(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

hippo : not yet. not sure leh..should i change? will it make him drink his milk w/o fuss? next mth then its 3 mth right?

ehhe..good weather today. E been sleeping a lot tis morning :p well..oso..tink he blurr coz' the routine to shower him din happen. scared too cold.

xoxo: After burping your girl for abt 10-15 mins mins, elevate her. I place bb in his chair for about 15 mins - 40 mins. Those with a jumper net. It resemble abit like yaolan. But better not rock her. If bb wake up again to drink abit of milk then i will repeat the above steps. If you have the time, massage her tummy clockwise.
My bb tummy was badly bloated 2 mths back, Kept crying. I gave him a dose of gripe wind. He appear anguish. Thus i gave up.Hb said no yaolan, no pacifier, no oil for bb. I just kept repeating the above method. His appetite improve. Abt 6kg. But really backaching work!
I decided to stop pumping. Only abt 5ml per pump. One day abt 20ml! He also refuse to latch.
sj> yah v touching hor.. somehow i dun wish charlotte to grow up leh

i wanted to share in FB but dunno how leh .. so long haha
hippo: i tried preparing the pengag myself the other da. and i nearly fainted. coz i saaw the big brunch.. wah lew.. really like grass.. hard to handle! the taste isn't fantastic.. erm.. didn't finish.. and the other new packet.. i threw it away coz rotted :S

PY: u mean the nursing covers? heh. no lah.. no sprees on this currently.. :p

jrrt: yalor. spoil market. but i did another spoil market thing myself just now. nurse him to sleep :S.. haiz..
rayner is onli guai when there is food.. u, together with xoxo and Mr SF, have been deceived by him.. :p u shd see how he throws his tantrums and refused to cooperate.. :S he literally screamed for the sake of screaming even when the offending act has been completed (like brushing teeth :S).. haiz.. yesterday out with rayner and rayan alone.. rayan ok. slept thruoughout in sling.. rayner was hyper! even when there was food around. i had to warn/scold/lightly smacked his face several time thruout. my frens told me. he already very guai liao! i was like.. huh? this is guai?!
that day.. rayan also pretend nia.. actually towards the end he was fussing. hence i was not in the group photo mah :S
ha.. u cute.. in ur response to hippo.. 'stupid to go taka' :p

ya.. rayan also doesn't facny the paci liao.. chiam. he prefers to be held to sleep/nursed to sleep.. haiz..

ddnikz: so u got the variflow teats? can work?

xoxo: wah.. audrey has pearls on her upper gum?! can be harvested?! :p.. ha.. *straight face*.. u must teach me how to clean rayan's mouth and show me what those pearls are hor..
gal: oh.. hey. 2.5 hours too close liao maybe for E? hence he is taking such a long time to finish his feed.. try stretching to 3 -3.5 hours? E might be ready to take a bigger feed at one go and last for longer interval..or .. the teat needs to be changed liao..

Anyone uploaded ur last saturaday gathering pics?looking forward to see all ur bbies hehe

haha 2nd try to put M into tt pouch n lasted longer for ard 1hr this time round to vivo:p so happy.

RE:Dryper diaper
Very flared up with this diaper,it keep leaking .i need change every 2hr.Today i let M wear just for 3hrs n M wetted his bottom

miemie/aria/PY: u gals know the organiser?Coz she din ask for any of my info leh then how we know when is the arrangment with sean lau etc?

Bluesea:i agreed with u, financial freedom haha now i spend as i wish my own money lor.Hubby's pay enough to pay for our all sort of loansw whcih aldy amt to ard3Ka mth n baby's expense but wont have excess for me.He keep saying for bb, we can dun spend on luxury etc but its just enough for mthly expenses lor,no saving n might eat into our saving which i dun like.
Dear mummies,
I haven't logged on since my confinement lady has left. It's been busy and busy for me and my family babysitting my elder girl who is 17+ months, and my boy who is 2+ months.

I miss this forum.

Just wanted to come there to wish everyone:


haha... I told u pengaga tastes like grass. Looks like grass also. Yucks right? I dun see any sig effect from pengaga. Rather i think the increase in supply is from diligently pumping every 4hrs or so. Also i think i didnt use to "empty" my boobs properly while pumping in the past.

Eh i also nurse Min to sleep lah. Anyway what bad sleep associations GF named, we tried it. At the end of the day, as long as she's sleeping well, i dun care how it was done. Really. Same for feeding. As long as she wants to be fed, i will latch lor.

haha u r funny. My parents kena sabo man. Got invited to wedding dinner TONIGHT. They r even more bo liao, actually drove down to Hyatt. Siao! :9
thanks for the link. Yah... Looks obvious. Mine is diff, no wonder can't see the marking at all!

