(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

ginger: take it easy... not good to coop yourself at home alone wif bb. try going out.. start small if you're not confident.. after feeding, put bb in stroller n go to a nearby playground...? in early mornings or late afternoon is best. or just carry bb down to the void deck for a walk n a "chit-chat" session with bb. the fresh air wld be gd for both bb n u. n near enough such tt if bb fusses can quickly go home...

going out helps pass e time faster

mrsL: hi! glad things are improving for u
Bluesea: yup, taking care of bb on our own. Hey i bring him to amk hub for walks sometimes, maybe you free to come out too?

Joey: my boy does that too. i'll stop feeding him and try to burp him. usually he will calm down after a while.

Ginger: its good to go out for a short stroll. maybe for a start try walking with baby along the corridor or downstairs?
it'll be good for both of you.
PY: Umm... i never wear bra and will only pump when it starts to leak (Find a big patch on my T-shirt). This only happens once in a few days. (I still use those incontinence pads so that the leaking milk will not mess up my bed sheets).

If i latch on and the other breast starts to leak, i'll just let it drip onto baby's swaddling cloth (nappy cloth). Normally the wrap is so thick, it'll not get to him.

Nursing bra spree... i want!

famela: Check with you, you looked after adil for quite some time before you went back to work right... was the separation anxiety very hard to deal with? I am thinking of leaving the job market for a year to look after baby.

Nowadays i think of going back to work, i feel very depressed. Just can't accept the idea that baby will get close to someone else (even my own mum). My MIL has been here for 2 months and will be going home next week. Baby already show preference for my MIL to me and i'm feeling so resentful.
ic, so its the gas in the stomach which is making her uncomfortable..I should try to burp her often..i bottlefeed her 100ml and onli burp her after she finish everything..
gingerz: me @ queenstown. same w u. alone n hb. tiring right? did u manage to find time to pump?. so far i go nearby..but i stay home most of time. m v tempted to go watch daytime movie. wanna go? hee...if our bb's cry at least i got someone else to fluster w me :p jrrt how..next central/west outing ? hehe :p

abt dinner..y not consider catering? then u have proper meal and can rest earlier.
U still not well? Wishing u a speedy recovery! 

Surprisingly, dun think its v heavy 4 her. She wasn’t v well-endowed prior to bfg so right now, her boobs fill up juz nicely. She said she dun feel engorged or heavy. And she does not hv a strict schedule when to pump etc. suka suka then she pump. On rare days when she had engorgement, it will definitely lead to a fever 4 her, juz like yesterday.

I am super KS lah, I even pump when I wake up to feed RN at night. I am only latching her on 1 boob each time so I will pump the other. Once my ss established alrdy, I am gg to drag the expressing time at nite. So tiring!

Its gd tt u r not gg back to work soon so no need to store yet. 4 me, I pump mainly to get ss, not so much to store (thou my freezer is gg to b full soon) as the chilled ones are enuff for the time being and I still can give some to my son. Oh my sis has been telling the kids tt they r drinking”fresh milk” tt needs to be warmed up! Heee… my son is perfectly ok wif BM while my niece initially gagged. Now she is ok alrdy. 

If its juz a day tt u dun pump, dun think will affect ss. But seriously all these pumping business is v tiring… pump, wash, sterilize, process repeats…
If RN can latch more efficiently, then I dun hv to worry abt ss so much.

Hey try to donate out ur FBM then… but urs all stored in VIA cups rite? So they gotta b returned. Mine all in milk bags…

WOW! Such a scrumptious dinner!!!! 

Aiyah even if my hb is ard during wkends, he cant v much entertain RN if she is in one of her fussy moods. But then hvg someone ard is better than none. I am always at my mum’s plc during wkdays. It’s a childcare ctr here but at least there is someone to help me wif. Besides RN is on 3 EBM a day, so I need someone else to feed her.

U hv so much programs on during wkends? U know its juz so tiring to look aft RN tt I prefer to stay at home. So boring rite? Alrdy at home during wkdays (sometimes I pop oiut for a couplem of hrs to shop but quite rare) and I stay at home oso during wkends. But wif hb ard, I do like to go out together. Juz tt my son is a handful!!!

This time round ur playmate will b big enuff. By the time we next gather, I think the babies r crawling all over the place alrdy! Hehee..

