having any serious flu. Can you believe it? Having said this, I think I better go and buy and start eating again. Ran out of stock for a few days already.

Your bb have quite an erratic milk intervals? My girl was like this and we realized it’s because we overfed her. End up probably cause her indigestion and reflux too. So, we reduce her milk intake and everything back to normal since yesterday. No more reflux too!

Seriously it may be a blessing in disguise your girl doesn’t like the yaolan. Imagine if she’s so attach to it that you have to bring the yaolan everywhere including holiday!! That would be a nightmare right? Also, not all baby shows hunger sign. You can start feeding your girl every 3 hourly. By this age, every 3 hourly is good enough. Some baby can now drag till 4 hourly with bigger feed each intervals. My girl still not ready yet. You do not wait for hunger sign, by then baby will be very crancky and too hungry and wailing all the way. Some sensitive baby will refuse to drink milk if you feed the feeding time over, just like my SIL’s son.

Personally, I do agree with your old folks not to force out bb to sit, crawl and walk. When the body is ready, they will do the thing. You should only give them apportunities to practice these motor skills and not put them in the spot to force them to learn the motor skills, eg. Put bb in the bumbo seat hoping that bb will learn to sit. So sorry if I have offended you. Perhaps you want to read this article?

I did that for my elder girl too – after pumping, soak in hot water in a lock-it container and pour the water away and lock it back. Did this for almost 1 year and my girl never had any diarrhea before
wah, I really salute you for pumping 3 times in the office. Way to go mummy!
Have you notice lately that suddenly your baby give you a intense look and you suddenly feel something strange abt the way your baby look at things and their level of consciousness has change? They have move on to the next level in their milestone! Yes, our baby can really see things already! This is abt the time our baby acquire a new skill that is flipping on their tummy. Some sensitive baby will suddenly be cranky/fussy because probably they are a bit overwhelm/over stimulated with the things around them. Give them a few days and they will get use to them
I believe this is what happening to my girl now
Also, some baby when they acquire new skill, they tends to be fussy and cranky all of a sudden. So, don’t worry if few months down the road, hope you remember what I said and not panic if you experience the same crankiness again
birthday girl, tien, pearly:
my girl also same like yours, now drink lesser maybe 500-600ml per day. previously thought maybe that because of the milk problem, so i've changed her formula to other brand. But the doctor said it because the baby already grows mature so now she will drink lesser (due to her weigh already enough). so as long as she/he looks happy, no distraction and the weigh keep grows. it should be ok.
oh yeah, you're right. My PD said the samething. When they grow bigger, their appetite might drop slightly. But it didn't happen to my elder girl. So, this is really first time for me. The pd said, on average our bb at this age should be taking 120-150ml per kilo of their weight per day. So, the amount is abt there for my girl lah..
aria jo> thanks for sharing the article. the bumbo seat is not forcing baby to sit imo. it's just helping them to support themselves?

and i see everyone is doing it.. not as if we put them in that sit for the whole day.. only for like a few mins per day? i dun think that could do much harm to the baby. the same concept applies to car seat etc.

if it's so bad, then why so many of us/you have this bumbo seat?

Tien> haha yah.. i think now i need to train her not to wake up so many times per night liao. she's able to fall asleep herself in the crib. without the help of anything ha not even a pacifier. but she still wakes up like 2 hours interval at night :S

Astro>> *HUG* Must be strong ok!! think of the positive side! everything will be over soon!
ariajo/siangjiao : er...so pump, put in lock/lock box, put hot water in it, shake box, pour water away, lock back? no need to use bottle brush etc?
