(2009/10) October 2009 MTBs

yes.. I think so too leh... my C-sec is 8 Oct. Still have 1 week plus to go but seems like the little one cannot wait. The contractions getting more and more frequent but each time last like few seconds only.

I have asked gynae about contractions. She mentioned that different people describe it differently. But either way, I think should have pain then consider as contractions.
aloevera >> yep i am!

tien >> first time i am aware of my having this bp prb. kinda solved a mystery of mine somewhat with the shortness of breath, incredibly stressed feelin'. doc did tell me to take it easy..since it's anytime for anyone in their 37w onwards. i will..got hb to rent several dvds so having movie marathon at home later. think gg out stresses me given the crowds and traffic.
you take care too yah...understand that high bp at this stage isn't a very good thing. but i am thankful i don't have to go on medication or anything like that...what abt you?
<font color="aa00aa"> hello all, I am glad that you all receive the lilypadz already!! All in good condition? I checked the packing before, if tore or anything, I will call singpost..again, I am sorry about the delay..

update update : I slept like a pig yesterday night after 1am, no pain, no contraction, still trying to figure it out what is contraction pain because the last time I experiece menses cramp was at least 10 years ago. eversince I loss weight, my menses was regular( duration: 3 days) and no cramp at all.

I am still walking, mopping, playing with my dogs, going up down the stairs.

Not acting cool or steady leh but how to be anxious and kancheong when no pain now? My friend also 3cm dilated at week 38 and she waited till 40 also no ACTION then her gynea induced her. </font>
did u know there's a shop in parkway parade that's called "XOXO" on the second flr? hehehe... i have yet to book the BW appt since now am back in 1st gear. thot i'd take my time. next gynae appt is 8 oct. so am eyeing 3 or 4 oct for BW.

that sounds like braxton hicks contractions since no pain? my doc told me when we have contractions our tummy will harden to like the back of our palm (xoxo's doc said as hard as bridge of our nose) and then it will repeat itself, and frequency becomes more regular, and duration each time gets longer. that's when you know, its contractions.
<font color="aa00aa"> hippo, so contraction not neccessary to be painful. my mum was surprise that I did feel any pain yet I am already 3cm dilated.</font>
xoxo: ic! i keep wondering who is who on fb.. haha.. and i always thought shugar is malay!!

hippo: i feel like going parkway parade now.. i'm SO BORED AT HOME!!!!!!!! maybe i should go get a tank of fish.. at least i got something else to stare at other than the tv and my laptop..
<font color="aa00aa">blink blink, shugar's baby is baby sam right? she was the one had c-section and baby transferred to kkh. I got consude at time also... hippo's mail, I should put JAZ ( her fb name) then ended up i forgot and put HIPPO...too much right!haha</font>
<font color="aa00aa"> oh no, i know u as blink blink girl leh...now I just registered LOKE..ahaha... I think I better change too.</font>
Hello people! It seems so exciting, everyone is talking about contractions and when bb is coming. Have not been logging on because I was quite busy with work. In fact about 3 weeks ago I was so upset because I was under so much pressure to deliver my assignments before I go on ML. Was royally p****ed off actually.

Anyway for me the went for a check-up on Thurs after seeing some stuff come up when I went to pee and there was a little bit of pink. Doctor said I was 1.5cm dilated but nothing has been happening! My mum put me under house arrest, wanting me to rest at home. She is hoping that baby will not come out so early even though it's already 37 weeks. So it's been extremely boring for me. Most of the time I am working at home anyway.

