(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

hey all,

Charlotte has been really cranky these few days.. previously she only wake up once in the night for milk.. and now she wakes up every like 2 or 3 hour.. i went back to my mom place over the weekends and tot it's probably due to the change of environment. But previously i stayed over at my mom place for a day and everything was alright.

last night.. she also dont really feed properly.. keep pulling out (but nv cry) like nv focus on drinking the milk.. then after that i just let her be.. and she refuse to sleep!
She was sleepy coz when i latches her, her eyes were closing liao but when she pull out, she became awake. fuss for 2 hours.. and i finally gave in and put her into the yao lan..

and i carried her out from the yao lan back to my bed.

and this morning she refuse to drink again.. her previous feeding was ard 5am.. till now 12pm she hasnt really drink much.. i tried to latch her and she just suckle abit and pull out again. =\

i googled abit and found out that some mummies also have difficult taking care of babies when they turned 3 months.. like they're taking lesser milk, keep fussing etc.. anyone having the same problem? and is it ok to let her go w/o milk for like 6-7 hours? dun they feel hungry? is it because they're teething that's why they dun wanna drink?? hai..

panda soon again
cat02:i saw tt link but only have 2LG designs wo.Waiting fro koreacraze reply,seems she only reply once a day .

PY:haiz M also damn cranky these few days sian. N i dun see ABC at the back of sweet bear leh, back of sweet bear is teh giffae design rite?
my baby also very cranky recently.. but i think is normal... it should be due to baby growth spurt. i read that growth spurt will occurs during 3rd week, 6th week, 3rd month and 6th month.
<font color="0000ff">gal^ (lydiagal)
I'm already waking him up for feeds, but sometimes i dun, coz he has a phobia for drinking milk. When he's awake, he screams once I stuff the bottle into his mouth. so gotta dream feed lor.. else like fighting war with him leh..

annette (nlimm)
hugs.. sighz, dunno why our kids bully us leh..

funzee (funzee)
Ya.. got distinction leh. Day time he sleeps in the hall, bright with fan on. Nite time, in my room, pitch dark and aircon.. yet, sighz..</font>
py: they can go without milk for 6-7h.. angel sometimes can sleep thru the night without milk for 8h.. so shouldn't be a prob.. but once she wakes up, she'll need pretty frequent feeds to make up for the long hrs..
PY, I agree leh, my baby has been acting weird lately. 3 months old then become like that. Just when I was telling people she is entering the golden age of infanthood where she smiles more readily and babbles.

I guess in your case, Charlotte going through growth spurt so she wakes up more often to feed.

ilovemaxmax, during the day, besides waking him up for feeds, do you do other things with him? Play with him? Engage him so he doesn't fall asleep.
loke> i tried to latch her again and she's not v keen lor.. hai..... sleeping again now.

ting> ya i also tot is probably due to the growth spurt.. before this she latched on very long! as long as 30 mins.. then suddenly now dun want milk.. her usual feeding time was only like 8-10 mins ..

it's driving me crazy soon! argh so when she cry i dunno what she wants! give milk, reject. =.=
funzee> yah she wakes up more often in the night but since last night till now she's not v keen in drinking liao.. =\

*pulls hair*
PY: My Charlotte is turning 3 months in a week's time and drinking less. She was drinking 120ml at 8 weeks, then down to 100ml at 10 weeks. Now she's only drinking 70-100ml at 2-3 hr interval. She usually wake up at 5am, after a 6-7hr sleep, for a feed and back to zz again. But I think it's ok so long there's still weight gain.

Jo: I tried putting my gal on a routine when she was 2 months old and it was difficult. But Somehow she can adjust as she grows older. Now gg to 3 mths, she's on a 3 hr routine and things are more predictable. But don't expect babies to drink exactly at what time. There should be a +/- 15 to 30 min difference. If they are sick or undergoing growth spurt, don't expect them to follow routine too.

Re: Bumper Mat

I think thicker is better but if can can get group disc, 11mm is still ok... But agree that Sweet Bear's Alphabet is neater and more pleasant to the eyes leh..
my playmat is 12mm, and i think i really good enough.

PY and all mummies with cranky babies now, ENDURE!! it will be all worth it! after this our babies will amaze us with his or her progress again and again!!
PY: Yeah.. Went to the thread to see the posts... So should be normal la... Don't worry and hang in there. Mine sometimes will have lots of wind in her stomach and she goes crying for a long time. I will have to carry her close to me for lots of comfort before she stop crying and she's getting heavier lor... Aching arms but when she finally stop crying and gives me the smile,... my heart really melted and I laugh with her lo...

ting: Yes YES YES... Babies are an enjoyment to watch as they progress. Just yesterday, she was holding a rattle and shaking it. Thou not any great accomplishment but I feel so proud!
Today had another screamfest. She was supposed to have her feed around 3.30pm, but she was not crying for milk. Around 3.40pm, I made the milk and then when I tried to feed her she screamed. Wouldn't even let me sit her on my lap so had the do the usual favourite over the shoulder position and then she fell asleep in my arms for about an hour. I thought I already tried to let her take her naps but apparently still not enough. And when I want her to take a long nap, she won't. She will always wake up after about 40 mins. Anyone can give advice on how to get your baby to take a long nap of 1-2 hours?!

