(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

yup. no nail polish on finger or toe nails. cos in case *touchwood* got any complications they need to check the colour of our nails. eh, i dunno if they will remove for you. but prolly best if u go in without lor.

congratulations mrsL!!! bravo!! must be feeling very 'light' now! heehe.. really very excited to see so many mummies that have popped! ;)

btw mummies, was reading up on sids and here's some to share;


reducing the risk of sids;

1. Place infants to sleep on their backs, even though they may sleep more soundly on their stomachs. Infants who sleep on their stomachs and sides have a much higher rate of SIDS than infants who sleep on their backs.

2. Place infants to sleep in a baby bed with a firm mattress. There should be nothing in the bed but the baby - no covers, no pillows, no bumper pads, no positioning devices and no toys. Soft mattresses and heavy covering are associated with the risk for SIDS.

3. Keep your baby’s crib in the parents’ room until the infant is at least 6 months of age. Studies clearly show that infants are safest when their beds are close to their mothers.

4. Do not place your baby to sleep in an adult bed. Typical adult beds are not safe for babies. Do not fall asleep with your baby on a couch or in a chair.

5. Do not over-clothe the infant while she sleeps. Just use enough clothes to keep the baby warm without having to use cover. Keep the room at a temperature that is comfortable for you. Overheating an infant may increase the risk for SIDS.

6. Avoid exposing the infant to tobacco smoke. Don't have your infant in the same house or car with someone who is smoking. The greater the exposure to tobacco smoke, the greater the risk of SIDS.

7. Breast-feed babies whenever possible. Breast milk decreases the occurrence of respiratory and gastrointestinal infections. Studies show that breast-fed babies have a lower SIDS rate than formula-fed babies do.

8. Avoid exposing the infant to people with respiratory infections. Avoid crowds. Carefully clean anything that comes in contact with the baby. Have people wash their hands before holding or playing with your baby. SIDS often occurs in association with relatively minor respiratory (mild cold) and gastrointestinal infections (vomiting and diarrhea).

9. Offer your baby a pacifier. Some studies have shown a lower rate of SIDS among babies who use pacifiers.

10. If your baby has periods of not breathing, going limp or turning blue, tell your pediatrician at once.

11. If your baby stops breathing or gags excessively after spitting up, discuss this with your pediatrician immediately.

12. Thoroughly discuss each of the above points with all caregivers. If you take your baby to daycare or leave him with a sitter, provide a copy of this list to them. Make sure they follow all recommendations.
Astro>> 4 mobile? haha it comes in a set ma...

Bluesea>> that's a night light i bought from ikea hehe

mrsL>> Congrats!! wow 4.1kg! no wonder u need to opt for c sect! haha looking forward to the photos!

Tien >> yah! v excited right! heheheh..

jRRt>> actually it's meant to drill into the wall. but my hb uses the 3M tape to tape it to the wall. haha and it's really v secure!

gal/hippo>> i also not informed abt the "no nail polish" policy until cammie told me.. but her reason is because it's not allowed in the OT just in case we kena emer c sect. but so far my gynae did not inform me abt this so maybe i'll wait for her to tell me ? lol!
congrats Mrs L
.chubby bb indeed!!

just to share - was shoppin arnd yesterday and after goin to toilet, noticed some discharged streaked with blood. i was like worried if it was show.. so immediately called gynae and was asked to go labour ward to check.
in the end, end up - not much contractions when they monitored me..and the nurse did a VE (ouch!) and said i barely dilated to 1cm.
asked her what to expect - she also can't tell.. say some pple will be days.. but for some could be weeks..
can't advise also whether i shld go back to office to work on Monday

only asked me to go back to hospital if contractions become regular and painful. or if fetal movements decrease..(which is so hard to monitor these days!)

