(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

sorry mummies.. disturb e thread for a while..
i have the followings BN to let go as bought wrong size, anyone interested please PM me thanks

1 36B/C Bravado Essential nursing tank dark plum

1 large skinny tank regular charcoal
1 large boyfriend regular black http://www.yummietummie.com/shapewear.html#yummieTummieBasics

copied from website:
Your Yummie Tummie™ will visibly slim, shape and smooth you using unsurpassed design integrity, workmanship and quality standards. Designed to be comfortable, you can wear them everyday under a layer or on their own. Yummie Tummies are meant to be seen! Yummie Tummie was recently selected by Oprah as on of her Top Picks For Summer and has already been featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show, The Today Show, Entertainment Tonight and many local and regional TV features as well as magazine and newspaper editorials.

wah astro, i just took a nap.. woke up and reading your post.. got to rub my eyes n read loh, LOL!

no worries lah.. is already nice for u to coordinate this for us.

well, i already got elven (grey) so if no chocolate, i am ok to give it a miss. BUT if you do not even pairings then i will get anthracite lah.

btw astro ah.. u see from pupsik studio website... the color chart is clearer.. anthracite is actually a dark grey.. just afraid u may thought its of a lighter grey tone. http://www.pupsikstudio.com/catalog.php?item=11

For collection.. will have to see how again. most prob i meet u up together with xoxo or shugar ;P
oh ya, before i forget n forgot...(i kept forgetting things) just wanna share with those that are interested in the mats... i bought a LG Prime Mat today at a good price! **(1900x1300x11) at $145** Here's the thread for those who are keen;


so tempted to buy the BIG BLOCKS loh.. but hubby surely will say i am nuts..and most probably send me to the nearby IMH. Whahaha

Hey astro.. keen to get the Haenim yard?? ;P
roxie:eek:h...i shall see the colour chart..
the haenim yard?.. already have liao!!! :p
6 panels... i wanted to get big blocks...very tempted too.. but i didn't. not coz miser dun allow.. coz i think i sot! :p
jrrt: Ya I am glad that YX is sleeping through the nite..but today she is quite strange. She slept through the day and when she woke up she cried and fell asleep...her feeds were also not so long and not as frequent.

Limmil: My mum cooked the fish bone soup for me lah...I very lazy to touch fish...yucks...but I cook the black bean drink myself every nite...for the sake of milk milk..just have to work a bit harder.

Angeline: My PD is also Br Belinda. The jabs are scheduled! She explained to us on our first visit using the health booklet. My girl's next jab is when she is 3 month's old...we are doing the 6 in 1.

Astro: In that case, I change my order to Rayon Spandex Range, colour anthracite. Anyone in the east ordering too???!! Then can pair with moi! Or you can send to me with my gymboree stuffs...going to send you a self-addressed envelope for that.
Astro: oh then maybe I will change n get the Rayon Spandex Range, seafoam. I can pair up with either xoxo, Roxie or dreamygal.

Ddnikz: the sling I have is the pupsik one in size L.
astro >> thanks for helping us to get the deal of the season :p i am ok with peony, also ok to make up the nos for the antharacite if it so fits our numbers. if u wanna, i can help pick up the loots at kovan (near my plc) - rather than have u incur taxi fare to and fro woodlands with rayan in tow! we discuss offline what fits u yah? just didn't want u to incur $$ of what i estimate to be close to another afghan poncho just picking the stuff up...and if we are gg to meet up anyway, no prbs for me at all.

jRRt >> the cough drops are helping my ss today..god is very fair - he gives some more ss, he takes away something (health)..ugh. think the phlegm has reached my lungs..i am asthmatic, now shivering despite switching off all e aircon and wearing socks..brrrr....

roxie >> if u are on the haenim yard BP, i am joining.

nite people..hope agst hope i get loads better at my next pump (3am)...

oh yah, who are the fortunate folks who don't have to diligently pump and still have SS...i wanna wring all of you!!!!! hehe, no such luck for me. pump and pump on the dot .. still so pathetic.
hehe, yea! xoxo,shugar,astro.. we can meet up!! :D

xoxo, u are in a bad state. must really have ample rest and recover soonest!! u have humidifier in your room that disperse warm mist? its rather good.. helped titus in his nose conjestion at nite.. hehe i am not getting haemin yard.. are u intending to get one for Audrey??? if u wanna we can get together, how many panels u are looking at? perhaps can put the yard on top of my LG mat.

