(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

hmm something to ask here..

i've been on total latching.. and my boobs are always so jellified liao .. and i dun pump anymore..

can i wear wired bra??? coz they're damn saggy man! wah lao ...

Ok gointo try NUK teat. at my wits end
this is really driving me insane cos he is really goin on a hunger strike n I keep having to give in n latch himon every day after his 6 hr strike
it's worrying cos I wonder how my caregiver is going to feed him in the future
Ok gointo try NUK teat. at my wits end
this is really driving me insane cos he is really goin on a hunger strike n I keep having to give in n latch himon every day after his 6 hr strike
it's worrying cos I wonder how my caregiver is going to feed him in the future
PY: can la!! i also on total latching and do not pump.

i wore wired nursing bra after my confinement. i bought this nursing wired bra online and is really damn good to wear! i think must wear wired bra leh, cos ah, i went to ms wong boi boh class at TMC, she said imagine the boobs like balloons, but u filled with water and then empty them, den fill with water again and empty and then repeat again and again.. what you see? the balloon will lose its elasticity!!!! she say that is the same as our boobs when we breastfeed lo!!!
ting: i also attended her class leh but dun remember her saying that. hahaha. i'm also browsing the bra now.. need them badly man.

my boobs are what u describe now. sad

will the wired bra help ?!
vodkarib & other bottle-strike mummies >> hmm..i didn't want to write much abt this as my battles with my own has been ongoing since week 5, and have yet to find a sure-fire solution...you can check my posts abt that (around Nov 10). like you, i did give the occasional bottle and the refusal of bottles came abt really suddenly..yes, u'd feel the fear esp if u realise that you might have to be stuck to the baby like a third arm...

first of all, pls don't think that your baby is being naughty etc by gg on such a strike..it is really a very normal reaction - they are indicating their preference for your breast. indeed, preferences can come on at any time..even bbs who are known to have adapted well and able to switch with apparent ease between bottle and breast could suddenly display a peculiar and definite preference for one (usually the breast). this was something i learnt after speaking to the PDs, the lactation consultant and meeting mummies of 1 and even 3 yo who still demand to be completely latched.

in any case, you can try many methods..i list them here. i have varying success with each but i think since each bb is different- who knows? you might find one that suits you...

1) Let someone do the feeds. Audrey does "allow" strangers to feed her at times (again, not 100%) but it's worth a try. One feed down with the bottle is one success.

2) Try feeding her in a position other than the cradle hold or your usual bfg position. I've sat her facing me; sat her facing out, laid her on the bed (no one's holding her) and so on. key is not to mimic your usual feeding position..

3) Use Tommee Tippee..we all have Astro to thank for this. This is by far, the most successful teat I've used. (vodkarib, not to pour cold water but NUK has not worked - not even once. If you wanna, I can give you my unused NUK bottle/teat and you can try. Doesn't matter latex/silicon etc...) Reason it works is that it really resembles the human breast/nipple function and I can see why when I observe closely, the way she treats this bottle - really like the breast! Avent says their bottles allow ease of switching between bottles and breast..so far, I found it doesn't work (the teat isn't as good as TT in imitating the breast)..and it leaks and leaks!! So if I were you, don't waste time..just go for Tommee Tippee. Mums and Babes are having their 50% disc still (at tampines 1)..so go and get the normal bottle..i am sure u won't be disappointed..hehe..

4) If your baby is taking the pacifier, you can try the bait and switch. I deliberately introduced the pacifier to help me out with this aspect. For one week, she went along with this tactic. Just three days ago, she has decided she had enough with my monkeying around and rejected the pacifier outright.

5) Trying to force feed the baby with bottles will only escalate the tension/fear = greater reluctance on the babe's part to go along with bottle feeds. The minute the baby protests, stop whatever you are trying to do, place her down and walk out of the room. When she cries for a feed (the crying is different), return and try again. You've to be really patient and do this many, many, many times..eventually, the baby WILL take the feed (too hungry) but that's usually hours away. My experience was a hunger strike for an entire day, many MLs of milk wasted, fraying nerves..it's tough but can and have to be done. (erm..those on the sears, baby whisperer etc would not agree..but i've done this as a modified cry-it-out thing.) by far, it is this technique that has somewhat broken her resistance to bottle-feeding the most and nearly drove me nuts..and i consider it well-worth the effort. but it still isn't 100%...

