(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Hmm, so how ah I wanna get the playmat too... Should I get parklon or lg?? Py you wanna share for parklon promo? But prob is we one stay jurong one stay sk lei. How ah?

Yah i want the parklon promo.. but it seems that LG is better? actually i also not sure leh.. but LG is alot more expensive..

if the quality is about the same as LG, then i will consider buying that lol.. but my hb is afraid that Parklon is not as good as LG hmm..

I will go back to the west side once or twice a week haha.. can just deliver to ur house or i pick it up from u :p no problem on that.

i'm now googling on the reviews on parklon vs LG haha!
Lg playmat with koreacraze is 145 dimension 1900x1300x11. Parklon with ssw is 1850x1250x12 at only 104.50 if purchase in pair. Difference is 40+ lei..... I also in dilemma.... Py, which u decide?
Hey PY thanks for the lobang. Looks like LG seems to have a smoother surface...hmmm dilemma...any BP on LG? Hee I go check now..
Happy new year to all!
Visiting mil for a few days.
roxie: Falling down thingy seems quite common. I have been looking and interviewing bb sitters when i was 6 mths pregnant. Til now i can find nil. Are you aware that they will be offended if we ask them what they feed our bb in time to come. I feel that i definitely must know what my bb consume else i wont be able to zzz. I read it somewhere infants shouldnt be massage for too long.
tien/ting> my hb like not v keen in parklon after i tell him the smoother and the dent on the mat =.=

need to wait for promo for LG or get it now for $168 .. hmmm
<font color="0000ff">Rejecting Bottle
I'm facing the same problem too. but mine is not so much becoz he's used to being bf, but rather I sense a phobia for drinking milk. Have brot him to PD and PD mentioned it's colic. But somehow, colic drops haven't been helping much.

He will suck the initial bits.. prob take in about 60ml or more den when he decides he needs to burp, here comes the trouble. Screams the house down when i stuff the bottle in.

Dream feeding works for me. Always have to rock him to sleep b4 I try to continue feeding again.

You all suggest I shouldn't force feed him? ie. if he's screaming the hs down when i give him the bottle, stop whatever i'm doing and try again when he cries for milk? Usually I ensure he finishes ALL his milk. Coz am worried if i get into this pattern, he will take it as a bad habit oso and end up drinking this amount and den having to rest or play awhile before feeding again.

<font color="0000ff">Fixed Schedule
Oh ya.. meant to ask, any of your babies in a fixed milk schedule already? I.e. drinking milk at the SAME time everyday? I kinda forgot how I managed to get my FB to a schedule.</font>
HI people!

Playmats: I bought one! The small small world BP right? Bought the LG Prime one since the quality supposed to be better. Hey, I never thought of asking one of you if you want to one too to get the discount! Bought the Yellow Bear one @ $185. Think it's a good buy. My mother was complaining that my baby is always on the Combi chair, so she doesn't have the space the learn how to turn. Then the baby gym mat is also not very big, no space for her to move around on it very much. So now go playmat, just put her there to play, sleep etc. BTW, why are the big blocks considered must buy ah?

Thanks for the various suggestions on bottle rejection. Unfortunately for me, there is no way I can bf her now. I had to stop because of some medicine I am taking, so I have stopped for 2 weeks already. She already started showing signs of reduced appetite then. I still remember she didn't finish the last full bottle of bm I gave her. I was quite upset. Then now I find that she only wants to take 2-3oz. And yes, if I stop to burp her halfway, it's very hard for me to get her to drink again, so all of us at home have taken to let her drink as much as possible before we burp her. She has used bottle since she was about 3 weeks old, though I only switched to full bottle feeding after a month.

The exercise to firm up boobs is to put up arms out at chest level and hold the other arm's elbows and squeeze. Can imagine? Maybe my description not very good. As for wired bras, I thot not advisable if bfg? To be on the safe side...