don be disheartened, what pump are u using now? suction strong enough? i am using freestyle with maximum suction.. it helps to boost my supply..
roxie >> yeah yeah, must recover fast! by tom if possible *wink* haha..i have started to "use" bb pdts on myself. hands too zonked out from washing - used bb lotion, soap? used bb soap..now with this cold? used ruyi oil on myself since i don't use it on her...tummy felt uncomfortable..took gripe water! xoxo the baby! bleh.

ample rest - I WANT!!!! now seriously reconsidering my stance abt not having a maid. conclusion... i didn't catch a bug (no fever, and pp all ard me are not falling sick)- what i got is a chill. so woozy cold on the insides of me! and how i think i caught this chill is by doing so much washing - decision to take her off the breast and use the bottle kinda upped my washing-sterilising-pumping routine by many x more. somehow, i am not the gung-ho type, so too much washing in a day esp in the wee hrs did me in. thanks for reminding me that i have a humidifier that is not in use...hehe, ok, switched on now! what helps titus would help me too
how's our guy these days? are u feeling more positive abt managing him on yr own now?

i wanna get the haemin yard - nowadays anything astro say have to buy, i kuai kuai buy. like shugar, i've too many "extra" casts at home so i doubt i wanna experiment with playpens and the like...eh, maybe we can combine our unused loots and lelong..
as for how many panels...i need to look at the dimensions.

i am using PIS..it works fine, prb is with me. again, decision to take her off the breast played havoc with my ss...and it's been a downhill journey since. 3am - 140ml; 6am - 180ml...but don't be too happy yet, my pattern is it will hit rock bottom at noon (80ml)...kaoz...nowhere near the 240ml++ i used to be able to see...haiz! and the 140ml i pumped? audrey fed at 5am, promptly finished the 140ml and gave me the "anymore" look..so i had to take my 2nd last frozen EBM expressed during much happier times and thaw it - she took just 20ml and wasted the rest (100ml)...i really need to take a lesson in logistics and inventory management...and why can't i just produce 20ml more...?? sigh sigh sigh.
xoxo: how long do u normally pump each time?
coz i realised 10-15min pump is not enough for me. my flow is slow.esp middle of night if i need to pump, i need at least 20-30min to empty my breast and hit over 200ml. as for daytime, haha, just like u, sometimes less than 100ml.

latching: think my boy no longer good in it, though he still latch on me everyday. he seems to take forever to finish and empty my breast. in the end, i got to pump out and continue to feed him thru btle.
Ong>> You shed off 17kg!!! Cool!!! *Envy* I wish I can shed off 10 kilos and return to my slim self but as it is, I hv to be realistic and take one step at a time. If I can lose 5 kgs, I'll be happy.

Shugar>> I really wish to meet up with you @ AMK Hub. Maybe when I return to work will be a better time because now, I'm at Seng Kang alone with baby. He can be cranky at times and I really dread having to travel with him. :p

Annette>> My boy was also super cranky last night! Our guess was he wanted milk, sleep and poo at the same time. Within a span of 2 hours, I used at least 5 diapers on him! Each time I change his diaper, he poo some more... then it seemed to stop and he seemed like he was drifting to sleep, so I changed his diaper first, who knows, poo somemore after I changed. Biangz .... cycle repeated a few times. Argh...

ilovemaxmax>> I can totally empathise with you. Are you breastfeeding or bottle-feeding? If bottle-feeding, may want to check if the teat is too slow for your baby, that's why he's taking such a long time to feed? I am using Avent teat size 2 for my boy and he takes around 15-20mins to feed.

Tien>> My boy's feeds are also reducing. Used to be 9 feeds a day, now dwindle down to 8 feeds due to sleeping through. However, his consumption has increased to 140ml, so I guess it's okay.
astro: u r really gd coordinator hehe.i wont have the patience to do all these:p

xoxo: y not u try taking those chinese soup which we took during confinement to cure ur inner chill?I was force by cl to take though i hate it then coz she said if dun take enough.My back still aching todate n not much strength ard the pelvis area too sian.Titus drink so much now?Im still feeding M ard 120-140ml really scare overfed him,when latch on he alwyas crys for milk aftre ard1-1.5hrs, guess i need increase his intake.