Mine just increase to 180ml. At diff times of the day, Jo sometimes cannot finish the milk. Her feeding is nw 4 hr once. I think the flow affects. Last time whn I use the no.2 teat which has only 2 holes, she no patience to finish it. Probably cos the time taken to drink is too long and ends up with cold milk.
gal, astro >> i am not so sot to go cleaning the babe's mouth after EVERY feed. basically is to use a soft cloth or gauze, ensure u wipe across all surfaces, inside outside, top and down.

astro >> what are u gonna do with a pearl so itsy bitsy teeny weeny? hehe, maybe must ask loke to do a valuation..and, i think rayner really knows how to pull his charms yeah? that bad ah...? what are some of his favourite foods?

ww >> thanks...6kg! that's a good weight

hippo >> the end justify the means for you... Mr SF, unfortunately, isn't like that. so some tough moments as we try to undo this association or the other..but i wanna laugh..cos inevitably, we always create yet another "association". silly silly :p
Merry Christmas everyone

xoxo: i love the idea of a wrap! baby looks so snug and cozy inside rite? if it weren't for my already very layered outfits, and our sg weather, i wouldn't hesitate getting one to try..
shugar>> very cute superimposed santa clothes on Baby Sam! hahahahaha

hippo>> yeah, everyone goes O.O when they hear that we're staying with MY parents.. im used to it, and im really very happy with this arrangement (minus some hiccups that i encounter with my parents).. my MIL is obviously not that happy about it, but there's nothing she can do.. hahaha
Wow shugar! I love your picture!!!!!

Miemie!! U so good!! My hubby wouldn't hear of that de. Even when I bring bb back to my parents house to stay for one or two weeks he also never stayover with us de, he only sleepover on Saturday.. Sigh, but I think all in all, really need to two eyes closed else life will be extremely misearble!

Merry Christmas to all!!!
Hello people, wanted to pop by and wish everyone a Merry Christmas! It'll be a quiet one for me.
My husband and I bought baby a gift, not that she'll know anything, hahaha. Here's a silly picture we took of her, with antlers from Daiso!


Hiyah, you know, my baby is not drinking as much these days. She is fully on formula now and she has stopped finishing her milk. Used to drink 4.5 oz every 3 hours but now she often doesn't finish and at times skips a feed. She sometimes even screams during a feed. Wonder if there is something wrong? Could any experienced mummy shed any light on this? Wondering if I should bring her to the PD.

I am wondering if I should go back to work in Jan. Wanted to use my ML to work 3 days a week. Feel that there is a lot to catch up. But also feel that my heart is not there the days that I am back in office. Sigh, not feeling very effective at home or at work.

Enough griping. Let's hope for a jolly good holiday season and a great 2010!
Hello Mummies,

Long time no postings here liao.

Can any mummies share with me how to wean off the baby from breast to bottle? My baby refused to drink milk from bottle and he choose to sleep through....

He is smart to feel thay I am hiding... How any mummies can share any tricks with me???
Shugar and funzee>> Very nice pictures of your little ones!
I guess this Xmas is special to all of us here as we now hv a little addition to our family, yeah?

Annette>> Surprising that Drypers leak. So far, no such episodes for me. I change 3.5-4 hourly if there's no poo. And sometimes, baby sleeps through wearing Drypers and there's no problem too. The rare times that Drypers (and even Mamy poko) leak on my son were when he did a really BIG poo, so much so that some seeped out from his back. Yikes! :p No such episodes for my elder 2 kids when they were babies on these 2 diapers, guess my son really did very big business on those rare occasions. Thankfully, not often... most poos were quite contained.
ddnikz/gal: oh maybe i really need change the teat.M also dun drink much now maybe no patience for bottle feed.

Shugar: haha tts cute and bb's face just fit with the santa claus's hat^-^

Bluesea:weird leh,mine on M always leak,sometimes at teh side when he zz sideway,back when he zz faceup.when he zz in yaolan even more ultimate, his urineleak out n drip onto the floor wo.Then i thought maybe 1)too much urine but when i change fro him no leh 2)i din wear for him properly,so i change for him n let him zz back n again n leak again fr the back just dun understand.3) though let him wear too long but this morning i change for him b4 out for bf n back in 2 hrs n again leak fr the side when we makaning at coffeeshop

Fortunately the S size is finsihing,but still ahve 2 packs of M,hope it doesnt leak again.
Anyone wants to buy over my pack of 72 pcs S size Mamy Poko diapers? bought them at $24 from NTUC.. Isabelle is outgrowing the S size! OMG.. need to upgrade to M size already.. Pls PM me hor.. if nearby, i tink i might be able to deliver to you.
totally understand ur doubt. She has not gotten back the details to me. Mie mie, n PY has she emailed u the details? Btw, I dunknow her. Call it blind faith!