Happy 2010 everyone! May our babies grow up healthy and happy. And may we be confident and happy mummies!

p/s: for those of you about to go back to work. Bring tissues! I had such bad separation anxiety I kept crying. OK lah, maybe it's because I am always a very emo person. Hee hee.
Mrs Neo, I think babies can grow teeth as early as 3-4 months leh! Was reading the childcare book by TMC. Time already? I'm wondering if my baby is starting to grow teeth as I sometime see her drool saliva. Last time only spit milk.
Ting: my hb dun want the parklon leh
u share with tien? She wants
sorry ah my hb scare the quality nt as gd as lg and ask me to wait for promo for the lg one..
Re: Bumper Playmat
Anyone wanna share to buy the Bumper playmat? we can order together to make the price lower! First playmat at 119, all subsequents are at 90. thus we can share to buy together to make the price lower.

Re: Exercise to firm and lift breast
there are a few she said leh.. one is as per what funzee described. another one is put your palms together like you are praying with the arms straight. then open your arms to separate the palms with arms still straight and close again.

another is hold one hand on top of another hand like and put just below your breasts (like singing chior) and squueze the hands and arms. she said do in front of the mirror, you should see your breasts bouncing away.

i think could be possible lei! my colleague who saw my bb said my bb is teething! i am like huh.. how can it be? he so young only! she said yes! cos she saw my bb gums got the white white thing proturding! it's a lil white dot. she asked me to touch myself.. but i never try, cos i feel that there is no way i can wash my hands clean enough to put into his mouth lei.. i shall wait and see!

noted with thanks!!! i already post to ask if there are any nearby mummies who wanna share liao.

btw, just to share with you, i decided to buy the parklon bcos so far the mummies who purchased parklon never complain it's no good. i think as long as it serve it's purpose can liao ler. though LG playmat's quality are better, but even with a LG play mat, it cannot confirm my bb will surely not hurt himself if he falls on it too. (definitely the mats will not make him smarter or grow taller blah blah blah)

And most importantly, because i never see any mummies who buy parklon says that the parklon playmat spoils easily.. hahahahahha... i scare if buy liao, den the mat will tear or something... then my heart will cry man!

my hubby said the $40+ saved can be used to buy a toy for the bb. so i decided to save the money and buy a play yard for him too. keke!
just to add to the above about the playmat promo, i saw some pple share together to purchase more of the parklon playmats! thus it means... first playmat at 119, and subsequent ones all at 90 each... so if we have 4 person sharing, (119 + (90x3))/4 = 97.25 each only lei!! the more we have the cheaper per mat.

anyone interested?? please add your name below and i purchase together?

1. Ting x 1 Yellow Bear School Bus (Jurong)
roxie>> wa lau, you spent $1k for nothing! that is the problem with our mothers or MILs.. i just hope your MIL is not going to tell you after one or 2 months of taking care of Titus that she cant cope etc.. i will explode if im you lo..

my mum also same lo.. right from the start she keep telling us to find a baby sitter, so we went ard to look for baby sitter and asked friends to recommend.. we shortlisted 2 and 'interviewed' them.. almost 90% confirm that kind.. then when i was doing my confinement, she decided she wants to resign and take care of isabelle.. i mean of coz im happy that she wants to take care (for a fee of coz), but on the other hand, a bit unhappy about her fickle-mindedness.. anyway the lucky thing is i have yet to pay any deposit etc..

and hor, the swimming tubs.. titus never get to swim, you had to pay the $30? i think you go and try the northpoint or the harbourfront one, should be better coz their shops are fully visible.. the one at PS is hidden behind kind.. when the shops are fully visible, they of coz must put up their BEST performance ma.. that is wad i feel la.. hehe

and OMG, 9 days to reporting back to work for me!
py: i bot the LG fisher price rainforest (1900 x 1300 x 11) mat just b4 xmas at $178. now it has dropped to $168 so i believe it is already on promo.
helo. i got question again :p

how do u soothe ur baby to sleep?
i) when at home
ii) when outside (w noise simulation, etc)

E has been having problems sleeping on his own. tink me n hb triggered it somehow
we tried to be consistent to pat his buttock to calm him down to zzz but not working anymore. only ting that works is suckling
. even rolling e pram dun always work
Py>>do they have discount if we buy more LG playmats? Heh I just surf those pics n they look nice lor. Been meaning to get a cheap cheap mAttress for baby to play on. but r these playmats thick enough for baby to nap n roll around on??