She also hasn't pooed for 4 days. When I tried to make the "mm-mm" face at her to encourage her to poo (which I never do since my CL left), she actually started crying. Wondering it's because she also feels constipated and so if she tries it is painful. Sigh.
funzee: my girl dun take long naps too.. her naps are always 30-45 mins. sometimes 1 hour. but there's times i will shake the yao lan when she wakes up and she will go back to sleep.. longest time her nap was ard 2 hours.. but she woke up in between lah.

u try to massage her tummy? it works for me sometimes haha. but be prepared for a massive poo if it works :p
Today is my worst day of the wk and this wk is the worst wk since M is borned
funzee n py, the time i take to pat M is longer then each of his nap lorrrrr

RE:Bumper Mat

PY:Had confirmed tt 15mm sweet bear back is giraffea not alphabets,11mm is alphabet.ssworld loaded wrongly.

candywhite,mrs neo,chnyle seah : Below are the summarize of offer from all 3 organisers,cnat get better deal so far then whats stated at their thread.So guess we shall have to order on our own, however im still waiting for koreacraze for a reply if she will give any discount if for same design same delivery location coz initially she dun give as she mentioned need deliver to diff location. While waiting for her reply, any of u wanna get SWEET BEAR,1900mm X 1300mm X 11mm .PY, u wan?can get it deliver to my/ur parent plc at bt panjang but if she din give discount then no pt lor.



$168 for subsequent piece of yellow bear (1900 x 1300mmx15mm)&amp; sweet bear1900 x 1300mmx15mm), $138 for subsequent of car(2000 x 1350mm, 11mm)



No further discount.Even we order together ,price still the same as stated on her thread.
[**Im waiting for her reply for if ever we order same design n deliver same location ,would she give any discount]

3)World of Korea


No reply.
Ssw got the 11mm one ah? I dun like the giraffe leh prefer abc.. Hmm I discuss with my hb see what he say first k

meanwhile all mummies gotta Jia you! Mine not any better too.. :/

gotta catch some sleep now before she wake up for milk soon
the link for shugar's post brought me to the topic of spoiling the bb.. something which i have always have an internal dilemma on. on one hand, i believe in not spoiling.. yet deep inside.. i subsrcibed to the tender loving care which i would love to as well..at times i vaciliate between both and experience that torn in between to hold yh to sleep or to let him learn to sleep.. ha.. many of such instances in just 24 hours!
just some links i browsed and to share..

spoiling a bb?

sling bbs

fear of spoiling

not all. but interesting enough for me to mull over again..in this process of parenting, i grow too as a person.. ha.. night all..

may all bbs sleep tight and mamas rest well
loke > dang..should have read ur post earlier. i tink my babe (slept at 930) stirring.. i was too tired to do dream feed at midnight. and I just pumped!!!
astro : I like the feeling of slinging the baby on me. Really feel the closeness. Last time when Glynnis was still so small, i used to sling her at home to free up my hand when she got cranky and wanna be carried. And its really like what was described in the article, when she knows that i am going out with her without the daddy, she can't wait to get into the sling. But i can't do it for this one. Glynnis get jealous if i spend too much time with lele.

My lele is only 5.96kg at 3 mths leh.
morning all..
wah this cough and sore throat real bad :S
the stupid lozenges numb the tongue but not the throat! how dumb..

dreamygal: heh.. glynnis doesn't want to share her mama.. :p teng is different though.. maybe becoz i the first place. i was quite detached.. he will instruct me to carry yh so that his papa/popo/auntie ellie can carry him!! :S duh..

just yesterday.. xoxo and I were smsing.. we decided to call Audrey.. Miss Prata coz she's flipping like nobody's biz.. and then Yh . Bally. coz he looks like a ball.. fat and round.. and short! heh..
Lele looks bigger than 5.96 leh..
PY/all mom: nope 11mm is with koreacraze,stock only in in feb if we order now. Best deal she can give is $141 for 5 same pieces to 1 location.Is tt worth it?even if u decided to have sweet bear11mm n deliver to bt panjang we need 3 more stay nearby n wan sweet bear too

Dreamygal: but lele looks bigger then my M.M weighs 7kg now wo or maybe lele low bonemass

Astro: take warm honey water, maybe will help
annette: i have phlegm also. that time the lady who sells honey told me.. unless it is manuka honey taken neat.. else all other honey actually induce cough! :S haiz.. coz sweet stuff induces phelgm :S
Hey 141 is a gd deal!! Hahaha can deliver to anywhere la no problem
east west north all ok for me :p

but the back of sweet bear is the abc one hor?
h then better dun.

candywhite,mrs neo,chnyle seah :
PY,ya 11mm is abc at teh back ,tts wat i lookign for also.k lets fixed bt panjang for ours, either ur mum or my mum plc?now need another3 mums staying in west n wan sweet bear.Anyone?Those who looking at other design can pm the oraganiser direct coz no further discount wo
er..off topic sharing ya. was browsing on carbonated drinks n breastfeeding:

"It is very unlikely that drinking two carbonated beverages per day would affect your breastfed baby. However, if the carbonation makes you feel bloated and uncomfortable, your discomfort may be sensed by your baby.

