(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

PY >> classic bottle strike lah..she doesn't want the bottle. or she has associated feeding with sleeping? keeps suckling so she can go to/get back to sleep? ss decreasing? but she has been suckling so often..cannot be right?

I’m expressing 4 times a day ie 12 midnight (450ml ), 7am (470ml) , 2pm (500ml), 7pm (350ml). It’s really a lot and if you count 24 hours, I’m expressing more than 2L of milk! That’s why I have constipation everyday and my skin is so dry. Yes, hv been expressing since born. I’m using ameda dual pump. When I had my 1st girl, I also use ameda in the beginning but when I returned to office I found that avent is better for me. But this time round, surprisingly ameda works well for me. May be because I have so much supply and using avent is v v slow. So, I invested in 2 dual pump, one to put in office and another at home. Both second hand lah…Good enough..

I’m not sure if the milk will deteriorate. But according to Doris, the 4-6 hours guide is on the conservative side. She told me she has 1 mummy client who ever fed her child milk left at room temperature for 8 hours! She said there’s an ongoing research in NUS on how long milk can be leave outside in room temperature in Singapore context. Anyway, she said fresh milk (not in the fridge) is better than refrigerated ones where you need to warm it which might kill some antibodies in the milk. She said as long as baby no diarrhea, the milk should be fine. So far so good for my girls. You know I even leave my milk in the fridge for 3-4 days before moving to the freezer. No problem at all.

Are you going to be SAHM? If yes, just follow her pattern. If you are on TBF, your breast need time to get use to breastpump. I went through the samething with my elder girl too. Took me 1-2 weeks to get the breast efficient to the pump.
thats alot wor.mine oni half of yours.
i be going back work after new year,hopefully supply still there.but my office got no nursing room.will have to do it in the toilet..yucks.
Hi ariajo,

I am very surprise on your supply!!! VEry good leh... YOur baby drink lots of milk? Me only express at most 350ml of milk per day (2X in the day)as my boy only drink 90ml per feed in very 2.5 hrs...
Hi ariajo,

waa how can u express so much milk? do u always let ur baby to latch also?

i've been long time feed my baby w/ bottle w/o latching, think that recently my milk producing lesser. Yesterday tried to latch my baby, but seems she can not suck properly and make her choked (seems wanna vomit).

My baby now usually drink average 100ml for 5-6 feeding per day. is it too little for her age? (3 month+) . She's like to vommit also after feeding, sometimes quite alot
, don't know why. Currently we've been using no. 2 avent teat. Have tried to use no. 3 since we thought maybe no. 2 already too slow for her, but no. 3 still to fast for her.

Now, we also changing her milk to enfalac instead of friso, hopefully will be better.

Anyone has the same problem w/ me?
i'm also perplex as to why i got so much milk this time round. may be because before i got pregnant i was TBF my elder girl. i stop BF sometime in april last year and give birth in oct. may be all the milk ducts already there and not close yet..hehe..anyway, besides drinking more water, i eat as per normal. nothing special.

haha... Naia cannot drink so much lah. she's drinking 150ml every 3 hourly. my elder girl is hook on my EBM too. she's drinking 3-4 times a day abt 240ml on average. very scary right? luckily she drink, if not i will have to throw away a lot of milk.

my girl dun wanna latch. i'm bottle feeding her since born. my girl also vomit (reflux) v easily. sometimes after 1.5 hours, she will still vomit out a bit despite burping. i think as long as it's not the projectile vomitting and large quantity it should be fine.
feifei: i think 100ml for 5-6 feeding a day is ok.. u may want to try burping her more often during a feed.

aria jo: amazing. u full pumping also can get so much.. maybe i need to pump at specific times for 2 weeks to see the effect. pumping for me is really very tiring. i can pump for 1h and only max 40ml. i read from previous posts that ameda is good when the breasts are full right.. it doesnt really empty the breasts as well as avent?
last time when i use avent, it really empty mine until like jelly literally but that also because i make sure my breast is totally jelly before i stop lah. this time round, i have a target for each session. as long as i reach ard that amount or my breast feel quite empty i will stop.