6) Try dream-feeding. Apparently this works. For my baby unfortunately, her lips are sealed shut when she sleeps so I have not been able to verify this. But no harm trying..

so..overall, it will be an uphill battle. be ready that it won't be that easy a prb to resolve. but try not to despair and hopefully, things will ease up..and u'd find the balance. for some days, my baby would refuse to feed till i am home..if she would only have it that way, just too bad. but when she does feed, it'd be a massive, clustered feeding...haiz! there's plenty more to share, but i shan't bore everyone. this has been ongoing for me every single day..some days i laugh, other days i just wanna tear my hair out! :p

my first class was held opposite tmc at the hdb there one. Mrs wong mentioned it during the first class (or 2nd) when she teaching the exercises. So she taught us the few exercises that helps to lift the boobs... Do u rem those exercises?

Er.... I think wired bra help to prevent it fm sagging further but think we really gotta do the exercises if we want back the old firm boobs! I alt wear with the aunty kinda nursing bra without wired de. I got mine from mum indulgence or something like that. Somemore my underwired nursing bra can be strapless or multi ways of wearing. I like!
ting : ha. got exercise to lift boobs? i din attend mrs wong's class. another teacher..no recall got such training leh.

bottle teat:
for those who intro teat lvl 2, r u using it for all feeds? or gradual introduction ?
Thx xoxolight. Feelin much better after reading ur post. I wake up every am feelin depressed abt this bottle feed problem. Ok hav heard abt the tipper bottle n agree it does look more like nipples so will pop by n buy one n try...Wish all of us luck!! Any mummies havin success eventually, pls share!!!
dun say ur A ah... my light weight RN can cause me to hv aching arms, let alone ur 7kg boy! But its a happy problem, i wld say! Heee

i try to avoid wired bras but i do wear them when i go shopping alone w/o RN. I realised if i wear wired bras, i get full & engorged breasts faster. i am juz afraid tt it will lead to blocked ducts so will try to avoid as much as possible. i am wearing this wireless nursing bra fr Impressions (can get fr Metro) which provides gd support. Dun get those $9.90 ones (same brand). it loses elasticity aft a while. this one i am wearing is white & comes wif light blue or pink flowers on it. its $17.90. U might wanna try it out.

U know if tts the only branch tt has discount on TT btls? Coz i think United Sq has a branch too... i wanna get some more of the btls thou my mum hates the design.
its really not easy being a mother. now when i think back how i treat my mum sometimes, i really feel bad..

xoxo: u got a lot of no. 1 NUK teats? i can help u get rid of them.. haha.. sell them to me. :D
vodkarib>> *hugs* allow yrself just a few moments of frustration but don't get depressed yah?..step by step, can be done so do cheer up...

jRRT >> i was just at united sq this afternoon - 50% at mums and babes there too. better still, they had the premium anti-colic ones on as well and the teats had up to 3m+ BPA free..

Loke >> no need to sell, i can't rem how much they were in the first plc..give them to u. when are we meeting up? i went to mandarin gallery ytd for ippudo..heh, going to target that area again in the coming week...let me know when u un-sian yrself and return to work k?

HAPPY NEW YEAR FOLKS!! May 2010 be a fun-filled, exciting and fulfilling one for all of you
<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">happy 2010 to all mummies!!</font></font>
I'm sure 2009 has been a very special year for us all!
Happy new year to all mummies!!! Hope all our babies will grow up healthy and well!!! And i definitely hope my Aaden will stop rejecting bottles.. sighzz..

Seems like i am not the only person who experience the rejection of bottle by our babies..

MIL said cld be his gum painful cos his teeth growing which i feel its absolute nonsense.. where got so fast grow teeth 1, right?