We’re mtg ard 10+am - 11am… haven firm up the timing though… U r welcome to join us! 
Yeah RN is on tbfg… and I am not worried abt her jaundice coz my elder son was stuck wif it for 7 wks b4 it eventually came down. So I am certain it’s the same thing 4 RN. Anyway its showing signs of clearing alrdy. Thks 4 ur suggestion.  Besides a blood test was done when she was wk 5 and I doubt its BM jaundice since PD din mention. He said juz leave it be. There is not much danger to babies at 5 wks alrdy (her level was the same when she had to be admitted at 6 days old).

Wow! Ur PD operates even at such hrs during wkends?
I dun put on mittens for RN anymore but thks so much 4 ur kind offer! 

U tried applying ru yee oil when u suspect he has wind? Or if he likes to stay awake fr 1-7pm frequently, it might juz b it lah. Anyway it doesn’t affect his night sleep rite?
Ohhhh!!! I am guilty of co-sleep latching ALL the time! Esp coz RN takes a long time to latch. Last nite I latched her at 3am… I pumped the other boob then lie down to nurse her. I fell asleep and woke up at 4.30am, she was still latching away!!!! The gd thing is she managed to get a gd feed and slept till 7.30am tdy. But it doesn’t happen every night lah.

ME me!!! I still wake up to express. But its usually when RN is feeding, I express the other boob. V pia-miah! Yeah, I was oso thinking its craziness to continue this way esp when we r back at work. But fr my experience, once ss is established, u can drag expressing time. I rem back then if my son is not wif me at night, I will pump at 11pm and wake up at 6am to express.

Its ok if YX can sleep more at nite! Tt sounds so gd!!! Hee… 
RN is one of the fussy babies… she will inevitably fuss ard 10+ to 11pm and the only way I can settle her is to latch her to sleep… and b4 tt I hv to ensure she is filled up so she will sleep for the next 4-5 hrs… its darn tiring… hoping it will pass soon!

I only hv 2 pcs of nursing wear in my wardrobe… hahaha…. They r so darn exp and not nice. So most times I am wearing tube tops or halter necks tt can easily b pulled down when I nurse.

Or shall we pop by ur hse? If u dun mind? Muz ask Lydia if she is ok…
i will go crazy if i stay at home all by myself wif baby! tts y i muz go to my mum's plc everyday!!!
famela: u have so many packs of BM aldy!!Mine only 5 containers of 200ml each.But then was thinking of discontinue it if not when back work be difficult wo.

Joey: my M too, i told my pd, she keep saying its normal
but M just look so xin ku. but so far not so bad till out from nose la

PY: thought u just gotta a nursing poncho fr astro spree:p actually hor now i only use my shawl to cover wo, but so far tried once only la

tien/limmil: tien, colic can be up to 3mth wo. my pd just prescribe M with'Ridwind' for his colic. so far yest evening is the 1st day, he fart alot n dun really cry anymore from6-10pm other then wake up fro feed.B4 which he will cry from6-10+pm , me n hubby dun know wat to do as all mtd doesnt pacified him. hope today still the same,if so limmil u can try ridwind.

ginger: im like u!! battling teh war alone n dun dare bring bb out by myself
Really sian though bb made me busy like hell sometimes but then haiz its terrible facing the 4world n a human who dun really response n talk to:p Where u stay?

siangjiao: guess u ahve to take over takign care of bb more often, same for my case when cl left, having hard time coz he prefer cl to me

gal: count me in when have west outing la. now trying to bring bb out with my hubby ard, by then shd be able to bring bb out by myself
famela, shugar: thanks for the suggestions
maybe will try the playground downstairs first but i am terrified of the big fat resident cat there... lol

lydia: wow... so u r v near to jrrt? i will pump every 5-6 hrs nia coz ss plummenting. sometimes pump halfway gotta stop coz bb never sleep long wan, will wake up every 20 mins or so.

u wana watch movie? i not so brave ah... bb sure wail halfway n i will go into panic mode.

we did a 5-days trial of dinner tingkat previously. although they change the dishes everyday, it is still sian coz it felt like we are eating economical rice all the time!
siangjiao: yup i only went back to work full time when adil was 7 months. i think it was harder for me than him to be honest. adil handled it well.. perhaps because i eased him into it well. in mid nov, i had to go back to school for 3 weeks but only half days, til 1pm, so he stayed with my mom for half days during those 3 weeks. it gave him a chance to get used to the new house, new pple and new environment but at same time it wasn't a whole day affair.