Bottle strike mummie: jus to share my joy - 1st day my baby took the bottle, so far only 2 feeds. Keepin my fingers crossed! I fed him in the morning while he was half asleep n I jus covered his eyes n hang the bottle teat there for arnd 20 min n persist, n he eventually drank. Afternoon when he was feelin sleepy I did the same thing too. M goin to continue the bottle trials later...wish me luck n all of us luck!! So what xoxo said abt dreamfeeding did work today
Happy new year everyone.Just brought M for his 2nd dos rotavirus n 1st pneumococcal, anyone of u brought ur bb for these jab aldy?Pneumococcal 1 jab 168 wo is tt ex?and M is damn cranky n cry very fiercely today dun know coz of discomfort due to tt jab

Re: Bumper mat
Im looking into tt also yet to find out which gd.
Maybe we can all get together to get better deal.
hi vodkarib

i got a mattress from kiddy palace at $26.90 for bb to play n nap... hmmm,seem like not bad, he watch tv , nap n play there...

cos i put it in the living room, its more cooling for him too
vodkarib, yes the mat is thick enough for baby to roll around on and sleep on. My baby has fallen asleep there by herself before. I suppose it's really our own comfort level. I think babies if they are tired enough, will sleep anywhere one! I quite like how it's firm but also a bit squashy.

Today my baby is extra cranky. Besides not really drinking her milk at the usual times but getting hungry at not the usual times, she is also very unhappy. Cry for no apparent reason - real crying with tears! Nothing seems to make her happy. When I took her for a short stroll, she even cried when I stopped for a while.

As for not wanting to drink milk, well,we tried to change formula thinking that she may be bored with the taste but it ain't working. Dream feeding didn't work last night either, though we usually feed her at 10.30pm or 11pm when she is asleep. Guess it's just a case where she has reduced appetite for milk.
wah guess missed alot of post.

Miemie/roxie:does ur bbies get fever or get cranky after her pneumo jab?M had his this morning n now abit cranky,zz 5 mins cry fiercely wo then zz another5-10mins up cry again so kelian

roxie: y u need pay deposit for ur neighbour, she ask for it?i nvr come across this wo.For the agent,u cant get back teh 600 deposit?coz thru agent isit?so now ur mil be taking care? tts gd wo.Mine i was convincing my mum to quit n take care since b4 delivery, when almost convince,my damn mil(though not in bad term with her)sadi alot of rubbish to my mum n my mum flare up n dun take care.Then mil story follow=>,1st mil ok with get a maid put her plc n she take care for 4days n my mum off 1 day n will take care=>then said dun wan maid n she will take care for 4wkdays herself(dun thinks he can handle,cant even calm M down when we there fpr 3 hrs)=> then NOWWWW she will take care if M dun latch on me anymore n take pacifier(what the ****)I was telling my hubby, put M with her for 1wk n M definitely on pacifier liao if she give him everyday,what an excuse dun wan said dun wan.
Hi Annette,

I have brought Nathan for the 1st dose of pneumococcal on 22 Dec. The jab was given in the Polyclinc cost $160, payable by medisave. The nurse told me that the baby only need 3 doses to complete the course.
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! a bit late.. but nvm.. its still the nwe year..

gal: sometimes the temperature does matter.. Angel sleeps pretty well under cool conditions.. two nights ago, the weather was so hot, she can't sleep.. then hb brought her to the other room which is cooler and she slept through till morning..
Annette: I agreed with you on the pricing of all those jabs.... very expensive.... My baby get super cranky on the next day and in fact he developed fever as well. But the fever subsided after taken the panadol.
In fact on the the side effect is the child will have difficulties in walking on the next day. This happened to my second daughter.
Hi mothers, i notice my bb get frightened easily as in when she is aslp, she will thrown her hand on the air as if she tot she is going to fall dw...quite frequent..does your bb do that? hands suddenly jerk up and then cry?
loke : ya..temp does matter.
but tink my case may be overtired..i.e. he duno how to put himself to sleep.

&amp; happy new yr to u too :p

joey : yeah.. my babe does that to..however he no cry. u wana try the beansprout pillow to put on his chest? perhaps it may help?
Joey: mine does that too. So even now I sort of half swaddle him (wrap his arms )at night so that he has proper rest. Not sure if it's healthy to do so though..