Well, hope that all of us will have a smooth and safe delivery!

xoxo, do take good care of yourself wrt to the high blood pressure. Rest more!
hahha..... ang mohs pronounce it as lor-kee.. that's my surname.. if i intro my name, ang mohs will call me huing (sounding like wing)...
hippo >> hehe, but the shop's not called xoxolight! one mention of parkway parade..i wanna return for the steamboat..with the lettuce! *drool*...how? now my turn to get banned from driving and leaving the hse. both the husband and the mother are on this home arrest so i am stuck.

loke..hehehe, got it figured! after u are done identifying everyone on fb..there's MSN to figure out...i am also quite confused by the nicks though i contribute to e prb myself too!

funzee >> thanks, i will...resting at home today. watching ponyo soon
nice idea to rent dvds...

i guess most of us will be under "home arrest" so at least this thread wont be too quiet.. like the usual saturdays.. hehe
hello all,
u all experienced the pains at ur finger joints? mine hurts n fingers swelling n numb
my mil saw me ytd and said that bb might not be able to wait till 3rd oct liao.. tink to old ppl, feet n hands swelling meaning bb coming out soon? have been having stomachaches since last mid nite.. till now still feeling stomachache but nothing more to be disposed
abit shack. bb movement also not so strong.. hope all goes on well for this weekend!!
I'm the one with no creative juice. So you guys should have no problem identifying me! Prior to this sotong nick, I have been using my real name in this forum. So can you imagine how uncreative I am?! Hahaha

Guess I'm the only one who is not under home arrest. Still need to figure out where to go tomorrow with Ryan when the men are moving the furniture.

I'm the one who have already booked BW but now, thinking twice about it. Very scare that it will trigger off labor! I want my baby to be born as near to due date as possible.

Seem like there will be a couple of mummies giving birth next week. All the best! It will be an exciting week!
your 1pm post. can you remove my name there pls? no offense. prefer to remain nameless in the forum.

so we've swapped roles there eh? i've reinstated my freedom.
but i'm quite lazy to go out also. cannot make it leh. i hate having to go to toilets when i'm out. YUCK! and weather's so hot, i'm living in my aircon bubble 24/7.
ddnikz: Well that means your little one can't wait to come and meet daddy and mummy. Just take care and rest well ok. Speaking about driving, I was already banned from driving since 35 weeks. Sigh..I miss just going out on my own as and when I like. ESPECIALLY NOW!! When I have time!

xoxo: My BP is normal now. My doc gave me velium but I took one and went all weak. So decided to stop. So, all I did was to rest and do things my pace to keep BP normal.

funzee: You are another one bored at home. Hahah...I am in the same fate as you. Resting at home but working too.

Re: Contractions
Maybe they were braxton hicks last night. I was actually contemplating if I should wake up to time them. But then again, I have also heard of some contractions that are painless. So, I am very scared that my sign of labour is this type of contractions..I will be sooooo clueless!

Re:BB Movements
Actually got a questions on BB movements. Do you all time your BB's movements? I could really see my bb's movement going down these days. I know it has something to do with its size and position. Engaged BB also have lesser movements. But just can't help but to find out if there's any norm to the number of movements per hour or per day.
Re swelling of hands and fingers. I've been having that for a couple of weeks. Initially it was on my left hand, so I figured it was because I was sleeping on my left side. But strangely, it's my right foot that is extremely swollen - in fact I couldn't even fit into most of my slippers last night. For my right hand, it got so bad that I could not even straighten my fourth finger. The gyne says it's due to water retention. It's called "trigger finger". He said wait until after delivery. If not better, have to go and see orthopedic surgeon. Think my dad had the same issue a few years aqo.
kekeke, I still not ready to meet my little one leh. Was hoping she can be good and stay in there a while longer.. but the contractions are quite painful. Don't know if I can hold for 1 week >.<
Tien, regarding bb movts, I don't time all of them, but as advised by the doctor, I keep track of when bb hits 10 movts. If it's later than normal, then have to go labour ward. I also try to see if there is movt every 1-2 hours. If quiet for more than 1 hr, I'll give her a jiggle to see if she moves. At this stage, also impt to check for movt coz bb is big and umbilical cord may get tangled up.
ddnikz: In that case, talk to the bb
That's what people has been telling me. Talk to the bb and tell the bb to wait hee...