then it was school holidays so he was back with me 24/7. then came jan i started work proper and sent him off at 6.30am and picked him up usually by 6/7pm almost daily. the first couple of weeks, whenever i cld siam meetings etc in afternoons, i would go back asap to fetch him. slowly the time stretched longer to accomodate all the CCA and remedial classes in the afternoons.

he was ok.. he didn't cry. no fussing. cos he already recognised everyone. i kept going over to my mom's during the dec hols as well so it was a smooth transition for him. i also made sure he was properly introduced to the bottle too so feedings there were also ok.

BUT *i* felt like crying every morning lar. terok rite? sad lar.. grown so attached to the little man, spent 24/7 alone for many months then suddenly had to leave him behind.. and for longggg hours some more..

and he did grow to become very attached to my mom! he still is. keeps wanting to stay over at my mom's house nowadays. but now with a small baby, it's like a blessing in disguise. i get to spend more 1-on-1 time with ana..

i was very resentful lar at first. hated the feeling esp me being so possessive in the first place. but after a long time (longggggg time!!) i realise that it's good tt he's attached to my mom. it means he's very well taken care of. he's happy and thriving so that's all that matters lar..

yah, going back to work depresses me too so i fully can empathize.. i'm taking npl too. taking til june first. then re-assess situation and see if i can afford to take until end of year. but die die i dowan to go back to school in jan lar. i will CRY!

but seriously, i think kids are very adaptable. sometimes we give them far too little credit. it's the adults who need more time. not to mention all the added stress of having to pump at work etc. i gave up pumping once i returned to work. sad!
i just clicked refresh after putting baby back to her bed and and answering siangjiao's qn and realise got a lot more new posts. hee hee
i shall reply later ok? today on my schedule is to clean out my wardrobe. pack away my maternity clothes and throw out "junk". i better go do this fast. wanna try out my new space saver bags that i bought from BP. heheheh

catch up later!
if ur ss is plummetting, u cant pump every 5-6 hrly... shld do 3 hrly... daytime when i give RN ebm, i pump every 3 hrly... even then i get different yield each time oso.
lydia ia quite near me, abt 10 mins walk away.

u r absolutely right! the kids r more adaptable than the adults for sure. I am sure i will b like u if i take npl... i din do tt wif my son btu wif a fussy RN, i am seriously considering... and oso it will help to ease my mum handling 4 kids... but financially i cant afford to leh... argh... such a struggle!!!

i think for teachers its v v difficult for u to pump when u go back to work despite how committed u r... so its gd tt u took npl.
Talking abt weight, i have actually lost 19kg to date and still have 4kg to rea my pre-pregnancy weight. Hope to shed those in time b4 i went back to work on early Jan else may need to buy plenty of new clothes.

btw, my bb been sleeping fm 11pm+ to 7am for the past few wks. In order for him to sleep thru, he will need to be awake after 8-9pm. If he happen to nap for an hr or so at 9pm+, then he will wake up at 5am . Hope i dun jinx it again by saying out over here. Becos of this, i dun wake up at nite to pump liao.

your mil so funni, wanna borrow the fridge but dun say out direct. tink pumping is gd cos it did up the supply at least for me.

could it be your teat's size is too small so charlotte get impatient as latching have more forceful letdown as compare to teat. I am using size 3 for avent bottles oreadi. I suspect i can upgrade to size 4 liao but yet to try it out.

tink sling is better lor cos i got the pouch and it seems that bb get too crampy inside despite correct size. If bb is chubby, then better get sling cos Sling suits every baby and every adult with different frame.
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Hey mummies I'm at my mom place now no comp.. Surfin frm my hp ha will reply when I go bk to sk

btw I'm using Yao Lan for my girl... She's v terrible la so I just gave in lo.. Initially dun really want to let her sleep that but sometimes really bo bian.. But as for pacifier, she's not really keen although I tried to give her everyday especially when the REM strikes haha
ong: how u lose wt?i only lost9kg still have 15kg to go.do u bf ur bb? Im not too gd with teh sling leh,tts y thinking of getting the pouch fr joelee since have 50%off n only20bucks lor. U gd with sling,maybe i go trouble u to one of this day when hubby free eto send me over