Don't you find monitoring bb movements these days very hard? i think my bb has a routine already - he is like usually sleepin through out the day. when he moves (in late evening), it will be a lot for maybe 20 min after which he will go back to zzzzz again...so how to monitors?? *worried*

hm.. wonder how long this waiting game will be??? am not 37 weeks yet and bb is still small though
vodkarib: tink diff gynae monitors fetal movement slightly differently. mine is as long as got 10 move between 9-5 or 12-9 then its fine. so once the bb hits 10 i pretty relax :p if near time limit and still have not hit 10, i'll either take something sweet, go bug e little felle to move :p
yup i know cos last yr i had a polyp removed by gynae n operating theatre policy is such that we cannot have nail polish on. Cos they need to monitor if our nails change color. I would think it would apply in delivery suite as well but maybe u wanna check w ur gynae.

my fren was told ahe was 1cm dilated n she continued working for quite a few days before finally admitting. Guess for some pple it takes longer?
thks lydia/fifi...hm.. still a lot of work to handover in office. but my mum is nagging me not to go back to office anymore (office in the airport) as just walkin to and fro the office entails like 20min to and fro everyday - and she is worried that all these walkin is goin to speed things up unnecessarily.

anyway felt very paiseh when i called the gynae to only know it's "false alarm" heh..

hm... long wait till next gynae visit on Thur
Astro and Tien>> Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone. Sometimes I tell myself I must at least pack my hospital bag NOW but the next moment, I see my bed and I feel like laying on it. And the next time I know, I hv napped for 2 hours already and it's time for dinner, bath, attending to my 2 elder kids etc.

MrsL>> Congratulations!! You hv a strong and chubby baby! Do fill us in on your birth story yeah? Take care.

PY>> From Ikea? So nice and sweet... I was at Ikea just a few days ago to look at beds for my elder kids. If I had known, I would hv ventured to the lamps section too. What I did that day was zoom straight to the kids' bed section as I know my legs couldnt tahan too much walking.
you have given me a gd excuse to go shopping for bb stuff again ! Haha, cos I only have 1 set of bedsheets. But now can hardly move a few steps without panting... Sigh...

Quickupdate: talked to bb last night. Think she finally decided to stay in there a while more cos last night is really rare that I managed to catch a gd sleep!

Re: ML claim
do we need to submit claim to govt??? Thought company will b the one doing it?
MrsL>> congrats! 4.1kg.. let's see if anyone is gonna beat your record ah! heehee

diana>> are you next in line to give birth? haven seen your post since yesterday afternoon!

sweet>> Charlotte's bed is all ready! mine just set up yesterday, but yet to buy the batteries for the cot mobile..
mummies i got an interesting scenario on hand with regards to my leave planning.. :S

i intend to stay at home till march 2010.. if i can stay till april even better coz i want to make sure weaning for yu he is done properly.. but unfortunately i cannot.. haiz.. anyway..

so it means i have to take a longer leave .. after using up my ML and to take till end of march 2010.. i will probably have to take no-pay.. which is what i planned..

THEN i go and read HR polices properly.. found out that for my company, annual leave must be exhausted before no-pay leave can be taken.. and in my case coz i want to take no pay for next year.. i have to exhaust what i have remaining this year and what i have pro-rated next year!! wah.. then if i used up all annual leave to last till end march.. then i have to take no pay leave when i go back beginning to April.. doesnt sound very wise right??

i can start taking leave now.. since i have nothing to do liao.. and surely they wun allocate classes to me next sem since i have to definitely go off 3 weeks into the semester..

but take or no take? or idle till week 38 at office? so sian.. dun feel good coz like 'transparent like that' ... or start taking annual leave to clear?.. then i have about 11 days left this year.. which is more than enuogh to last till EDD.. but that would mean left with pro-rated leave next year (prolly about 18 days).. then take no-pay leave to last till end march.. --> the not very smart situation i will land myself in (the earlier mentioned scenario)...
wah liew..

what wld ur advice be? :S
astro : u wan to check with ur HR / boss whether there can be exception? i.e. leave of absence? sometimes though policy says so, it reli depends on circumstances and the decision by the mgr.
mie>> u set up or ur hb?

hippo>> oooo icic.. aiyah so sian i did my mani pedi a few weeks ago only.