you hv friends have ameda pump? may be borrow one and try?
Hi mummies,

anyone knows where i can donate my fbm??? i seems to have stock up too much and now my fridge is full.

the earliest frozed pack is end dec 09. i keep in deep freezer but still lack of storage space..

got too much excess bm also jia lut.. haiz...
xoxo/gal: i read an article here http://www.kellymom.com/bf/supply/breast-fullness.html

it really describes my problem now.
when i pump, nth comes out. I squeeze and pump at the same time, only can yield a pathetic of 70ml (combined)

Last night ard 4am she wake up for milk. (previous feed was 1am) ok not bad. can last for 3 hour. then next feeding was at 630!!

so i latched her again.. drink 1 side (sleepy head) and she drink till 730am! ok both of us also fell asleep. then i think 8+ she woke up cry.. coz i think nv burp.. so i burp her.. then she went back to zz again.. then i think ard 10am she cry again .. i tot she is hungry.. then i try to latch her.. (both of us sleepy haha) but i think she nv drink much .. when my nipple is near her face she fell asleep HAHA!

I want to pump! and bottle feed her.. coz last night i gave bottle to her.. fbm + ebm. Initially she suckle... but i not sure if she's turn off by the fishy smell.. so i want to try again tonight!

I think my milk flow is too slow for her.. and she's tired of suck, and end up zzz.. then she wake up v fast for milk again.

i'm also v curious how much she drink now.. hmm hopefully i can pump more out later in the evening.

btw xoxo, u also fully latch right? if u pump out got milk ah? mine have but very pathetic kind.. i still need to alternate the different sides of the breast.. if keep continue on one side, nth come out lor. and i'm using manual pump
Xoxo and Loke: Ironic isn't it? I am also thinking of weaning YX off latching but can't! Yet after going through so much, to give up now seems ke xi. I also bu she de! Sigh...half-hearted. Mum keeps telling me to get ther drink from bottles already. After all she will be the one taking care of the baby.

PY: I think I am joining you in the pump rejection thinghy. When I pump in the morning I have to squeeze and pump at the same time??!! I was like thinking, I might as well go manual expressing. And mine is an electric pump! Used to be able to pump like 120ml per side..now it has dropped to 60-80 ml! And that's after no pumping from 10pm the day before to 6am and waking up with 2 rocks!
Tien> 2 rocks still nth comes out huh!? lol! few days ago i took 1 capsule of fenugreek. The next morning engorged! so i squeeze out while bathing lOl.

then ytd i took 4 capsule! but no effect anymore ! .....

what's happening here ?!

argh. i dun want to wean her off from latching. In fact i enjoying doing it. But of coz not the 2 hr intervals waking up at night for feed.
aria jo
envy tt u can only pump 4 times based on 24 hr intervals. i dunno y but this time round my intervals cant b stretched like the last time when i oso pump every 6-7 hrly intervals. now daytime i pump every 3-3.5 hrly which is the most optimal. night time its only once on the boob tt my girl dun take (she only latch 1 side) n tt interval is 5-6 hrs.

wow, v surprised to hear tt BM can b left in ambient temp for so many hrs???

i'm oso giving EBM to my elder son and freeze the rest. u giving ur elder girl 100% BM? i am not comfortable wif tt coz PD said our BM does not contain all the nutrient necc for our tods. the only gd thing is the antibodies present. so i give him 50% BM and the other 50% he is still on FM. and yeah, my son is a milk monster as well. nw tt he is on 50% BM, i save quite a bit on his FM!

u r expressing as much as my sis does. I've asked her to cut down coz i believe producing too much milk takes away the nutrients fr her body.
PY: Ya engorged like rocks...of course got something but only 60-80ml come out instead of more than 100ml like last time. Was in total disbelief! End up hand expressed to reach 100ml...hand sng by the end of it lor! That's why suspect my pump no longer as effective.