jRRt: gd tt RN wan pacifier, M dun wan pacifier at all, initially gave avent pacifier he dun wan, change to nuk also dun wan n keep wanting to latch on b4 zz
Wah!! this thread is moving so fast!! just one day haven't login only and i can't catch up liao! today i went back office for a while, so i ask my MIL to stay home to help me look after my baby... i left home at 945 and reach home at 2pm... when i reached home, i saw my baby pouting and his eyes red red.. OMG!!!! awwwwww.. my heart is like shattered into so many million pieces! so heart pain!!! my MIL says my baby is not used cos usually i am the one accompany him and he got cry, so she don't dare to talk much to him cos she feels he recognises and wants his mummy voice!

SJ: wah, u mean u can dun wear bra to sleep? i cannot lei!! the milk will be leaking all over and soak my top!

famela and tien:
mon petit having their own christmas sale! you can go buy direct from them!! no need min order and the poncho is now at $28 only!! i just ordered 2 last week and been using them already!!! really very good!

Sleeping through the night
my boy is able to sleep from 10 plus pm to 7am! but there was once i was still using the pc at night, and i realised that during the nite, he will actually make a little noise (not crying), if i go over to change his diaper he will wake up and accept feeding, else actually can also ignore him and he will sleep till morning! so..... i am puzzled! should i let him sleep through the night or should i be waking him every 3 hrs to feed him?

Wah!!!! u all have so many express breastmilk already?? i only have like 5 packs in the fridge! i recently started expressing once a day in the morning to store up only! if i am returning to work, how many packets should i have already ah?! can i check if i freeze the milk can last 2 months or 3 months? i am confuse? i read somewhere says 2 months, but i saw another place says 3 months!!! the 1 month made alot of difference but then again, i do not want to take the risk to give my baby spoilt milk leh! please advise!
Jrrt : er.. his tummy sound like drum..seriously. he is drinking Dentinox Infant colic drops 3 times daily. initially i put eucylptus oil on his tummy but duno if accidently put at his navel or not coz his naval like a bit red/dry. so i stopped putting.

no, so far din affect night sleep much. i.e. he sleeps but sometimes v fussy.

Hmm my HB say put ru yi oil bb tummy will be yellow. is that true?

popping by gingerz house. i m okay if gingerz ok
take cab and carry bb (w/o pram) is possible
jrrt we meet somewhere and take cab together?

poop update : yellow yellow seedy yellow :D hee hee. it was a super long 1.5 weeks.

annette : lai lai. hehe..so u wanna join us for 1st outing ? :D
i lost 17kg thru my own effort on dieting. Just eat little bit on every meal. Yes, i tbf my bb and i tink that could be part of the reason y i lost the pounds. I visited slimming center recently and lost another 2kg. Hoping to lost at least another 5kg else may need to chg the wardrobe cos still alot of clothes cant wear cos my top look heavy and bottom expanded. I up one size when i had my #1 5yrs back. Hope this round i wont up another size again.

btw, i dun hv sling. I only hv pouch and i only used less than 3 times cos my bb outgrown the cradle position.
mummies using pouch/getting pouch
erm...i wanna kpo here abit. (cos i m promoting pouches ma! =p) u can actually cradle ur bb in a pouch no matter how big he gets as long as he wants to be cradled. the way to do it is not to cradle him the baby way, with his (inside) arm against ur chest. we should cradle the toddler way of letting his inside arm go under ur arm to the back, then u fit his body into the pouch. dunno if u all understand... but the baby will be lying slightly body facing u instead of facing upwards. i hope i m clear in my description. :p
jrrt: ya hor, y din i tink abt it? i dun dare to go out, u all can come by, hee

u have fb account?

the yield that i get if i were to pump every 3 hrs is miserable.. seems like not worth my effort to wash n sterilise leh. plus, when CL was here, i pumped every 3 hrs but dun see improvement in yield so now with less time, i just took easy way out

annette: ya, actually bb made me so bz, i find dat time flies! I stay opp tiong bahru plaza. u? can join us for central outing.... hee
wah seh! you go girl!!! looks like you're doing well... i'm very motivated by you. hehe... i have another 3.5kg to go as of today. i aim for pre-preg weight first. if can get there, then will aim for IDEAL weight. haha... i'm dreaming. but i'm trying my whole life! ... oh well... too bad i have the BAH BAH pear shaped genes lah. let's all JIA YOU!