bluesea>> yea it's from Ikea haha $9.90 if i can remember correctly.
You worried that you have no more leave isit? Looking at your case, not sure if I got it right, but you only exhaust your pro-rate leave and your leave this year. Then after your no pay leave, the remaining annual leave will come in right? You still have childcare leave for your bb right? So should be ok...?
gal: i dun have leave of absence..

ddnikz: erm.. no. i have to exhaust all leave.. this year remaining and any pro-rated total leave for next year.. before i am allowed no pay..
i have childcare leave.. but just wondering what happens if i need to take short breaks etc during the holidays.. then it becomes no-pay liao..
Oh... then better not take all the leave. Always need to save some leaves for "rainy days". I think even if you never take leave, you still can ensure proper weaning for bb right?
ddnikz: a bit difficult. because like i say.. with my mum around. it is hard to enforce the habits i want yu he to have.. coz my mum tends to give in to the kids just to ensure that they dun cry.. with a helper, i can trust she follows my instructions to a T.. but sometimes u need flexibility.. that is not the main issue.. it is more of the issue of my mum and the helper together.. coz my mum likes to over-write.. but i cannot tell her not to come (unless i am at home) because i need someone to supervise my maid also.. so there u go.. i do think why teng is a good feeder is attributed to the weaning habits i inculcated in him.. so i am quite concerned about it.. actually taking no-pay leave till march also not very helpful..coz actual weaning starts in April.. unless i quit full time and go part time. but in doing that i dun enjoy the cheap subsidy of sending teng to the childcare of my company's.. so there u go. i am in a 'want the pie and eat it all' scenario again..
i am real greedy...
Hi Mummies,

I'm one of the mummies from Sep09 thread.

I am selling a Medela Mini Electric (only use once). Bought in June 2009. Selling at a low price of only S$130(Retail price @ S$195), throw in free Lansinoh Breastmilk Storage Bags (50pcs)

Hurry and SMS me more information @ my mobile 9639 9894(Jennifer Lim).
hahaha after reading post regarding manicure, it did make me recall during my 1st delievery of my 1st child, i v ai mei, cos wana tak photo during the delievery, so during contraction, i wear contact lens instead of glasses, straighten my hair wit straightener b4 admitting hospital. End up when reach there, i was ask to take out everything, contact lens, earring, neckless, rings n ask to wear my "fork fork" glasses. Same explanation loh, wait if emergency, can0t wear, n got no time 2 rem0ve all tat... Lie there 4 m0re than 12hr during induce, end up hair oso messy lik siao cha bo... Hahaha...
<font color="ff0000">Pigeon Silent Electric Breast Pump></font>

Bought in May 2009, warranty till May 2010.

Selling coz upgrading to a dual pump.

Bought at $233 after discount.

Selling at $180.

Have brand new Pigeon Milk Storage Bottles and Wide Neck 200ml &amp; 300ml bottles to let go as well..

Interested mummies, please PM me..

wah wah.... Shugar... thanks alot. the cot sheets look nice!!!!!!! **rubbing hands liao**
but one question hor... how come the babt cot sheet section looks like kid's bed ah?
erm need some advice. hav been havin menses like cramps for the past 4 hours. and they are about 10-15 min apart.. shld i go delivery ward now?? or wait?
it's painful but still bearable. (not sure of my level of tolerance)
That's about what I experienced 2 days ago. How long does each cramp last? From what I know, seems like need to last for few mins to be consider as the "real thing". Mine lasted few seconds.
ddnikz: oh those pics are just to let u see the bb cot sheet's pattern. i got 2 from them... the threadcount not bad. wondering if i shd get more.
Hi, I have Medela Freestyle US set, Brand New in Box with factory seal still intact, box never open, selling at $550. Please pm me if u need. Please note that there is no local warranty.
nomsnosm: u still ard or go deliver bb liao? but thought u mentioned gynae said if dilate be delivering witthin next 7hrs? so din apply to all?

ddnikz: u feeling better, still ahve contraction? do u still havett pinkish discharge?
Maybe ur bb wan come to this world during lantern festival

roxie: my mum n aunts said swell mean due soon, but i dun think so coz my foot n hand swell since 2nd trimester.think they might swell n off n back again i guess. ya mine have pain at all finger n toes joints.