have a blesses Christmas to you n your love ones!
funzee! so cute ur lil reindeer

n abt ur sharing on skipping feed n dun finish milk? my boy oso same. may wanna read wat astro shared abv
re: sean lau

i dropped a msg in seanlau's website and they got back to me the next day and confirmed that there's a two BP going on. one of them is organised by serene. which is the lady who posted in our thread

she said if serene can get 30 babies, they will refund us the excess $$ .. currently is 27.. so she needs all mother to trf her the deposit asap by 31 dec
nope. I using the norm teat without the markings. Avent told me that unless I feeding thick food, using the one without marking should be the correct one

same here. I bought the 48 pcs S size for Jo coz emergency required. M size ran out. Bt seems like S size is abit small. Hope Jo can finish the diapers soon
aiyo after 2 days of only waking up once in the middleof the nite record, M woke up thrice btw12-6am thhis morn so tired now

PY/miemie/aria: serene's husband called me n told me 24 paid, 6 not yet,hasnt been transfering $coz so far till yest noone seems to know her n i cant find her post leh.PY thx for confirming w seanlau,aria-hope our blind faith is worthy hehe.i had transfer serene the deposit, was told need email her at [email protected] the ref nos as well(told by serene) so once she got all the deposit,she will email seanlau n cc to all of us n fr there we shall liase w seanlau(as told by her husband)
PY-how much u transfer her , y have refund if hit 30bb?anyone can find the post serene posted?i scrolled back till 2 wks ago posts still cant find leh maybe scrolled too fast overlook.

ddnikz/miemie/jrrt: same here, i still have 2 pkts of S size huggies,hope M dun outsize the S size diaper b4 he finished it.
Hi gals

How everything.

Rhys is improving, he will take his last feed 1030-11 and last him till 7am now. If he wake up and 5 or 6am, I will give him pacifier until he make out loud noise and give him the milk which is usually 7am plus. But I find that usually he wake up at 5am is bcos he want to poo poo and will fart a few times.
Ya, I still have 1 more new pack of S size Nepia together with this new pack of S size mummy poko. Now still using half a bag of S size Nepia. Scared she cant finish the diapers leh... She grow so fast!
Hi Mummies..
how was everyone's christmas? i hope it was jolly good
i'd a simple family dinner. i wanted to cry and laugh at the same time cos this year, in the gift-giving, everyone bought pressies for the little one but left both the daddy and mummy out! it seems to be a transfer of our rights to presents; once u are a parent, u automatically would not qualify..haha, i didn't see this coming so it is indeed a "rude" awakening. but it's ok. i am happy that she is surrounded by our respective families' warmth and love ~ best moments were with her cousins..can't wait for her to grow up and be able to play for real.

diapers >> my babe is really small sized now (her weight has stagnated for 3 weeks and yesterday, i got a scare when we found her weighing 200g less!) - either my weighing scale is sot or something...but by evening, she has "put back" the weight she had "lost" and all is "fine". but for some reason, the S size can't fit her from huggies to Goo.N - the adhesive straps can barely clip on and the side gathers just wouldn't meet. so she's on to M and the excess diapers are now used as back-up changing mats since she tend to be really massive and messy at diaper times.

shugar's little santa >> awww...can imagine him shouting "ho ho ho!!"

funzee >> that's very cute!! hehe... i bought the reindeer horns! but she hated it...so i couldn't get to snap any red nosed pics :p now i use it to irritate her endlessly wherever i feel like it...muahaha, think i just love grating her..
xoxo : haha.. u so cute...
but agree w u. haha.. he got more presents than his daddy/mummy. v tua pai...his uncle personally came to e house to give e present (1st time).

mummies, tink i need to let my boy wear holey shirts all e way.
i tink we found out y he isn't sleeping well lately. when he sleep on rashule or his cot he normally lie on back n will fuss. tink coz its hot/painful for him w the heat rash/eczema.

know where i can get holey mittens, booties, shirts?
i oso need to buy e holey bouncer.

if wear holey shirt..u tink i can wear for him at night too w/o aircon?
astro/gingerz: muahahaha i m loving lvl 2 teat. :p
only issue i found was he tend to burp milk so we reli gotta him halfway to try burp him b4 continuing (if he let us)

He will only fart and continue to sleep so I give him the pacifer he will suck and sleep back. Maybe around half and hour he will start make noise cos he farting again so I offer him the pacifer again. Only when he start to reject the pacifier and angry I will wake up to make his milk which is usually 7am+.

You can purchase the hold mitten and booties at Kiddy Palace. I brought a few pairs there.
Hi everyone!! How's your first x'mas with baby??
I only got 1 present this year, from hubby. The rest are all for my 2 little darlings.