I decided to bring my Aaden to see a GP yesterday.. cos he is really not drinking a lot of milk and i am worried... According to doc, he said his stomach very bloated and felt very "ballooned", So, i was advised not to bottlefeed for 1 week. I am hoping tat 1 week later, he will not reject bottle anymore. If he still does, i dunno how.
Happy New Year to everyone here. Wish everyone and their lovely babies and love ones a smooth and healthy year ahead.

I have been missing as i myself is also battling with bottle rejection. Sigh... Astro knows about it too. She was so kind to let me try the TT bottles, and even so, Andre also reject.

By trial and error, these are some methods that work for me but like what xoxo says, no 100% sure fire method cos there are days where baby will kick up a fuss, cry, wail and bawl the house down. You may want to try them though

1. Let baby start on the pacifier to initiate sucking. Cover his eyes while he does that and after a min or 2, sneakily pop in the bottle. (Do not remove the cover until baby finishes all the milk)

2. When method 1 does not work, we'll let him go cold turkey. The stubborn little bull went 6 hours without milk yesterday (He usually feeds 2-3 hrly during the day). Finally, we started to let the milk drip from the teat to his mouth. Seeing no screwed-up face, we advance the bottle a little until he took the teat. Was chomping down the milk like nobody's business.

3. Been using avent no. 2 teat. Initially i thought the flow was too slow, so i used no. 3. Baby ended up choking away. Might consider getting a NUK teat cos i realize he's ok with the flat-nip pacifier.

Everytime it's bottle feed, i'll hold my breath, cross my fingers and pray very hard. When he successfully takes the milk, then i'll breathe a sigh of relief.

Nowadays, i'm seriously considering this pro-bfing concept. I agree the benefits is good for the baby, bonding and nutrition. But weighing the bens against the cons like bottle rejection, tedious pumping of milk, i'm wondering if it's worth it. I'm not a breastfed baby and i grew up fine. I don't think i had any bonding issues with my mum too. It's all about how much quality time you spend with your kid isn't it?

Don't mean to scare you gals here. But my colleague's wife is facing another issue. Formula rejection! Right from the start, baby is only taking BM from the bottle. Now that her suuply is dwindling due to work schedules, they found out baby does not like FM at all. Even mixing 50-50 also does not work.

Nevertheless, i'm trying to keep my spirits high, cos i don't want to dampen baby's emotional growth. After all, it's not as if baby is deliberately trying to be wicked, it's just him showing his personal preference.

Anyway, we brought Andre to the park yesterday..Smiles like these make my day at the end of the day. Baby says 'Hi' to all the lovely aunties here.

Hi Siangjiao >> Just checking in and the "first" bb pic I see is Andre's! Yoohoo...what cute cheeks *pinch*...

My sympathies with yr bottle issues. I had a bad one ytd and today. As we were counting down to the new year, Audrey decided she wanna join us till MN. Didn't sleep at all when, in usual circumstances, she is asleep by 9 or 11pm at the latest. Plus she has been feeding (latching) since 5pm..so when she called for more milk at 11:30pm, I laughed and told my HB to prepare the bottle cos I am not going to greet the brand new year with swollen nips.


So we were dealing with a bawling and completely screaming baby the whole of MN ~ 3am. Only managed to sleep at 4am. Till now my ears are ringing from her screaming..haiz.

Cancelled all new year lunch plans with my family and staying home to deal with her bottle strike.

Plus, you are right abt formula rejection. This fella here is already dairy-intolerant and some soy formulas (at least those the PD tried on her) are not acceptable too. She can either take just two types: Alfare and Neocate. But no matter what the ratios I conjure up and feed her, she wouldn't want them.

If I can have a new year wish, it'd probably be may my own milk ss be ever-going...dread the day if ss dries up and she is still like that.
xoxo: same! same! My entire clan is now heading out to eat lunch, but i just called in to say i cannot make it. so sad. Going to ta bao Macs for lunch. Another episode this morning. Andre just cried himself to sleep. His last feed was 7.30am (by breast)... now see who win the battle.
am heading to United Sq when the kids r up fr their nap!!!
Thks 4 the heads-up!

wat a cute Andre!!!

