(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

Hi Ting, which parklon mat did you get? What's the size and thickness? I saw parklon mats in Minitoons shop but only the largest size mat has border trimmings around the sides. What about yours? Any finishing? Where to view their mats online? Sorry arr.. so many questions but Thanks!

jo : I am facing this problem previously. He will be wide awake till around 1am - 2am. He will cry loud loud when he cannot find me ( when i need to get my girl to sleep).

Recently, i latch him around 9pm and then will pass him to my hubby to handle while i put my elder girl to bed. He will fuss and cry as he wanna look for me. Then around 10pm or so, i will take him back and latch him again. He felt comfortable and maybe tired from all the cryimng and fussing, he will most likely fall asleep after his feed. Sometimes, he need rocking and cuddling before he finally drift into lala land. And because he feed at 9pm and 10pm, he will most likely last till the next day before he wake up for milk.
Py: great, u know which organsier roxie get from,maybe we can negotiate for better deal ehhe.ssworld din reply yet.so far there are 8 of us wanting to get,they are me,u,vodarik,cat02,lucky-baby,tien,ipheh
Koreacraze lor.. They are working on another bp. Will inform
me once it's up.. Meanwhile I'm checking the price for lg 1900mm dimension.
PY>> I also want LG... Maybe if we can gather more pple.. we might get a discount? :p

Talking abt rejection of bottle.. Thank God, my boy is accepting bottles once again.. I did buy the tommy tippee long time back, but never use.. When i heard tat xoxo said its gd, i decided to give it a try.. of cse, 1st few tries were struggles.. but once he starts suckling, its BINGO! Now he's okie leh.. but he is a bit pampered.. need to sing to him while he is drinking.. wahahahaa..

I think the main reason for him rejecting bottles and not drinking, for my case, is due to colic. When i saw the PD today.. she said his stomach very gd... very flat.. not much wind..
PY:Weird,they said the 3designs are exclusively sell by them wo.The one roxie had is it one of those designs n dimension?http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/cgi-bin/forumboard/discus.cgi?pg=prev&topic=581296&page=3453477

Below is ssworld reply:

Hi Annette
We are not sure which are the designs/brands that you are referring to that are selling at $168 by others, but the LG yellow bear, sweet bear and CARS in the sizes and thicknesses which we mentioned earlier are special stock. We probably wont have these stock again in the future once they are sold out. Factory has given these stock to us exclusively.
PY: Do check with them their dimension as well.Below is ss world reply:
Hi Annette
The Sweet Bear that was previously sold in many BPs are in size 1900 x 1300mm also but only 11mm thick. This Sweet Bear which currently we are having promotion is a different design on the back and the thickness is 15mm.

LG Yellow Bear usually only comes in 2300 x 1400mm, 15mm thick. This stock that we have is 1900 x 1300mm also in 15mm thickness.

Disney Cars with designs on both sides usually only comes in Asobang size, this stock that we have is in size 2000 x 1350mm, 11mm thick. It is nice and portable!
wah liew.. make me tempted to buy the mat leh...

py: i know y my house got no space for the mat liao.. cos there's a piece of carpet at the corner.. if i can think of another place to put that carpet, i would be able to buy the smaller version of the mat. never liked to have carpets in the home.. very dirty.. but mil and hb likes it.. arghh... then they dun maintain it.. so irritating. carpets not good cos it'll trap dust and many other things.. another way.. i just buy the mat first then see how.. wahha..

gal: if u think its overtiredness, let him take many short naps during the day.. sometimes angel only sleeps for 15mins.. but she naps many times during the day.. each time 15 to 30mins... i thought i'll have trouble putting her to sleep at night.. but then she still could sleep from 11pm till 4am. sometimes 6am or 7am..

py: if charlotte just nibble nibble, maybe u can try giving her paci? these few nights angel wakes up once or two in the night.. then i just push the paci to her.. (in the dark.. so i just anyhow push into her mouth..) she takes it and falls asleep almost immediately..

jo: try to give smaller feeds during the day or extend each feed during the day.. then let him take a few short naps (~30-45min) plus one long nap (~1-2h) during the day... last feed(~9pm) let him take a bit more (~1-2oz) then if he's wide awake. let him play on his own for a while.. after that tell him that its time to sleep.. (~10pm) then make him sleep (paci, patting, rocking etc.) think he should fall asleep by 11pm.. dunno if it works. but u can try.. sometimes i purposely drag the feeding times during the day.. then give a bit more for the last feed in the night and make baby sleep.. usually she sleeps through to about 6am.. another way is to let him sleep on his side, or on his tummy...
Hi All, Happy 2010 New Year...already start work n 21 dec...busy between work & kids.