Metallic ordor in thawed milk
does any mum have that too? It's due enzyme breaking down fats. I jus realized this since my baby went on bote strike. The thing is he used to drink it n will still drink it (spoon feed) on days, but have been googling to see if it's unhealthy for him to drink this milk. N since the fats r already broken down, does that mean less calories?
Wondering if any mums here have same prob?
My ebm in the fridge for less than 2 days does not have this ordor.
Re: Bumper mat

i was told LG much better thenPArklon wo.PY, u wanna wait for LG promo, im thinking of waiting.Anyother mom keen ,maybe i pm the pax n see if any gp discount ehhe

Joey: Mine too, M always have tt problem.Very bad when he zz in cot,even put the beansprout pillow gal mentioned also no use for M.I tried Vod mtd too but M hate to be tight up.So no choice ,im using yaolan for M now,improve alot.but again some ppl might not like yaolan like my mil, but my mum like yaolan n since M zz much longer in yaolan,y not.
Annette: m interested in LG mat too :p
I agree yaolan sleep better n longer. Too bad I din install one at home. He only sleeps yaolanat granny place n can nap 2-3hours ;p
annette, am interested in LG bumper mat as well. do pm me if there is any promo...

been inactive for a while here since baby is born. now back at work and can "afford" some time to catch up and reconnect with the oct mummies...
Vod: i just pm the organiser ,see any gd news hehe.Oh M can zz in yaolan abt 3-4hrs during daytime n if use at nite can sleep thruout nite but at nite i avoid using it coz next time if go out no yaolan he cant zz then die haha

HELP HELP ANYONE know any reliable nanny in west zone? thxthx urgenturgent haha
Annette: yeah I'm waiting for lg promo haa

Think we can try and ask if we can get a better price if we buy together? :p koreacraze will email me once their bp is up
I'm at my mom place for the past three days and I'm becoming panda soon! Charlotte wakes up every 2 hr for night feed!!!

When she was in my mil place in sk she only wake up once in the night.. It's driving me crazy lor! Then when I latch her, sometimes she jus nibble nibble.. Dunno if she's drinking not..

Tonight I'm gg bk to mil place see if the same ... If growth spurt bb will behave in this manner too??
Hi PY,
I'm keen in the LG mat fr koreacraze too. I dun mind ordering together with u if can get gd price.
I stay @ CCK.
hi py,

nope, i share with another mummy from the small small world thread. by the way, though i nv saw a lg mat before, but me n hubby both feel that this parklon is really good enough! i didn't feel it dent easily lei.. and the pictures so nice!! my god! really in love with it!

play mat really very ideal! no wonder another mummy from ssw is getting her third playmat to place in master bedroom!! go get the one of your choice today la! earlier get = earlier enjoy!
hi.. Anyone got this problem?

My bb only sleep at 1 am.. I tried putting him to sleep at 8pm, wakes up at 10pm.. then wide awake.. so i tried put to sleep at 10pm, wake up at 11pm.. wide awake.. Not cranky, just watch tv lights.. n only 1 am plus he will be sleepy..

But I'm so so so so tired.. How? Anyone got any good suggestion ? I tried bathing him before, but that's 6pm.. then he sleep and wake up at 8pm, wide awake.. i tried letting him cry but heart pain.. plus the jie jie is sleeping.. I tried dim all e lights, he also dun like..

I'm at my wits end.. Help!!
hi jo

same as mine, but onli happen 2 times at hubby place. despite how tired oso dont wan slp, onli slp at 1 am...

i nvr bother abt it. just slp at the time he slp
RE: Bumper mat

PY,ipheh,Good new.SSworld replied. She mentioned they could probably consider to do a subsequent pieces discount for :
Yellow Bear
Sweet Bear and
im waiting for her reply to see what sort of discount wcan she offers for those designs he mentioned n others
Hi jo, try to bathe him ard 9pm?

Sometimes we got back frm shoppig quite late and I still bathe her.. After bathe, I'll latch her to sleep. Haha but thugs are different now think she's hit by te growth spurt.. Keeps waking up 2-3 hrs in the night. I'm sooo tired too!
Re:bumper mat

Vod/PY/ipheh/cat02/any more interested mum?
ssworld just replied,168 for subsequent piece of yellow n sweet bear, 138 for subsequent of car,just to ask for even betterdeal see if she ok.
read somewhere koreacraze is at168 also isit, cant find tt post.