Funzee: Thanks for the info. Think that's a good way to monitor. Will keep track based on that..
I have been talking to BB... telling her that she be good and come out only at the time when I want her to be. Then she gets to eat nice food... else only breast milk everyday. hahahaha
sotong/hippo >> we are unusual that we are hoping bb will stay in there till later! it's like after the pains in the morning (started again right now), i wanted to swallow what i said abt "being done with the pregnancy soon"...so i can be rid of the MS and insomnia...the realisation that it could really be soon....whoa..i really felt so unprepared. exactly why am i unprepared and why i feel this way..can't explain.
if nothing much develops over the next two days, i guess my "hse arrest" can be lifted.... ;)...and the weather! glad i am home today..but now craving for cola slurpee...

loke >> BW = bookworm? hehehe, it refers to brazilian waxing...

tien >> my gynae didn't really fret abt my bp and i guess she's right, rest and relaxation was all i needed. so that picturing of a green green field did help me :p though from this visit, the atmosphere has changed from how are you to it's time soon yah? get prepared. just that when my pressure was a little high, i can feel it - woozy, pressure in the head, eyes bulged, veins all swollen...i am back to normal now and looking fwd to dinner
nope, not timing bb's movements..just feel general moving abt should be fine.....?

funzee >> i think our pregnancy complaints will all go away once we deliver...don't worry, sure you'll be fine and there's no need for that ortho referral..

ddnikz >> same here! i kinda comm to audrey this morning - it's not the right time babe. seems like it works. if possible, just want her to be an on-time baby..as close to her due date as possible...
ya... everytime when she nottie and kick me until very painful, I told her that it is not the time yet... Please wait till week 39... then it seems like it works. However, these few days, this doesn't seem to work. Action getting more and more vigorious.
xoxolight>> if that's the case we can save the money on epi !!! wahaha

gal^>> haha i also think so since u already 1cm dilated lol. Next time we will all post in the weird hours liao haha

loke>> haha lor kee wth lor. i hate angmo pronouncation too. they pronounce my name as pei you. =.=

have done up the cot liao!! hehehe.. i cant wait to see Charlotte sleeping in it :D:D
I feel so guilty seeing many mummies here doing so much for your little ones. I, on the other hand, hvt pack hospital bag, hvt done up the cot. The only things I hv done thus far are washing of baby clothes and buying some baby essentials such as diapers, toiletries etc.

Hv been feeling very tired for past 2 weeks. I dont feel like going out on wkends and prefer to nap at home instead. Just feel super tired and heavy. Is it the same for you all?

PY>> Cot looks nice! By the way, what's the red flower on the wall? Is it some kind of floor lamp?
congrats Mrs L! wow.. 4.165kg!! poweful! obvious very chubby cheeks liao!!!!
post his pictures soon.. and u rest well

bluesea: me too.. but thruout this preg. i am constantly tired!
Congrats MrsL!! 4.165kg! That's amazing!! Hope you are resting well too!

PY: Nice set up! We also did up tbe BB's area today. Very excited! Will post photo tml..cos too lazy to go and downsize it.

Bluesea: No worries. Do it slowly first. Think feeling tired is normal. Just rest as when as you need esp now before the BB comes
yo tien! *wave*

teng back to his chirpy self (almost).. and appetite slowly regaining back to his former glory! heh.. so i am also chirpy liao. heh. thank goodness. this stomach flu time time round. is quite mild *touch wood* BUT..still a bit whiny lah.. wants pple carry him..then ah.. medicine over dose.. now he will scream big time when asked to take medicine and even shower! ask him go toilet also cannot leh. he will inist no! sot liao this boy..
tien: i asked my gynae the day before.. yes. contractions can be painless.. these are known as Braxton Hicks..
then i asked if painless.. how do i ascertain i am in labour.. she said..consistent pattern.. close intervals (5 minutes or less) between hardening.. and each hardening lasting 45 seconds or longer......

roxie: my gynae has a better response than 'hard as table' hor? :p:p:p
Update us wif his cute pix when available!