Do u all follow the amt stated on the FM container?Im using Enfalac, it stated 2-4wks ard120ml n 4-8wks ard 150ml,M 7wks i tried give him 150ml a few times, he alwyas just drink ard 100-120ml but BM he tends to take more.Shd i force him to finish off 150ml FM?

Bluesea:usually when i change him, i will hold his leg n give him those' en en en ' sound for him to poo for ard 15mins wo so far it helps coz when he poo ,he will en en en also.Was so happy he finally poo at 3am coz he din poo for 2 days liao,usually he poo twice to thrice a day.Usually for M after each BIG poo, he tend to poo abit after changing him so i will put diaper liner so at elast if just poo abit can remove the linar only.
Annette>> My boy is supplemented with Enfalac at night. He's taking around 120ml but like what you said, he consumes more breastmilk (140 ml). I think shdnt force them to take more, they will know when they're full or need more milk. For my boy, also cant force ... he refused to open his mouth when he's full and will push out the teat. :p I also dont want him to puke in case he drink too much.

Maybe I shd try your method and put liner next time.
thks for your info. the model tat roxie recommended can thaw frozen milk directly fm frozen state to consumable state in few mins so i am still considering if i am getting it. btw, my boi aro 10wks but he still taking oni 130ml nia. Seems too little for his age but i am not reali worried cos he is putting on weight and weighs 7kg now.

I actually lost 19kg in all but 17 kg thru my own effort and last 2 kg thru slimming center. I am sure u can do it cos u gave birth later than me by a mth(i suppose mid oct) so it is prolly a matter of another mth for u to shed off the kg.

take care. your ss like yoyo. gg up and dwn constantly. I am sure your ss will be gg up again soon once u r heal.
on 2nd thot, i also wanna kpo... add my order below:

-xoxo (Peony ($28), if OOS joins the pairing and get anthracite?)
-dreamygal (chocolate if OOS?)
-myself (Framboise,if OOS, chocolate/anthracite/wheat)
-roxie (chocolate, if OOS, drop)—roxie, u how?

Dun need pairings
-shugar (dusty pink (Spandex Jersey range ($28), if OOS?)
-loke (Peony ($28, if OOS?)
-hippo (dusty pink (Spandex Jersey range ($28), if OOS, DROP)
roxie, do u find ur IQ warmer sot sot de? my bb drinks 5oz now so according to instructions, i put in 1oz of water and set the chilled milk qty to 5oz. however, the bottom of the bottle still feels cold after the warmer beeps. after a few trial and error, i put in 2oz of water and set chilled milk qty to 7oz. wondering if my warmer is spoilt? when i first bought the warmer, my bb was only drinking 4oz and no such problem.
ong: letdown comes naturally? for me, i have to massage for a minute or 2 else no flow.. then after pump, repeat massage again to pump more

cjdg: think have to store in the freezer compartment for the ebm to maintain the freshness for the long hours at work plus travelling time leh..
tien: you still sticking to dr. belinda? how come she never explain the booklet to us.. maybe depends on her mood? anyway we got very bad experience with her so definitely won't be going back to her.

xoxo: yours not considered pathetic ba.. i should be more pathetic.. but i didn't really pump on the dot cuz i latch baby most of the time and she always fall asleep halfway through so sometimes her feed takes about 1 hour and i can't pump cuz she would be feeding in another hour's time..

PY: which tw website you getting? I'm interested too.. but actually i think those victoria secrets low cut tops can also double up as nursing wear.. heh.. just wear a tube bra inside..
when there r letdown, u dun even need to pump cos milk just keep on flowing non stop and can be up to 10mins or aro there.
jadebelle: u r using ameda pump, right? for my case, i just leave the pumps on my breast and the letdown will come automatically (but got to wait awhile lah).. normally how long u pump each time?
annette: Im oso using enfalac for my gal. She's now 8 weeks and only drinking 110ml every 3 hourly and able to sleep for 5-6 hrs through the night. Like what ong mentioned, as long as there is steady weight gain shouldn't be a problem. If it's all the time M cannot finish 150ml then don't force. Maybe you can try preparing 120ml and see if he can finish. If can, then look out for his cue... Is he asking for more? If he doesn't fuss, most likely it's ok. If he did, then add more. If he can't finish 120ml then next feed try 110ml. You have to monitor for a few feeds. But also be careful of him developing the habit of snacking if he still can't pull for longer time for the next feed. You using pacifier? Maybe what he needs is something to sooth himself instead of milk. My gal also like that, can't zz and after drinking milk, her tongue is always moving. Check with PD, she says could be reflex so try using pacifier. It works and sometimes she will just comfort herself to zz.
xoxo : hope u recover soon.

roxie : wah..thanks lots for the playmat link. have emailed the seller for some design i have in mind
hope e seller has stock.