hey, hope you're feeling better. i'm still a whee bit under the weather. have runny nose. gotta rest as much as possible. hope min doesn't get it. ... have faith that your ss will be back up as soon as you get well. rest a lot and dun stress. you have ample ss... next time donate to me! i'm very gian png now asking everybody to donate to me when i go back to work. ... hehe... dun think i will have enough... sigh...
ya me oso aiming for pre-preg weight nia.If aim for pre-preg weight b4 #1, then will be 10kg!! 10kg seems impossible and i will be happy if i can shed another 5kg. U are fast man cos u oni aro 2mths nia. I almost 3mths liao leh. I still rem u r an athlete so i guess shedding off the 3.5kg seems an easy task to u. For me, i hardly or nv exercise so can only depend on dieting. Ok, let's jiayou together!

For those interested in goon brand of diaper, can get fm gmarket too as they sell sample as well so u can try out the sample before buying in bulk.

jRRt, Hippo >> thanks...sore throat and runny nose is gone. cough has started - i find this harder to arrest than the first two...

hippo..i better gian png too and ask for milk handouts since i hit this ditch in output...hehe...funny thing was, taking zyrtec dried up my ss, taking my cough drops actually increased ss. not fantastic but better than ytd. guess it is an expectorant..!!! only prb is, it makes me drowsy and audrey has also become drowsy...supplementing abit of FM where my ss cannot make it is not working for me, i dun understand, lactose-free formula and she basically threw up the whole feed. allergic to what now..?
Hi mummies..
I'm new to this forum.. just joined recently as a friend recommended me to get baby stuff from this forum at good price.

I'm an Oct mummy too so have been following this thread though no userid to post until now..
Mine's a bb gal, birth wt of 3.82kg, 51cm, natural with epidural at Mount E

can i ask if your bb's PD are good so far? Mine's Dr Belinda from Mount E but she didn't tell us anything about the baby's immunisation jabs schedule. Are they supposed to explain and make appointment with us? Or we are supposed to initiate when we want the jabs?
famela: dun mention. i learnt it from other mummies too.. ya, if we were to throw away our precious bm, we heartpain. might as well let the kids try it.

tien: wah..fish soup everyday.!! ihave not been regularly taking supplement and fish everyday. NO TIME! bb slp, i got to do hsework. bb wakes up, i got to carry, latch, feed, talk to him blah blah... if my mum stays overnight, then still got chance to relax abit.

joey: ya, i started intro yao lan to my bb since sat. he can slp better and longer. however, incase he get too used to yao lan, i rotate his slp in his cot as well. As for pacifier, yes, few weeks ago.but he still cant hold on to it well. always must support with our hand coz it will drop. pacifier mainly is bcoz when outside, sometimes diff to latch on demand. so use this as substitute.

jRRt: wah, u r persistent. i used to be like u. latch and pump. but now too tiring..hee, decided to give myself more rest..as for daytime, just like u, i try to pump 3-4hrly unless i am not at home.

annette: ya, i got ridwind.tried giving him once. but he showed me the ' want to vomit face'.. haha

angeline kua: welcome !!
hi hi.. prefer to use my nick jadebelle..

for mummies having problem with leaking during pumping or latching, you can put on the avent breast shell on the other breast to collect the leaking milk.. that's what i'm doing also.. quite good as i could collect up to 30ml of leaked milk, very useful for me since my ss is on the low side and pumping also can't pump out much..
haha... me an athlete ah? well, that was in the past leh. dinosaur age ago. yah but i try to exercise lah. like i said, i'm constantly TRYING (that's the key word, but not very successful one) cos i'm still chubby all my life. ha! anyhow, yah i controlling my diet. no sweets and very minimal carbo. recently started some mild exercise only. brisk walking lor. push Min on pram round the estate. haha... only managed to go cycling once. swimming haven't restart yet.

yeah yeah jia you jia you jia you!!!

welcome. when did u give birth? i delivered 10th oct there too. u have to make the appts yourself for the jabs. better call ur PD and check!
wah.... ur baby can sleep thru for so many hrs liao... 4 me, i am contented when RN can last 4.5 hrs fr her last feed to next feed. sometimes it goes up to 6 hrs, i lagi happy liao. i am a easily contented mommy, as long as she sleeps w/o fuss... the last few nights she keep fussing ard 10+pm... give pacifier oso dun wan, i rock, cuddle her, she oso dun wan. last resort is always latching to sleep which helps. sigh. wat a bad habit.