The primary concern with drinking carbonated beverages while breastfeeding is that the high load of phosphorus contained in the carbonated beverage may reduce the efficiency of calcium absorption in the mother. This is not unique to lactating women, however, and should be a concern of all women at risk of osteoporosis. Thus, the impact is more on your nutritional status than on your baby's. For your own health, I would advise that you drink more 100% fruit and vegetable juices-calcium enriched orange and apple juice are a good choice.
hey annette,
sorry am abit lost over the bumper mat sizing/thickness/organizer... :p

so koreacraze have sweet bear (1900*1300*11) with alphabet on back selling at $141 (5pcs min.) right? Am interested in getting this one as well.

thickness 11mm good enough or 15mm more comfy or can't really feel the difference?

I'm staying in bt panjang (bangkit rd).
Annette, thanks for all the coordination. Think bt panjang little bit far for me. Will get direct from the organiser. Thanks very much.

i'm an Oct mummy also and has been following the thread. Get many useful information from all the mummies here, thanks.

My boy is 2.5mths now and he also reduced in his milk intake sometimes only 60ml
every feeding is a challenge.
gal: hahha gd post.i have been drinking quite abit of softdrinks recently.

cat02:ya same design n same location for min5pieces.So me n PY lookign at sweet bear. i not sure abt teh comfort btw 11n 15mm leh, some frd told me 11mm enough some told me 15mm better. i ask organiser, she said based on own preference, some ok w 11mm some even double at22mm also unsatisfied then i tongue-tight also. but sweet bear with alph only 11mm dun have 15mm, if u onz, there be 3 of us bt panjang liao, need another 2 more
hey annette,

so confirm Koreacraze is offering LG sweet bear (1900*1300*11mm) with alphabet on back at $141 (5pcs min) right? am interested in getting this also.
I'm staying at Bt Panjang (bangkit rd)...

by the way, is there a huge difference in thickness 11mm and 15mm? comfy level similar?
annette, sorry something wrong with the posting... posted the first one but got "lost", posted the 2nd one and now both appear... hahaha... do ignore my 2nd post...
gal: i also want to know if any gd eyebag remover.. haha. mine is getting worse. saggy eyebags.

annette/py: thks for coordinating. but i stayin in east, so dun think will share
Hi Annette, I join you to get the LG Sweet Bear (1900*1300*11mm). My hubby's workplace is near bukit panjang so I can get him to collect from there. Thanks!
gal: have eyebag remover stuff?! i thought only ahve dark eyering remover:p i not into facial stuff hehe

cat02: so u in ye,great
shall ask koreacraze for the delivery date too coz she said stock in in feb only

Candywhite: great wah we getting near, short of one more

PY:can also, i be over once a wk but arrange to collect fr my sis ever when im not ard.

RE:Bumper mat
Lelong Lelong need one more taker for sweet bear bumper mat:p
astro : Ya. Just now when she kept telling me to go over to hug her while i was getting lele to sleep. I used to hug her till she fell asleep, now a bit guilty that i can't always do that. Nowadays i tried to get lele to sleep before Glynnis' turn. Lele look big meh?? Hee...

annette : Maybe i always love to take close up shots, so lele always look very big in the photos... Haa... He only 50 percentile leh.
dreamygal: wah u so patient always hug ur girl.. teng i just tell him sleep! then when he doze off, i sneak out of the room.. :p
lele looks big wor..
Ya, maybe i'm too close with her, that's why now she find it disturbing to see mummy constantly having to carry and feed didi. Maybe from the start, i shouldn't get her into this habit of staying with her till she sleep.

Today i brought lele for injection and my hubby supposed to bring Glynnis to class. She refused to go in and put on a big big drama outside the class. No choice, my hubby brought her to find me, then i bring her to class when we were done with the jab.

These few days quite bad mood, Glynnis on milk strike. Haiz...

Going off le... Lele hungry le.
dreamygal: i also stay with him till he sleeps lah. anyway.. glynnis on milk strike? dun worry too much abt that. coz she old enough to asborb frokm solids..

cheer up lah

anyway.. Bally did a mega poo.. and it went up the front and leak???!!!! not leak at the back. but leak at the front? wah liew..
Hi all,

would like to know that any mother have same problem with me. My girl always poo for 3-5days one time. Is there anything i should give her drink?

thank you

hi annette,
Tks for coordinating, i wan sweet bear too. I stay @ cck so i dun mind gg to bt panjang to collect. Let us knw yr acct no to transfer the $ once u confirm ya.