PY: wah u do up ur bb cot aldy. mine still in wrap:p

ddnikz: my cot dun come w bedsheet, all bought separately

Astro: get hospitalisation leave dun get mc fr ur gynae.all of us will have mc+ HL of 60 days which cnat bring over to following yr ma.Im gog to get HL soon fr gynae, my stupid pubic area pain coming back again, thought gone forever

RE: pubic area pain

now i super scare to turn fr left to right or vice versa when zz, will hear those bone cracking sound at the pubic area, do u mummies got tt?usually only 1 crack sound when turn left to right, now 2 crack sound for every turn
nope... I told bb cannot come out so soon. 10 more days only... be more patient. hahaha. the pinkish discharge only come 1 day, but I still having consistent discharge.

you got your cot from dept store? Seems like most of the dept store I went to all comes with bedsheet and bumper leh. Got mine from OG.

Your pubic area pain sounds bad... my pelvic bone now better since I start on the habit of turning to the other side when it gets painful.Dr Choo got say anything about it?
Tien: ya. teng is much better. but he is still very naughty and whiny. think gonig to be some time before he cooperates again... and u want something more than contractions to help u know that it's time to go to thehopistal? show is too 'mild'.. how abuot the bursting of the waterbag? :p.. teng was like that last time.. doesn't help that gyane said this time might be like that again :S

Vod: how are u feeling now? intervals of 10 - 15 minutes are still early.. intervals of 5 minutes and each contraction lasting for 45 seconds and above .. is the time to admit urself...

gal: ya.. contraction =hardening of the tummy..

anette: i think mine no hospitalisation leave leh.. i still have 4 mcs left to clear...

jrrt: had a false alarm? got clarify with gynae after that?

py: coz it looks very huge leh.. the mobile.. then after i post the post.. i realise.. the 'heads' are the same so it should be the same mobile.. but really big :p
hey.. ur window which the cot is placed near.. got shade/curtain hor? and u wun be staying there for too long right? by 9 - 12 mths.. u will bemoving off? coz the bb will pull to stand.. and then it becomes quite dangerous liao..

haiz.. my mood swings (like first tri) are back
.. and i feeling slightlygiddy.. watching the F1 cars going round and round on the live telecast does help..
shugar: the online site of the cot sheets.. looks very nice.. bookmarked it. think can get for teng's toddler bed as well.. the threadcount is good.. smooth smooth materials hor?

Bluesea: i was moping around and whining his but afternoon.. so i thought i shd be more productive.. packed my bag liao! but heh. i think i will have to repack it. coz waiting for items to come in.. very little things to pack lah.. i realised.. u got a lot of things to pack?

i still have descaling of my steriliser and then sterlisastion of things.. arrangement of teng's childcare.. get my leave and workplan done up.. repack the bag.. share my greatly reduced brithplan with gynae next wed..eh. i am done liao leh!

i been having quite a lot of BH contractions these 2 weeks. sometime it hurts.. almost every night.. my gynae doesnt seemed very concerned.. the last time she was.. told miser.. prepare. this time might be week 38.. hmm. i wonder if i shd work till week 38 or not. having water burst in schhol is not fun leh..esp i have the 'tendency' to.. maybe shd ask for her advice..
ddnikz:icc hehe ya lor only few more days ,been nagging bb better give me pre-warning haha. As for the cot i got it fr mothercare when they having 15-20% dicount for baby furniture,mattress buy separately also. Tt bony prob comes n goes nowsaday after the physio,dr choo said coz of teh softening of my ligament n expansion of my symphysis joints lor, physio said i wlaked too much during my 1st-2nd trimester
at least now come n goes not every min every hr when i walk, but when i zz its there, the physiotherpist said cant be helped now too

Astro: huh but tts set by MOM.all organisations in sg definitely have MC+HL=60days its only a matter of how many MC.u can call MOM to enquire they are very friendly.i told them abt tt extra clause i mentioned to u ,they even said tt if my sch gog to apply tt extra clause, also need to satisfy tt 60days clause 1st.
HI mummies
Busy day for me...friends came over and gave me a mini baby shower. Very sweet of them.