u r on slimming program despite bfg ur baby? i feel its not safe despite them claiming it is. aft all, they juz wan ur biz mah.
how can u juz eat a bit though bfg? i am eating like a pig at every meal and needs to eat every 3 hrs or so. i dun watch how much carbo i eat coz i feel i need them. still can lose weight though.

actually most babies will reject pacifier 1st few times, even for RN. it took a few times. and if she rejects, i try again in a few days time. her rooting reflex is super strong and she needs to suckle onto sthg to sleep thus i had to give her the pacifier lor. Tried tommee tippee - it was too small 4 her despite her alrdy hvg a small mouth, i think its coz she used to my huge nipples. then my mum gave her my nephew's avent pacifier and realised she liked it. so now she's using gor-gor's pacifier. i hate the idea of pacifiers but i really can see she is more settled wif it and oso naps better now, so i juz leave it. at night, she does not use the pacifier though.

in tt case dun wake baby up unless he wants to feed. get a gd diaper tt can last him thru the night bah. if he is not drinking at nite, theoretically his diaper shldnt b too wet?
4 me, i only store FBM for max 6 wks. some mummies keep them up to 2 mths. But i feel 3 mths is too long, unless u hv a deep storage freezer.

i dun rub ru yee oil directly on RN's tummy. I will pour a few drops onto my palm, rub them to get a warm sensation then put my palms on RN's tummy. Only when they r older say more than 1 yr old, then i will apply direct.
Perhaps u can check wif pd in ur next visit?
Yah if ginger is ok wif us visiting her hse, then we dun need to bring stroller liao. its such a hassle! if we r gg, then i will take cab and pick u up on the way since i am coming fr anchorpt side. makes more sense to pick u up if we r gg TB area.

in tt case, lets liaise thru email ok?
I will PM u shortly.

all along i thot u hv enuff ss? coz u direct latch rite?
hope u recover soon! as long as u wear mask &amp; take precautions when u r near Min, she shld b safe.
she will get ur antibodies when u latch her.

goodness... now its cough? argh... hate it hate it...
hey if u dun mind &amp; prefers BM, i hv FBM now tts sitting in my fridge waiting to be donated. Pls let me know. else i will still hv to post and get them donated anyway.
did the dr tell u the medication will cause ur ss to plummet? hope its temporary!
babies can still b allergic to the FM thou its lactose free... i hv no idea why too..

i am persistent coz i kept comparing to my last bfg yield mah... still cant reach 180/3 hrly... and tt time i was alrdy expressing every 6 hrly with min 360-400ml each time... and plus my sis' ss so abundant now, wah kao, i tell u; mine pales in comparison to hers!!!

hi angeline

The immunisation schedule shld b in the health booklet. i guess most pd's wun explain to u coz its clearly stated in there unless u raise any queries. so far none of the pds i visited explain to me too. relax... i heard tt dr belinda is quite a gd pd!
Sorry to interrupt...

There is a year end promo for slings and adjustable pouches, soft structured carriers and wraps on www.buddingbubs.com or you can check out the BP and business threads for the discounts.

Annette, I can help with the sling wearing if you like. Do let me know how you would like me to help. Don't worry, no obligations.

yeah kiasu lah. i direct latch all the time except for 1 nite feed when my maid gives bottle ebm. ss is enough, just not a lot of extra lor. i start my new job 1 feb mah. a bit worried it wont be enough for her... i have to pump diligently then can get some excess for storage...
hi hippo.. i delivered on 24th oct. who's your bb's pd? also at mount e?

jrrt.. your milk ss so good.. can donate somemore.. envy..

I see.. so most PDs won't explain about the jabs? Lucky i follow this thread, else will also be very ignorant about all these jabs. Dr belinda's supposed to be good? but she didn't seem very patient with my baby leh and seemed quite rough in handling her that time when she was just a newborn..