PY : so got BP for socks? i notice the booties he wearing the bottom flat part is smaller than his foot.
xoxo; my hands also super dry now.. only got time to apply lavender hand lotion at nite.. phew.. cant imagine how aunty cope by washing so many stuffs a day!! hehee, lately always raining.. so its good to on ur humidifier... air very dry!

today is the FIRST day i am home alone with the little Guy. And guessed what? my kitchen toilet water pipe leak!! since morning 7am, PSSST all the way till now.. called for the plumber but still haven't come. little guy still quite cooperative today.. drink, drank, drunk mode.. did not let him have his wake time today cos i simply have too much to do.. i need to change his head pillow also.. the one he is using is babysafe, with a dimpled hole.. it always stink after flooded with his perspiration.. i want to get the flat kind one.. not sure when can i go them.. how i wish is right NOW! i washed and sun the pillow cases everyday and its tiring.

heheehe, i din't get the haenim yard leh.. cos hubby say its too BIG for his baby room.. my house is like a hypermart now, babycot in his bedrm, rashule & playpen & bouncer in living room.. if put one more yard in living room.. i can open infant care centre liao? hubby reminded me that ours is just a humble 4rm flat =( LOL .. so will wait till i can convinced him when he still crawling all over.. hehe.. but thats not the END. i bought the LG prime mat right? i also bought the big blocks (http://www.haenim.co.kr/haenim_english/product4.htm) hubby is more interested in getting this.. saying WE can start 'playing' with it first before passing down to titus.. LOL, planning to use it to build something as part of the bb room decor.. while while.. they are all arriving today :D

hope u get more rest today.. ss could be also affected by the medication u take.. so just focus on resting now, which u need most.. don't go and fret about ur ss now.. it all will catch up in time with audrey's demand

ginger : what is the brand of the bottle u are using? avent also? what size? i am using the 260ml bottle now and i must filled up the water to the height that covers the milk. i realised once they beep, u don take out first.. but waiting for the 2nd/3rd beeps.. the milk will be ready for feeding
roxie, i use both 125ml n 260ml avent bottles. i get same problem for both. so the trick is to use more water n wait for 2nd/3rd beep? wah... the instructions are grossly wrong! thx gal!

also, are u using nappy to cover pillow? i do that since it is easier to change nappy daily. pillow case i just change weekly.
AStro: Din know must copy and paste ah!! Okie add mine here

-xoxo (Peony ($28), if OOS joins the pairing and get anthracite?)
-dreamygal (chocolate if OOS?)
-myself (Framboise,if OOS, chocolate/anthracite/wheat)
-roxie (chocolate, if OOS, drop)—roxie, u how?
- Tien (Anthracite, if OOS,Wheat)

Dun need pairings
-shugar (dusty pink (Spandex Jersey range ($28), if OOS?)
-loke (Peony ($28, if OOS?)
-hippo (dusty pink (Spandex Jersey range ($28), if OOS, DROP)

YX paging...gtg!
lydia; as per the info.. think its suitable for 1yrs and up.. some complicated design like kitchenette is for 3yrs and up lah.. hehe can start off something easy
the box of the big blocks come in about 60cm by 40cm (estimated) with 80pcs, so i buy to keep first as she cannot promise in future she will bring it in leh.. so i buy first..perhaps can give titus as 1yr old pressie..LOL i'm so KS :p

ginger; yea i think thats the trick. why don't u try using my method and see if it works? but one more thing, after the 3rd beep goes and if u're not feeding bb yet, must lift the bottle up using the lifter... if not it will be soak too long and gets very hot when u want to feed..

i lurve it as it can put frozen milk directly in it to warm and ensure there are no ice particles left without destroying the nutrients of the frozen milk lah.. cos the normal warmer, doesn't cater to this clause..