I am also taking frenugreek 3 after each meal. Anyway I tink in your case you just need to pump more these days. Let your breasts get accustomed to the pump...heads up girl!
wah.. seems like we are all in the same boat! no wonder i'm always so discouraged by the pump... hand expression is really better... think my b accustomed to the baby's mouth and my hands..

but i noticed if i pump and take short break. then pump again.. slow will have more milk. but that'll take me an hour to accumulate a decent amount..
jrrt / aria jo:

me too.. joining ur gang with excess bm...
i reduce to 3 pumps per day since Mon. now each pump can reach 450-500ml both breast. my target is ard 1.5litre per day. wondering how u gals deal with the excess fbm? now i having prob with fridge storage. like u, i am also feeding my elder gal with my ebm but she only takes 2 times daily as she is schooling daytime.

loke/tien/py/ rest of mummies:
now i believe constant pumping will build up ur supply.i used to only pump out less than 100ml per pump in my first mth, slowly with my constant 2-3hrly pump, the milk increase. after i have a steady milk flow, i reduce the no of pumps per day so that my body can be adjusted when i return to work (soon... *sobsob*).. i did not take any pill or milk to increase ss. the only thing i took is alot of water plus calcium pills and fish oil daily.

nowadays i only latch bb if no choice (outside), else i dun dare to latch on him anymore.
1stly, he can latch for 1hr and yet cant empty my breast.
2ndly, he drinks faster using btle.
3rdly, after he latch, we wil have difficulty in getting him to drink from btle for the next few feeds. he wil struggle and cant finish his usual qty.
Loke/tien: charlotte sucks for comfort. I'm having sore nips now
tried all ways to make her sleep.. But once I trf her to her cot, eyes big big.. So bo pian I latch her to sleep.. Both of us lying down....

She dun want paci too....

My #2 one I already learnt my lesson Liao will give paci, bottle and latch also! Wah Lao I can die man!! Imagine if I'm gg bk to work... I won't be there to help her lo hahaha sure cry the house down.
Limmil: I use to hv alot too.. But as what the article said my breasts have gotten used to my baby's needs and adjusted accordigly.. I didnt take pills too.. Just recently i tot my ss is decreasing.. But after I read the article, I still believe my ss is there. Just that it's not alot. Jus nice for bb that kind.

I didn't pump for nearly 2 mths lol! So yeah ss will definately drop. But I'm not gg bk to work anytime soon so I'm still cool with it..

Trying to pump more.. Hoping that she will drink frm bottle hahah.

My supply so much tat my frozen bm now still in the freezer and I'm giving a pack a day to the dog man!
pump rejection...first time hear man...gosh!! :S
PY ... my #2, I think i'll either go 2 hrly pumping or latch+pump diligently liew.

Q on pumping / trg our boob before going back workforce :
right now if pump 4hrly or 6hrly i find i get same amt. hmm will our boob get confuse (or cause supply to decrease) if we pump at irregular interval? e.g. perhaps 11pm, 5am, 9:30am, 12:30pm, 5:30pm
so its 6hr gap 6hr gap 4.5hr gap, 5hr gap, then 5.5hr gap

or its best to train to 6 hrly pumping?

tink i can only train when back to work. Can't pump at fix intervals while taking care of E (on demand..not on schedule).
My god!!!!! I really feel like killing pple now!!!!

As u all know Charlotte has been on total latching, reject paci, and not keen in ebm!

So most of the time I latch her to sleep especially during her last feed at night. I dunno since when she really got this very strong urge to suck! But only at night.. Cos day time she sleep in the sarong.. Maybe that can make her sleep easier.

So jus now I tried to pat her, rock her whatever to sleep... Ok she slept... Push the paci to her she dun want.. Then I put her in the cot.. Sleep for barely 10 mins wake up Liao.