We have since changed to another PD cuz we brought baby to this clinic at bishan that time when she didn't poo for many days. The PD at the bishan clinic was very good and explained to us all about the immunisation stuff.. so decided to stick to her..
<font color="0000ff">I'm getting so envious that so many babies are sleeping thru the nite.

my boy is not sleeping through the nite yet. In fact, he's still waking up ON THE DOT every 3 hrly for feeds. I wouldn't mind it if he can finish his milk fast, but he normally takes about an hr to finish all of it. sighz... so i'm onli left with about 1.5hrs of sleep before the next feed, coz he takes a super long time to burp.

tired out manz...</font>
ah... i cant remember PD's name now. haha... so obviously i dun see him anymore! cos i'm in the east. very ma fan to go back to mt e logistically so have found a pd in my area.
ong and limmil,
i'm an ameda pump user too.. looks like we have the same problem... I thought it was becuz i don't know how to use the pump.. so by right after latching should still be able to pump out a lot?
I read from the ameda site that to be able to pump out more we need to trigger the letdown and I'm actually working on that but not very successful especially if trying to pump from the side that baby just latched on..
i am desperate to lose weight leh cos 17kg is still nt enuff so got to visit slimming center lor. The slimming center just uses machine on body and they do not have any meal replacment so i tink shld be fine bah since i am still eating normally just tat i eat little portion such as 1 or 2 spoon of rice and tiny bit of everything lor. If hungry, will eat apple sometimes. i am still taking breastfeeding milk despite is not recommended . other than tat, I am taking supplement like multi vit.

Not sure if infant massage do help but i realise the routine is there already as everytime after massage, keith would be crying for milk immediately. My helper started the massage aro 10pm daily and straight after massage will be his feeding session via ebm and then follow by sleeping time. Tink he look fwd to the massage session as he will stop being cranky the moment the session started.

Maybe u can try to keep the bb awake fm the last 2nd feeding time(aro 8pm or 9pm) so RN would be too tired and might be able to sleep thru the nite instead after the last feeding which is aro 11pm cos this is exactly the routine for my boi. This morning he did not wake up at 7am but as my breasts r badly engorged therefore end up i got to latch him for milk while he still half sleeping.
I guess most of us will be going back to work soon. Myself, I plan to go back after CNY.

For mummies who are breastfeeding, once back to work, how do we store our EBM? it has to be stored in the fridge from morning all the way till we get home. Any ideas how we can keep them? Cos for me, i dun think i can keep EBM in the common fridge...

I read that some of u bring your bbs out alone. I'm so envious. I also wish to bring my ger out to AMK hub, hougang mall, etc. I even bought the sling so that i can do that. BUT, i find dat I dunno how to use the sling! haha.. my girl always squirms n looks uncomfy in there when i try. Any tips?

wow, some of you are so hardworking, still waking up at nite to pump! i also wanna do that, and even set alarm to wake up! but i always cant hear the alarm. hahaha... I console myself its cos i set it too soft to avoid waking bb up!
ong : My mil is like that. Now she has been forcing me to eat. She said milk comes from blood, so if i can produce so much milk, i am losing a lot of blood. Haiz...

Yao lan
Lele sleeping in yao lan whenever i come over to my mum's place. At my place, will be his bed. So far, he is ok with both. But one thing he don't like is aircon, his nose is always blocked when we on the aircon.

Sleeping through the night
Now my last feed will normally be midnight before my last pumping session, then his next feed will be about 6am.
for me, i pump out miserable amt after latching so i seldom pump after latching except at nite sometimes. Nt sure hw to trigger letdown as i just use as per normal. In fact, i tink letdown will come naturally if your breast are engorged cos i normally just on the pump for a short while then letdown will come shortly after. Sometimes there will be 2nd letdown as well but 2nd letdown will be shorter duration like less than a min. So far i only hv letdown if i do not latch at all.

your mil so kancheong. my mil can't even be bother with me. She is those bochap type. Gd for me since i prefer bochap type.
I rem u bot the avent iQ bottle warmer that can defrost the bm directly fm freezer in mere mins. Can i know what is the model no. that u bot? I try to google the net but there are several similar model. thks!
Wahhhhhh im gog to go mad with M.Today he super cranky in morning till130pm n from 6 to 930pm
tried patting him to zz n keep crying, carry n pat him n latch him then he silent immediately once remove cry again till really cant take it leave him to cry,heartpain, but no choice then he cried till he tired n zz at 930pm

gal/ginger: do update me of ur outing ye, hope then im confident of bringing bb out liao

ilovemaxmax:urs very gd aldy at3hrly on dot.mine
sometimes wake up every 2 hr at nit

ong:im using this,http://www.consumer.philips.com/c/avent-baby-preparing-for-feeding/220-240v-scf255_12/prd/sg/, passed down by my sis who bought it 10yrs ago n functioning super well,can heat up milk in just 1 min actually n defrost milk in abt2-3mins

limmil: the Ridwind dun work today sob,bb still keep crying sigh but M still fart alot,he must ahve too mcuh wind in his stomach.