Bring my baby Germaine for her 3rd month jab, nurse say she is over weight, 7.3kg, said cannot let her drink too much milk but if she is hungry hw can dun let her drink rite...hey care la....baby will slim dwn herself when they grow older...
Thanks all..

Loke - I direct latch.. hard to see if it's more or less.. But yesterday nite, got 1 hr improvement, slept at 12am..

But I carry him in my arms till I fall asleep.. so wake up at 1plus.. he asleep already..

Think he super insecure, worried that I'm not around..

Baby habit really change everyday.. Really respect those mummies who can put the babies on routine..
question from me again. Regarding booties, when do we take them off? I mean like mittens, we need to wean booties too? Cos I put on booties for Jo day and night and recently I see her toes are still quite curled up. Thking of removing them in the day. any advise?
PY: plus chnyle,there are a total of 9 of us. Do u have the website of koreacraze,can pm me thx,wanna compare the dimension.Have they get back to u?SSworld not lowering the price further wo,lowest be wats mentioned above

chnyle: great,added u to our list,currently 9 of us. Trying to see koeacraze or ssworld offer better deal

ddnikz: mine i just remove for M.mum said remove it during day n put on during nite for M so can zz longer

Joanne:How tall is G?Usually bb overweight at this period ok right,when they start growing teeth etc definitely slim down also
annette: the $168 mat is for LG Fisher Price Rainforest (1900 x 1300 x 11). For the same dimension, other designs usually cost $148 or less. i bot this design coz the back of the mat is not as "messy" as Yellow Bear (which is my other choice). I find the alphabets too cramped and may be confusing. But then again, its all personal choice

Roxie bot her Sweet Bear mat at $145 from this BP: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3292013.html?1261528203

She got it at Xmas promo, i tink, so duno if price has changed. Also, this BP is already closed but still taking in orders. I have emailed Koreacraze before if they carry Rainforest series but answer is no. Only SSW and World of Korea carry it.
annette: koreacraze told me it's 11cm for the 1900 dimension. hmm
if that's the case i would like a thicker one leh.. so gotta get from ssw liao lor

so now what's ssw offering ? hehe!
jo: oh... icic.. if he needs cuddling then just cuddle him lor.. sometimes the paci doesnt work for angel also.. the moment i carry her from her cot.. she dozes off into lalaland...so must trial and error.. haha...

ddniks: no need to wean for mittens and booties. just remove if u want to lor. for me, i put them on cos my house is very windy.. if she's hot.. then i dun put..
<font color="0000ff">I need help!!

My boy seems to have troubles distinguishing between day &amp; nite. He sleeps very very soundly and for long periods of time in the day like from 10am - 4pm, onli waking for milk.

These 2 nites, he's been waking up at godly hours like 230am last nite and was awake till 5am before falling back to sleep. Eyes so wide awake lah. What can I do to switch him back???

I need lotsa advice. Thanks. Didn't have this prob with max, so now i'm kinda at my wits end. It's getting frustrating with the lack of sleep and esp so when Malcolm has difficulties when it comes to milk time. sighz...

Its frustrating so much so sometimes I tear in the middle of the nite not knowing what to do. and at times, i vent my frustrations on Malcolm. It's not healthy!!!</font>
I'm having sore nips now!!!! Dunno is it growth spurt not.. Normally she latches for 10 mins only.. Now she can latch up to 30 mins!!! Btw I'm only giving her one side per feed :/

And she's quite cranky these few days.. No reason cry.. Ytd night dun wanna sleep.. End up we put her in the middle on our bed then she fell asleep on her own
Thanks for the adv. Was worried might not be good to take off booties.

Jo also like that. Sometimes giv her she will cry but I learn that if she start sucking fingers, she will want the pacifier.
RE:Bumper mat

PY:But u mentioned koreacraze's is at $140+ but thickness differ isit?in tt case is it worth spending ard30+ more for same size but 4mm thicker mat?Whats the price koreacraze offering?

Other mom: any of u using 11 or 15 mm mat ,whihc better?:p
149 nett 11mm thick

hai actually i prefer parklon's design of the ABC at the back..