Had a busy x'mas going to gathering and dinners.
Tried bringing Lele to the pool as well.
1st try - water too cold. He cried the moment his legs got wet.
2nd try - started raining heavily the moment we get into the car, in the end only Glynnis swam.
Will try again next weekends. Next week activities will be swimming and kids explorer. :p

Last night, Lele slept through 8hours. Previously, it was like 5 - 6 hours. Hopefully he will continue to sleep 8 hours at night.
OH... And yesterday my little prince finally decided to poo after 6 days. A massive one.

gal^ : I saw those t-shirt in those little stores in the market. And there is a shop near bugis OG that sells baby clothes in half a dozen at cheap cheap price.
gal: u can get holey boucer at carrefour,saw it yest.din really notice if have holey shirt

dreamygal: 1 present gd liao,me nil wo sob.din buy for hubby also,no time to shop at all haiz.u refreing to the swiiming pool adult swim in? can bb take the chlorine content?being wanting to bring him swim but scare chlorine level too high for him.

xoxo: u mean ur bb cant fit into huggies s aldy!!!M still wearing S wo,but most likely gog to outsize it soon
annette: my baby also outgrowing huggies S liao.. and i bought the pampers comfort M size liao. then my hb and i.. being adventurous, bought fairprice brand diapers. its not say very cheap also. can last for 4hrs plus minus.. not so good for girls cos the urine flows backwards.. then it concentrates there.. it doesn't spread out. so u must open the diaper to check if its wet. otherwise might miss out the wet diaper.

hippo: another thing about the carseat i forgot to mention. the other reason why i didnt get one that can last baby till she's 3 or 4 yo is because i think by then the carseat would have probably worn out.. carseats are supposed to be for baby's safety during travelling. if its worn out then it defeats the purpsoe liao.
hi all

belated xmas, hope all hv hapi xmas, mine was bz looking after bb, tiring wor

btw, can any1 guide me? my bb havent poo for 2nd day le. after how many days must i bring him to c doc and any way to make him po? btw, i give Fm and BF
everyone seems to be busy during this xmas? me brought baby to botanic gardens for dinner and look at xmas trees after dinner. but i think baby was so scared she opened eyes big big the whole night, didn't dare to fall asleep and did not make any noise.. also pooed a lot during the dinner.. later that night she slept through for 5 hours.. :p
Hi gal, astro, it seems my baby is not ready for 4 hour feeds yet leh! She will cry for her milk either in 3 hours or earlier. Last time I used to be stricter and give her only at 3 hourly, now I am a bit more flexi and give earlier if she cries because she has not been finishing so all I want to do is to make sure she drinks. Now she is 3 months, supposed to be having growth spurt but I am not really seeing that yet. For 4 hourly, is it a case where they drink the same amt but at 4 hourly interval? Also check Gina Ford and I realised that at 3 months, the baby is supposed to be used to only 5 feeds! But cannot lah, she is still doing 7 feeds. Give her more, cannot finish also. Sigh.

Holey mittens, clothes and bouncing chair can all be bot at Kiddy Palace. One stop for all these holey things, hahaha! I think better not wear this at night, can be quite cold esp with the rainy season.

I saw ants at my baby's bed today! Think they were after the hanky used to wipe her spit. Yeeks! Hope they don't bite her. Ugh!
xoxo: actually my baby hates the antlers too! That's why she has a grumpy face on. It's just so funny!

boi901: common that baby doesn't poo everyday. As long as baby doesn't look like s/he is straining to poo and the poo is still soft and not hard and seedy, it is OK. Try the bicycling motion, supposed to help them poo.
Hey all I'm bk after MIA for a few days lol..

My hb is on leave till next year and today we brought Charlotte to his office.. And she had a bad fall
my hb placed her in her maxi cosi car seat, on the carpeted floor and he somehow wanted to carry the seat up by lifting up the handle.. I not v sure what happened. But the next moment I see is my poor little Charlotte was lying face down on the floor!!!!!

Got the shock of my life and I juz kept curse and swear in his office for being so careless!! I'm still angry with him! I mean the bb is not a doll lor whatever we do, we need to be v careful.. Sometimes I see his way of carryig her, I will say him. Sigh.. I jus hope Charlotte is fine.. We are monitoring her ..
dreamygal >> don't worry, Lele will be 3rd time lucky in his swimfest!

annette >> the babe isn't big at all so i am also unsure why she can't fit into the S sizes. just that the front and back flap - they don't meet/ overlap and the straps seemed stretched. maybe it is just my diaper wearing skills...but we find the M size much easier to manage..

funzee >> fancy dress ups are honestly quite fun with the babies..only that i think it's more for our enjoyment than theirs! muahaha....

I juz bought a pack of mamypoko M for night use and huggies dry for day use haha! Didn't try huggies dry before.. NTUC is having promo on this and calculated it's abt 21 cent per pcs lol so quite ok for day use.. So I jus buy tat haha!