jRRt: tried everyday so far he still reject.just now tried remove latching n replace by pacifier then he reject n cry immediately
I have 8kg to shed to return to my pre pregnancy weight...any success ways to lose weight ? whch slimming centre is good? I saw the forum on london weight management, most of them said that the weight will bounce back if the treatment stop.
Nursing Ponchos
Erm ladies, very paiseh.. contacted Rach yesterday and she was saying she is not doing a BP now because the lady boss is also doing a promotion. So far, what is on discounted price ($28) is only the Peony and the Spandex Jersey Range (the one that is more suitable for cold climate).

Most of us are interested in the Rayon Spandex Range (the soft and luxurious one), that one is still retailing at $38. HOWEVER, if we can pair up to buy 2 ponchos.. it costs $35 each.

In a way, I ‘screwed’ this up.. so I am offering the following option.. so that we can all get our ponchos…
<font color="0000ff">I will order online.and will self collect for all at Kovan. (to avoid incurring the postage as per listed on this url:
http://www.monpetitjardin.com/Mon_Petit_Jardin/purchase_info.html) The ladies ordering the Peony can then go ahead and get it at $28 as usual.. while the rest of us getting the non-discounted range (Rayon Spandex Range) can then pair up to get it at $35 each. Then we can pick up collection during the Xmas party or via pple near you. </font>

some pts for consideration:
Postage is as follows:
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

A surcharge will be levied to cover the cost of postage and the envelope.
Surcharge for MPJ nursing poncho: SGD3 (1 poncho); SGD5 (2 ponchos)
Surcharge for towcho: to be confirmed

A surcharge will be levied to cover the cost of registering the mail, postage and the envelope.
Surcharge for MPJ nursing poncho: SGD5 (1 poncho); SGD7 (2 ponchos)

Courier service can be arranged for your purchases to be delivered to your doorstep at a flat rate of SGD10 to any part of Singapore.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

a) Can order urself and save the hassle ,to be sent to ur house but no pairing so each poncho is at $38 excluding postage
b) Can order urself, Pair up according to nearby locations and then have 2 ponchos delivered to one location. Each poncho then cost $35 excluding postage
c) My proposal in blue above

Do note that if we decide to pair up n to be ‘fair’. shd our preferred colour go out of stock..we might have to select a secondary colour so that the person who is paired up still get the poncho at $35.. else ah.. becomes usual price at $38 liao..

So please let me know ur preference..if you want to
- join in the pairing.. and then what colour u getting if preferred colour out of stock

So far i have..
-xoxo (Peony ($28), if OOS joins the pairing and get anthracite?)
-dreamygal (chocolate if OOS?)
-myself (Framboise,if OOS, chocolate/anthracite/wheat)
-roxie (chocolate, if OOS, drop)—<font color="ff0000">roxie, u how?</font>

Dun need pairings
-shugar (dusty pink (Spandex Jersey range ($28), if OOS?)
-loke (Peony ($28, if OOS?)

chynle: i am not sure.. now there's no bp.. in a way. i am getting it direct from the store .. i suppose it can be before 27th dec. if u incur postage to sent it to ur house?.. i will be doing self collection though and collecting those who dun mind to get it from me...

Tian: not late. no bp
.. i getting it from the store lor..

Famela: not 33.. but 35 if paired up.. u still want to get? i collecting.. u in woodlands.. we easier to collect..

yes... that's the super long list I have. Today just went to change the Avent bottles. Cross my fingers and hope they work! The sling, how much is it? I have a sling here that I do not know what to do with it unless maybe I starve for 20 days then maybe it will fit

Urine indicator not working? Got like that one meh? That's scary! Is the price the same as the website one? Nepia so far works for me. kekeke, still under probation :p

sigh, bb now has the trend of throwing up BM. Funny though, she only throws up BM and not FM. Each throw up is approx 30 - 40ml. Gek sim leh...