LG one either no ABC or v messy =\

my hubby wants the 15mm thick one..
PY:What r thsoe baby cubes for?

ilovemaxmax:cant help much coz M has been waking up at those hrs almost everyday,only when my mum ard he dun,out to bully me.

M also dun like pacifier,prefer his 2 drumsticks also haha.
Talking about bumper mats, I took a long time to decide on mine - the LG Yellow Bear. I totally agree that the design at the back with the ABC is not so nice. Visually it is colourful and attractive, but I hate that the ABCs and the pix of the animals do not match. Rainbow at K? Hello?! And do you know that the no.s at the front are not a full set? I think we could see 1, 2 but not 3, 4 and there are some other missing no.s lah! But after seeing here and there, finally decided on it since there was discount by ssworld. Mine is the 15mm one.

Hiyoh, today my baby refused to take naps - and then screamed non-stop at the top of her voice for maybe 5-10 mins in the evening. My maid and I were shocked and couldn't figure out what she wanted. At first thought she is very hungry (since she has been drinking v little milk these few days) but she continued to scream, or screamed more when we tried to give her milk. In the end she only calmed down when I carried her in her favourite position, over my shoulder, standing up. Sit down also cannot. After her bath, refused to drink milk again and had to carry her in her fave position until she slept. It was quite scary as she'd never screamed like that before. I am hoping it's over-exhaustion and not colic! I counted just now - as at 7pm, she has only drunk 14.5oz!!! Scary!

BTW, I read that babies should have 3 hour naps in the day. Otherwise they will be too tired.

ilovemaxmax, do you put your baby in a bright area in the day? Wake your baby up for feeds during the day? At night must have little light, no talking, no eye contact when you feed.

Whatever routine I had set up last time (which is only drinking every 3 hours, I didn't set nap routines) have been thrown out of the wiNdow recently. Sigh!
BTW can I ask about milk bottles - I am using Medela bottles, which are BPA free. If there are scratches, still can use? Or have to change?
Annette: ok confirm I want lg sweet bear frm ssw the abc at the bk not as messy as yellow bear. First come first serve haa So is our bp mat still on??
heh..kpo abit about the babycubes.
they r good for beginners cos 1 cube for 1 meal. but if eventually baby takes more variety, u will need many cubes per meal. they r both space consuming and expensive. can i suggest that u get those ice cube trays with covers from daiso. can stack a few and less space needed. once frozen, just pop them into tuppers n can save even more space. =) jmho
joelle: u like to kpo in our thread.. hehe.. but we welcome u! :D

btw, anybody using FRISO no.1? i can help u to buy at a cheaper price. :D
PY/mrs neo/other mom:as mentioned above,ssworld only give discount for subsequent piece for that 3 designs,not lowering further.PY where can i view the range fr koreacraze? she mention depends on the design we looking at n quote discounted rate.alot ppl tell me11 mm sufficient wo.
Hi Loke, I am from Dec tread. How much is the friso no.1? If i m interested, are u willing to get for me? Or this is strictly for Oct mummies only?
i second titu's opinion of the bbcubes..kekee in fact i was abt to post that too..
imagine have to open and close cover of every cubes when u cooked a meal to freeze. wah. = can die.. daiso got those ice cubes tray with lids. cheap and good. GRAB them! heh. that's what our thread used to do when we started weaning our no 1s..

update. teng just started hcildcare.. which explains why i mia-ing.. plus i am sick with viral infection. having yo-yo fever, sore throat and cough. and of course yh got it lah..

but not too bad. weighed him at dr ong's/.. 5.9kg at 10 weeks . think overfed him again :p needs 120 -150.. i gave him 180 :p dr ong dun advise bf-ing when sick leh.. :p.. ha. while the gp i swa for myself.. advised me to keep bf-ing! he made a strong statement when i commented he very pro bf-ing.. he said ' humans are made ot breast-feed.. that's the most natural.. man made things cannot never beat Mother Nature'.. i like the latter part of the statement but 'woah-ed' at the first part. made to bf.. ha. a bit trong the statement.. but so funny. PD dun advise.. GP advised bf-in when sick :p but anyway. dr KONG.. said. continued lah. coz yh already sick. else onli passed virus to im.. never pass antibodies to him.. how can? ha..

PY: eh. i dunno how many mm my mat is leh :p
loke: u know why that titu likes to kpo here? first, she wants to have a number two.but more imptly. she nothing better to do!

*SIAMS titu*