Ok bo pian.. Hb says the only solution is to latch her.. Ok so I did.. Both sleeping position... Ok so she went to lala land... But after ard 10 mins she cry again!! I really refuse to give her the boobs anymore!

Cry the house down.. Woke mil up.. Mil asked bb "wats wrong?? Where not right/ feeling well?" she suggest we give her eat jing feng san and the holy water or whatever despite i told her that she want the boobs! She cry until kena tortured that kind! Really very stubborn this girl! Ok I gave in... Heartache to see her cry so badly.. Give her the boobs again..

Ok slept ... But wake up again!!! This goes on and on and on frm 1030pm till 130pm and we decide to put her in the sarong!!!!!

My goodness!!!!!!! Any solution??? Any expericed mom or advices for this!!!!???? This happens every night now...

My hb is now sleeping on the floor below the sarong.. I'm waiting for her to fell into deep sleep and carry get out!

py: u r right. mayb ss drop coz ur bb not taking in as much as u used to pump out. just let her latch bah... u will find it more convenient to hav 'always ready' milk when shopping. for btle feeding, we have to bring along cooler bag, 1-2 btle ebm, hot water, mug etc..and its not easy if there is no one to help carry for us...
actually i did not bring any cooler bag, hot water and mug to warm the ebm. my girl have been drinking cool/room temperature ebm since born. Just before going out, I will express out the milk and directly keep in the feeding bottle since it’s quite air tight (be it the avent bottle or pigeon glass bottle) and prepare 2 feed. That will last abt 6 hours outside. If I need to go out longer than that I will bring my pump along. This method works well for mothers whose supply is a lot and breast is very efficient.

For mother who can express out 1 feed per session, you can actually feed your bb first before going out using the fridge/freezer bm and express out 1 feed for the next feed. This will also last you abt 6 hours. This way you minimize the things you need to bring out.

Pls ensure that your hands are clean when you express your milk so that you do not unknowingly taint the milk cause bacteria to grow. Just wash your hand clean before expressing. Untainted milk will last 6 hours outside (not under the sun though). I think shopping centre temperature no problem at all
Weird, no matter wat time M zz, he beup at4am!!! in tt case he better zz fr 8pm to 4am haha

Re:LG Mat
PY, Ipheh, Cat02, candywhite,mrs neo, chnyle u got a mail

Aria: wa ur supply is gd
mine be nvr sufficient for M:p

PY: err tt happened on M 2 wks ago,wat i did was carried him up n burp abit coz M appeared to be very uncomfortable n kept shaking his head violently n started puking n cant puked out coz hes facing up n like choking.So i turned him to sleep sideway n latch again then he zz off, he did puke' too but it flow out fr sideof his mouth.Not sure if will work for C

limmil: oh i tried constant pumping but supply drop instead, maybe i shall try again
jrrt / aria jo: I'm also feeding my elder gal EBM. But my hubby scared that it don't have enough nutrient so if we want to make 150ml of milk, we will use 130ml of EBM plus the same amt of FM we will use if we were to make milk with water.

limmil : Now i'm pumping 2xs a day only cos baby fully on latching. Each pump session gets about 400ml. I am now giving the EBM to my girl and her 2 other cousins. Hoping to clear some space. Now the cousins' mummy also gave birth, very soon they wouldn't need my milk le. I am now looking for chest freezer to store the milk.

gal^ : The last time when i went back to work after my #1, i dropped my pump session from 5xs to 4xs a day - 6am, 12noon, 5.30pm, 12midnight. My supply did not drop, i still yield the same amt at the end of the day. Maybe the change was not significant. I did not have really fix timing cos sometimes there will be meetings going on. But for me, still ok.

