(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

hi huishan, u wanna try nanny agency? i engaged a nanny staying next block thru agency.. they are quite reputable.. will source for u within walking distance.. they take a cut from nanny's first mth salary and $30 commission fee from our end.. u just go and google ' ** nanny ' (replace ** with bb)

Annette: thx for the link ha but I already have smt similar
re: xmas party
i got to give it a pass as i am having meet the parent session for my elder gal, then follow by fren's bb full month celebration. gals and babies, let ur hair down and enjoy on that day!

re: EBM
farmela - maybe u can try mix the ebm in Adil's FM. starting with small qty of ebm first.
Say 2oz ebm with 6oz FM. then slowly increase once he get used to the taste.Thats wat i did to my 3yr old gal. Now her last feed is always 2oz FM mixed with 5-7oz ebm (depending on my spare ss) .. hee.. save alot on her milk powder.
re: xmas party
Aiyah!! I think I'll have to miss it! Darn! my PD appointment is on that day and at 4.30pm somemore! Right smack in between the gathering timing
jRRt: my BB was a low birth weight BB leh... so i am sure your RN will catch up soon. Hey I have really small mittens which dun fit my BB liao... do you need any?
let me know!

ddnikz: haah think if all of us put our 'wrong purchases' together... will fill up the pushcart! :p

Bluesea: hey thanks! long time no see!

Gal: oooh your boy so cute yah!
Hi Astro

I would like to join the nursing poncho bp. May i know when is the possible date to collect? Cause i need it before 27 Dec.
haha, isit? Thought I am the only blur sotong here who kept buying the wrong things. First is the breastshield, nipplet, nipple shield, Medela breast pump, then is the hanamugari carrier, follow by a no brand but brand new good quality sling from ebay (got wrong size).. last but not least, Avent BPA free bottles which kept leaking non-stop...

Still havt got any reply on my question. May I ask what is Joelle selling????

Date & Time
19 December (Saturday)
3pm to 6pm

Courtesy of Astro, we're gonna hold it in Woodlands!
(Address will be known at a later date)

- Mie - 2 adults
- PY - 2 adults
- Loke
- roxie
- shugar
- gal^ - 2 adults
- annette
- siangjiao - 2 adults
- Astro 2 Adults, 1 mini adult
- jRRt 2 adults + 3 yr old tod
- dreamygal - 2 adults + Glynnis
- Ong
jrrt : no idea man. not first time 1-7pm he no sleep. he will fuss. dun seem hungry, may have gas but can't burp out, just cry lo. *lost*. Thank God its not everyday else i kaput oledi.

tis morning 3/4am after latch 1 boob he fuss/whine. then i co-sleep latch the other boob w him. when i woke up he zzz oso. :p hehe..i know its bad la..should put him to bed before he zz. anyone else do co-sleep latch? a bit concern he wanna sleep w me next time. :p 'association' to sleep
gal: i normally carried him out of his cot to latch middle of night. then put him in cot to sleep again.

still dun dare to co-sleep latch yet.ya, its a bad habit. once start, difficult to stop. just like my elder gal, she hold my hand/fingers to sleep every night since 2 mth old, now 3+ still doing that every night..
mummies who r still bfeeding:
do u gals still wake up middle of the night to express out bm?? i getting lazy these days, last pump at 11pm, then will drag till 5-6am then express again.

scared if this goes on, my ss will drop. but if i continue to wake up, i wont have enuff rest. cant imagine after gg back work, still wake up to express.. haiz..
sorry, mummies, topic quite of place here.. But if you know any A level students who just completed their A levels or NS and are able to be a temp from Jan-Jun 10 at one of the Big 4 accounting firms, pls pm me. Thanks...
limmil : u mean u currently sleeping with ur 3yrold dotter?

er..my SS is v jialat. so i dun pump at night. for me is i find that if i pump out after i latch, the next feed he not enuff. chicken / egg ting i know
Can celebrate today! First time my little boy sleeps through the night! From last feed at 11+pm, his next feed was 7am just now. So happy, hubby and I had a good night sleep. Hehe ... hope this continues! Yey!
limmil>> I no longer wake up to express milk. I will express at 11+pm and my next pumping session will be around 6-7am depending on what time I wake up. And now, even if my boobs are full and engorged, I'm no longer leaking milk, hence will pump only after I get up.
Shugar>> Yeah, long time no "see" liao. Taking care of baby alone is draining me out. This week is better as hubby is on leave to help.

Sam has grown so much, cutie little boy! Are you taking care of him alone or do you hv help?
limmil: i've gotten lazy as well. I'll just latch baby, and when he snoozes, i'll go to sleep as well. As i don't like to wear bra to sleep,unless engorgement is bad, or milk is leaking, otherwise i will not get up to pump. leychey to wash and sterilise the equipment
WAIT! Thread moving too fast! I cannot catch up!! Migraine these 2 days so hardly online let alone have the energy to chit chit chat chat!!!