Astro: Hmm your leave issue seems quite trickly cos you dun have much MC left and no hospitalisation leave now. But since you mentioned that you dun mind taking NPL after ML, then why not clear leave then when there's a need to take leave for holiday or whatsoever, take NPL, I guess. Doesnt seem helpful hor? Can you clear the childcare leave for teng this year? If so, then just finish off the MC then continue with clearing that childare leave.

Re: Signs of birth
Astro, bursting of water bag sounds not bad for me cos I am going to be at home all the way, I hope. BUt more afraid that I will panick. So far I know that mummies who had their water bag burst still can go shower etc...honestly, dun think I am that 'zai'
Hey Annette, me very tempted to ask MOM about the part on breaking my ML cos my school dun allow me to break. I feel very cheated because the school holidays are our so-called leave and just becos I am giving birth during this period, my holiday is 'eaten' up cos my school doesnt allow to break. Now I have to take longer NPL just to go back work a little later (same as Astro...hope to at least see BB wean first)
Hee hee finally downsized the pictures of BB's little corner.


Baby's cot and wall stickers


BB's 'wardrobe' and bathing station (now more like storage), both from Ikea.
tien: i am a sucker for purple. so i love ur purple wall.. nice decal

i dun mind NPL.. but hor. i am wondering. what happens if need to take urgent leave when i go back to work .. then very lugi liao.. :S coz no more annual leave left liao wor..and i go back in April.. till end of the year.. it is a LONG way.. :S teng's childcare leave for this year all taken :p but i do have no pay infant leave though.. wah liew.. i dun like all these leave categories!

hey.. ur school goes under MOE.. so i think u cld check with ur frens from other schools? coz if they are allowed to break their ML.. there's no reason how come ur school restricts u leh.. ah.. ask famela?

famela: u are wanted!!!

annette: again i am not sure of my hospitalisation leave.. ha.. i never had to plan all these before when SAH-ing with teng :p.. ok. i shd go and search thru HR FAQs again. haiz..
Tien: come to think of it.. that time... i was very lucky.. coz normally i was at home alone.. then coz 1st jan.. so miser happens to be at home with me :p..

will ur hb be at home with u nearing ur EDD?

this time round.. i might have a 'problem'.. coz till now cannot maek up my mind to work all the way till week 38.. and miser def working.. ellie and my mum and teng around. if my water bag burst. i must be very calm. else they will panick :p
Astro>> yah got blinds and window grills.. no choice leh.. i got no more other places for the cot liao hai..
hope by the time my new flat will be ready hehehe!

Tien>> i think before i make the trip to the hospital, i'll definately bathe and wash my hair (even it's in the middle of the night) if not gotta wait for many days then can wash or shower man! hahaha seriously i cant wait to pop.. getting real bored at home without nothing to do ... zz
PY: when ur new flat is ready. u have more room to play with liao! kids.. they are very smart.. they can operate grills latch.. so must keep it locked at all time..
Xoxo and Astro: Actually this is the default colour of my MBR. This corner used to have a sofa and a coffee table. We called it our starbucks corner. Now it is BB's corner...poor sofa is currently banished to the storeroom.

Astro: Irony is my ex-colleague from my ex-school got to break...Sigh...transferred at the wrong time.

Ya you are quite lucky to have your hubby around when your waterbag burst! Nope I won't be so lucky, unless it is 3rd Oct hahaha...If BB doesn't want to come out this coming week, my mum wwill 'pack' me up to go to her place everyday just in case, cos this week I am approaching 38 weeks....hahah the week that I have been counting down to.

PY: Mail? Where did you order your decals from? I merely got stickers from homefix hee hee...cos we might move house next year so, stickers easier to remove.

I certainly wish I would be calm and well enough to shower before I go into labour. The thought of no bath for 28 days is kind of sickening...