PY : So sorry i don't have answer for you. Did you try putting Charlotte in the sarong at night? Start your pumping session diligently again bah. Its still not too late to build up your supply again. I remembered my pumping vol hit peak last time when Glynnis was about 5-6 mths. I all along don't dare to drop all the pumping session totally because i am scared that there will be one day when lele suddenly buck up and drink a lot a lot. Haiz... My wish.
actually milk for our elder girl is only their supplementary food. most nutrients should by now come from the solid already. i read up from the internet and none suggested that our milk is not nutritious for our baby beyond 1 year of age. 1 article i read stated that breast milk was an irreplaceable source of fat and vitamin A!

from kelly.com

Although there has been little research done on children who breastfeed beyond the age of two, the available information indicates that breastfeeding continues to be a valuable source of nutrition and disease protection for as long as breastfeeding continues.

"Human milk expressed by mothers who have been lactating for >1 year has significantly increased fat and energy contents, compared with milk expressed by women who have been lactating for shorter periods. During prolonged lactation, the fat energy contribution of breast milk to the infant diet might be significant."
-- Mandel 2005

"Breast milk continues to provide substantial amounts of key nutrients well beyond the first year of life, especially protein, fat, and most vitamins."
-- Dewey 2001

In the second year (12-23 months), 448 mL of breastmilk provides:
29% of energy requirements
43% of protein requirements
36% of calcium requirements
75% of vitamin A requirements
76% of folate requirements
94% of vitamin B12 requirements
60% of vitamin C requirements
-- Dewey 2001

Studies done in rural Bangladesh have shown that breastmilk continues to be an important source of vitamin A in the second and third year of life.
-- Persson 1998

It's not uncommon for weaning to be recommended for toddlers who are eating few solids. However, this recommendation is not supported by research. According to Sally Kneidel in "Nursing Beyond One Year" (New Beginnings, Vol. 6 No. 4, July-August 1990, pp. 99-103.):
Some doctors may feel that nursing will interfere with a child's appetite for other foods. Yet there has been no documentation that nursing children are more likely than weaned children to refuse supplementary foods. In fact, most researchers in Third World countries, where a malnourished toddler's appetite may be of critical importance, recommend continued nursing for even the severely malnourished (Briend et al, 1988; Rhode, 1988; Shattock and Stephens, 1975; Whitehead, 1985). Most suggest helping the malnourished older nursing child not by weaning but by supplementing the mother's diet to improve the nutritional quality of her milk (Ahn and MacLean. 1980; Jelliffe and Jelliffe, 1978) and by offering the child more varied and more palatable foods to improve his or her appetite (Rohde, 1988; Tangermann, 1988; Underwood, 1985).
PY : For me, i pump to keep up the supply leh. So that i can tell myself that i definitely have enough for lele.

aria jo : I am not sure about this. But i thought the milk we are producing now is meant for 3 mths and the nutrient component is different from what a 3 years old need right?
aria jo: must take note that the research is done on people in the third world country. the food the mothers eat there is also different from what we eat here. apparently mothers in an affluent country has more problem breastfeeding than those from the third world country.. most likely due to stress and alternatives like formula milk. 3rd world mothers no $$ to buy milk. so no choice, got to give bm. but having said that, God is good to them cos there must be something good in that bm so that the 3rd world nations still exist. otherwise the 3rd world countries would have extinct!

so i guess its up to individual. waening the child may not be so good cos i think the food nowadays r mostly processed.. that's y some people prefer to give bm.

*shrugs* we just do our best as mums lah.. dun get too stressed k! its a new year and CNY is coming too!

Actually hubby asked doris before abt the giving ebm to my elder girl too and her answer is ebm is definitely better than FM. She said there are so much more nutrients (200 over antibodies detected so far in BM and still counting) compared to FM that there is really no way for FM to catch up. Moreover our toddlers should be eating more solid and milk is only a form of supplement and not the main food for them. So our kids being deprive of nutrients definitely not a major concern here.

She also did cited the research done on the 3rd world country and she said surprising research shows that though they eat simple food or they had not enough food, the nutrients in the milk is not affected! So can you imagine the nutrients in our milk since we eat better food than them?