I had my share of btl rejection wif my son when he was ard 3 mths. Those methods tt u girls mentioned above, i tried it all. Then when tt fellow finally got used to the btl, he started to reject my breasts! the worries nvr end! Sigh, hope u girls will see the light at the end of the tunnel soon!

<font color="0000ff">Wishing everyone a Happy &amp; Blessed 2010!!!</font>
Yeah.. i also heard of formula rejection.. it sounds scary.. so, wat i did was i tried to give formula like once a day, with ebm
in the rest of the day.. he was handling well.. 1 2 let him get used to formula just in case 1 fine day, my moo moo factory declared bankrupt. i was relieved and thought everything was okie.. 1 mth later, the rejection for bottle comes along.. sighzz..

I wont think for my case tat the rejection of bottle is due to giving him formula cos even if i give him ebm in bottles, he rejects too.. He only wants the breasts.. and even then, his appeite also drop.. my cousin jokingly said tat my boy is a smart boy.. cos he wants the best stuff.. fresh milk straight from the moo moo cow..
For the playmat, anyone has already purchase? How is the quality like and is it thick enough? I wanna buy but my hubby keep saying we can't see the actual thing he thinks it might not be safe for the bb. U Noe if kiddy palace sell similar thing? I bring him there to see first.

Py>> what is bd?
ting> astro has one and we all fell in love with it haha... it's a good investment leh!! i didnt see it at kiddy palace.. but i saw one at paragon.. at the kids level.. but i forgot the shop's name ..

it's at the extreme corner ..
Py>> wahahaha!!! Lolx!!

Oh ya! Talking about this! I am natural birth but also haven't try bd yet! Lol! Somehow after delivery and the stitches, I feel as if down there has "changed". I took a mirror to see down there and I realized the pee pee place, vagina and poo poo place become further apart Liao. Last time all very close together one lei. Can another nb mummy tell me if it's the same?? I become so self concious lei! I feel as if the vagina can stretched till like this to allow my bb to come out, I got the feeling like it's still very big dwn there.... How ah?!
Py>> wahahaha!!! Lolx!!

Oh ya! Talking about this! I am natural birth but also haven't try bd yet! Lol! Somehow after delivery and the stitches, I feel as if down there has "changed". I took a mirror to see down there and I realized the pee pee place, vagina and poo poo place become further apart Liao. Last time all very close together one lei. Can another nb mummy tell me if it's the same?? I become so self concious lei! I feel as if the vagina can stretched till like this to allow my bb to come out, I got the feeling like it's still very big dwn there.... How ah?!
Dear all mummies, may all of u be blessed with abundance of joy n love in this new year ahead!! We r all crowned with our biggest accomplishment in 2009 n it's definitely a year I will never forget this lifetime..

Dear py.. Reply u here k.. I log out fb liao..
I bot my lg
bumper mat from koreacraze.. $145 for same size.. for sweetbear design.. It's firm n good quality.. The one selling at first few years-paragon is also lg one.. Ur promo is it lg or
parklon? If lg, it's really a gd price! Tempted to buy one n put at my mil place
if only james will let me buy the mat.. ive been wanting to get it ever since the kit turned positive! lol..

roxie>> LG and parklon got difference in quality?
Miemie> hee...Personally, I feel lg mats' quality are firmer n better for bb's back..my sil bot a parklon but I can feel the diff of firmness.. It's a price vs quality thing.. If $ difference not very huge, go for lg loh.. For eg if parklon is $119 now n lg is $145 (1900by1400)I would say go for lg is a more realistic move? Just my 2cts worth.. I bot lg mat $145 n haenim big blocks at $133 from koreacraze n within next day they despatch to me already.. Btw the lg one is not rolled up but can be folded into a bag which is space saving..
Haha is ok lah
no worries.. Isabelle went for jabs already? very fast hot? 3mths already..Titus's fever subsided.. Also two jabs n 1 oral vaccine.. This time he cried very loud.. I brought him there alone n maybe he more sai nai with me n cry till Lilian also panic.. Gave him a combi rattle to bring home.. Lol.. Btw where do u bring ur princesses for the swim? I also wanna bring Titus there.. First attempt when he was 1mth old was at ps but got a bad experience.. He wails till other store's sales gals all came over n check out..
but looks like u all had alot of fun leh.. I wanna give it a shot again..
roxie>> you bought the big blocks too? these 2 things are the 1st 2 items i must get once my flat is here! they are MUST buys IMO.. hehe