sigh but now i give bb all my fresh milk. the frozen ones are kept in the chest freezer.. cos each time i want to freeze my milk, thought abt the reduction of antibodies.. i heart pain leh.. want to give bb the best now... so those drawers of frozen milk, if my ss drops when i head back to work.. can then use them to feed bb lah..

wah! i dint use nappy.. thanks for enlightening the dumb me.. i will now use that, but pray that little one won't yell becos of the heat.. he perspire alot manz.. :D but may i also check with u.. if bb is now trying to flip.. his head always lift up, do u tink its advisable to continue using the dimpled pillow? i am just afraid it will hinder his head/neck development..
roxie>> i also intend to get the LG mat, big block and the play yard! but after my house is here la.. intend to set up a play room for isabelle! heehee
astro> i also want the poncho leh! i want the anthracite colour can collect from u during the xmas gathering

if oos, will get wheat.
yeah i need pairing haha can save $$
-xoxo (Peony ($28), if OOS joins the pairing and get anthracite?)
-dreamygal (chocolate if OOS?)
-myself (Framboise,if OOS, chocolate/anthracite/wheat)
-roxie (chocolate, if OOS, drop)—roxie, u how?
- Tien (Anthracite, if OOS,Wheat)
- PY (Anthracite, if OOS, wheat)

Dun need pairings
-shugar (dusty pink (Spandex Jersey range ($28), if OOS?)
-loke (Peony ($28, if OOS?)
-hippo (dusty pink (Spandex Jersey range ($28), if OOS, DROP)
jia you on the expressing!
Btw did u try to give baby ur FBM? coz some frens complained tt their babes dun like FBM so no pt storing it.

my ss not alot. its slightly more than wat my girl needs now but i gotta b prepared she will increase the amt so by then i need to fall back on the excess. for the time being, i dun need the FBM so can donate. i pump to keep up wif ss, so the extras hv to b frozen.

u can survive on 1-2 spoonsful of rice???? i cant... i am taking double portions of everything now. dun u feel consistently hungry coz u r bfg? in b/w meal times, i need bread & milo to tahan me till the next meal. hahaha.
oh yes, i do massage RN aft her bathtime/wipe down. when she is not v hungry, she will lie down there quietly. if she is v hungry, i hv to feed her 1st b4 tt else she will cry the whole hse down. she can really cry loudly... scary! hahaha
i am tryg to follow the routine to let baby sleep fr 7pm-7am... the books say this is the best time for babies to start the day... so i am not tryg to delay her bedtime.... anyway still trial & error stage now.. watever works and stops her fr fussing, i will follow tt schedule.
letdowns come automatically rite? i spend abt 15 mins on ameda to empty my breasts. most milk will b expressed put within the 1st 5 mins... so i juz hold on longer to completely empty my breasts and i experience 2nd or 3rd (not all the time) letdowns if i keep up wif 15 mins. so u might wanna try it.

advisable to store EBM in temp 4 deg & below. if u cant store ur BM at work, how abt getting a small fridge? A coll of mine bot pdts fr one cosmetic brand (cant rem wat brand) and they gave her a free mini fridge which she used to store EBM.
why issit not possible 4 u to store in the common fridge?
i am a light sleeper... usually aft 3 hrs of sleep or so, i will auto wake up... haha... i am like a baby myself man! so will check on bb & pump/feed at the same time.

in tt case, mayb he juz dun wan pacifier lah. ot u wait for a couple of wks more b4 introducing again....

perhaps YX is not hvg a fitful sleep. tt happens to RN at 10+pm... i cant pacifiy her wif anything except my boobs. i hv resigned to fate. i told myself... at least my boobs can pacify her lah!

oh dear... u r overworked thus u fell sick! is there anyone tt can help u wif it? i ask my hb to help out wif btls washing at nite... i know he is tired fr work and i dun pile on too much things 4 him. he will auto help me seeing how tired i am fr the night feedings. gotta grit over this period, i told myself. things will eventually b better!

hv u visited doc again? ur condition seemed to b deteriorating... perhaps its now an infection and u probably need a stronger dose of medication