ASTRO!! I want the nursing poncho!!!!!! Chotto Matte!! How how?? Need to tell design? Too late????
Xmas gathering I cannot lah! 19th Dec my friends coming over for a small gathering..you girls enjoy!

Anyway I will be reporting at the sale next thurs at about 10-11am...kiasu...anyone going around that time??
Re: Sleep and Nap issue
My girl has been stretching her nites longer. Last nite she 'tong' from 11 pm till 6am this morning then fed 80ml and knocked out till 8am and after a short feed she is still sleeping till now...getting more and more sleepy.

But I notice the shorter her naps are in the day (my girl cannot take long naps...prefers to take those so-called catnaps or I call power naps which last for 15 mins -1 hour), the longer she can sleep at nite. And if she is awake from 7pm to 9pm, she will also sleep through the nite. Quite tiring for us in the day because she constantly wants attention and feeds but at least she allow us to rest at nite. So, mummies, maybe you want to observe the pattern of your baby esp if they nap too much in the day.

Also if you baby is really fussy from 6pm to about 10pm, meaning keep wanting to latch and yet latch for a really short time, it is likely to be cluster feeding and the baby might sleep longer at nite.

Think sleep is one of the most tricky issue but read somewhere that babies will slowly adjust on their own.

Anyway I tried Famela's method of whispering to the baby like 'YX, you are a good girl...sleep through the nite so tht mummy and daddy and rest well and play with you more tomorrow' kind of thing...been doing it every night..so far ok...hopefully won't get jinxed tonight haha...
I also dun pump in the middle of the night liao.. And most of the time I dun pump too as in on fully latching ha.. I read frm an article that if ss is alot or have forceful let down, should nt always pump.. As this won't solve the forceful let down problem..

Sj: hw u manage to control the leaking boobs if u dun wear
bra? I wish I can dun wear man! But cannot la I latch her in the night.. Latch one side the other side leak..

Famela: I hv abt 20 pkt of ebm in the freezer!! I also suspect that my girl dun like the taste :s die man!! I dun want to end up throwing away everything!! U think I should mix abit of fm?will this makes the taste better? V sayang to throw
I spent alot of energy and sleepless night to express out!!!
limmil: Yes I still pump in the middle of the nite. For me it's possible because I dun latch in the middle of the nite...it's bottle feeding for her and since she is sleeping longer also. So, I pump to catch to her bottle feed and to ensure the SS keeps going.
Siangjiao: I know what you mean about the picture. I love looking at YX when she latches too esp when her eys big big, always reminds me that bf-ing is worthwhile...btw your Andre has very pretty eyes!
Xoxo: ya it's different lo! And the damn indicator is nt working st all! but website need to spend 80 bucks then will hv free delivery leh haa

jrrt: hmm ya think of this way haa so next time I see them suffer haa!!
Nursing wear tw spree

I'm so sick of the designs of nursing wear in Singapore! So auntie haha nt trendy at all! I'll try to search for tw sites for nursing wear.. Anyone interested? We can have a spree on that hehe...
re: express middle of night
wah.. alot of mummies already stopped that.. hee.. i am not the only one. actually i dun mind wake up to pump, coz middle of night, ss usually more than daytime. if i completely stop, next time want also dun have liao. but super tiring, esp if the pumping and feeding time is different, then i have to wake up few times man...

recently i am just like most of u, latch bb middle of night. but like wat py say, latch one side, leak another side.

those mummies who managed to pump out alot, normally what is the duration of pump for both breast?

what shld be the qty we need to pump out now?
gal: ya, my gal wanna sleep with me. currently i split room with my hubby.
he sleep with my gal in master bedroom and i sleep with my bb in another room. dun wan to wake so many ppl up in the night.

but my gal always come to my room and ask me to hold her hand and slp with her every night. only when she deep slp then my hubby will carry her back to master bedroom. sometimes she will wake up middle of night and cry for me. i heard that when i was bf my bb.. so sad. cant have best of both world yet.

then every morning, she will wake up v early, then open my room door and tang tang beside me for awhile b4 washup and get ready for school.
tien: yesyes, my bb seems to be like what u mentioned. think abit colicky from 6-10pm.i have to keep latching him to prevent him from crying too much.once he latch, he fall alseep, but when i put him to bed, he starts crying again.. aiyo.. this can last until almost 10pm then he gan yan sleep.

my poor gal has to wake for me to coax the younger one sleep b4 i can sleep with her. then after she slept, i have to go pump bm and do all the washing b4 i can sleep..

nowadays, i getting lazier. i only sterilise the equipment 2 times per day.bo chap liao.. hee
limmil : though i know its hard but.. in a way its so sweet .. ur gal's gestures/attachment to u. :p ok ok...no co-sleep for me then.
Hi mothers, I am new here..just wondering if your baby still straining and grunting throughout..my gal kip straining and milk will always spilled out, she strain like she is very painful when she is slping..sometimes while drinking milk, she will also strain and her hand and head kip moving like she is struggling..wonder y is she like that..
limmil: In the middle of the nite, I usually pump for about 20 mins or until I compress the breasts until I see no milk spurting out into the pump. So far, on most nites I can pump about 280-300 ml cos I dun do direct latch at nite. On other times, I don't pump, just direct latch.