ya, very fast 3 months just flew past.. im really dreading going back to work, cant bear to leave my baby at home! at 3 months Titus took the 2nd 6-in-1 and 1st pnuemococcal plus rotavirus? Isabelle's one is due end Jan..

i only brought isabelle swimming once, at harbourfront.. together with PY and tien.. tien went earlier, by the time our girls started, baby kay already finished her swim liao.. hehe
wanted to sign up the package but my hubby dowan.. he say they never scrub the tubs
but otw home, isabelle did a massive poo till we had to stop over and change her immediately, he told me that might be the 'work' of the swim, and so he wants to sign the package.. hahahaha.. but only can bring her swimming once a month, not even fortnightly leh!

how come titus had a bad experience? was the auntie not experienced enough or sthg? if im not wrong, shugar and xoxo went to the one at PS too, and seems like Samuel and Audrey had lotsa fun! hehe

give it another try la.. im trying to persuade my hubby to bring isabelle go next weekend.. dunno if he will allow or not..
Hi miemie.. Heehee yea I bot already.. Ks hor? Cos it was on sale. Yup Titus went for the 6in1 n pneumo n rotavirus.. His was scheduled 6weeks, 3mths, 6mths n 9mths.. Anything beyond I can't remb hee.. Yes i hate to go thru this separation anxiety when i head back to work next mth. Apart from tat.. I m surrendering to my mil. Tou Xiang! At first she WANs to take care of my bb when I was pregnant but she's already looking after my sil's kid. And when I was 5mths preggie she kept telling me how tired is she every week n when I can't stand the nagginess till 3 mth's later.. I suggested y dun we drop the decision n we go find our own way.. She immendiately approves of it.. She just dun wish to open her mouth n tell us.. Wan us to say first sigh.. Me n hb spent 300 deposit for upstairs nanny but realize she is full of lies n a 1yr old she's taking care fell at her plc n have to send to a&amp;e to stop the blood gushing from the child's eyelid.. We
call off the deal n forfeit the $$.. And then we managed to find a next blk nanny thru agency.. Paid first mth $600 plus agency kopi $ of 30.. And now.. Guess wat? My mil WANs to
take care of bb!! Say he's very cute n can't bear to let others take care.. Tiredness?she say the 3yr old will go childcare n
she can cope.. Confirm can one! And kept pestering me for past few weeks.. Sigh I surrender lo.. And can u imagine I walk one big round.. Spent abt 1k for nothing! Very sian n sad..But I know I hv to find someone who love my son in order for her to take gd care of him so tat i can go back to wrk with a peace of mind... Sorry for the long post!

Swimming at ps... The water was too cold for Titus tat day n I told them to add more hot water but they insisted the water they got measure one n is ok for bb. But once they put him down... Cried like mad loh.. For 2mins, the China lady still wan to let him try... I hv to tell her to let my son out twice then she stop patting his butt in the water n let me take over.. Caught a cold lah. So I hope I can go try out again.. Maybe tat day was not the right time!
hee yea..hygiene is so impt lo... Ur hb is so rite! Hee I hope I can bring him there next weekend too.. I m going to mrs wong's bb massage class next week.. My mil wants to go along.. So hv to sign for 1to1 session instead of attending group one. Think Titus will be tou Fu after tat cos it's a 4hr lesson!!
PY: i bot liew e mat. same BP as roxie i tink. hee hee..oso got sweet bear. wanted e yellow bus one but v big...kenot fit my flat