RE: RN's weight gain
Visited PD tdy for review and i am so happy tt RN passed!!! She weighs 3.8kg (thou still below 4kg) but technically she gained abt 450+g over 2 wks and PD is happy. He says there is no worry abt her still under 4kg and she shld b picking up her weight soon! Yippie! She's 55cm tall now. So pleased!!!!
got ur PM tt u will arrange 4 the meet up? u PMed ginger alrdy? If so, will wait 4 ur email ok?
Btw can we chg the gathering to any days fr tues-thurs? Coz next fri is the isetan member sale lah... i wanna go there!
wow, titus is trying to flip already ah?
isabelle very lazy, her tummy time, she dun like, she will just lie on her tummy and look at us nia..
-xoxo (Peony ($28), if OOS joins the pairing and get anthracite?)
-dreamygal (chocolate if OOS?)
-myself (Framboise,if OOS, chocolate/anthracite/wheat)
-roxie (chocolate, if OOS, Anthracite)
- Tien (Anthracite, if OOS,Wheat)
- PY (Anthracite, if OOS, wheat)

Dun need pairings
-shugar (dusty pink (Spandex Jersey range ($28), if OOS?)
-loke (Peony ($28, if OOS?)
-hippo (dusty pink (Spandex Jersey range ($28), if OOS, DROP)
roxie: thx, i tried ur mtd n the milk is much warmer

my bb also perspires a lot... stinko man! he is alright wif the nappy leh, dun tink he noticed since nappy also quite thin as i wrap the nappy around the pillow, not put the whole stack of folded nappy on it.

re: dimpled pillow
i m a cheapo mama... i bot the babysafe infant pillow (the flat flat kind) coz it can last longer than dimpled pillow (can't be used beyond 9 mths, as stated on the instructions). not sure whether dimpled pillow will hinder head/neck development though. u wana call up babysafe to check? tel: 63561258
alamak same name same pattern isit? Min also. tummy time she give us one TL look and start screaming. but put her on my fat tummy she ok lor. i suppose that means princess likes MORE CUSHION?! wah lau. and i thot the LG playmat cushion enough leh. :S
hai.. it seems that my bb dun like FBM also..
i fed her EBM (fresh ones ytd) and she is ok.. btw i used the TT bottles.

so today i mix abit of today's and FBM and she only drank 50ml. keep playing with the teats .. refuse to suckle.. cannot confirm if it's the taste of the FBM gonna experiment later with fresh ones later. if she drink, then that means she dun like FBM..

hai i have alot of pkts... it seems that they're gg down the drain liao

hippo, min ok with FBM?
Ginger & Annette: Taking care of bb alone is really not easy being first time mummy. I am in the same boat with u also. My MIL who is supposed to help me look after bb left me right after my confinement w/o even telling me directly her intention to leave. My situation is kind of similar wth ginger. Every morning my hubby will buy back the food for my bfast & lunch. My bb required so much attention at the beginning tat I din even have time for a proper meal. I wanted to bring bb out but I have no confindence to handle her alone also. The other day I tried to bring her downstairs using sling. THen I realised I dunno how to adjust the sling & the bb was like hanging around my waist. So mission failed. Sometimes really very pek chek when the bb cries & refuses to sleep.. but when I see her smiling, my heart melt. I told myself, I will have to make it thru. So, let's jia you together....

Astro, how much is your bb taking per feed?Asking you since our bb are only 1 day diff. Mine is taking 120ml per feed but seems she is not having enough. Last nite she kept crying after being fed 120ml and ended up we topped up another 60ml to satisfy her. A bit worry she is overfed.
miemie: hehe yea.. that's what i aim to do also.. playroom for titus.. now waiting for plumber to come.. as well as the LG mat n big blocks..
where is your new love nest? in the east too?? believe isabelle will be so cheered with her new room thats coming soon!! yea he is sleeping with me this morning and upon waking up.. he was lifting his head at first.. then suddenly he turn to his right (where i am laying) and lift his head and shoulders.. trying to 'flip' towards me *is this consider trying to flip?* today i bathed him without the laying support in the bathtub.. so far so gd.. his fingernails hor.. think before he is 'disfigured', i will be first... my chest and face.. got his scratches loh.. he like to pull my hair now also.. hehhe

ginger; thanks thanks! i think i will go and get their infant pillow loh.. bigger space for him to move his head.. lol.. glad the milk is warmer!
-xoxo (Peony ($28), if OOS joins the pairing and get anthracite?)
-dreamygal (chocolate if OOS?)
-myself (Framboise,if OOS, chocolate/anthracite/wheat)
-roxie (chocolate, if OOS, Anthracite)
- Tien (Anthracite, if OOS,Wheat)
- PY (Anthracite, if OOS, wheat)
- Shugar (seafoam, if OOS, Wheat)