I think your baby is not colicky. Unless your baby is less than 6 weeks. My PD says, once the baby has passed 6 weeks, any fussiness is not colic, so it should be cluster feeding or some website just term these babies as fussy babies...usually just cuddle them more, let them latch on as and when they want. Once they are done, they will sleep at least 4-5 hrs in the nite. So, I guess it's hard work in return for that 4-5 hours of sleep, though for me I still wake up to pump.
joey: u r not alone.. my son does it evernight too.

tien: wah, u have such good ss.i will nvr hit that.. hee..

colic: is it? i thot colic can happen to bbs up to 3-4mth old??
Py, astro,
u all use nepia will leak meh? Funny leh. I never experience. Is it never wear tight enough or diaper v full then u change?

Min wearing S size now if u want i can get it off u guys
lydia: which area are u in? yeah, another khaki!

but hor, i wont be joining u and jrrt even though i am v free! i simply have no confidence to bring bb out alone... i have been taking care of bb alone for 3 weeks le but i never step out of hse wif him b4. yes, it is dat terrible. my husb will buy breakfast n lunch in advance for me every morning. then dinner must wait until he knock off. sometimes it is as late as 9 plus. life is simply miserable

jrrt: do i have u on my facebook? i know i have added lydia previously.
Hi mommies, how is everyone?!? I have not been posting here for donkey weeks or months liao! Taking care of bb alone and first time mommy, so..very little time to myself and energy to do anything. It is getting better for me now as bb grows older! For the past months, I only managed to sneak into the spree forum once in a while to get some useful items. Hope everyone is coping well

Joey: my boy also does that. it is a sign that he needs to burp! After giving me a big happy burp, which i always tell him when i try to burp him "come..give mommy a big happy burp", he will be able to continue to drink milk.
limmil: hey thanks for that suggestion to mix the bm with adil's fm. will try. dono why i didn't think of that.. hope this will work. ever since he threw away his bottles, he's been drinking very little milk. am not too worried lar cos he's eating well but it'd be nice if he can get some of my bm too..

sleeping tru the night: yeay for the babies who are starting to sleep tru the nite! really makes a lot of difference rite?

waking up to pump at night: i never did this. when i did pump regularly, it was only twice a day, once at night before bed, and once early morning after shower. during the night just latch. now that ana is sleeping through, i don't wake up either. i think supply did decrease a bit but it's still slightly more than she's drinking so i'm leaving it as it is. too lazy.. and i hate washing and sterilizing and packing and labelling the milk. hehe.. prefer to sleep

now i occassionally do a pumping session at night before i sleep depending on how full i feel. like yesterday, my girl slept whole day, and she actually slept from 5.30ish pm alllll the way so pumped cos felt heavy. had to wake her up at 1am to latch her and change her diapers cos worried that it'd be too wet if if i didn't

tien: it kinda works rite? sleep suggestion.. haha
btw my baby's fussy time is between 3-6 usually. she feeds and feeds and feeds..

eh, but my babies' pattern a bit different i noticed.. they both tend to sleep better if they nap a lot during the day... if day time not enough rest, at night sleep oso v fitful

PY: i have about 60 cups and bags of frozen ebm rite now. but all not filled to brim lar. abt 120-180 ml each. mostly 120ml though. packed them into packs enough for 1 feed each. i am not gonna mix it for Ana cos she's not had any FM yet. but willing to try to mix EBM to FM for my older boy lar. hopefully he'll take it. otherwise all that milk will go down the drain! such a sad waste!

ops baby is up for her lunch time feed.. laterz again
limmil: Maybe because I latch my girl all the time and also still drinks fish bone soup and black bean drink every day. Think if I stop, it will drop.

Yep read from websites that colic can affect babies up to 3 months too..but my PD assured us that bf babies are so-called safe as long as they hit 6 weeks....I also dunno..she say I listen lor...

Ginger: is there no one to help you? Must go out to take a breather...with or without baby...

joey: are your breast too full when you latch? or do you haf forceful letdowns? it might be your baby trying to keep up with the fast flow..? try to hold baby at an incline so that her head is higher up than usual? it worked for me...