Yeah, I’m sharing all this not to stress mummies who is not able to BF their babies. Hope these mummies don’t be offended. BF is a choice definitely.
Sigh! lele takes bottle?

my friend was telling me that our supply wont decrease. just that it's just nice for the baby.

coz i find that if i pump, they'll all goes to the dog. wah i pump so xin ku.. end up not goes to my baby
aria: on the contrary. i think encouraging to those who are trying hard to breastfeed, including people like me. currently i'm reducing the amt of fm given per day. pumping once before i sleep and once in the morning... yield is still very little, but seeing some improvement, 40ml per 3h compared to previous 20ml per 2h.

actually i have no idea how i can tbf. just try lah. partial also will bf until the next one comes along..
yes, dun stress.. for my 1st one, i took 3 mths to TBF my girl! for the 1st 3 months i supplement with FM also.

well, it is indeed tiring if your breasts are not efficient like when i had my elder girl.. got to pump 1 hour every time plus need to wash the pumps and sterilize all the bottles! luckily my girl can latch. cannot imagine pump all the way for her. office i pump 2 times.

now, this one, really v easy for me. may be breast v "season" liao and supply so much, so i find it less tiring. half hour chop chop, gao dim.. plus now having a maid to help with all the sterilization and preparing pump for me, so, not that bad lah..

Yes, is very tiring. But I think beside the pumping time is bet 30-45 mins, we also want to give our baby the best food. So this serve as a motivation for me to carry on with the expressing the milk.
aria: wow.. how did u do it? angel will be 3 mths old this saturday.. do u think its still possible to tbf?

feifei: of course tired.. emotionally, mentally n physically drained out. but for the sake of baby and my own beliefs plus encouragement and motivation.. i think its all worth it..
i will never forget how hard i worked for my milk and all the sarcasm i got from hubby and all the quarrels when i insist of breastfeeding my elder girl..hehe..now, he's so so supportive of me

for my elder one, I went back to work after 2 mths maternity leave (that time only given 3 months maternity leave, year 2007). Surprisingly when I went back to work, the pumping schedule is quite fix and that help to establish a consistency and increase my milk supply. In the beginning, I remembered sitting in the meeting room for 1 hour to get a certain amt every time. My pumping kaki all much faster than me. Then slowly I saw my milk increase for the same amt of time and after a few mths later, my pumping session cut down to half hour. By then, I’m producing enough for my girl already. Not abundance but just nice. During this period, I still wake up middle of the night to pump my milk to make up for the day feed when I’m not around. I calculate the amt she needed and work towards that.
I remember that at every session, my let down will happen at a specific time and I will not stop until I get that let down. So after a while my body get the message and will produce that amt.

So, the key is consistency in the pumping session as well as the yield each time. I will not stop until I get that yield. Currently I’m doing the same. I will not stop pumping until I achieve my target for each session. This is to ensure that my supply can be sustained.
oh yeah, mummies.. got a text from my hubby today that my girl can officially flip on her tummy!
She's abt 3mths 2 weeks old.
aria jo: yippie on your girl's milestone...

my baby still doesn't want to flip, she rather do half sit up (head and shoulder lifted off)whenever we put her on the rocker or bed...
but i believe she will naturally flip when she's ready...
Loke>> I salute u.. True tat we shld press on since we already came so far.. My mum asked me to stop bf after I go bk to work.. I wanna press on n hope to bf at least till my boy is 1 yr old..

Btw, any1 can advise.. How long must I wait till I can bf again if I did rebonding n dyeing?

mrs neo> good! normally the old folks will want us to stop bf hor.. maybe it's easier for them to take care of the baby also.. coz baby will tend to look for our breasts.

eh i also feel like colour my hair leh.. but my stylist advice me not to... but i know hippo went to colour her hair and she is on tbf too lol!