Dun need pairings
-loke (Peony ($28, if OOS?)
-hippo (dusty pink (Spandex Jersey range ($28), if OOS, DROP)
roxie>> im moving to punggol! hehe.. we'll be neighbours in 1-2 years time.. mine is next to damai LRT..
isabelle also scratches me with her nails everytime i take off her mittens.. have to let her learn to grab things now ma.. but she tends to scratch her face too.. i think all babies are like that.. every few days i have to trim her nails..

hippo>> really ah? i thot isabelle was the only one! at least on your tummy she will, when i put isabelle on my tummy, she sleeps! hahahhahaa
roxie, the LG mat BP is so tempting. but they dun have many designs... i remembered seeing fisher price rainforest design b4.

tink u can hold on to buying the infant pillow.... just noticed aiden's head is flatter on the right(he favours lying on this side). cham liao, how ar? buy dimpled pillow now can mold back the shape or not?

i am still letting him wear mittens coz the other day, i just took out for a few hrs n by the end of the day, his face like xiao hua mao. pigeon mittens n booties are way bigger. the rest can throw le.
Hi mummies,
Im a secret follower of this thread since i was few months preggy. been getting alot of useful tips from this thread =) im also a oct mummy. my girl is 8 weeks old already. just wanna check with you regarding postpartum bleeding. i had lochia immediately after birth. still having it now. is it normal? it has ever stopped for a day but the next day, it came back again. for the past few weeks, been having spotting. but these two days, the flow gets heavier again. should i be concern? pls advise!
astro: dono if you received my pm yesterday? i'll just add the orders for a friend here ok? will collect from your place on the 19th
thanks for doing this!

- xoxo (Peony ($28), if OOS joins the pairing and get anthracite?)
- dreamygal (chocolate if OOS?)
- myself (Framboise,if OOS, chocolate/anthracite/wheat)
- roxie (chocolate, if OOS, Anthracite)
- Tien (Anthracite, if OOS,Wheat)
- PY (Anthracite, if OOS, wheat)
- Shugar (seafoam, if OOS, Wheat)
- famela (1 chocolate and 1 black, if either one OOS, then drop both)

Dun need pairings
-loke (Peony ($28, if OOS?)
-hippo (dusty pink (Spandex Jersey range ($28), if OOS, DROP)
so many posts again.. can't catch up! but it's good to see this thread so active again.

xoxo: rest well and get well soon!

jRRt: my ss confirm got decrease a bit lar. cos now ana drop her nite latch already so my boobs go untouched for almost 12 hours every day! last feed usually between 6.30pm - 7.30pm. and the next feed is now early next morning around 5am. sure decrease.. i've decided i'm gonna start pumping nightly again starting tonight. will pump at 11pm before i sleep lar

my weekends are usually packed with outings with family and friends. one day for each group. mostly friends lar. meet up for makan.. chit chat and time for our little kids to get together.
if i stay home during the weekends too, i get cranky! hahaha.. but i get what you mean. i have a hyper boy and it's very tiring to bring him out. but i pity him lar. already weekdays stay home all day long with me. then he doesn't get much attention from me cos i'm busy with baby and chores. weekends are for forgetting abt chores and just going out to have fun. i like bringing him out to those indoor playgrounds like fidgets and kids explorer. let him burn off all that energy..

my tt at school sucks! i don't even have time for proper meals.. what more to pump! grrr..
ting: thanks for the heads up on the mon petit sale. i already haf 2 ponchos la. hehe.. this time helping a fren order. but the $28 one is the thicker material one like wat astro pointed out rite? not hot for you? even if i buy, i can't afford to get the thicker one. i'll sweat buckets under all those layers of cloth what with my tudung and all.. haha

ddnikz> yeah i was refering to the goo.n diapers haha.. nepia works for me too but sometimes it leak.

oh ya sunnyling u want my nepia (S) 4-8kg coz charlotte seems to be growing too fast lol.