Sotong Mum
oh ur hb oso more protective of ur son? heee, my hb has been like tt since he was borned... aiyoh, sometimes i cant stand it! and when i go out alone wif my son, he'll forever be reminding me to watch out for him... naggy!!! ARGH~!

Nice set up! Eh i hv been eyeing tt flower night light for ages but my hb refuses to get it, saying its hard to install. issit true???

<font color="ff0000">False Alarm</font>
I thought I was leaking aminotic fluid this early morning aft i lie in bed fr my toilet trip. scared the hell outta me and since i oso do not know how the liquid in water bag feels like. however my discharge was oozing out and it feels slightly thicker than urine but not as thick as a discharge in which it is lumpy. till now i hv no idea wat is tt and did not call gynae.
I am only 35wks+ now and seriously hv no intention to deliver this early. i talked to baby and asked her to pls hang on till we r at least 37 wks so she is at least full term. wah cldnt sleep well aft tt.
then this morning, hb quickly set up baby's room finally and i am so glad we r quite prepared for her arrival now. i need to arrange for clothes to be put in the drawers; get a new bed for my son so tt the cot cqan b used by baby, pack my hospital bag and we're ready.

*phew* it was quite a scare! I had false alarms when I was preg wif my son too.

Crap! And now i am gg to b down wif flu and sore throat! ARGH~~~!!!
Astro *wave wave*
Great to hear that teng is back to his usual chirpy self. You must be relieved! I guess it is normal for him to be temperamental when unwell or maybe he is whiny as he knows that didi is coming soon.

Thanks for the info on contractions too. Think I must be dead beat last nite. Felt hardening but too tired to time using my phone...haha maybe I should get a stop watch. Been telling BB that if she decides to arrive, give me a sign (like 'show') that I understand! Contractions are too abtract to me hahaha...

jRRt: Drink lotsa water. The weather is nuts!!! Anyway good that it's just false alarm. But did you try to find out what is it? Have you done your swab/Strep B?
MrsL! Congrats!
post pic soon!

PY : nice cot / setup

today had my gynae checkup.

I failed my swab test
. So am on antibiotics
Did a Contraction monitor thing. I don't have major contractions only '1' mild contraction during the 20 mins monitoring. So look like my bb is still comfy inside
. During that 1 mild contraction, what i noticed was the tummy hardened. So tummy hardening = contraction?

me oso hope my bb come out nearer to edd or on edd. My gynae seems appalled and asked us y we dun wan our kid to come out sooner. We explained abt my parents coming in nearer to edd bla blabla.. my gynae just say 'u better b mentally prepared' :S

and seems like my bb not gaining a lot of weight. from 2.95 (wk37) to 3.07(wk38). if next week still no gain much may need to induce? :S

me greedy pig. tell u all one silly thing i did 2day. went to do mani/pedi. so pleased w the colours. then went to eat pepper crab. totally forgot abt my mani. yup.. i scratched my two forefingers coat pretty badly *sigh*. Good thing would be e crab was good and my hb arm will not be punctured with too deep a hole during labour :p
*whistles* 4.165kg!!! congratulations! it must be a relief... rest well and post pics of chubby baby soon!

eh... you did mani/pedi today? but when you admit must clean off nail polish leh. a bit waste right? just felt like looking polished isit? hehe... finally i've reached the point where i can't be bothered cutting my toenails anymore even tho i can still reach them. gonna try and find some cheapskate shop that will just clip and shape them next week.

hippo: er.. u mean our nails kenot have nail polish when admit? reli? i din know. what if i admit w nail polish. they remove for me? Ah..more to my nails were long, i still have a package,on e way today, so go do the works lo.
